Chapter 142

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Title: Ay and Awakening Domain.


"Yusano. Tengoku Yusano, and I've come to bargai- cough, sorry, have come with a warning." Yusano introduced herself as she barged into the Raikage's office with Shun following behind with a small smile.

"Tengoku... What the hell are you doing here?" AI asked with furrowed brows. "And what do you mean by a warning?"

"I believe your two questions require only one answer." Yusano said and brought out the scroll given to her by Hayaken. "This should do all the explaining."

Ay squinted his eyes at the scroll in the girl's hand. "I don't believe that explains your entry into this Country. This could be interpreted as an act of war."


Shun, who was behind Yusano, couldn't help but snigger at that statement.

"Is something funny, brat?" Ay glared at him and asked harshly, his hot temper flaring as his Chakra leaked out.

"I would advise against that, Raikage-sama." Mabui said softly.

"Huh! Are you now standing against your own Kage?"

"Tone it down a little Raikage, we are currently in the middle of Kumogakure. No one would like it if a fight broke out here." Yusano said while remaining unfazed by his chakra.

"Are you threatening me girl?" Ay asked, his tone getting a bit lower, but anyone would notice the seriousness in it.

"Far from that. I only came here to deliver a message. The both of us coming here alone already proves that we are not afraid of a fight..."

"I've heard of you... The White Ice Princess." Ay said only for Yusano to smirk and bow... "In the flesh." Her tone sounded quite proud of herself. "But that doesn't mean I'm afraid of you. I could kill you before you could even blink." Ay said as lightning began crackling around his body.

"I'm afraid that would be impossible." Yusano said, not deterred by the aura he was emanating. Her confidence lay in the fact that they were all in Shun's Domain.

"Oh? Does the famous Tengoku clan have a technique as fast as the Thunder God Flash? Cause if not, I'm the fastest man alive right now." Ay said smugly as a cloak of lightning coated his entire body.

"Of course you are. But you assuming we didn't take that into consideration would mean you were either a fool, or just plain arrogant." Yusano said.

Seeing the white haired girl not making any move to defend herself, Ay squinted his eyes and took a step. Faster than a blink of an eye, he was already In Front of Yusano with his fist clenched, ready for a punch.

To Ay who was moving at such fast speed, everyone in the room stood at a standstill. This was one of the perks of his speed. The feeling of freedom that came with being able to move faster than anyone's perception.

He had fought fast Shinobis in the past, and none had been able to match up to him, other than Minato Namikaze. His respected rival. Unfortunately, he died too young.

Since their first encounter during the third Shinobi war, he had been training to up his speed so much that he could react to even the slightest movement in the air.

He had trained so much that it became an instinct to notice even the slightest detail in anything that could so much as twitch when he was in this mode.

It was that same instinct that made him notice the normal movement of the pair of eyes that were following him.

Normal, in this case, was not Normal at all, considering he was moving as fast as Lightning. Yet, this disrespectful brat was able to follow his movements.

As he looked on, he saw the boy smile and immediately, the target for his punch disappeared. In her place floated what was his chair, and in his moment of confusion, his punch landed, destroying the chair completely.

Processing what he just saw at his fastest speed, he looked at Mabui and asked. "What is the meaning of this?"

He didn't notice any spatial fluctuation when the girl moved. He was already accustomed to the slight change in the air around a target when such a technique is used to know that no such Technique was used then.

Mabui on the other hand could move objects at light speed with her Kekkai Genkai... The Heavenly Transfer Technique.

However, it was known that such Technique could only be used on objects as the human body wasn't strong enough to move at such speed.

This was confirmed during his father's time as Kage. Numerous prisoners were used as test subjects and none of them survived. Only he was able to use and come out with a slightly weakened body.

"That wasn't me, Raikage-sama." Mabui replied and Ay could feel she wasn't lying. Her expression alone was enough to prove her innocence.

"I believe that attack now could be interpreted as a direct act of war..." They heard and immediately turned to look at where the voice was coming from.

There she was standing unaffected behind the Raikage's desk. She smiled and continued. "Pardon my memory, but isn't this the exact same thing that happened with the Hyūga clan?"

"I believe your memory is correct, Nee-sama." Shun who had been silent all this while said with his smile not faltering since he met Ay's gaze in Flash Time.

{A/N: Don't judge me using Flash Time here. Just take it as it goes.}

"Thanks for that. For a moment there I thought otherwise." Yusano smiled and then moved towards Mabui and handed her the scroll. "Make sure to read the message there to him. Word for word... Also, make sure to tame him if his temper gets the best of him."

After saying that, she turned to Ay and said. "The world is facing its longest period of peace since the death of Hashirama... Don't let your idiocy disrupt that."

After saying that, she walked and stood beside Ay, who was standing at her former spot beside Shun, who didn't look the least bit threatened by the man beside him.

"We'll be taking our leave now." Yusano said and then placed her hands on Shun who smiled and said. "The Tengoku clan has been the strongest of all five oldest clans. Don't think it is a rumor. Do some research. I believe even your first Kage learnt his techniques from a Tengen."

Bowing elegantly, he said. "Well then..." and disappeared from the room.

As soon as they left, Mabui looked at Ay whose body was still crackling with a coating of lightning and shook her head. She understood that this event must have left him disoriented considering his past training.

To think that after nearly half a decade of constant training, he still wasn't the fastest man in the world.

Initially, after news of the death of Minato was made known, he had felt lost... Who would he compete with if his rival was gone? What was the need for his speed if all his fights would be ended in a flash?

During his moment of loss, she had consoled him with the fact that he was currently the fastest man alive and should continue towards that road.

That way, he could better protect Kumo without the loss of anyone. This had lifted his spirit at that time and so, three years passed. His training had become a habit at this point...

And yet, he wasn't able to comprehend what just happened now. Was the kid faster than him? Not even Minato could move in his Flash time.

Minato only relied on his sensory field to perceive him coming to move.

Yet, this boy's eyes moved so normally at such speed. Could it be that all his efforts and hardwork was just a normalcy for a kid from an overpowered clan?


"Huh?" He answered as his thoughts returned to his body.

"I think we should put a rest to the Hyūga clan affair." Mabui said with a certain look in her eyes. He knew that look. It was the one she always had when she thought he was beyond reasoning with or overwhelmed

However, at this moment, he was quite whelmed.

"Is there a particular reason?" He asked calmly.

"Eh? Huh? Oh! Yes! Yes, there is." Mabui was first startled before confusion and then realization hit her. "They threatened to go to war with us if any Hyūga steps foot on our country. Dead or alive." She said and prepared for an outburst, but all she got was the silent tapping of feets.

Ay didn't reply and walked normally to the only couch in his office and sat down there.

"War, huh?..." He muttered. "I was only putting pressure on them to get the body of any Hyūga. Our scientists would've been able to find what makes them so different... Who would've thought..."

"Raikage-sama..." Mabui called out... She had never seen the Raikage in this state before and was confused on how to follow him up.

"Go and do an in-depth research on what we know about that clan... Also, call back our Shinobis from Konoha..." Ay ordered shocking the black haired beauty.


"Just do it. We are obviously not strong enough. Even a kid still wet behind his ears was this weird, what more an entire clan? The Uchiha and Hyūga clan are already dangerous... With that clan in the mix... Sigh." Ay contemplated.

"Also, call for a high-level meeting. It seems we need to prepare..."

"Prepare for what?"

"That clan hasn't interfered with anything in the world since I was born. The fact that they're moving now should mean something. We need to further strengthen ourselves... Summon B and Yugito too." He ordered.

"Hai. Raikage-sama." Mabui bowed and left to carry out her orders without asking anything else.

Ay was an impulsive man, a hypocrite at times and proud, but he also knew when to put those things aside when it came to the welfare of Kumogakure.

For that, she respected the man more than anything and was willing to do anything he ordered.


"I think we scared them a little bit too much," Shun said calmly as they appeared at the outskirts of the village.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" Yusano however, screamed at the top of her lungs While releasing her Chakra wildly.

This caught Shun off guard and he dropped the blindfold he was holding and looked at his sister, thinking she was attacked or injured.

"What's wrong, Nee-san!" He shouted back at the girl.

Yusano, the girl in question, just kept screaming until she was satisfied. "What the hell is wrong with you nee-san?" Shun asked in annoyance as he had been using his chakra to protect his ears.

"I can't believe this." Yusano said.

"What? Can't believe what? Are you hurt somewhere?" Shun asked with furrowed brows.

Shaking her head, she said. "Not that."

"Then what? I'm beginning to get annoyed here, nee-san."

"Aren't you excited?" Yusano asked while looking at Shun like he was some weirdo.

"Why should I be excited?" Shun scratched his cheeks in confusion. He hadn't done anything fun to warrant him being excited.

Even the rogue ninjas he had fought served to dampen his excitement a bit.

"We just fought a Kage level existence and survived. Isn't that exciting enough?" She asked with a blush on her face making Shun understand the root of her excitement.

"Nee-san. You've fought numerous Kage level Shinobis in the past, why is this one exciting for you?" Shun asked.

"I know that! Of course I do, but none of those ever fought with this much intensity. Minato and Kushina never really went all out for fear of hurting me, the various Upper Gold Rankers in the village also never went all out." Yusano explained.

"But it was only a punch." Shun pointed out, "which you couldn't even react to."

"My point exactly!" She shouted. "That feeling of being so close to death, yet being unable to do anything about it. The pressure he emanated with the lightning and his Imposing stature..." He blush was becoming quite unhealthy at this point and Shun couldn't help but think of knocking her out... But before he could, "Phew... I got too excited."

"You don't say." Shun muttered.

"But that's it. I've got a new goal in mind." She said as her red eyes glowed.

"What goal?"

"My Domain. I'm not that fast and I couldn't react to that man's speed. So I'll just make sure the opposite becomes the case in my domain." She said but Shun still didn't get what she was trying to say.

However, he nodded at her thought process. This was the first step to activating a Domain. One had to know what they wanted. Without that image, it would never become reality.

"A world of Ice. No matter how fast you are in reality, you can never go against the paralysis the cold will bring to your body. Ice is the opposite of all things in motion, hence its restraining ability. Being able to manipulate the Ice at will. The temperature, the forms. Everything." Yusano had a dreamy expression as she imagined what her domain would be like.

Unknown to her, with her imagination and desire growing, her Mindscape gradually took the form of what she imagined it to be... All that remained was for her to call it out.

"I got it..." She said and made a hand sign.{A\N: Sakuna Style} "Domain Expansion: Mugen no Reiki!" (Infinite Cold)


I'm done with this one. Next chapter will be an explanation on Yusano's Domain and Timeskip.