Chapter 126

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Title: New Home


General POV

Shun went on to tell Yusano how the entire night played out... How Minato used his life as an exchange to seal the Kyuubi and how Kushina was barely surviving... Though whether she'll wake up soon is yet to be known.

As someone close to the couple, Yusano broke down in tears while hugging the baby Naruto. She had attempted to go to the scene but Shun reminded her that they weren't Konoha Shinobis and should exercise patience.

"They'll surely send for us soon." Shun had said. "Both this building and the baby Naruto, you know how politics is."

Yusano calmed down after that but still held onto Naruto and said. "Nothing will make us give up Naruto."

"Of course. I made a promise after all." Shun said with a smile and then they both fell silent. "But we can't really take him back to Hana."

Yusano kept silent at that... It was better than acknowledging that fact. "Let's just rest for the night. Naruto needs it." She said and stood up, heading towards the room Minato and Kushina had already prepared for Naruto.

'How sad.' Shun thought as he imagined the kind of life Naruto would have lived had those two been alive. It wouldn't be all peach and roses but still...

"Guess I'll have to clock in for the day." Shun said and looked at the clock. It was exactly past 2am in the morning and as a child, he did need his rest. "Tomorrow will be one hell of a day."


In the morning, the sun is bright, and the sunlight is warm and not harsh. The birds keep chirping, and the breeze is cool. The leaves of the plants are covered from the dew drops....

That would've been the case in Konoha if not for the event of the night before.

The atmosphere in the village was reeking with so much negativity that Shun found it hard to get a shut eye throughout the entire night. To make matters worse...

Knock! Knock!

An incessant idiot who couldn't read the room was repeatedly banging at the door of the house.

Seeing that Yusano wasn't going to answer, Shun took it upon himself to find out who the dunce was.

Sighing, he stood up and walked down the stairs, into the living room and then to the door. As soon as he reached he opened it to see a masked man covered with a hood and black overcoat.

"Ah! An Anbu." Shun said, already expecting what was going to follow, and as expected... "Lord Third Summons you!" The Anbu said in a demanding tone and then Flickered away.

'Hmm? Was he trying to be domineering right there? What a fool, I wonder what they teach their Anbu these days, and they dare call themselves Black Ops.' Shun thought as he slammed the door closed.

"Who was that, Shun?" Yusano's voice sounded from the house.

"Just some fool demanding our presence." Shun said and walked towards the kitchen, his little petite figure, transforming into that of a teenager.

"Oh? When?" She asked in mirth.

"That's why I said he's a fool." Shun said and began putting something together for the both of them and Naruto. "He has been to used to ordering people around that he forgot we're not one of them."

"Hehehe, we still have to go though." Yusano chuckled as she came downstairs with Naruto in her arms.

"Of course we do. It's the Third Hokage after all." Shun smiled. "But alas, we weren't told when so..."

"That's true." Yusano said and sat down. "Plus, we have to take care of Naruto."

"Exactly." Shun said and continued his cooking. Seeing this, Yusano couldn't help but be sure and asked. "I didn't know you could cook, how old are you again? Five? Six?"

"Six... As for the cooking... It's come with the Genius package." Shun joked.

"Yeah. Yeah." Yusano rolled her eyes at him and continued cuddling Naruto. Seconds turned to minutes as they both stayed silent until...

"You know..." Shun began, "Kakashi would be really devastated."


"He has lost the little bit of family he had left." Shun continued only to get the same 'Hmm' from Yusano.

"One doesn't need to be a genius to know that he's currently available for the picking... Both by the good and bad influences in this village." Shun said.

"You mean Danzo and his roots?" Yusano finally spoke with a little bit of emotion in her voice.

"Not only them." Shun said. The food was already done and he was already dishing it out along with a bottle of specially produced milk for Naruto.

"Who else? The Third?" Yusano asked as Shun sat down.

"Hmm. The man may appear amicable on the surface but anyone who has lived for that long in this war torn world must have a lot of tricks and schemes up his sleeve." Shun said. "Itadakimasu." and dug in.

"Delicious! Damn, I really am a genius, ain't I?" He complimented himself at the taste of the food. 'Having been the chef of our little immortal family for centuries, it's to be expected,' he thought.

"Sigh... You really are a genius." Yusano sighed and said. "I've been in this line of work for so long, and only know what I've seen in mission reports, but you... You managed to understand something like this."

"You don't need to praise me too much. My ego is already good enough." Shun jokes. "So? What will you do about him?"

"Sigh. I don't know Shun." Yusano said. "I don't know how to approach him regarding this issue. Anything I say will likely be interpreted as a lie. He's lost everything. I still have everything. Nothing I say will be consoling enough."

"Hmm. That's right." Shun said calmly. "But if there's one thing I've learned in my long life, it's that... Your presence is all that matters."

Yusano rolled her eyes at his talk of 'long life'. "You're still six Shun." She said but then smiled and said. "But you're right. I just need to be there."

"Yup! Then maybe in a couple years, I'd have a nephew to recount all my amazing deeds to." Shun said with a teasing smile only to receive a hard punch out of nowhere sending him flying into the living Room.

'The fuck was that?' was the only thought in his mind as he looked at the ceiling of the house. 'She really did learn this technique from Kushina.'

Meanwhile, Naruto was giggling seeing the event that just transpired between the two siblings, making Yusano cuddle him even more.


Knock. Knock.

"Come in." An aged voice answered, beckoning on the one who knocked to enter.

"Ah! Lord Third, you sent for us?" Yusano asked as she entered the office with Naruto in her arms and Shun behind her.

"Two hours ago." Hiruzen said with a tired and frustrated tone.

"Forgive us for that. The person you sent didn't specify." Yusano simply said, not minding him at all.

"Is that the case crow?" Hiruzen asked and one of the anbus standing on the roof Flickered down and went on one knee. "Negative, Lord Third. I explicitly stated that They were being summoned by You." The man said.

Hiruzen looked at Yusano who shrugged and looked at me. "My little brother did say some idiot ordered us to appear before you... The time wasn't specified so we took our time to get here."

"You...!" The Anbu flared in anger only to receive a glare from Yusano, calming him down immediately.

"You may return crow." Hiruzen said with a tired sigh. "Hai!" The Anbu said and disappeared back to the roof, concealing his presence.

'At least they got that one down to a tee.' Shun thought, acknowledging their concealing abilities.

"Sigh." Hiruzen sighed and took a whiff of his tobacco before saying. "You must already know what happened yesterday..."

"Yes. My little brother briefed me on the details." Yusano answered immediately.

"Then that's good. I just took a look at the arrangement between the Hanakage and Minato... I understand that you both understand that there is a need for a change in the arrangements of this contract, right?"

"I don't follow." Yusano said with a straight face despite already knowing where this conversation was heading.

"What I'm trying to say is that you both would need to vacate the Namikaze residence, effective immediately and move to the Sarutobi clan for the remainder of your stay here." Hiruzen went straight to the point.

"Why is that? The very reason we were sent here was because we wished to live with Minato and Kushina..." Yusano began but Hiruzen interrupted. "However, no one foresaw the events of yesterday happening."

This shut Yusano up and Hiruzen stood up and walked to the window overlooking Konoha. "Please, I have a lot on my plate right now. Konoha is in shambles, the death counts number in the thousands, I don't have time to argue with you two. It was stipulated in the contract that you both will be staying in the Hokage's residence."

Turning back to look at the two, he said. "I'm currently acting as the Hokage, and while I understand your grief, please make sure to vacate the property as soon as you can."

Yusano and Hiruzen stood there, glaring at each other while Shun was basically unconcerned about the entire thing. However... "And Naruto?" He asked.

"Naruto?" Hiruzen asked. "Minato's and Kushina's son." Shun said.

"Oh... I will see what I can do about him later but for now, he should be put in the orphanage." Hiruzen said and sat down.

"What!?" Yusano shouted while Shun merely raised an eyebrow at that.

"I'll assume you two already know that he's the current Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi..."

"So what!?" Yusano asked in anger. "He's Minato's son. The Fourth Hokage's son for crying out loud."

"I know. And it's for that same reason he needs to be put there." Hiruzen said and Shun nodded and said. "I see... You're afraid."

Hiruzen looked at the blindfolded boy and nodded. "I'm not afraid to admit it. Yes, I am afraid. The events of yesterday has decreased our battle potential by a lot. There will be spies from other Villages lurking around and when they get hold of news that a certain clan, the Sarutobi clan no less, has adopted a blond haired baby shortly after the Kyuubi attack, suspicions will grow and when that happens, his identity will be quickly discovered. And should that happen..."

"Minato's enemies will come knocking..." Yusano said.

"Effectively putting his life at risk." Shun completed. "Umu, I understand... However, for the duration of time I'll be here, he'll stay with me." Shun said with a tone of finality.

Hiruzen looked at him weirdly. "Are you sure you understand?"

"Hmm? Are you calling me an idiot?" Shun asked back.

"No, but.."

"Then there's your answer." Shun interrupted. "I made a promise, and for as long as I am here, I'll make sure that promise remains fulfilled." Bringing his hand to his eyes, he raised his blindfold to make sure to look into Hiruzen's eyes. "Not even the entire Konoha will stop me."

Will... Meaning they could try but wouldn't succeed... Hiruzen looked at the kid seriously and evaluated his threat level. He had received news on this kid from his wife, and had also seen his Genjutsu skills the night before.

Coupled with that weird pressure he was sure he had only felt from the likes of Hashirama and Tobirama... He was sure that this kid was much more than he let on.

Puff. Letting out a puff of smoke, he relaxed on his chair and said. "I understand. Call Asuma in." He ordered and immediately, one Anbu left the office through the window.

Shun put back his blindfold and gave a smile reminiscent of a kid as they both waited for Asuma to arrive.

Shortly after, a boy similar in age to Yusano came in with an angry scowl on his face.

"What do you want, old man?" He asked as soon as he entered.

Not minding the boy's attitude, Hiruzen pointed at the duo of Yusano and Shun and said. "Take them to the house... They'll be living with us for the next few months."

"Huh!?" Asuma, who didn't notice the duo as he entered the room in anger to notice anyone else, looked at the two with a typical thug-like expression, only to receive a glare from Yusano.

"Y-Y-Yusano!?" He stuttered as he took a step back with a look of terror on his face. "What are you doing here?"

'Hmm? Seems like they do have a story,' Shun thought. "Nee-sama, you know this guy?"

"Hmm... I have an impression of him. He's an idiot." Yusano said. "Make sure to stay away from him."

"Understood Nee-sama." Shun said with a cute voice while also trying to sound serious at the same time.

"To answer your question, apparently, your father thought it would be nice for you to host us for the next few months... Have a problem with that?" Yusano asked, her glare intensifying.

"Not at all ma'am!" Asuma stood at attention as he answered

'Damn! The respect...or is it fear?' Shun thought to himself. 'I wonder what Nee-san did to him... It was said he was a playboy in the anime before he fell out with his father. Looking at him now...'

"Please follow me." Asuma said and gave a bow to Yusano and then leaving the office with the duo of Yusano and Shun followed after him.


Shun's POV

Once we were outside the office, we noticed a young black haired beautiful girl and an average looking boy standing there. The girl, sighting us, walked up and asked. "Asuma-san, is everything okay?"

Asuma blushed slightly and scratched his head. "Yeah, everything's good. My dad just wanted me to bring these guests to our clan."

"To your clan? Guests?" The girl asked... Now that I look at her properly... Isn't this Kurenai? These blindfolds must be affecting me so much that I didn't notice her ruby red eyes.

Hmm? Are those black marks I see under her eyes? Looks like she's been crying... Oh, yeah. Her father, Shinku Yuhi did die during the Kyuubi Rampage didn't he?

But for her to be up and about the very next day... She must be a strong one in this timeline, Eh'?

"Kurenai, you must remember Yusano from that year right?" Asuma asked with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Hmm? Really? Is this her? Wow! She's become even more beautiful!" Kurenai exclaimed in shock.

"How've you been Kurenai?" Yusano gave a small smile and asked. "Hope you haven't fallen into these perverts' claws?"

"Sigh, you haven't changed a bit Yusano-san. And unfortunately, We're on the same team, so I'm stuck with him." Kurenai said with a sad tone.

"Ah! I see... My condolences." Yusano said. Now I couldn't help but feel they're teasing the guy. I mean, I don't really pay attention to inconsequential people but this matter got me curious. Gotta ask Nee-san about her story with him later.

As they two girls conversed, Asuma along with his other teammate, Raido inconsequential guy...and me followed behind with me obeying my Nee-san and keeping a distance from him.

Our walk led us to a dilapidated compound near the center of the Village. This was the Sarutobi clan...and even this clan was affected by the aftermath of Kurama's attack.

The anime really did downplay the amount of damage my boy caused.

"This is the Sarutobi clan. Due to certain reasons which I believe we're already aware of, it looks like this." Asuma said. "Follow me."

With his words, we all entered the compound and in less than a few minutes, we reached where I could feel a familiar Chakra. Biwako. Guess this is his house then.


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