Chapter 135

Just felt like adding one more to show some Xmas spirit. This is going to be my last and longest chapter so far... Not for the novel, but for this arc. Next chapter will see me speed running the entire story till Naruto's Graduation. Hope you enjoy it.

Read extra Chapters on my Patre@n


Title: Talk


Leaving the stunned woman to her devices I left the building only to see the trio still standing around. Probably still waiting for their Sensei.

I stopped in front of them, seeing them all gloomy. I couldn't bear the sight as I knew I was the original cause.

I could've just walked away back then, but my stupid ego got the best of me.

"What! Come to gloat?" That guy that I keep forgetting his game asked in an irritated voice.

"Nah. Just felt like saying, I'm Sorry. But still, I wasn't really in the wrong. Your pride also had a part to play in it." I said without so much as a change in my expression.

"Asuma-san, you should talk to your teammates. I believe your Sensei would have a lot of answers should you ask about me and my clan." I said and then turned to the sulking beautiful girl.

"Kurenai-chan. I apologize for the scare. No girl would like to be caught in that kind of Genjutsu and for that, I truly apologize, but still, you shouldn't cast Genjutsu on just anyone." I told the girl with a gentle voice, totally different from the way I talked with the two boys.

"But that's all I can do..." She muttered in a low tone which I happened to hear.

"It doesn't matter. You're still young, pick a weapon to master, but never pull that thing you did with me with anyone... I mean anyone with a Dojutsu." I comforted.

"Is there a particular reason why?"

"Of course, ask your Sensei about it. I'm sure he'll also have a great idea why." I told the girl. Hopefully, Shukaku really does teach her a thing or two.

Wouldn't want her pulling that shit she did with Itachi in the anime. Hopefully, she really does learn.

"Well then, we'll see if fate allows it." I said and clasped my hands like an eminent monk before leaving.

"But don't we live in the same house?" Asuma queried.

Without turning back, I said. "You know Asuma, if you don't talk, no one would assume you to be a mute."

"And also, it's fate that we live in the same house, innit?"

Without waiting to hear what they had to say, I flashed away.

Arriving at where I had left my duplicate, I couldn't help but Marvel at it. As someone who has created a lot of techniques, I couldn't fathom what made me forget to create this one all those years ago.

I gotta say though, Mu was a genius. Pity he had to die young. To create a technique that would directly split your chakra in two while creating a body for it. One made up of chakra, yet won't dissipate after taking damage.

It could even serve as a second chance at life in case your main body dies...

Gasp! Is this a type of time Remnant?!

Nah…Can't be…right?

Hmm? Orochimaru? What's he doing here so quickly?

And that isn't a clone. Isn't he supposed to remain in the meeting as one of the senior Jounins to cook up a plot against me and Hanagakure?


"What are you doing here?" I asked, appearing behind him.

"As fast as the rumors say, and yet, that isn't the flying Thunder God technique." He said with that eerie voice of his. "Mind sharing the secret with me?"

"Yeah... I do."

"Fufufu. I see, still, you never cease to amaze me. Is that a Duplicate of yourself over there? I heard only the second Tsuchikage could create such... However-"

"You still haven't answered my question, Orochimaru." I interrupted... I knew the man was or would be obsessed with techniques but this...

"Ah! I came to pick your mind on something I've been working on for some time now." He said, then looking over his shoulder, he asked. "You wouldn't mind the company would you?"

"Not at all... I appreciate a healthy and intelligent conversation anytime of the day."

"Splendid." Making a hand sign, rock chairs rose from the ground.

"Seems like this would be a lengthy conversation then?" I mused.

"Depends really. Would you have the answer to my questions or not..." He said and sat down before I followed suit.

"I'm all ears then."

Then he began. Talking about his understanding of the various aspects of human life. How it was a meaningless existence to just wake up, eat, train, fight and if you're unlucky, die. And that's the end.

That's the end of all your hard work. Your struggles, proven to be nothing in the face of the inevitability known as death.

He then went on about how he thought deeply upon what I told me life was all about, but then, he still felt something was missing. He couldn't accept it.

He needed to be around, to learn everything. To know everything. To never lose the things he had struggled to get in his life.

All his techniques, his knowledge, his experiences. He didn't want to lose them just because death was his inevitable ending.

Hearing him go like this made me feel like I've met a kindred spirit. No one really wanted to die. I for one didn't. I wanted to see it all. Experience everything there is to experience in life.

Know everything there is to know and even create things that will go down in time while also being around to watch it do so.

However... "Why are you asking this of me... A child still wet behind the ear."

"Kukuku, I would've believed so myself, but that isn't the case is it?" He asked while eyeing me creepily. But he was creepy so no harm done, I guess

"Oh? How did you come up with that conclusion?" I was genuinely interested in what he has researched about me.

"That time in there. That wasn't ordinary pressure. It was one directly impacting our souls with yours... Normally, as we grow and absorb knowledge and experiences, our soul grows... You however are a child... So it doesn't add up." He explained.

"Yeah? Well, I was born this way. That's why I'm a genius." I said and winked at the man.

"No matter. Whether it is true or not matters little to me. What I want to know is... Does immortal life exist?" He asked seriously...

'Well of course it does...' Is what I would've told him but you see, he will ask, "how?" And then if I refuse to tell him, I'll become his enemy.

Even if I told him, where is the fun in that?

"Do you believe in the concept of God? Or a higher existence rather." I asked him.

"God? I don't believe such an existence actually exists. A higher existence? Maybe. The Sage of Six Paths and the Six Star Sage are said to be existences on the realm of Gods...but they were still humans." Orochimaru said and I couldn't help blushing at the mention of my name.

"Ahem. Well, you see. Gods do exist. My ancestor, the Six Star Sage did encounter them when he left the world." I said trying to mystify and elevate myself.

"Left the world? As in dead?" Orochimaru asked, confused.

"No. As in leaving this world. This planet. Going into the stars."

"That's impossible, No?" He asked.

"And yet, here you are asking for immortal life."


"I see..." He said as he looked to be contemplating something. "What level of power would one need to reach to actually fly out of the atmosphere... Is there even air for sustenance out there? Is there..."

And he went on asking some bullshit stuff I couldn't begin to explain.

"Anyway!" I shouted, interrupting the man... "It stands to reason that he actually met several Gods because it was written in one of his books. The Akashic Records..."

"The book said to contain all known and unknown Techniques?" He asked skeptically.

"Oh? You've heard of it? Impressive."

"Of course I've heard or rather read of it. The Second Hokage wrote about it. He wrote that all his creations were merely copies of what seems to be the original. Unfortunately, he couldn't fully understand the ancient language before the book was taken away." Orochimaru said much to my surprise.

So Tobirama actually wrote that he didn't really create all those Techniques... Good for him. That would be plagiarism of the highest order.

"Then you should understand now that he really did meet some Gods up there."

"What are you getting at, Shun?"

"Well, let me bring it down to the biological sciences of the Human body... As someone learned, you must know how many cells there are in your body right?"

The man raised his eyebrows. "Of course... Over 37 trillion."

"And do you know how many die daily?"

"Approximately 50 billion." Came his reply.

"Now, let's assume this little planet of ours is the human body... Can you substitute what you just said?"

"...I see."

Oh good, at least he knows Living things are meant to die for new ones to grow.

"I just need to stop my cells from dying... That way, I won't age."

Da fuck!? And here I thought we were reaching an understanding.

"What gave you that idea?"

"You just did. Since cells in the human body are meant to die for new ones to grow, humans and all living things are the cells of the planet. Therefore they have to die when their time is due... Right?"

"Yes..." I nodded hesitantly, afraid of the conclusion he was drawing.

"Well, what if we don't age? What if the cells in our body keep on producing its energy without decaying. Wouldn't I have achieved my immortal life?"

"You definitely will, however..."

"As expected... You are no ordinary child after all. This talk has been enlightening. I need to put this into action before it skips my memory." Orochimaru said and immediately flickered away.

Well, someone's definitely excited.

Perhaps this way, the lad wouldn't go experimenting on his soul. That's a dangerous area right there.

The soul is a nigh inexhaustible source of energy, however, fiddling with it can prove to be a very dangerous venture... Well, good luck to the guy.

With him gone, I returned to my duplicate's location only to find a rather pleasant but annoying character with them... What's with these guys?

First Orochimaru, now Jiraiya, I just pray Tsunade isn't in the village too. Wouldn't want to hear about how traumatic her life has been.

"What are you doing here, man?" I asked, but it's safe to assume that my duplicate has already asked the same question.

"Oh, you seem to be the original right? Ingenious technique. I heard it was created by the second Tsuchikage." He said with his casual air.

I went over to my duplicate and stood in front of it, allowing it to merge back into my body.

"Gasp! Was that a clone of Shun?" Hana asked in shock,

"We've been fighting a clone and losing." Izumi muttered and I could see a cloud of depression forming over her.

"...." Itachi just stayed silent.

"You're wrong. That isn't a clone, you were fighting the original still so you don't have anything to be troubled about." Jiraiya said

"How so Jiraiya-sama?" Itachi was the first to act.

"Well, isn't the user over there, ask him yourself." Jiraiya pointed at me.

"It's the same technique I used to fight nee-san back then. You all should have seen it before. It's me yet two at the same time. Not a clone." I explained to the trio.

"Oh..." They all had opened mouths as they came upon that realization. They had all seen it before so it shouldn't be all that shocking.

"You on the other hand... What are you doing here?"

"Eh? This is my village, no? I believe I have the right to be anywhere I want..." Jiraiya said with a smug expression while crossing his hands.

"That so...? We're leaving guys. There's this new dango shop I saw earlier today."

"Really!?" Izumi asked excitedly while Itachi's eyes shone brightly.

"Of course. Why would I lie? I initially wanted to go there later, but since this place is occupied by an elder, we should leave earlier."

I then looked at the man. "You can have the place." And proceeded to leave with the trio behind me.

"Eh!? Wai-wait a minute!" The man ran and blocked us anime style... One where velocity was defied by a human leg coming to a brake as dust rose as he paused.

"I was just joking around. Ask the kids, I was even giving them pointers concerning their Taijutsu which I believe you should know already!" Jiraiya began calmly but finished in rage as he realized I knew everything my duplicate knew.

Well, since I was blindfolded, they couldn't see my eyes so there's no proof to prove me guilty.

"So... What are you doing here on a more serious note."

"Sigh, it's about the meeting today." He said and walked towards a tree and sat down under it.

Tapping to his side I rolled my eyes and came to sit but not before addressing the trio. "We're about to have adult conversation, you three run along now..."

The look on my face made them angry as I was basically calling them kids. Itachi shook his head with a wry smile while the two girls looked at me angrily but still left... Not before snorting and stomping on the innocent ground.

"So... What do you want?" I asked as I sat down.

"Nothing really... What you said in there just got me thinking, you know?"

"Ehh?" I said sarcastically while also rolling my eyes at the man...not that he could see it though.

"Seriously. I think I might be a bad Sensei. When I got news of what happened, I was on a mission. I was torn between returning to see for myself what really happened or completing my mission." He said and brought out a sake from God knows was definitely not from a sealed space.

"I ended up deciding to complete my mission. After All, sensei was here, he would take care of the baby... Was what I thought. I ended up staying away for more than two months... But I think I was actually afraid..."


"No. Not afraid. Guilty. I didn't know how to handle all this... I have seen a lot of deaths. Friends, brothers in arms and even students. A lot of deaths, but I was actually unwilling to acknowledge this one."

He sighed and looked up as sadness filled his eyes.

"A few weeks prior, we just discussed the name of the child. We had planned that I would teach him when he grew but then... Nothing. Minato is dead, Kushina is barely hanging on to her life. Whatever Minato did, helped her stay alive, but the strain is keeping her mind somewhere else.... Not even the Yamanaka could find her in her own mind."

"And lastly, Naruto. I honestly didn't know how to face him... He was supposed to be my Godson--

"He is your Godson."

The man looked at me but being unable to see my eyes, he sighed and said. "Yeah. He is my Godson, but yet. I couldn't do anything to help his parents. I wasn't even there when he was born."

Slurp. Glug. Glug. Glug.

From the usual sips, he went on to chug the entire bottle of sake down his throat.

"What you said in there really got me, but I still think nothing could ever happen to him as far as he's in Konoha. Sensei will make sure of that." He said with conviction.

I looked at the man and saw that his feelings were actually in the right place, but the question was... That place, was it really what it seemed to be?

The Hiruzen that I know is a firm yet easily manipulated old man. He actually doesn't have much of an opinion himself. Whether he knows this or not, I wouldn't know. Perhaps he doesn't know and subconsciously decided to appoint his teammates as his advisors.

Hashirama had only Tobirama as his advisor, well Madara too before Madara went down the deep end.

Tobirama didn't have any advisor as he was both the leader and advisor in one. No one was actually fit to advise him... That, I honestly acknowledge.

Hiruzen? Nah. He's kind hearted and actually has his heart set in the right places but those around him see that and take advantage of that.

Hashirama, for the village, killed his lifelong friend, Madara. Tobirama, for the village, put the clan he detested most in the most important position, just so that they could easily blend into the village and turn their love towards the villagers.

Although that did end up coming to bite him in the ass as they're now overly arrogant about it and using that position to do whatever they want.

Minato, for the village, sacrificed himself and his wife... nearly, to seal Kurama and help their son get stronger.

However, Hiruzen... What exactly has he sacrificed for the village? He has actually been nearly assassinated on multiple occasions by none other than Danzo and his goons, yet, he still indulges him.

Homura and Koharu have totally corrupted Konoha with all their money laundering which he knows but still... He does nothing but indulges them.

In a way, I prefer Ebizo and Chiyo. Those two are already retired. Did so immediately after the Third War where Hiruzen forced them to sign an alliance agreement.

As soon as they retired, they left everything behind. Although they did have their own fair share of corruption, they were still honorable enough to leave everything behind.

Maybe it's because they've lost everything? I wouldn't know. Chiyo though is one hell of a woman. Poisoned her own husband just so he wouldn't have access to all her property... Well, she was young back then.

Her child ended up dead in Sakumo's hands though. You reap what you sow, I guess.

Anyways. Jiraiya placing his hopes on Hiruzen is good, but that same Hiruzen left Naruto to live in the street and forest for a good part of his infancy.

That is something I wouldn't indulge.

"Shun! You there?"

"Yeah... Just spaced out for a moment."

"You were giving off some weird cold vibes right there... You sure you're a kid?"

"I wouldn't know about that... Perhaps you want to bring that up with my mom?"

"Hahaha, wouldn't want to go back to that place." He said as he rubbed his ribs gently.

"Were you caught perving on the ladies hot spring?"

"Wha-What!? What do you mean? Someone as noble as me shouldn't be insulted like that."

"Eh..? Really?"

"Of course. I only had an idea for a new book but was lacking the necessary imagination so I went to get some insights..." He explained

"I see... And Keshiro-san allowed you to leave, right?"

"What makes you say that? I may have escaped, you know?"

"That's impossible. My father wouldn't have gotten weak over the months since I left."

"Are you implying that I'm weaker than your father?" He asked angrily.

"No. Far from that, but he would definitely give you a run for your money. Probably where you got that scar on your ribs."

I could see the slash scar on his chest area. Either father really wanted to kill him and Jiraiya was lucky enough to exit his Domain at the critical moment.

Wait! What could prompt father to want to kill a Sanin. The three of them are very popular even in Hanagakure... Hmm, it couldn't be...

"Perchance, was my mother in the hotspring you were gaining enlightenment from?"

I asked but he shrugged. "I wouldn't know, there were a lot of artistic and creative sights in there. Ones with hair whiter than mine, as white as mine and then a mix of them all. Black, blue, red, purple, even light blue... How the hell do those colors of hair exist in one place?"

Right? I mean, it would be okay if they were side characters or main characters or something... But they were just NPC'S. People no one would hear about till they die.

"But maybe your mother really was there. The man who chased me was out for blood. If not for Keshiro's timely arrival, I wouldn't have known what to do with myself." Jiraiya laughed and rubbed his sides. "But that Island really is what I dream the whole world would be like someday." He said with a sad smile while sipping from the third bottle of sake.

"It's beautiful right?"

"The most I've ever seen." He answered.

"You speak as though you've seen others."

"Of course I have. There's this Island, Nadeshiko no Sato-"

"Nadeshiko no Sato?"

"Yeah... I mean, why not just Nadeshiko Village right?" He asked and I nodded. I mean, I knew this village from the anime, but last I checked, Izanami created this Village and actually named it Nadeshiko?

One has to know that Nadeshiko literally means the personification of an idealized woman", or "the epitome of pure, feminine beauty"; poised, decorous, kind, gentle, graceful, humble, patient, virtuous, respectful, benevolent, honest, charitable, faithful.

All this are good but none of this describes that lass. Well, maybe she did become one of these during her Many reincarnations but the Izanami know? Pftt.

"This village is actually ruled by women, for women and well, women. But, the village actually is strong. I wouldn't want to oppose them in this lifetime."

"Why is that?" I asked

"Well, once you as a man are challenged by a woman and losses, you become that woman's property or husband, but you'll be the wife in the relationship."

"Man, that's dark."

"Exactly..." He said and I could feel him actually sober up due to the terror he must have seen there.

"I heard that the creator of that village actually wanted an Harem of women, but seeing as there was a need to create offspring, she allowed them to only procreate with strong men, so their children would be stronger women."

"A weird fetish. Wouldn't you say?" I asked but looking up to the man, I saw him having a nosebleed with a silly smile on his face. "You're hopeless."

"That aside, did you meet the current ruler of the village?"

"Yeah! She was the one who showed me hell. I nearly died there, I tell you."

"She had this technique that could stop all movement with a flip of her hand. If not for my Senjutsu, I probably would've died there."

"Oh? How did you escape then?"

"She was mildly surprised when I used Senjutsu and told me I reminded her of her brother. She then said that I should go, but her students would find my student for a challenge." He said and sipped his sake and smiled.

"At first, I agreed thinking 'Jokes on her, Minato is already married and strong as hell.' but now...*Slurp* Sigh. I don't know."

"A pity. I would've loved to see her student and Kushina go at it."

"Hahaha. Right? Like Kushina would allow anyone to get close to her man.." he laughed and I laughed too. I could already imagine Kushina going on a rampage.

Unfortunately... Well, Naruto just has to be stronger than whoever this Nami would train up.

Last I checked, both Izanami and Izanagi haven't died since they reincarnated at the same time frame as Madara and Hashirama. Hell, they haven't even aged.

Nagi was in Kiri before I reincarnated... I wonder what he's doing there.

Nami was with Tomoe. Hell, even Tomoe hasn't even aged since I last saw her. Whatever Nami is giving her makes her retain her youth.

Feels good to know that my lessons on cultivation didn't go to waste.

"I also wanted to show Minato this..." Jiraiya said and formed a Rasengan.

"Couldn't you always do that?" I asked but he laughed and said,

"I could, but this is different." Saying that, the Rasengan began expanding till it was as big as a basketball before dissipating it.

"I'm still working on it but that's as big as I can make it go." He said.

"Well, it's not bad." I said in a neutral tone.

"You don't sound impressed." Jiraiya said in an annoyed tone.

"Of course I don't. I told this to Minato when he was thinking of adding Elements to it." I said and stood up.

"This technique you call Rasengan is actually a very old technique. Minato didn't exactly create it, but recreated it without prior knowledge..."

"Which means, he did create it." Jiraiya said.

"...Yeah... Whatever. Anyway, this technique, the original, is actually called Amenomihashira... Meaning Pillar of Heaven or Heavenly Pillar. Whichever one you like."

"Pillar of Heaven? Forgive me but I find that hard to imagine."

"The same way any normal person would find the concept of The Rinnegan hard to believe." I said and created an illusion of the technique Ashura used to fight against Indra's Susanno.

In the Illusion, five giant balls of Rasengan were formed and then compressed into another ball which served as a barrier. The compressed Rasengan floated within but steered clear of each other.

"This is the original technique. When launched, If the attack collides with another attack, the barrier will take the damage, releasing the five spheres so the attack can continue its path. Upon contact, the spheres will disperse in a fairly large explosion."

"An explosion actually more devastating than a normal Bijudama." I emphasized as the image was shown in the illusion.


"This was what I showed Minato, unfortunately, he couldn't reach this stage before his untimely death..." That was one of the saddest events of my life... Well, this life.

"How is that even possible? Creating one Rasengan is already a chore, but creating five? And compressing them and then putting them inside a barrier? Who the hell came up with this technique?" Jiraiya asked hysterically...

That's Ashura for you... The worst part of it all? He did it on his first trial. I mean, this very Rasengan Jiraiya is proud of was actually randomly created as a means to dig up a well... I wonder how he'll feel when he learns of that.

"No idea Jiraiya-san, but this particular technique has been in our clan's Library for years now... No one has been able to recreate even one ball. Minato is already a genius for doing that..."

"He certainly is..." Glug. Glug. Glug.

"I'm going to redeem that technique from the clan." I suddenly said.

"Eh... You don't have to, it's not like I need it or anything." He said bashfully.

"What do you mean? I meant to redeem it for Naruto. Don't overestimate yourself, old man." I snorted and stood up.

"Hey! That was mean."

"If that's all. I believe I have somewhere else to be." I said after dusting my backside.

"Hey Shun!" He called.


"Take care of Naruto when you can... Please. I'm counting on you." He said earnestly.

"Heh. I don't need you to tell me that. You only need to warn your superiors. I won't always be here but I'll be here for an entire month every year. Nothing... When I say nothing, I mean, Nothing should happen to that kid." I intoned.

"I understand."

"Well then."


This marks the end of this arc for me. 4.5k words. The longest chapter so far.


Next chapter will be a run down on what MC will be doing during his last remaining months on Konoha, his journey throughout all the other four villages and finally some Time Skips and flashbacks.

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