Chapter 134

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Alright guys... Last chapter Before I begin fast-running the entire thing. NB: Fast-running is not a word... I just came up with it.


Title: Meeting


Stepping into the room, I was flabbergasted at the amount of people inside. I know they usually hold Jounin meetings here but somehow, the size now is different from the size when we met Minato.

Was it an illusion or is this room changeable to the Hokage's will? I remember it was also smaller during Tsunade's reign in the anime. But what the hell is this size?

"It's nice to finally have you here, Shun." Hiruzen broke me out of my thoughts.

I looked at the old man and saw him sitting in what I would assume to be a high position but at the same time, Danzo and those other two brats from back then were sitting on the same level.


The other reputable Jounins were also in attendance and I felt a familiar Chakra form one feisty looking woman. Must be Tsume, Hana and Kiba's mother.

Damn, she looks hot in that attire.

And hey, is that Jiraiya and Orochimaru I spy? I waved at Orochimaru while ignoring the Perverted Sage.

Orochimaru smirked but didn't wave back... Just when I was thinking we were now friends.

Hmm... I better reply before Danzo says something that'll make me kill him. "It's nice to finally meet the upper echelon of the Leaf Village." I said with an amicable smile.

"I was told there would be some admonishing to be dosed out to me today... And why don't I see a chair...or mat for me?" I asked as I gasped in shock. "Were you expecting me to keep standing?"

"You're in the presence of the Hokage, brat. Show some respect." One idiot from the Jounins spoke, offering himself to be the scapegoat.

I shifted my head to his position and said. "BOOM."

Now, I wasn't much of a showoff but I knew when to show my dominance... I've not been wasting the centuries of my existence fucking with my women.

Along with my words, a round ball of air formed and compressed itself before shooting at the man who was caught off guard and thrown to the wall.

"Ah! Would you look at that... A free mat." I spoke as I giddily went over to pick it and brought it back to the center of the room. I didn't mind that as I truly was facing the head of a village.

"Now then, what was I called here for again?" I asked the old man who just seemed too calm for his own good. Not bad.

"I-' No, we understand that you were sent over here by the Hanakage as something of an exchange student, right?" Hiruzen asked.

"No... Don't play games with me old man, I don't like it. If you've read the scroll, you'll understand that that was just a front, no?"

"Indeed. In exchange for allowing you to spend a year with us, we'll be paid the sum of a normal S-rank mission monthly as your tuition." Hiruzen said as he continued smoking.

This man had no respect for others. How can he blatantly smoke in a room full of people? Disrespectful... Too disrespectful.

I nodded and he continued. "However, there was no rule placed on you..."

"Why is there a need for that?" I interrupted causing the old man to frown but I didn't care. "Why is there a need for rules? You get paid 10 million Ryo monthly and you still want to place restrictions on me? Who do you think you are?"

"10 million!?" Some Jounin shouted in shock. Yup, 10 fucking million per month for doing nothing and just allowing me to stay here.

"Yup. You heard right. Minato-nii-sama was kind enough to understand that the village needed the funds to recover from the effects of the war... Money. Free money offered on a platter for nothing other than allowing me to stay in the village. In Minato's place no less." I said facing the Jounins.

"Keshiro-sama knew Minato-nii-sama from Jiraiya-san's bragging in the past and trusted him with me. Not to this old man. But my sister and I still consented to living with you." I said as I pointed at him.

"Don't think you have any hold over us. A report from me and this Country will be plunged to war once more... Do you dare?!" I spat out in growing anger.

I wonder where the anger was coming from? Damn, controlling the hormones of this body is proving to be a difficult task.

"Mah. Mah. Let's be calm here for a sec." Jiraiya's carefree voice sounded from his corner. "Shun-kun, we understand your difficulty -"

"No. No you don't!" I said. I liked the guy but I just gotta say something. "Where have you been since Minato-nii-sama died? 6 weeks and this is the first I am hearing from you."

He looked a bit guilty for a second before his face went back to Normal. "He was your student. Naruto is your godson and where were you? Kushina is lying in a coma in the hospital. It's unknown when she would wake up, who did you expect to take care of Naruto?"

"You weren't even there when she went into labor." My anger at everything was just going haywire right now but I didn't want to put a lid on it.

"I was busy on village mission kid, that is something you'll understand when you get older." He said.

I knew he too was feeling the pain but. "Heh! Older? I'm more intelligent than nearly half of the people in this room put together. I can confidently say I can take the other Intelligent half with me in a battle to the death. Don't lecture me about grown up stuff!"

I said and a burst of my Haki invaded the room.

"Calm down kid." Orochimaru came from behind me and wrapped his snake around me. Damn. How did I not feel him creeping up to me?

I didn't show any outward change in my expression and just retracted the pressure. "Of everyone in this room, the only people who can lecture me are Orochimaru here, Shukaku and Tsume."

"Eh? Why me?" The Inuzuka matriarch asked.

"Because you're hot. Simple." I said with a straight face only for Jiraiya to giggle before all eyes were trained on him and he composed himself.

"So kid. I understand you're in pain, but don't let that cloud your judgment here." Orochimaru said.

"Yes. Yes. I understand. I just felt the need to let that all out, you know."

"Hmm. It's never good to keep in bottled up emotions. Especially the negative ones." Jiraiya said and I rolled my eyes. "Tell that to yourself, old man."

"Wha! I'm still in the prime of my youth kid!" He shouted jokingly. The room shifted from it's previous tense state to a causal one.


The fuck? I thought as I looked at the one-eyed old man who just interrupted our chat.

"Do you people still know where you are?" He asked in an old and eerie voice, why also sounding admonishing.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya paused before going back to their seats.

"And who are you old man?" I asked, completely knowing who he was but still asking.

"This is Danzo, one of my advisors and a war veteran of this village." Hiruzen answered.

"Ah... I see. So he just has that position because he was your teammate... They all do, huh?" I asked while eyeing the other man and woman.

I could feel them gritting their teeth while Jiraiya chuckled from the back. Orochimaru even laughed in his own creepy way.

"Hahah.. And why do you say that young Shun?" Hiruzen asked.

"Well, it's normal isn't it? Your Village system is flawed... So flawed that people like you and them can remain in power while young men like them remain under your clutch." I said while pointing to the relatively young group of Jounin.

"Not to mention the upcoming Geniuses, I honestly don't know what decrepit old folks like you are doing on chair. If this was Hana, there'd probably be a war if you insist on staying more than 10 years."

"But this isn't Hanagakure now, is it?" Shukaku, the current Jounin commander, asked in a lazy voice that actually held a trace of agreement to what I said.

"Yes, unfortunately. Which is why this village is actually declining. A pity. Truly." I said while shaking my head.

"You think so too huh?" Orochimaru whispered in a certain frequency that made me hear it but others didn't. Damn, this guy's good.

As expected of someone who learnt a thing or two from my dimension.

"Anyways, we digress." Shukaku shook his head.

"Yes. We do."

"Hokage-sama, if you would." He said and Hiruzen puffed once more and began. "I am going to assume that, as a genius, you understand what a Bijuu is and what role they play in each village, right?"

"Of course. Don't insult me old man. Although I understand it, I'm actually sure you all do, but... Carry on."

"Then that's good. As you're also aware, Kushina Uzumaki, Naruto's mother, was what is known as a Jinchuriki."

"Of course. Just spit it out old man. Don't go beating around the bush."

"Show some respect, brat." Tsume spat out angrily. "Yes, ma'am!" I said playfully which caused Jiraiya to giggle pervertedly.

"Okay then. Since you were there that night, it's safe to assume that you know what Naruto is now." Hiruzen.

"Yeah, so?"

"So we'll have to ask you to reduce, and with time, cease all contact with the boy. He's the village property and will be taken care of by us." Danzo said impatiently.

General POV.

Danzo was currently livid. He didn't understand why Hiruzen had cautioned them to take care when it came to the child. He understood the threat the boy carried but still... Allowing him to act so impudently irked him.

Biwako had told them he had a weird movement and sensing technique. Capable of sensing someone in a separate space while moving at speeds similar if not superior to the Flying Raijin.

However, as soon as the words left his mouth, the room cooled down a couple temperatures...

As seasoned Jounins and killers to boot. They all knew what this was. Looking at the little kid sitting in the center of the room, they were all shocked to see his ice cold face.

His eyes weren't visible but somehow, they felt that was better... If someone's face could be this cold, how would his eyes be then?

"How old are you, old man?" The boy, Shun asked.


"60? 65? 70?" Shun asked before rubbing his chin in silent contemplation. "You know, an average human, without chakra, has a lifespan of 85-90 give or take... Someone with Chakra? Normally, they could live for more than a century."

"What are you trying to say, brat?" Danzo asked grimly.

"Calm yourself Old Man. You still have a couple years left in you... Unfortunately." He muttered the last part but everyone heard it and couldn't help but gulp in nervousness.

"You see, there's this saying about words... 60% of all human communication is nonverbal... Simply body language. 30% is your tone... So that means, 90% of what you're saying ain't coming out of your mouth..." Shun said and looked around the room.

"Ain't that right, Yamanaka-san?"

"Impressively so."

"So you see, old man. I'll assume that your 10% is due to your muddled brain and allow you to retract that statement. For you see, I'm currently blindfolded and can't see your body language... I'll assume the quiet here messed with my hearing... So... What do you think, old man?"


The entire room fell silent at the blatant threat the little boy in their midst was tending them. The previous coldness ever increased as the second tickled by.

Some of the Jounins were already circulating their Chakra in the case they needed to subdue the boy with force, however, they didn't seem to realize they were already inside his Domain.

His killing intent amplified by his Domain made them feel weak hearted to a certain degree. Being able to squash that feeling and still attack would be seen as a commendable effort to Shun, but the end result wouldn't be an amiable one.

"I believe what Danzo was trying to say is that you won't be here for long. The terms of agreement was a year. After a year, you'll be returning to your Village. Naruto is still an integral part of our village."


"As the son of the fourth Hokage, and the Jinchuriki at that, he can't be allowed to leave the village. The Kyuubi is the villages' property, his being its vessel makes him the Village property too." Hiruzen explained as Frankly as he could.

"Is that so?" Shun asked as he looked at the one-eyed old man who nodded with an annoyed look in his face.

"I want to believe you... I truly do, but you see... Minato made me promise to be the little one's big brother. Tell me Hokage... What will you, as an elder brother do, should your younger brother be met with any form of harm?"

"As an elder brother, I would seek to avenge him if he's truly wronged. But I see no need for that. This is his Village. He's the Fourth's son. Who could possibly do him harm?" Hiruzen asked.

"I seem to have realized that his name is Uzumaki Naruto, not Namikaze Naruto. That, my dear, is both a precautionary measure and a...what's the word..."

"Precarious?" A voice intoned from the side.

"Hmm, that will do, thanks Nara-san. On the off chance that no one remembers he's the Fourth's son, and some manipulative son of a bitch, let out the news that he's the Demon spawn... Hatred will be bred. Harm will come to little blondy..."

"Lemme ask you Nara-san. Shikamaru... Your second child..."

"How do you..."

"Bah. Bah. Lemme finish. What length would you go, should someone harm the one son who managed to survive?"

"I'd make sure they suffer in eternal darkness."

"Thanks for the honesty man. No wonder I liked you." Shun said. "Now, I'll be coming back here as soon as I can. Probably create an excuse as I'm coming to see how our allies the Uchiha and Hyūga are doing..."

"And I'll be staying as Hanagakure's delegate for a month each time. Should I see a form of harm, physically, mentally, emotionally, and... What's that one Yamanaka-san?


"Exactly... Psychologically. If any of these forms of harm befalls him... I'll let you understand why I am a genius even the Hanakage wants to please."

"You know kid, you've been hurling threats since you stepped into this room. What if we really do kill you here? Worse comes to worst, we go to war. I don't believe Hanagakure would go to war just for one kid." The other old man who's been quiet since the beginning finally spoke.

"Of course they won't. But I don't believe they won't if my father is involved." Shun answered with a shrug. "Calling you all here as a deterrent was one thing, but my thoughts on you all is this... You're all pathetically weak. Other than Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru, none of you here have even the slightest ability to go against the Gold Ranked Jounins of Hana."

"At best, some of you could take Yusano and still lose. Even your famed professor... Heh." Shun didn't finish but his disdain was clear as day.

By now, all the Jounins were fuming in anger but the Domain pressure kept them at bay.

"C'mon Shun, don't do this. You're just creating unnecessary enmity between us." Jiraiya said while walking up to the center.

"Enmity? Please. That word can only be used when the two parties are of equal strength. Konoha against Hana? There's no need for such weighty words." Shun said earning an increased anger spike from them.

One had to know that they've won three of the world wars... Or so they think.

"And what makes you so sure?"

"Simple. After you three, has anyone been so lucky as to gain the token to that special dimension you all trained in?" Shun asked, shocking Jiraiya and Orochimaru behind.

Even Hiruzen and his fuck buddies were shocked. "What do you mean?"

"You see... Those tokens only go to people who the world feels would bring about change. Whether good or bad. Actually, there were five of you from Konoha. One is currently dead, one is a nuke nin, one is going through some trauma and the other two are here." Shun explained.

"It's not all that much of a secret so I'm telling you this. Anyways, mess with what's mine and I'll bring hell on Konoha. I have friends here so please don't make me do it." Shun ended and retracted his Domain.

Instantly, the feeling of coldness disappeared and everyone regained their wits but they all stayed their hands. Their leaders had yet to say anything so they kept quiet.

And even if they were ordered to attack, the wiser ones amongst them would terrain from acting since life was more precious than death.

"Since there's nothing else, I'll be taking my leave. I haven't had my dose of Naruto-kun." As he said that, he smiled and turned to leave the room.

"Oh, and... For all clan heads that have their sons and daughters born within the time frame of Naruto... Train them well, both in fighting and how to behave. Don't be too harsh on them though. Minato did say before his death that Jiraiya always made mention of a prophecy... He was afraid that the masked man would be the person who'll mark the beginning of that destruction... Mah. I didn't understand it all that well, but I'll advise you all to take heed... Hyuga, you especially. Well then." Bowing elegantly, he left the room.

As soon as he left, he was met with the secretary who was holding what looked like a camera? behind her.

"Nee-san, you're still here?"

"Of course. I wouldn't want to miss this."

"Haha. Well, I'm a man of my words, so here." As Shun said it, he took off his blindfold and as if the stupid laws of Anime worlds were activated, sparkles Shone around his face making him more beautiful than he was.

The woman who brought a camera to save the image was unfortunately stricken by the beauty and was left stunned on the spot.

"Hmm... I did keep my words didn't I?" Shun shrugged and put the blindfold back on. 'It seems like my regular body Refinement really did make me too beautiful... Woe is me."


Don't judge guys... I'm trying to round up this volume. Whatever emotions you felt were lacking is also probably my fault, just let me know, alright?

Well then... Happy New year in advance and don't forget to show some love, both in power stones and on Patreon.