Chapter 112

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Title: A Boy's Life on The Battlefield (Obito)


Shun's POV.

I have less than two years to remain here as I would very much like to see if I can influence Itachi a little before his personality sets. Although I hate what he became, he still hasn't become that yet.

To me, no matter what anyone may say, I would stand up for family before any other party. Be it the clan, village, or the world at large.

In a way, he did choose his family over the clan, and the village, but killing one's own parent is an even greater taboo to me.

I've watched Mikoto and Fugaku for a while and although Fugaku has been psychologically affected by the war, he is still a kind man behind all that scowling.

Mikoto? She's the perfect woman any traditional man would ask for. A perfect mother, caring and affectionate. Both to Fugaku and Little Itachi.

The sheer thought of Itachi killing them somehow fills me with an anger I didn't even know I still had.

I have killed my own fair share of people, families, groups, and even an entire realm and have even transcended that very concept of death, but that just doesn't sit well with me.

Yes... Death is nothing but a short moment of rest before a new life but the manner which one dies matter to me.... Especially if ones own family is involved.

My main body even put that among his Heavenly Rules: Those who perpetrate evil against ones family receives a harsher punishment from the heavens when they ascend from one level of power to another.


With Minato saving the duo of Kakashi and Rin, Sakumo continued watching Kakashi's life as I switched over to Obito.

In his last moments, both Black and White Zetsu approached his body and enveloped him before diving into the ground with their unique Jutsu... The Mayfly Technique.

It's a perfect movement technique for infiltration but only someone with Earth or Wood Affinity could potentially learn it.

As Obito was enveloped by the white Zetsu, his crushed half was being supplemented by it's cells. Although he didn't have a high vitality like Hashirama, it was still enough to keep Obito from dying.

Moments later, he was brought to Madara's lair in the Mountains Graveyard and placed under intensive care, removing those body parts too damaged to be healed and replacing them with limbs cultivated from the cells of Hashirama Senju.

The weird part was that, despite his injuries, Obito's right Sharingan had survived intact.


'Am I dead..?' Uchiha Obito thought as he regained a little bit of consciousness. Looking around, he could only see darkness and couldn't help but ask... "Where am I?"

"In between this life and the next... Young Uchiha." A deep voice answered as a face walked out of the darkness.

"!!" Look at the wrinkled old face with two Sharingan, Obito was first frightened... " Those eyes... No way... Gramps, you're an Uchiha too?" He asked.

"Hmm... Perhaps.." the old man answered as he supported himself on a walking stick.

'He rescued me... But wait.' Obito thought. "You said we are between this Life and the next... But where exactly are we? It's so dark I can't see well. Plus Gramps, who in the world are you?" Obito asked and chuckled. "Don't tell me you're the shinigami..? The being who escorts people to heaven or hell..."

"..." Madara stood there in silence, further frightening the young Uchiha.

"NOOO!!! I DON'T WANNA DIE YET!! HELP!!" Obito began thrashing about only to catch the sight of a scythe beside the old man. "AHH!! I JUST SAW A SCYTHE!! YOU'RE SHINIGAMI FOR SURE... A SHINIGAMI FOR THE UCHIHA CLAN."

"Wait! I lived my life under a creed of helping elderly people in need!! Sure I caused some...a couple mischief and broke rules all the time...but I'm certain my balance is on the positive side! Please, just not hell!!" Obito pleaded only to twitch in pain. "Oww..."

"The fact that you feel pain... Means that you are still alive." Madara said causing Obito to look at him in shock. "However, that you survived could be called miraculous. It's incredible you weren't completely crushed by those boulders... It's almost as if you passed through them."

"Where am I?" Obito asked again as he looked around.

"In an underground passageway I had created... Collapsed next to crumbled rock. Still, half of your body was mostly pulverised. I patched you up as best as I could, but..."

"So you saved me, Gramps?" Obito asked. "Thanks,"

"It's too early to thank me... Plus, I intend to have you repay your debt. It's your motto to help the elderly, right?" Madara asked.

"Well,, what do you want me to do?" Obito asked.

"..." Madara stared at him in silence.

"... Help you with bathroom stuff?" Obito asked.

"That would be good." Madara said

"Sorry but I can't stay here forever. Now that I know I am alive, I need to go home to Konoha. There's a war going on. My Sharingan has finally awakened. So, I can protect my comrades better now." Obito said.

"Protect your comrades better, Eh?" Madara said with a bitter and nostalgic tone.


"With that body, your life as a Shinobi is over." Madara said as he looked at Obito's body.

Obito seemed to understand his meaning and looked himself over. "No...No! No!! But... I finally... I finally got this eye!" Obito refused to accept the reality of things. "I'm confident my combination attacks will be even better now... At last, I'll be a Shinobi who can protect his comrades..." Obito tried to convince himself.

{A/N: Here we go!!}

"Wake up to reality." Madara began. "Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world... The longer you live... The more you'll realise that the Only thing that truly exist in this reality are merely Pain, suffering and Futility."

'What's up with this old man?' Obito thought.

"Listen... Everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light, there would also be shadows to be found as well... So long as there is a concept of victors... The vanquished will also exist as well... The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace, initiates war...and hatred is born in other to protect love."

"There are nexuses, casual relationships that cannot be separated... Normally that is." Madara intoned.

'Great! He's started a lecture... Old people go on forever once they start.' Obito thought in exasperation.

"So... Where are we?" Obito asked clearly uninterested in the lecture.

"Hmm... In exchange for you getting injured, another or others were saved... No?" Madara asked.

"Shut up already! I can't stay here long! I gotta... ugh!" Obito began but was interrupted by the pain on the right side of his body.

"Leave if you really want to... If you can move that is..." Madara said and turned to leave.

'Wait a second. There's something weird about this...! What's a geezer with the Sharingan doing here all by himself?' Obito thought to himself. 'Come to think of it... I know all Konoha's geezers and grannies and yet, I've never seen him before. So this guy's currently not a Konoha Shinobi... Which means..'

"Gramps... You're... A rouge Ninja, aren't you?" He asked causing Madara to pause. "Who are you?"

Madara continued walking until he reached his large chair and put down his walking stick which was also his scythe and sat down. "I am... The Ghost of the Uchiha..." He said in a deep voice. "I am... Uchiha Madara!"

'M-Madara?' Obito thought wide eyed. "Madara? Uchiha Madara, as in my ancestor?" Obito asked. "But Madara had to have died years ago. What era are we talking about!?"

"So you're likely to believe that I am the Shinigami? Well, I suppose I might be so, in a sense... For this reality... Truly is hell." Madara said. "I am someone who has cheated death and would be dead in no time for sure... If I weren't continuously siphoning Chakra from the Gedo Statue behind me."

Obito couldn't comprehend what he was saying and choose to believe this man was probably senile and forced himself out of the bed. "Grr... I'm going home." He said as he endured the pain he was feeling.

"I wouldn't bother... There are no exits here... Neither you nor I can leave this place... With these bodies at least." Madara said. "If you move, the synthetic Hashirama tissues I went through the trouble of attaching to you will peel off... Do you wish to die?" He asked.

Obito looked around and saw some grotesque white configurations hanging off the ceilings of the room and calmed down.

"There are a lot of things I'd like for you to do for me... For the rest of our lives. I went to great pain to save you... Don't rush to your death." Madara said.

"What do you want? What does an old crazy geezer like you want from a brat like me?!" Obito asked.

"I want... To sever the fate of this World... A world of only victors... A world of only peace... A World of Only love... I shall create such a world." Madara deeply intoned.

"So what! Who cares? I just want to go back home... To everyone." Obito said.

"I told you... Things don't always go as planned... You'll eventually catch on too." Madara said as he watched Obito struggle to move his body despite the pain. "If you truly want to die so badly, then go ahead. But I'll be taking your Sharingan."

That finally got the young Uchiha to stop. "Why do you want my eye!? You already have a Sharingan of your own!"

"Actually... My original eyes are on loan to Another. This one is a spare I transplanted later on." Madara said as he touched his face. "I'd like to have a few more in stock." Moving his hair aside, he showed his empty right eye and said. "I don't have a right eye... Yet. And only with two together can the Sharingan True power be unleashed."

'Then..' Obito thought. 'That mean if I pair up with Kakashi, we'll both be even stronger together. And from now on, we'll be able to protect Rin properly... I definitely can't stay here... Just you wait Kakashi... Rin... I'm alive.'


Obito totally oblivious to Madara's meaning thought about the possibilities his being together with Kakashi would bring as the days passed.

"How long have I been here? Feels like it's been a while " he asked one special day.

"Don't worry, you don't need to pay rent." A creepy voice said from the ceilings.

"Those of us created from the Gedo Statue don't have to eat either. No foods, bills, no need for a bathroom... We don't even need to poop." Another one said.

"Yeah so? Don't lump me in with you guys! I just have half of that weird stuff stuck onto me." Obito grumbled.

"And thanks to that, you can survive without eating or drinking. In fact, you should be grateful and thank us."

"We're the ones who don't want to be lumped with you. What you have is emotionless synth-tissue!" One said.

"We're full artificial Humans... We have feelings and everything!" Another said.

"We just don't poop." Another said.

"You may have better sense of humour but what we got is much better. Both our vocabulary skills and mental acuity are far higher than yours." One Zetsu intoned, obviously insulting the Uchiha.

"Shuddup! Fine, prove that you're at a higher level than I am!" Obito challenged.

"Hmm." One began and looked at the other. "We are..." One began, "the ones..." Another said..."in charge of watching you!" The completed.

"Don't talk in sync! Geez you guys are annoying...and that doesn't prove anything." Obito said.

"We're only helping with your rehab because Madara ordered us to get you up and running and usable by the time he wakes up." One spoke.

"Heh." Obito snorted. "So he gets to sleep the whole Time while these noisy puppets guard me?... I swear I'm gonna get outta here and go back to Rin and Kakashi."

Waving his hand Infront of his face, one white Zetsu said. "Nope. Nah. Nu-huh. Not possible... There's no exit."

"Madara sealed it off with a huge boulder after we lugged you here on his orders." The other Zetsu said.

"By the way, you've been saying 'Rin. Rin. Rin' in your sleep a lot, but do you want to go outside and collect a bell or something?" Another asked.

"You also sometimes say, 'Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.'"

"And stupid Kakashi."

"Yeah, yeah. That's right. Every so often"

"What's a stupid Kakashi?"

"Beats me... Why don't you ask him?" The two Zetsus conversed with themselves.

"I really say that? Seriously?"

Whisper. Whisper. Whisper. The two Zetsus began whispering to themselves.

"Um... May we ask you something?" One Zetsu asked in a very serious tone

"What?" Asked Obito with a serious face.

"The call of nature... In short, what does the urge to poop feel like? For example..."

"I thought you wanted to know about stupid Kakashi!! Why are you guys so obsessed with poop!!?" Obito shouted angrily.

"There's no need to get huffy. Fine, we'll ask about Rin and stupid-Kakashi later." One white Zetsu said in annoyance.

"I especially hate you... You with the whirly face!" Obito pointed at the one who just spoke and asked about the poop. "And where did the other white guys go?" Obito asked as he noticed a less number of White figures on the ceiling.

"Outside... To collect intel."

"Huh? You guys can go outside?!" Obito asked in surprise.

"We all can move through the earth surface." The other white Zetsu said.

"What? For real?" Obito slumped on his bed. "So I get locked up in this place, where I have to hear about all this weird stuff."

"So sorry I have bothered you about poop." The whirly face Zetsu saluted and apologized.

"That's not what I'm refering to! I mean Madara!" Obito said.

"Well, Madara's not nice enough to talk on a brat's level." The other Zetsu said.

"Something about severing fate and all..." Obito said quitely.

"Well, to put it very simply, he's talking about discarding all the bad things in the real World and escaping inside a dream that's full of good things." The normal Zetsu said. " Since it's a dream, everything is as you want it. Even those who are dead can be alive again." He explained.

"Inside a dream?" Obito asked.

"Hmm... Yeah." The whirly face Zetsu said. "Just Think about it. Think of it as all of this huge dream world that was created using Genjutsu! Well, it's more like forcibly taking everyone there... And for life too."

"With Genjutsu? Now, that's so stupid that I'm speechless." Obito said.

"If you have as much power as Madara, anything is possible. It's just that he's weak right now and can't do it yet... Much must be prepared." The normal Zetsu said.

"Oh really?... Well, I'm not interested. More importantly... I swear I'm gonna go outside." Obito said with a sharp light in his eye.

"..." Both Zetsus went silent as they didn't know what to say to the young boy.


With the help of White Zetsu and another spiral-faced Zetsu he nicknamed Guruguru, Obito became accustomed to his replacement limbs and the abilities they granted him.

All the while, Madara would tell Obito about the harsh realities of the world and his plan to save it, which the young Uchiha disregarded completely.

The mere thought of his comrades back in Konoha was enough motivation for him to strive to get better until... He finally managed to stand on his own two feets.

Looking beside him, he clenched his fist and threw a fist up.




Sounds of jubilations followed as all the white Zetsus joined in his happy moment.

With that, began another set of training for the young Uchiha. He had to get accustomed to his new limbs.

Push ups. One hand stands. One leg stands. Squats. Sit ups. Fighting imaginary enemies.

These continued until... 'It's starting to feel natural... Just a bit longer. I'll be seeing you soon Rin... Kakashi...!!'


Shun's POV

A year to go, huh? I'm currently three years old and would be four soon. I wouldn't want to miss meeting Kushina as I'm aware that in less than two years from now, Obito would be attacking the leaf.

Can I stop Kakashi from killing Rin? Yes. Would I stop it? Yes. But would I put Obito and Kakashi in a Genjutsu to make them go according to plot? Fuck yes.

I'm not gonna allow a kind young girl like that to get killed just so that some character would be developed properly.


On this day, Obito was training diligently when suddenly. "Hey! I was just outside!! Your friends Rin and stupid-Kakashi are in a real pinch." The normal Zetsu said.

"What!?" Shouted the Uchiha. "What's going on?!" He asked.

"They're by themselves, completely surrounded by Kirigakure Shinobi." Zetsu reported and without even asking for the details, Obito ran towards the gigantic boulder and threw a punch.


The boulder cracked but Obito lost his arm. "Argh!!" He shouted in pain.

Thump. Guruguru landed behind him and said. "You can't break through boulders with that body yet."

"No... I've got to... Go and help Rin and Kakashi...!" Obito said as he fixed his eyes on the boulder.

Un-swirling itself, guruguru said. "Why don't you wear my body?" Without waiting for Obito to consent, he wrapped himself around the body tightly.

"But you guys are Madara's henchmen... You sure?" Obito asked.

"He's a good boy." The normal Zetsu said from the roof.

"Don't you want to help Rin and Kakashi?" Guruguru asked.

"... Thanks, you guys!" Obito said gratefully and ran up to the boulder nearly hundred meters in height and punched once more, totally shattering it to pieces.

The Normal Zetsu saw this and looked at Obito before smirking. "You kept the tether and borrowed the statue's power, eh?... Nice." He complimented. Normally, Obito wouldn't be able to destroy that boulder no matter how hard he punched, but the chakra from the Gedo Statue, connected to Guruguru helped increase his strength.

"I'm pretty good, huh?" Obito's distorted voice came out from the swirling mask.

"Alright..." He said as the mask unfurled from his face.

Madara who was asleep opened his eyes at that moment and asked. "So you're going?"

Obito grabbed the filament connecting Guruguru to the Gedo Statue and pulled it out as he looked at Madara with conviction. "I'm grateful that you saved me... But I'm leaving. I have to go."

"You're being to hasty..." Madara said with a small smirk which was unnoticed die to his wrinkled face. "It may be premature to thank me."

"I'll probably never come back here. I've given my thanks. I'm going." Obito said.

"You..." Madara began. "WILL return. And that's when I'll get your true gratitude."

"..." Obito looked at Madara and then at the Zetsu who brought the news. "White one. What's Rin and Kakashi's location!? Take me there right away!"

"What you've got on your body is like a clone of me. And we can talk telepathically to eachother over limited distances. Others of us are scattered around, we are able to exchange intel." The Zetsu said.

"I'll use them to guide you." Obito heard a voice in his head.

"That voice.... Swirly?" Obito asked


"Thanks." He said and grabbed a coat nearby and ran out of the place. Arriving outside, he asked. "What's the current status on Rin and Kakashi?"

Guruguru said.

Before Guruguru could finish, Obito was already running at high speeds. "What's Minato-sensei doing?"

"I'm asking you what the yellow flash is up to?!"

'At a time like this?' Obito gritted his teeth in anger. His memory of his moment of death replayed in his mind. 'Kakashi, you promised. Please... Please protect Rin! I'll be right there!'

"What is it?"

He hesitated.

"So what!?"

"Remember what Madara said? That only with two together can the Sharingan true power be unleashed. My other Sharingan half, Kakashi, is in the battlefield! Our combo attacks will be superior!" Obito reasoned. "Kakashi and I will protect Rin."



"I thought it was Rain, but it's that..." Obito said as the effects of an explosion caused water drops to reach him.

Zetsu said as he pointed to the source of that explosion.

"Let's go." Obito said and began running once more, however, his sight suddenly glitched as he saw Rin's face.

Her face was also glitching but as he concentrated more on it, he saw it. The sight that would scar him forever. It seemed like he was the one on the scene but that was impossible.

The only possibility was that he was able to see this scene through his other eyes.

Rin's horror stricken face as a hand that could only be Kakashi's was embedded inside her chest... Where her heart was meant to be.

'Ugh... What the?! Stop showing weird images!' he thought to himself as he shook his head. 'Just a little... A little bit further!!'


As soon as he came out from the woods to the clearing, he saw it. It was clear as day due to him seeing it with his own eye.

Kakashi's lightning coated hand was struck through Rin's heart.

"Ka-kakashi." Rin managed to say before spitting a mouthful of blood going limp... Dead.

Whether it was Kakashi or Obito... The enormous amount of emotion they felt at that split moment was just too much to process.

Grief. Sadness. Anger. Disbelief. Confusion. Despair and most of all Guilt.

"Damnit, he did do it." One Kiri Anbu said.

"After we went through all that trouble to get her." Another said.

"Well, that man said he'd do it." Another said.


Kakashi POV.

No! No! No! This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Rin! Rin! Come on. Wake up!

Weren't you supposed to run? I told you to run! Kakashi screamed internally but the Myraid emotions he felt caused him to be unable to voice them out.

Disbelief. Confusion. And guilt. All these emotions were causing a stir in his mental realm as unknown to him, all his chakra began being directed towards his head... His left eye to be specific.

"Rin..." He managed to call out as he knelt beside her. Tears poured down uncontrollably from his eyes and the next moment, all he saw was red before darkness over took him.


Obito POV

Impossible... This can't be possible. This isn't true. No! No! No! Please no! Let this be a Genjutsu. This can't be real.


This was what the young Uchiha was feeling at the moment as he tried to process what was going on Infront of him.

His best friend, had his hand right through the heart of the girl he promised to protect.

He promised! Obito thought as anger clouded his thoughts.

But they were being chased by these Anbu.

More anger.

'This is hell!' he thought as his facial structures suddenly turned expressionless. The spiral mask of swirly covered his face as his only thougts right now was abandoning this reality... No, this hell he was in.


He gave a guttural scream only wild beasts fighting for their lives would give as he rushed into the group of Anbu.

He didn't notice the change in his eye. His only thougts right now was to annihilate these people that caused the death of his beloved.

'What in the world...'


His voice turned more feral as bone like structures but made of wood sprouted from the right side of his body.

'Is this place...!?'


'I won't accept it...!'

He thought, unconcerned about the volleys of shruiken thrown at him by the Anbu as they all passed through him.

'I will...'




He shouted as he rushed at the nearest Shinobi and skewered him in one punch. He didn't particularly stop there and went over to the next. Lacerating them from the insides out.


"Well, that's something, wouldn't you say... Rin." I said to the little girl looking around in confusion.

"W-wha- where am I? Who are you?" She asked in fear as her guard was up and the adrenaline from her previous conviction of killing herself were still high.

"Dispense with the vigilance young one, for you are in the presence of...God."

I've always wanted to say that one. Kekeke.

"God?" She asked.

"Yes." I said and began calming her down. "You see. You are dead... Physically and spiritually."

"... I see." She said.

"Hmm? You accepted it quite easily."

"Well, I did jump, into Kakashi's Chidori so I'm pretty sure that would kill me." She said.

"Oh... That... didn't happen." I said. "Look at that fellow over there." I said and pointed to a very saddened Sakumo watching the fallen body of Kakashi and the masked mad man going on a killing spree around him.

He was probably thinking Kakashi wouldn't survive too.

"That's a dead man. Look at yourself... Do you two look the same?" I asked. She still had her flesh intact while Sakumo was blue.

"No..." She said and felt herself up. Meh... She's still flat so... "Where am I then? What is going on?" She asked.

"Well, you my dear, are one of the many unfortunate individuals who have fallen for the sake of the Great Scheme of Things." I said and without allowing her to ask anything, I continued. "I'm giving you two options... Die or have a chance at live once more."

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"It means..." I said and brought the screen of what was happening over to her.


Obito had just skewered another unfortunate soul with the blood splashing all over his face and stood there momentarily shocked.

"Die!" The anbus shouted as three of them jumped and attempted to pin him to the ground only for them to pass through him as he proceeded to skewer one of them.

"We can't hit him?" One asked only for Obito to spin and kick them, snapping their heads.

"We need to at least retrieve the girl!" An Anbu said.

"Don't hand her corpse over to the enemy!!" Another said as they ran towards Rin, alarming Obito to their presence.

With a swift movement, he ran at them only to be intercepted by nearly tens of Shinobi which he phased through as though they were air.

"There's no mistake. This guy passes right through you!!" One said as Obito grabbed the last person by the face and threw him at the one running towards Rin. Midair, he three a pike at them both which went on to pin the two to a tree nearby.

Guruguru said.


Obito howled madly as he punched another unfortunate person to smithereens and caught another by the throat, effectively crushing it.

The others seemed to understand that they stood no chance and backed up...

"What the hell... Who is he?" One Anbu asked.

'Where...' Obito looked around. 'in the world am I?' he asked. Looking at the blood red room, he shouted as tree roots sprouted and killed off the rest of the Shinobi. "I get it..." He said as he walked through what was now a river of blood. "I'm... In hell." Saying so, his mask unfurled to show his face covered in tears and blood.

-The longer you live the more you'll realise that the only thing that truly exist in the world are merely Pain, suffering and Futility. Listen, wherever there is light, there would also be shadows to be found as well-

Madara's words rang in his mind as he looked at Rin's corpse.

-He's talking about discarding all the bad things in the real world and escaping inside a dream that full of the good things-

Guruguru's words resounded in his mind. Feeling up Rin's face, he felt how cold she has become, different from the warm and tender feeling he got from the past.

-Since it is a dream, everything is as you want it... Even those who are dead can be alive again.-

Tears fell fr his facw onto hers as he wept.

-A world of only victors... A world of only love... A world of only peace.-

"Rin... Let's create such a world... Where you exist again." Obito said.


"H-he's... Obito is alive?" Rin asked in shock. Her face was pale as she felt cold at the carnage Obito had just caused.

"Yup. Very much so... He survived and was training to become strong enough to protect you... Unfortunately... You died." I said. "So... What do you choose?"


One last chapter before Shun reincarnates and gets to meet Kushina and Itachi

I don't believe I'm boring you guys am I?

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