Chapter 111

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Title: Boy's Life on The Battle Field


General POV

"Have you found the one?" A white haired old man asked no one in particular as he sat on his lonesome in a dark hall.

"Hai, Madara-sama. Obito Uchiha, an Uchiha with great love. He has potential to be an even greater evil." An eerie deep voice answered back.

"Hmm, he will make an excellent pawn. At what level has the plan proceeded up to?" He asked.

"With the Mizukage already a pawn, everything else will fall into place, but, he is still protected by Minato Namikaze. It'll be hard to kill him off." The voice replied.

"Minato, huh? The boy with an even greater mastery of the Hirashin no Jutsu. The let them be, everything will fall in place as far as he falls into our hands." Madara said and paused for a moment... "Send their location to the Iwa Ninjas in the area. I believe that is a better course of action."

"Understood Madara-Sama." The eerie voice replied and slittered away.

Opening his closed eyes, Madara looked at nothing in particular as he mused to himself. 'I'm getting old.. faster than the Gedo Statue can replenish. I need someone to replace'


A boy could be seen running atop the trees at great speeds towards a certain direction. 'This is bad... He's going to kill me." He thought as he breathed heavily.

Nearing the designated place of meeting, he stumbled on a tree branch and fell to the ground.

"Huff. Huff. Did I make it?" He asked no one in particular. But..."No... You're late... Obito." Another voice replied.

Looking up, the now named Obito caught sight of the only person he couldn't stand in the whole village.. or world even. Kakashi Hatake, the genius of their generation standing there and giving him a condescending look.

"You moron! What time did you think we were supposed to meet? When you're a full fledged Shinobi, you're expected to follow the rules." Kakashi admonishd.

"Ehh... It's just, I was accosted by this feeble old lady with this big sack. I couldn't bear the sight of it and decided to lend her a hand... I mean, ow! Dust in my eyes." Obito explained as dust flew into his eyes.

"C'mon! I know you're lying." Kakashi shouted in annoyance.

"Hmm. That's enough Kakashi." Another voice interuppted. Minato Namikaze, their Jounin Sensei. A blond and handsome young man in his early twenties. "So Obito helped out an old lady, are we done?" He asked.

"I carried her bag and everything." Obito said with a nod.

"Come on, Sensei. Open your eyes, he's lying." Kakashi said, getting further annoyed by his sensei lax attitude. "Ninja who breaks the rule are branded as scum! Am I right?" He asked Minato.

"...Ahahaha." Minato laughed dismissively without giving an answer.

"Heh, what are you made of, steel? I've heard enough of your rule this and laws that." Obito said as he scratched his eyes. "The key is in maintaining self control."

"Okay guys break it up." Another voice interuppted, a female one this time. "We're all teamates here."

"Rin. You go too easy on Obito." Kakashi said. "Remember, today's also my special day."

"Uh, right." Rin chuckled dryly.

"...? What was it again?" Obito asked.


"As of today, Kakashi is a Jounin like me. For this mission, Kakashi and I will break off into two teams. That makes us more efficient." Minato explained. "Every bit counts. As you know, Konoha is at its weakest it's ever been."

"Split up? You mean..."

"That's right Obito. You and Rin will form a three man cell, led by Kakashi. And me... I'll be on my own." Minato answered.

"Remember we talked about this the other day." Rin said. "This is where we each give Kakashi a gift."

"..." Obito looked away nervously, afraid to meet her eyes. "Sorry... I must have tuned out."

"..." Kakashi sighed but paid it no mind.

"Hehe." Minato chuckled and brought out a Kunai engraved with some Seal Characters. "This is my present. A custom made Kunai. It's a bit awkward but it's easy to handle once you get used to it. It'll be a good tool for this mission." He said as he handed it over to Kakashi.

"Thanks." He said.

"And this is from me." Rin said and brought out a mini med kit. "Here. I adjusted it a little to make it easier to use."

"Thanks." Kakashi said and stretched his hand over to Obito.

"Wha-What's that for!?" The Uchiha asked flustered. "I've got nothing to give you. Not. A. Thing." He made sure to intone.

Appearing bored and unconcerned Kakashi said. "Well, that's all right. You'd just give me some garbage anyway. Better nothing than something useless."

"Grr!!" Obito gritted his teeth in anger. "What I don't see is how the heck a guy like you gets to be a Jounin when you couldn't even beat a girl."

"Don't talk to me that way." Kakashi said sharply. "First off, she's from Hanagakure, and a Tengen to boot. If you knew a thing or two, you'd understand that she was way above my standards. You wouldn't even last a single exchange from her."

"..." Obito kept silent as the air turned awkward. "I am Obito of the Uchiha Clan! You'll see. I'm gonna blaze past you soon. Just wait till I awaken my Sharingan." He glared fiercely at Kakashi.

"The Uchiha clan is made up of elites right? With that kind of breeding, shouldn't you be great already?" Kakashi asked.


"Hey guys... Guys please stop." Rin came in-between them.

"Umm. If we're done, do you mind if I explained the mission now?" Minato asked. "We're already pretty close to the border."


Minato tells them that as they are involved in a war, Iwagakure has invaded Kusagakure near the Land of Fire and that Kakashi's team are to destroy the Kannabi Bridge in order to cripple their efforts.

Meanwhile, he would engage in combat in the front lines in order to provide a suitable distraction. On their way, Kakashi spots Mahiru, an Iwa-nin who is conducting surveillance.

'They detected me... Colour me impressed.' Mahiru thought to himself as he glanced at his enemies.

"!" That's... No, he can't be... For now, it's better to just watch.' He thought as he caught sight of Minato.

"Be alert everyone. They're atleast twenty, but I believe they're all shadow clones." Minato alerts the three.

"Yes, that seems to be the case. Sensei, if I charge, will you back me up?" Kakashi asked.


"Let's not rush, Kakashi. Why don't you back me up Instead?" Minato said seriously.

"Pardon me Sensei... You did say I'm in charge today. I want to try a new Jutsu I'm working on now." Kakashi said and made some handsigns.


'Right!' Mahiru thought as he heard the sound of chirping birds. 'Here he comes.'

'Wha-what kind of Jutsu is that?' Obito thought as even he could feel the amount of chakra gathered in Kakashi's hand.

'What incredible chakra.' Rin thought.

'...' Minato frowned but kept his silence.

"Let's move." Kakashi said and went to stand up but was blocked by Minato. "Hmm?"

"Even if our enemy is great in number, with this Jutsu, I can finish them in an instant." Kakashi said. "It's named after your nickname and, anyway... It was you Sensei, who said... I am the leader right now. Cell members must follow the leader... Isn't that the rule?"

"...Huff" Minato sighed and put his hand down.

With his Chidori, Kakashi plows through the shadow clones and rushes towards the real Mahiru; however, Kakashi's Chidori causes him to have tunnel vision and thus does not see Mahiru pull out a sword.

Obito was totally frozen by the turn of events and was unable to react when a Shadow Clone appeared Infront of him mid swing.


Minato appeared instantly, ending the shadow clone and said. "Don't let your guard down."

With tears of terror in his eyes, Obito replied. "Y-Yes Sir."

Before Mahiru can kill Kakashi, Minato flashed in-between the two as he held Kakashi while supporting reducing the force of movement by placing his hand on Mahiru's feet simultaneously marking Mahiru's foot, although Kakashi ends up being slashed near his underarm.

"Kakashi!" Rin screamed as she saw blood all over him as Minato appeared before her.

'I barely managed to counter-attack that brat... But the way that guy moved...' Mahiru thought as he hid behind a tree.

'I marked him.' Minato thought as he looked at a certain direction while also unfastening his bag. As soon as the bag left his shoulder, he disappeared.

"!!?" Shock! That was all Mahiru was feeling before he could immediately feel the cold touch of the kunai on his neck.

"No... No way... You can't be... The Yellow Flash of the Konoha!?" Mahiru managed to ask only to receive silence in return.

"At Iwagakure, they told us to flee the moment we caught sight of you... Now I understand why.."

Slice! The sound of flesh being split was heard as Minato swiftly disposed of him and returned to his bag.


As they camp that night, Obito expresses his displeasure of being a failure from the elite Uchiha Clan while having to deal with Kakashi's genius.

Minato reveals that Kakashi is the way he is because his father Sakumo, who was known as the "Konoha's White Fang", had once broken the law by choosing to save the lives of his comrades over completing the mission and was thus vilified by both the village and the very friends he had saved.

Unable to cope, Sakumo took his own life. Since then, Kakashi had chosen never to speak of his father and vowed to uphold the rules and regulations of the shinobi world.

The following morning, Minato sets off on his own mission while Obito decides to pledge his loyalty to his new captain, Kakashi, much to the team's surprise.

Before he left, Minato said. "Kakashi, about that technique of yours. You shouldn't use anymore. From what I saw, it's a strike with a single focus. It's destructive might is good and it certainly has high speed. However, it makes you move to fast to ascertain the opponents counterattack. It's still imperfect."

"..." Kakashi kept silent as he knew this was the truth. He felt he could handle it but was missing something. Something fundamental.

"Before we part. Let me say this once more. For Shinobi, the one thing important above all else is teamwork." Minato said making the three children look down with different emotions.

"The enemy we met yesterday was alone scout. but from now on, we must expect te conflicts, so be on guard. Now... Let's get going."

"Yes Sir."


On their way to the bridge, they are spotted by two enemies from Iwa. While one of them distracts Kakashi and Obito, the other uses a camouflage technique to abduct Rin.

In his anger, Obito ran towards them in a bid to rescue Rin.

"Obito stop! Don't chase them." Kakashi ordered.

"Huh!?" Obito looked at him questioningly. "What?!..

Do you have the slightest idea... What you just said right now?" He asked in a very deep but eerie voice.

Unaffected by this version of Obito, Kakashi answered. "Of course." To him, Obito was merely feeling emotionally unstable and wouldn't amount to much. "From here on out, the two of us will proceed with our mission."

"What about Rin?!" Obito shouted.

"We'll rescue her later. The enemy want to know our plans, they won't kill her right away." Kakashi answered logically. "Good thing she's a medical Ninja, they'll treat her well. This is under the condition that she help heal their wounded. The critical point is not to let the enemy know our plans. If the information gets out, they'll up the security around our target. If that happens, the mission will become even more treacherous."

The look on Obito's face now was one of bewilderment. The look he gave Kakashi was as though he was meeting him for the first time. "You say she'll be alright, but we both know you're just guessing. What if those thugs that grabbed her are brainless flunkies? Wha-What if they raped her, or worse kill her off if she resists, man?" He asked with a look of drea.

"Right now, our priority is rescuing Rin. Not our mission." He shouted

"..." Kakashi kept looking at him with an emotionless gaze.

"If we are Shinobi, we must carry out our mission even at the expense of our comrades. That's the law." Kakashi said. "If we fail, the war will drag on, which may cost us even more lives."

"So sacrifice the few to save the many?" Obito asked.

"Exactly." Came Kakashi's reply.

"That's just you guessing again!" Obito shouted. "We risked our lives together. Are you willing to desert her for a mere hypothesis!?" Obito asked. "Everytime we were wounder, Rin saved us with her medical Ninjutsu. Without her, we would've been dead long ago... either due to posion or just bleeding out."

"Of course... It was her job." Kakashi answered, and this was the last straw for Obito as he suddenly threw a punch at Kakashi.

"You know... Huff. I've decided... I don't like you... Not one bit." Obito said as he tried to calm himself.

"Whether you like me or not, I am the leader." Kakashi said. "You still have to follow my orders. Whatever the circumstances, one person makes alone makes the decisions and pulls the team together. Cell members must follow the command of their leader. Rules are there for a reason." Kakashi said as he spat out some blood. "Obito, you have no power. That's why I am the leader of this cell."

"Then fucking lead." Obito shouted and grabbed Kakashi by the collar. "If you have the power to rescue her, why don't you?!"

"If you give in to our fleeting emotions, and fail an important mission, you'll regret it later. That's why Shinobi have a set of rules about suppressing our feelings. You must know that as well." Kakashi tried to reason with the Uchiha.

"..." Obito closed his eyes for a brief moment before glaring daggers at Kakashi. "Rin... She cared about your well being more than mine. That's why she gave you a medkit. She even stitched a Seal inside for your protection!!"

"Medkits and medical Ninjutsu... It's a great system. Konoha devised it to up the mission success rate, {Shun watching this dialogue: Yeah right!}, But like I told you yesterday, better nothing that a useless burden."

There was a brief silence as the two boys looked at eachother. One wide eyed in shock, the order calmly.

"As a Shinobi, one needs tools suitable to the mission at hand. Emotions are just useless burden." Kakashi said.

"Do you really mean that? So you'd rather have none of it?" Obito asked. "Then what makes you a human?"


"Do you honestly think that way!?" He asked again.

"..." Kakashi looked down as he remembered the back of his father, then remembered the dead body of his father and then looked back at Obito with conviction. "Yes... I do."

"Fine." Obito said. "You and I won't ever agree anyways." He said and left him. "I'm going to save Rin."

"You don't understand." Kakashi said. "Do you understand what happens to people who break the rules?"

"I do. And that's why the White Fang of Konoha was a true hero."

"!!" Kakashi looked shellshocked at that statement.

Turning around, Obito said. "Sure, in a ninja's world, those who violate the rules and fail to follow orders are lower than scum. However." He looked at Kakashi over his shoulder and continued. "Those who do not care for and support their friends are even lower than scum. If I'm scum, the rules are no good to me! If breaking them makes me the wrong kind of Shinobi... I'll just have to crush all the so-called Shinobi!!"

The duo then part their separate ways.


In a chaotic battlefield Jutsus were being thrown all over the place. Shinobis of Iwagakure number more than a thousand was surrounding some Konoha Shinobis.

"Ugh" the Jounin commander in charge growled in annoyance as their cover was being destroyed little by little.


"Hmm?" He turned towards the direction of the sound and saw Minato who just appeared. "You finally made it!!" The man said in an unconcealed joyful tone.

"What's the status?" Minato asked.

"They are probably outnumber us, one to fifty on the enemies side." The Jounin commander said as he looked at the people around who were less thantl thirty in number.

{A/N: Whether Jounin or Kage, this isn't a cultivation world were power rankings determines who wins in a large scale battle. A thousand Genins can still defeat 10 Jounins. Just saying.}

"The battle is almost over." Someone said with a defeated tone. But no one rebuked him as that was the truth.

"All of you... Please direct these Kunai at the enemies, I'll take care of the rest myself." Minato said. His calm and friendly atmosphere gone as killing intent began pouring out of him.

Making some handsigns, 20 clones appeared before them and he walked out of the cover.

"That's crazy! Not even you could possibly..."

"All of you shut up!!" The Jounin commander shouted, interuppting the one who was speaking. "You should consider yourselves luck... We'll get to see how the yellow flash of the leaf fights in battle. Just don't blink... Or you'll miss it."

Saying that, the Jounin commander picked up several kunai from the ones Minato dropped and threw them outwards, and immediately, Minato vanished.

The others looked at each other and followed suit by throwing the kunais into the battlefield field and proceeded to watch.

What followed was something they probably wouldn't be able to forget as long as they lived. It was a though the shinigami himself appeared on the battlefield, however, instead of black, all they could see was a mix of yellow and red.

Wherever the yellow flash went, red followed soon after. It was a massacre... And to make it worse, it was fast. No one knew where one was coming from not to talk about twenty of them.

In less than 10 minutes, the entire Battlefield fell silent. Even the wind decided not to blow at that very point in time.

A line figure of Minato stood in the midst of nearly a thousand corpse. Despite his killing intent, he couldn't bring himself to kill everyone of them.

Those who managed to run were allowed to run. He wasn't a mindless killer. He was only doing his best to prevent the war from escalating and affecting his beloved back in Konoha.

"Impossible...!" Someone muttered from the group of Jounin behind.

Looking at their direction, Minato nodded at them and immediately vanished.


"Damn! That was epic. Not even me was that fast when I conducted my killing spree back in the Mystic Universe." Shun said in appreciation as he watched Minato leave after conducting what could only be termed as a slaughter.

"He's a good kid." Sakumo said.

"I know... If it was me, I'll kill them all. It'll be less of a pain in the future." Shun said. "Now, he just put a tag on his back, his wife's back and his future children's back."

"That's normal isn't it? That's what happens in war." Sakumo sighed.

"Exactly, my friend. Exactly. But hey, looks like your kid is about to have a change of heart." Shun said as the screen went back to a melancholic Kakashi.


As Kakashi heads through the woods to Kannabi Bridge, he flinches in pain from his wound. Recalling Rin healing his wounds and Obito's steadfast decision to abandon the mission to save her, Kakashi begins to consider his choices.

Meanwhile, Obito manages to locate the two Iwa-nin outside their cave. As he slaps his face in order to focus, the sound carries throughout the cave, alerting the ninja to his presence.

Taiseki decides to deal with Obito while Kakkō continues using his Interrogation Genjutsu on Rin in an attempt to break her. Using his Hiding with Camouflage Technique, Taiseki sneaks up on Obito and prepares to kill him with a kunai, only for Kakashi to interfere and slash at Taiseki with his White Light Chakra Sabre.

"Ka-kakashi... Why..?" Obito asked in shock. He just felt death blow past him now only to be saved by the person he detested the most.

"Look! I can't leave this up to a crybaby ninja like you, can I?" Kakashi asked jokingly except both his tone and Obito's condition didn't make it have the humour it was supposed to have.


"That white hair and the white light blade. Could it be... The white fang of Konoha?"


"You see? Your fame still precedes you." Shun said to the smug looking Sakumo.

"It's not all that." Sakumo tried to play it off.

"Don't give me that, but look, seems like they will be taking your son even more serious now."

"It doesn't matter does it? You did say fate was with him."

"I guess I did say that. Hahaha."


"This is a memento from my father." Kakashi said.

"Ah! I see... Just the white fang's brat, Eh? Then there's nothing to be nervous about." Said Taiseki as he uses his camouflage technique once more and sneaks up on Obito.

"Obito behind you!" Kakashi attempts to save him but ends up getting his left eye slashed. As Kakashi reels in pain, Taiseki rushes towards Obito, only for Obito to turn around and stab him with a kunai.

Kakashi and Taiseki wonder how Obito was able to see the latter, and Obito realises that he has finally awoken his Sharingan. Using the med-kit given by Rin, Kakashi bandages his left eye and the two head inside the cave to save Rin.

Inside the cave, Obito is able to use his two Tomoe Sharingan to keep up with Kakashi and avoid being struck by Kakkō, and the duo manage to defeat him.

As they rush to free Rin, Kakkō uses the opportunity to cause a cave-in. As Team Minato attempt to run out of the cave, Kakashi is struck by a falling rock. Obito picks Kakashi up and notices a big boulder above their head, and throws Kakashi out of the way, taking the brunt of the boulder's impact on himself.

As Kakashi and Rin come to, they discover Obito pinned underneath the boulder, the entire left side of his body crushed.

"Rin... Kakashi... You... Okay?" He asked weakly.

"Obito!" Rin shouted in shock as Kakashi begins to cry. He thought he could have prevented this had he chosen to follow Obito at the beginning and that it did not matter that he was jōnin and thus captain of the team.

"Don't... Kakashi... it's okay... I... don't think I can make it...My right side is pretty much gone... I don't even feel anything..." Obito said as he tried to take in enough air to maintain his consciousness.

"No..." Rin cried. "Not like this... Why."

"Guh.." Obito spat out some blood. "Obito!" Rin shouted and tried to heal him.

"This can't be!!" Kakashi slammed the ground angrily. "If only I'd come... If only I'd come with you from the start like you told me to... This never would've happened."

"..." Obito kept silent.

"So what if I'm a cell leader? So what if I made Jounin..." Kakashi continued crying.

"Kakashi... I'd completely forgotten..." Obito said. "I was the only one...who didn't...give you a gift....I don't know...what was proper...but I do won't be useless..." Obito said with laboured breath.


"I'm... giving Sharingan." Obito smiled and said causing shock to both Rin and Kakashi. "Whatever the...the village...may are a great Jounin...I want know that... Please accept."

"Rin..." He called and wanted to say something but held it at the last second. He felt it would just be an unnecessary burden to place on the girl. "Please...use...your medical Ninjutsu...and have my Sharingan... The whole left eye...trans... transplanted to Kakashi."

Rin, steeling her gaze, wiped off her tears and said. "Kakashi, come here, I'll do it now."

"..." Kakashi looked hesitant.

"I'm about to...die...but I'll become you eye, and we'll see what happens in the future together...maybe... together... we'll be able to beat that Hana little genius..." He said with a weak smile.



"Why is it like this?" Sakumo asked in anger and sorrow as he looked at the screen in front of him.

"That's the fate I'm talking about... Your son's life is one of the most well's there is. These are all the effect of the world we live in." Shun said as he looked at another screen that appeared invisible to Sakumo.

He had seen it all happen. Zetsu elaborate plan in having Obito separated from the trio.

Everything was going normally, and if it went without any outside intervention, Obito would still be alive... 100 percent. However, Zetsu, being nearly a thousand years old schemer, knew which buttons to press and when to press them.

Taking into consideration, Obito's kindness, he knew Obito wouldn't see a friend die in front of him and had white Zetsu particularly throw two successive stones at Kakashi.

Whether, Kakashi dodged the first one, the second one was just close by, and by helping Kakashi evade one, Obito would then be the victim.

'I honestly don't know whether to be angry or impressed. And to now make matters worse, he then alerted Iwa Ninjas, this way, Obito would never be saved.

His body would then be assumed to have been crushed under the rockslide.



"Look after Rin...for me." Obito said.

"Don't worry." Kakashi said and brought out his blade to face the Iwa nin.

With the transplant completed, Kakashi rushes outside the cave and uses his White Light Chakra Sabre to attack Kakkō.

'This kid. He feels different from before.' Kakko thought to himself as he blocked the blade and destroyed it in the process.

As Kakkō destroys the blade, in one fluid movement Kakashi uses his Chidori to strike the Iwa-nin and impaled him. As the other Iwa-nin arrive, one of them uses his [Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm] to cause the entire cave to collapse.

Kakashi escapes with Rin as Obito is buried in the rubble, where he muses in his last moments that he is saddened to die right when he and Kakashi had finally begun to get along and that he never told Rin that he loved her.

Outside, Kakashi and Rin are ambushed by the surrounding Iwa-nin, and Kakashi tells Rin to flee while he fights them off, as he had promised Obito that he would protect Rin with his life.

With the Sharingan activated, Kakashi had the feeling that his technique had reached it's perfect state and thought. 'Obito, you helped me perfect my Jutsu.'


"He's still willing to fight." The Iwa nin said. "No wonder he could sneak so deep into enemy territory. He's got the nerve, that one."

"Rin... I'll detain them. Go... now!" He said.

"But..." Rin wanted to protest but.. "I promised Obito I would protect you with my life."


"Rin... Obito... He loved you... You were his only one... He gave his life to protect you." Kakashi said.

Biting her lips, she said. "Then Kakashi, you should know how I feel about you."

"I... I deserted you... I'm nothing but scum." Kakashi said, but at that moment, all the Iwa nin, rushed at him. "Rin! Go! Now!"

With that, he rushed into the group of Ninjas ready to fight till death with them. With the Sharingan activated, he felt he had unlocked something that he should have, but yet, different.

After dispatching two of them, he immediately blcaked out.


"Well, that's to be expected." Shun said.

"What?" Sakumo asked.

"Oh... You didn't know... You and your son have a little bit of Tengoku blood." Shun said. "That's what makes you and your son different from the rest of your family."


"Yeah! You all in the Hatake family all have increased intelligence, in a way, I would've said your ancestor was a reject from the Tengoku clan for some reason, however that's not possible." Shun said and tapped his forehead. "That hollow there... It's normally closed off to all living beings, but for your clan... You're born with it unlocked."

"I didn't know that." Sakumo said in intrigue.

"If course you don't. You people never really wanted to know what makes one clan different from the other. You all only see the difference and form a kind of racist ideology or something."

"... Well, that's true... I can't deny that, but how does that affect Kakashi?"

"Well, if all goes well, which it won't, he would be able to awaken one or two ability of the Tengoku clan. The Sharingan will give him the normal precognitive ability... So maybe a heightened awareness and perception. I dunno." Shun explained.

"It won't go well?" Sakumo picked that one up.

"Of course it won't. It's this world were talking about... Nothing ever goes as planned." Shun said.


As he comes to, Kakashi asks how Minato had arrived to save them and Minato reveals that the marking on the Flying Thunder God Kunai he had given Kakashi allows him to teleport to that location; he also adds that Rin had told him what had transpired.

Following the destruction of the Kannabi Bridge, the Third Hokage declared that two heroes were born that day, each with their own Sharingan.

Obito had received his own memorial as a shinobi who had died during the Third Shinobi World War while Kakashi earned the moniker "Kakashi of the Sharingan".


That's a wrap guys... 5k words, damn. Next chapter will have Obito meeting Madara where Madara' will give his iconic "Wake up to Reality Speech" I've been wanting to write that for a while now. Hehehe