Chapter 133

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Title: ...


Itachi POV

Shun was an enigma. A true one at that. For someone so young to be that mysterious was unnerving in its own way, but...aren't I the same?

I agree that I don't particularly like the company of children my age due to their low IQ but Shun makes me feel like I was no better than them sometimes.

The things he says, the way he carries himself, the way he thinks... It's all enigmatic... He was so mysterious, dangerous and at the same time fun to be around with sometimes.

Most times, I get the feeling he's always trying to tell me something, but then, wasn't he always trying to tell everyone around him something?

I thought he was just too good in his way of seeing life but then, a Sanin came up to him for advice... To make matters worse, he gave a reply that the legendary Sannin actually appreciated.

I couldn't fathom what most adults... Shinobi especially have gone through in their lives... The wars, the loss, the pain, despair and all... I couldn't understand that all too well, but he seems to do so when he hears someone speak.

It's as though he has lived through it all... It's pleasant and at the same time, unnatural.

Unlike most kids, if not all kids, I have faced the murderous intentions of a Shinobi once... His unfounded desire to kill me... Although I had taken his life out of reflex, that feeling was unforgettable.

The feeling of being at the point of death at any moment.... That cold, eerie intent... It was dreadful and also something that father said only true killers possess.

However... Why does someone...a child like Shun possess it? Does that mean he was a true killer? He had killed before? And this mention about family?

Agh!! This is so complicated... What would Shun do in times like this?

Hmm... He'd probably say, "Eh? How does that affect my wellbeing?"

"Hmm? Did you say something, Itachi-kun?" He asked. Ah, it seems like I said that out loud.

"Nothing, just muttering to myself. Goodnight." I told him and closed my eyes. Anyways, I'm still a child with plenty of room to grow and understand life... Shun always said... 'One day at a time.'

Guess I'll leave all these thoughts to my future self. Hehe.


Shun's POV.

Hmm? Look at Itachi being all thoughtful once again. The swirls of emotions I feel wafting off of him tells me he's feeling so much complicated shit right now.

Sigh... For a child, he does overcomplicate Little things. I just hope he takes my candid advice... I really will hunt him should he kill Mikoto... Friends or not.

Better get some shut eye... Got a lot of troubles awaiting me tomorrow.

Hiruzen and his band of idiots would all be on my neck tomorrow concerning Naruto... I wonder how Kushina even managed to endure all this bullshit with that Temper of hers.

Being watched at every moment of your life with no respect for your privacy whatsoever... I wonder, if they maintained the same level of security over Naruto in the anime, how come he was periodically bullied by adults in the village?

Sigh... Another reason for me to hate these bunch... But alas, as a wise saying once went...'Humans are trash.'


"Good morning Mikoto-san, you look lovely this morning." I greeted the glowing mother who was preparing breakfast as soon as I stepped into the living room.

Their house kinda conjoined the living room with the kitchen and dining room. Weird Japanese style.

"Oh my, quite the early bird aren't you Shun?"

"What can I say?-"

"Fufu, you're a genius, I know." She laughed with the Okaa-san vibes around her. Cute. "Why don't you freshen up a little. And also wake up the others."

"Will do." I replied and proceeded to walk outside to get some fresh air only to see Fugaku sitting outside while also getting the fresh morning breeze. "Geh!" I instinctively blurted out.

"Ah. Shun-kun, quite the early bird aren't you?" He said without even looking at me. Tsk.

"Hmm, it's a discipline." I said.

"That's good for someone as young as yourself. Keep it up." He praised me. I honestly don't know why I feel annoyed with the man…

"Hn." I nodded.

Maybe it's because he's a shitty father? I mean, who takes his four year old kid to the battlefield, am I right?

I stood beside him for a while before returning. I had to go check up on Naruto. Mikoto did put them in the same crib to sleep in. The one Sasuke has was big enough for two afterall.

Seeing the two still sleeping cutely brought a smile to my face. The world would soon get all dangerous for these two... This level of peace would be hard to achieve for some time.


By the time everyone was ready to eat, the two girls sat beside Mikoto with faces flushed after being told that they slept with us boys, in Itachi's room at that.

None of them have been able to look either Itachi or me in the face. Itachi, as always, was a dunce and didn't get the reason for their shyness...

Me on the other hand, just spotted a teasing smile throughout breakfast. That kept the two girls red for a while.

"You four have to go to the academy right? Would you all go together or will you go home first?" Mikoto asked.

"Mh-hmm, I'm down with going there from here." I shrugged and said. Izumi was an Uchiha so she didn't really need to go all that far away.

Hana on the other hand has a very complicated family. And although her mother was still caring towards her, they all got their priorities straight.

Despite being young, they expect her to be strong enough to take care of herself. Hana, as compared to her family, is more laid-back and more even-tempered, although she still at times lives up to her clan's feral demeanor.

Similar to Itachi, Hana was also a big sister, but she doesn't talk about it all that much. I guess she hasn't developed her deep love for Kiba yet.

"I'll go home and come to the academy later on." She said as she stood up and bowed to Fugaku. "Thanks for having me."


After receiving the man's reply, she smiled at Izumi before looking at me, only to see my teasing smile. She then blushed and ran out of the house.

"What's with her? Looks like she's gotten a fever. Will she be okay?" Itachi asked worriedly.

Tapping his shoulder, I comforted. "Don't mind it little Itachi, you'll come to understand when you grow up."

"What's there to understand?"

"Don't think too much about it. We have to get ready for school." I said but at that moment, I felt a rather annoying presence entering the compound.

I haven't seen their faces due to the masks they always have on them but their Chakra is indistinguishable.

"Looks like we'll be having company." Fugaku said with a stiff voice while eyeing me.

"Hehe... Then I'll be giving you some space." Saying that, I didn't wait for him to say anything and immediately went to grab Naruto with my Domain deployed.

After that, I teleported outside the compound. I don't have time and energy to waste listening to some old and decrepit old fools.

With another teleportation, I was at home, or rather, at Hiruzen's home only to see the old fool sitted relaxedly in the living room.

"Geh!" The word immediately came out of my mouth. I wonder why it always does that though. "You're here old man?"

"Hmm, last I checked, this was still my house." He said as he took in a whiff of smoke, his tone casual.

"Hmm, Asuma would be glad if you checked daily." I rolled my eyes at the man.

"He's a grown man, he should learn to act like it... You however, are a brat, who seemingly enjoys acting like a grown man... Care to tell me where you were last night?" He asked still with a casual tone.

"You ask as though you don't already know."

"I do. But I want to hear you admit it. Do you know what could've happened to you and Minato's kid outside?"

"Tsk, spare me that nonsense old man. What could possibly happen to Naruto with me around. It's when he's out of my sight that I should be worried." I said with a raised voice. "Now, I believe I have somewhere to be now."

"You know this concerns the internal workings of this village right?"

"Uhh, so?" I asked as I turned to face him.

"So, as an outsider, you should know and watch how you behave."

"Sigh. Old man, I don't really have time for this nonsense right now. How about this, after school, I'll be coming to your office to have a talk with you. Invite everyone you need to invite... Cause it'll be a very long talk."

"Am I to take your words on that?" He asked.

"Of course. My word is my bond... Unlike most people." I said and left the living room with Naruto in my arms.


The day went by in a flash and by afternoon, the academy was officially dismissed. Creating a Duplicate of myself with the Fission Technique, I left to see the Hokage while the other left to train with my other friends.

As I reached the Hokage's office, I was met with the trio of Asuma, Kurenai and the other guy... Whatever his name is. He'll probably die soon anyways.

"Hmm? What are you doing here Shun?" Asuma asked as I walked closer to them. I didn't really like the guy he is now... Being all whiny and all. Reality has yet to open his eyes so he's still a man child.

"I have an audience with your father. Apparently, I'm to be cautioned on how I'll be living in the village," I answered.

"Hmm. Does that have anything to do with why sensei was called in too?" Asuma asked as he looked at his teammates. I was unsure whether he was asking me or them.

Kurenai and that other guy shrugged while I kept silent. After a while, I said, "If that's all, I'll be taking my leave."

"Aren't you going in there with Yusano? Or is she already in there?" Kurenai asked.

"Why would I need my sister to babysit me?" I asked the young lass. "I'm not some brat that can't handle himself, you know,"

That other guy beside them snorted and said. "Arrogant much?"

I stopped and looked at the guy that I had honestly been trying to ignore. "There's this thing called confidence, little boy, and I happen to have it in abundance. I wouldn't know about arrogance but if that's how you see it, then I can only feel pity for you."

"What did you say!?" The kid shouted and charged at me. Hmm? Was he provoked by just that? How petty.

"Oi, Raido! Stop it, you aren't his match." Asuma warned but it was too late and the guy's face just so happened to make contact with my fist... Weird how that happened.

Hmm? Genjutsu? I suddenly felt something trying to hold me down. Looking down, I saw numerous vines crawling up my legs up to my waist.

Hmm, quite a Genjutsu. It's okay at best, a Genin would probably be paralyzed and unable to move, however.

"You seem to have a little misunderstanding... Asuma may or may not have told you, but in your hubris, you felt a need to ascertain whether what he said was true or false." I said to the trio with an irritated voice that sounded so much like Yusano's.

No wonder Asuma was trying to get in-between us... Does he think he'll be able to stop me?

"Don't move!" I ordered and Asuma stiffened where he stood.

"Little Yuhi. I happen to know your father. Your father was a cast out member of the Kurama clan. A clan so adept in Genjutsu that it can affect the physical plane. However, it's so rare that it manifests only once in a generation." I told the girl who had her face scrunched up at how I could so easily speak despite the vines around me.

"Perhaps you both weren't well read in your academic years to know that you don't attack a Tengen without full confidence in your ability. Why? Simply because we are the bane of all techniques... Like this.." as I said that, I pointed a finger towards her and tied her up with slimes instead of vines.

"As for you..." I said looking at the cheek-swollen guy beside her... "Humph." I scoffed and turned and left.

"The Genjutsu will wear off in five minutes. Till then, contemplate on your stupidity."

I entered the large cone shaped building that was the Hokage's tower and was met by a rather beautiful lady. "Nee-san, I happen to have an appointment with the Hokage, can you direct me to the office?" I said in the sweetest tone I could muster while also calling her nee-san.

It was a universal law to always call women big sisters, no matter how old they are... Just don't call them Aunt.

"Aww! What a cute child you are. You must be Shun, Eh?" She asked as she tried to hide her embarrassment by holding her cheeks.

"Oh? What gave it away?"

"You're very famous in the village. Especially amongst women." She answered.

"Seriously? I didn't know that." I said sarcastically but she didn't pick up on it.

"Of course you wouldn't, rumor has it that you're too beautiful that you even have to cover your face, if not, any lady who looks upon you forcefully would be smitten to death." She said darkly but somehow, I could feel her excitement to see my face.

"Wow. That's quite the story.... I wouldn't mind showing you my face if you bring me to the old man's office." I offered.


"Of course. This way, I allow you to look upon me, nothing could happen right?"

"Fufufu. It's a deal then. Come with me." She said eagerly and stood up.

Following behind her, we climbed a couple steps until we were brought to the second floor of the tower. Hmm. It's quite small.

The one I built in Hanagakure could hold the office of all the Captains as well as a large conference room. What poor architectural skill Hashirama has.

"This is it." She said as she stopped in front of a door. "Don't forget your promise." She said,

"Of course, my word is my bond. You can trust me." I said and beat my chest why puffing it out. This action seemed to be too much as the woman began bleeding from her nose.

Weird. What a really weird species of humans.

Focusing on the door, I could feel a whole lot of Chakra signature in there. Their combined force was enough to make anyone with a weak heart tremble but alas... They stand in front of this Venerable One.

Cough. Stop it, let's just go in and hear what the old man has to say with the force of Konoha behind him.


Merry Christmas to you all. Celebrate with me with some power stones, or you can just join my Patreon group.