Chapter 127

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Title: Aftermath


It took more than a month before Konoha could continue going about their day to day activities. However, the negativity in the air didn't seem to decrease.

Kurama really did a thing or two to this village, no wonder Danzo found it easy to manipulate that negativity. No matter the time, humans were beings of both light and Darkness. However, their darkness always wins at the end of the day.

It would be a rare few that would maintain their steadfastness even in times of despair... Those are the few worthy of being called a hero.

Today, the academy finally reopened after a month of non activity. To say I wasn't excited would be a lie. I was finally going to be free of this stupid household for the most part of the day.

Biwako was manageable to a certain limit but Asuma and his brother? God...

Even Hiruzen was one piece of work. Always stuck up in their stupid sense of decorum.

{A/N: Asuma's brother is the one that gave birth to Konohamaru... Who'll later die... Dunno when.}

There was no way in heaven and in hell I would be leaving Naruto in this household. He was better off in the orphanage where he wouldn't be restrained all that much.

Of course, I would have to make some changes in the several orphanages that'll be opening up. The amount of Orphans created after Kurama's rampage was staggering.


So here I was, in front of the class. I couldn't wait to meet my gang members and see how they were doing.


As soon as I slid the door open and stepped in, the body class quietened down. I wasn't surprised though, the effects of what I did on the first day of school still remained and their minds which is good this way no one will mess with me unnecessarily.

"Yo, Itachi-kun, Hana-chan." I greeted them in the classic Kakashi style... Though it's my style now since I am older... Mentally.

And speaking of Kakashi, the boy has been going down the deep end more and more. Yusano was trying her best for the guy but he just retains that dead fish eye of his.

Perhaps a good Genjutsu would treat him? I mused only to be brought out as a deep sounding voice echoed in the classroom. "Everyone. Get seated."

Geh! This fat sensei once again. Daikoku Fue... Well, Daikoku-sensei. He was a good and amicable man no doubt, but he was a bad teacher.

There are several things I hate and I've always hated: one, people who don't cherish their family, two, people who don't understand the meaning of being a teacher is all about and three, people who kill children.

Daikoku-sensei fell under the second category... He didn't understand that being a teacher was much more important than being a parent.

Children spend 70% of their days in the academy, 10% playing outside and the remaining 20% with their parents.

In that sense, they are supposed to teach the students what their parents won't have time to teach them. However, Daikoku-sensei seem to favor the select few who could be dubbed geniuses.

The prime example being Itachi. I didn't particularly show off any talent in the academy, after all, I'm not a child looking for recognition amongst my peers or in the eyes of a teacher.

"Alright settle down for the attendance." He said and began calling names

"Hey Shun, how've you been?" Itachi asked in a low voice.

"Hmm? I'm good, why do you ask?" I answered and looked at him questioningly.

"Well, you know. Lord Fourth and his wife died...and well... You were so close to them." Itachi said.

Oh... So that's what he was worried about... What a good kid.

I smiled sadly before saying. "He was happy when he died. He was glad he was able to become a good father, a good husband and a good Hokage."

"You were there?" Hana asked. She was sitting to my right so she heard the conversation.

"Of course. I felt that their preparation was lacking so I went to back them up." Shun said. "At least I managed to save my new little brother."

"Little brother?" Itachi asked. "Yup. It's a village secret so don't tell anyone okay?" Shun said with a serious face as he moved his face toward the two.

My eyes were as usual, blindfolded so they couldn't really see the seriousness in my eyes but understood the seriousness in my tone. They both nodded seriously and then I continued. "Nee-sama isn't really dead so I guess everything is alright."


"Of course."

And so the day passed and we were back to the training ground. Izumi and Shusui were already there waiting for us, looking at Izumi, I noticed she had a cluster of chakra in her head.

Poor girl, she probably awakened her Sharingan due to losing someone important during Kurama's rampage but doesn't know as she doesn't have sufficient chakra to activate it.

"Yo. How're you all doing?" Shun greeted. "The usual... The only problem is the missions being assigned to us." Shusui said with a tired voice.

"That should be expected. The village lost a lot of shinobi during the Kyuubi's rampage so I guess even Genins would all be deployed." Shun reasoned and Itachi nodded.

"Perhaps I should graduate already?" He said with a thoughtful expression on his face, however... Bang!

A heavy knock on his head brought him out of his stupidity. "What was that for!?" He shouted angrily which made me smile. Every time he shows emotions both facially and in his tone, I had this sense of accomplishment in me.

Emotions weren't meant to be bottled up, they were meant to be expressed, whether from action or words. The lack of emotion makes humans in-human, however, the ability to control your emotion makes you a dangerous breed of human.

"Didn't we already talk about this? You graduating would leave me and Hana in the academy which will be boring..." I said

"HEY! Are you saying I'm boring?" Hana asked angrily.

"Far from that, my dear wolf, however, I still have five months left to stay with you guys and you are not leaving me in the academy Itachi." I said.

Itachi who was being tended by Izumi was blushing at the show of affection but nodded reluctantly to my statement. "Izumi-chan would also be sad, you know." I added.

"We're from the same clan so we will meet often." Izumi replied. "The hell? Are you against me or what? Aren't you supposed to persuade him not to graduate?"

"No. Grandma always told me that if you like someone you are allowed to follow their dreams no matter what." Izumi said with sadness.

"I see." I said... I really will kill Itachi should he really think of killing off his clan... No matter what.

"All right guys, let's get to training!!"



A few minutes later we were all seated on the ground, Hana, Izumi, Itachi and Shusui's breath were all uneven while I was just sitting there in a regal posture.

"How come we can never beat you Shun?" Itachi asked in exasperation. The other three looked at me with aggrieved eyes, showing their dissatisfaction too.

"Hehehe. That's a secret my dear friends... However, I can tell you guys if Itachi and Shusui answer one question of mine." I said.

"What question?" Shusui asked.

"It's a very simple, yet philosophical question..." I said and paused to add a dramatic effect. "What is the difference between a hero and a villain?"

"Hmm?" Shusui hummed in confusion. "Just that?"

"Yup... I'm all ears." I said.

"Well, a hero is someone who saves people, while a villain is someone who causes harm." Shusui answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Hmm... Is that so?" I asked with a smile and looked at Itachi who was deep in thought as usual.

"It really is a simple question... However, philosophically, there isn't much difference between the two." Itachi answered immediately, piquing my interest.

"Do you mind elaborating?" I asked.

"Well, as you once said, everyone has both good and bad in them. No one is born inherently bad. However, one hero might be another's villain." Itachi answered.

"Wow... You really are a genius." I said and then looked at Shusui. "You should be ashamed of yourself." I said jokingly.

"EHH?!" He stepped back with a look of betrayal on his face, making everyone laugh.

"As Itachi had said... One hero may be another's villain." I said. "However, one thing I want to ask you, Itachi is... What would you do if..." I wanted to ask, but stopped remembering he was still barely six years old.

"Nevermind. I'll tell you my secret now." I said and removed my blindfold. "Beautiful.." the two girls said as they saw my eyes. Unlike the normal Tengoku black sclera and then red pupil, mine was the normal white, with red pupil.

Basically, it was exactly as it was when I initially created it. The mutation came about due to the mixing of Hinami's Byakugan, making the sclera black.

"I know." I said. "I get that a lot."

"Heh!" Shusui snorted with a smile. "Now, don't resist." I said and immediately pulled their consciousness into my mindscape.

My mindscape...or rather, the part of my mind I had brought them to was a clear field with only green grass as far as the eyes can see.

"Welcome, to my mindscape!" I said while taking a dramatic stance.

"Mindscape? What's that?" Shusui asked and I could see the curiosity in the eyes of Itachi, Hana and Izumi.

"It's where your spiritual energy comes from... Doesn't the Uchiha clan have something on this?" I asked and they shook their heads.

"That's weird. Your clan and any clan that has a Dojutsu should know of the mindscape... Unless." Unless they seemingly found it redundant. Who would want to sit down and meditate over a long period of time?

"Well, forget it..."

"No! We're not forgetting it... No secrets." Hana protested and the others nodded.

"Well, since your clans don't have the methods, then they deemed it useless so..." I said.

"But it isn't useless..." Shusui said while pointing to the world around them.

"Well, you're right... But to get to this stage, you'll need to have a formidable Willpower." I said and looked at them. "Can you do it?"

"Hai!" They all answered. "Good, then I'll teach you all about it later. For now, let me show you people why I never lose."

As soon as I said that, many figures began appearing in the mindscape. Each with a dull look in their eyes. The figures of Itachi, Shusui, Hana and Izumi also appeared.

"What are those?" Izumi asked in fright as she hid behind Itachi. Cute.

"Those... Are the people I have all seen fight, or have fought against." I said and turned to the figures. "After every fight, I record everything I have seen, then come here and make sure I beat them."

"What does that mean? You may wonder... It means, I always surpass my opponents. Each and everyone I've ever seen fought or fought against." I said, causing them to look around in awe after understanding what I meant.

"Why don't you all try fighting the perfect version of yourselves as of now." I offered.

"Perfect version?" Itachi asked.

"Yup. Every technique you have ever used against me, they would use, but to a perfect degree." I answered.

"Is-Isn't that cheating?" Izumi asked as her mind finally caught up to us. "Unfortunately my dear... It isn't. I'm just trying to be the best version of myself."

"After all, what I learn here... I can bring outside."


After my short lecture on Spiritual Energy Cultivation, I allowed them to fight the versions of themselves that were in my mindscape and they all lost miserably.

"You see... You all aren't really developing all that much. You can't even beat yourselves, how can you ever hope to beat me?" I said arrogantly and brought them outside.

As soon as they came out they all crumbled down due to mental fatigue. They had despondent looks on their faces, covered with both depression and willingness to the fact that they can't even beat themselves.

"Don't look like that guy's. How about this? Why don't I give you all this version of yourselves so whenever you sleep you will be able to fight them. However, there is something you should be aware of."

"What is it?" Itach and Shusui asked immediately.

"If you stay too long in your heads, when you wake up, you will be affected by the amount of pain and fatigue you felt in your dream."

"Is it dangerous?" Hana asked.

"Not really... On the contrary, it'll help set up a good foundation for when you all wish to meditate." I said.

"Then please. Let's do it." They all said at the same time. Even Izumi was motivated. She had just seen herself throw kunais and Shruiken so expertly that she felt inferior.

"Alright then."


In the Hokage's office, Hiruzen who was smoking his tobacco pipe suddenly puffed it out and asked. "Where's the boy?"

"As usual. He's with the Uchihas and Inuzuka girl." A ghostly and eerie voice answered him.

"Ah! Orochimaru, what brings you here? And how did you know about the boy?" Hiruzen asked curiously.

"Although you may not know sensei, he's the talk of the village right now... At Least, amongst the Jounins." Orochimaru said and sat down in front of Hiruzen.

"His ability to hospitalize a Jounin with just a glance... Kukuku." Orochimaru said with an interesting laugh.

"He's from that clan, so it should be obvious he's a genius of a kind. Tsunade had two such friends didn't she?" Hiruzen asked as a look of reminiscence appeared on his face.

"Kukuku. Keshiro and Yatsuyo, huh? I heard one is the Hanakage now and the other is well..."

"His right hand... Similar to Danzo." Hiruzen said making Orochimaru look at him in scorn but quickly hid it.

'Danzo? Heh, he doesn't even know a thing about the current Danzo.' Orochimaru thought.

"You still haven't told me how you knew about his whereabouts." Hiruzen asked.

"Well, I had a little snake follow him stealthily. He's a walking mass of secrets, you know." Orochimaru licked his lips.

"Whatever you do, stay away from him. We don't want to anger a village as old as Hanagakure." Hiruzen said.

"Let the sleeping dog lie, eh?" Orochimaru asked and Hiruzen nodded. "I see." Saying that, his figure turned into multiple snakes and quickly disappeared.

'Shun Tengoku... What a wonderful experimental subject.' Orochimaru thought after he left the room.
