Chapter 113

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Title: Choices and Effects


"I-I want to live!" Rin shouted...

"Oh... I see." Shun said. Who wouldn't want to live when given the opportunity at a new life.

"But the Sanbi..." She began. "You don't need to worry about that." Shun said and pointed to the body Obito was hugging. "It's already dispersed into the air... It'll reincarnate somewhere in the waters of Kiri."


"So here are your choices... One, you go to an all women Island created by my daughter to train for a couple years-"

"Your daughter?" Sakumo interrupted.

"Yes... My daughter, Sakumo-san." I answered.

"Sakumo-san? As in Hatake Sakumo?" Rin asked in Shock.

"Yes... That Sakumo. Kakashi's father, now pay attention." Shun said with an annoyed tone. "I don't have much time left, make this easy for me and choose quickly."

"Oh... And the second option?" Rin asked.

"Go and join the organization that Obito would be... manipulating in the near future under a different identity." Shun said and flicked his finger, changing the screen. "That's the Akatsuki... An organization formed by Peace Advocating Brats some years ago. One of them should have died a year plus ago, but my wife messed with the timeline."

"Your wife?" Sakumo asked again.

"Yes. Sakumo-san. My wife and for the record, I have three of them." Shun answered.

"Why haven't I met them? We've been here for sometime now and I still haven't met them." He asked.

"We're immortal existences, Sakumo, a little passing of days is nothing in the grand scheme of things." Shun said with a mysterious tone. "What do you choose, Rin?"


'Well, whatever It was that went through that naive head of hers for the past few seconds is all her business but I won't be allowing any more mishaps to be happening if she chooses...'

"I would like to join the Akatsuki." She said,

'....That option.'

"That's good." Shun said and materialized a plain mask. "You will be putting this on for the duration of your stay in the organization... 17+ years if I may say."

"What? Why?" She asked.

"Why not? You expect me to allow you into an organization where the person who wishes to destroy the world just to create a new one for you will be, so you'll expose yourself and make him give up his motivation?" Shun asked. "Please. I don't call myself God while remaining stupid little girl."

"Then what would I be doing there?" She asked.

"I dunno. You're supposed to be dead. I didn't fancy you dying just because some idiot wanted to play God." Shun said and shot a ray of light into her head. "That will prevent you from saying anything that'll give away your identity."

"What!?" She shouted again.

"Hmm.... Think of it as a punishment of sorts. You, my dear, messed with the heart of my favorite...third favorite Uchiha." Shun said

"What?" Rin asked in shock. "You can't be serious... You're God."

"And so? Who said God can't be childish?" Shun said with a smirk. "Anyways... I attributed that to your little girly childish heart. If I am speaking honestly, you don't really love Kakashi..."

"That's right." Sakumo interrupted again. "I've experienced what Kakashi was and is experiencing... It's that allure that comes with being with a genius... Along the line, you come to understand your own reality and seek what actually matters."

"Hmm... What he said." Shun said. "Take this as a Journey of self-discovery. Challenge yourself. Take out time and work on yourself and watch what your little words and actions mean to the little Uchiha. See with your own eyes, how far he's ready to go for the woman he loves, and at the end... I'll present you with another option."

"...I understand." Rin said, causing Shun to smile and tap her forehead. "Till next time." And immediately, she was ejected from the subspace between realms.


Under the rainy atmosphere of Amegakure, three 17-18 year olds could be seen standing In Front of another young lady approximately in her early twenties.

They were looking at her in curiosity and respect. The respect came from the fact that she had taught them a lot more than they could've ever hoped to learn previously.

Things they didn't know they could do with their chakra and Kekkei Genkai. Supplements to ensure that the toll the Rinnegan placed on the young Uzumaki didn't affect him much.

Unique ways to use papers to fight. Becoming invincible, being impervious to all forms of attacks while being a Lethal force to be reckoned with.

The last was the fact that she taught them how people think. How leaders think and how various forms of people in power think.

Currently, their curiosity came from the fact that as she was addressing them, she froze for a moment and looked up before chuckling shyly and scratching her cheeks.

"Seems like I've been caught." She said proudly as she turned to the trio.

Having been with her for more than half a decade, they felt that she had really been caught doing something bad and this facade was just her usual way of hiding it.

"And it seems like we'll be having a new Kouhai." She said, and almost immediately, a figure appeared in front of her with a mask on her face.

From her figure, they could make her out to be a young girl around 13-14 years old. She looked around in confusion and muttered. "What kind of God is he?"

"You must be the nameless one, my husband mentioned." The lady said as she sized up the girl.

"Nameless? My name is *choke*. Gasp.... What was that!?" She said wide-eyed as she held throat.

"Oh... He must have placed some seals on you... Unfortunately." The last said as she patted the girl's head. "As you're nameless, I'll bestow upon you the name Risa."

At that moment, Rin felt like she had just gotten a new lease on life as the name resounded deeply within her. She had to close her eyes to savor that rush of euphoria but opened her eyes in shock a moment later. "What was that?!" She asked in alarm.

"That, my dear, is me changing the name your soul went by... Don't worry too much about it, it comes with its own perks." The lady said.


"Yup... Perks of being named by a Goddess." The lady said with an air of superiority causing the three teenagers to facepalm. "Hey! What's with that look? I'm a Goddess. A True Goddess." She said and looked at the three in anger before looking at Rin, or rather Risa. "You believe me right?"

Rin nodded. "If you're really his wife then I just might believe you." Her tone sounded tired as she said that.

"Ah... I guess the rush is beginning to wear off." The lady said. "Konan. Show this new little sister to a room."

"Yes, nee-san." The purple haired teenager said and grabbed Rin by the arm with an excited smile. She was finally going to be getting her own little sister. Someone to call her nee-san... Why wouldn't she be excited?

"Now that that's settled... We should continue brainstorming on how to get Hanzo out of that little dome of his." The lady said.


"Alright, I think my time here is up." Shun said to Sakumo.

"You're leaving? But you should still have a year more to go." The man replied.

"Nah... My wife has caused quite the number of changes in the salvaged timeline... I have to reset it." Shun said as he began drawing a seal in the air.


"Yup... The timeline was still salvageable to a certain point but her actions now have totally subverted all my efforts." Shun said as he drew. "I have to remove her from the equation in a very painful way for the people involved."


"Oh... So that they would feel pain." Shun paused as he flapped his hands together, turning the seal in a sort of eldritch cannon. "And then they would be able to unleash that pain on the world."

"I don't seem to understand what you're saying,"

"You don't need to. You're already dead anyway. Your thoughts hold no consequence to the actions of the living." Shun said

"Oh... I see."

"I'll allow you to keep watching your son's escapades but that'll be all the benefits I'll be giving you." Shun said as he began typing on a holographic keyboard that appeared just beside the cannon.

"This should be fired directly a year from now and under certain conditions." Shun muttered. "That should be enough time for them to bond even more deeply."

"You know you're playing God right now, right?" Sakumo said, causing me to look at him weirdly. "I am God... Remember?"

"Ah! So it seems."


"Alright then." Shun said as everything disappeared with only a countdown appearing on a screen In Front of him. "It pains me to leave you like this but duty calls. You'll get your chance to meet with your son... Till then, enjoy, I guess."

After saying that, Shun's figure disappeared from the room as well as anything that would indicate that he was once there.


Right at the moment Shun set the countdown, Ria who was in Amegakure suddenly felt a chill on her spine and looked around in alarm.

"What was that?" She muttered. "Don't tell me Shun is planning something against me... He's the only one that could cause such a reaction otherwise... Hinami and Kaguya aside."

After thinking for a while, she shrugged. "Meh... He's already caught me, some punishment should be in order, I suppose."


Shun POV

It feels good to be back here... I thought as I floated in the skies of Hanagakure.

A lot has happened since the Shinobi era began which has affected the way of life of the clan in more ways.

In the past, children of age 12 would be asked to leave the island and experience life outside when it was all about wars between clans on a daily basis.

Now, every nation has borders and moving carelessly between borders could be interpreted as an act of war. Stupid people.

Another change from the Tengoku clan was the fact that they now held close to no care how the world outside runs, as far as their peace isn't threatened.

Except for a few cases where there's a delegate sent to the Uchiha and Hyūga clan, nothing else indicated that there was or is any form of alliance between these clans.

Hmm... Also, thinking about the butterfly in the room. A lot of things have been erased, or rather, a lot of incidents have been stopped from happening.

One being Soragakure. The Land of Sky or whatever they went by in the canon.

The floating fortress wasn't built for some reason... Maybe due to the fear of the Mythical Castle in the sky but I didn't find any signs of that fortress being built.

Two. Rōran wasn't destroyed during the third Shinobi war. No... It would be better to say, it didn't even attract any attention whatsoever.

This in turn meant that Minato and Naruto didn't meet due to the Space-time turbulence.

Well, I recall the issue being that the Queen of Rōran requested a mission which Minato undertook with Kakashi, Choza and some other guy.

In the future, Ankrokuzan or whatever his name is would remove the seal Minato placed on the Dragon Vein in the past, effectively unleashing the energy that would transport them to the past.

Well, it was never meant to happen considering the amount of fortifications surrounding Rōran. Not to mention that Kaguya had taken hold of the whole Energy.

Three... Well, nothing of importance comes to mind again. Otherwise, a lot of important people died. Hiruzen's first son, Ohnoki's first son, Ay the Third.

Oh well, they hold little relevance to the plot so I could actually care less.

Now then...


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Next Chapter.... Isekai no Shun... Tee-hee