Chapter 154

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Title: Jounin Promotion Exam - Ultimate Shinobi Trials


General POV.

[Promotion Exam - Ultimate Shinobi Trials...

Part 1: Test of Intellect and Strategy

Description: Jounin candidates will be given a series of complex puzzles, riddles, and tactical challenges. These challenges will test their ability to think critically, devise strategies on the fly, and make quick decisions under pressure. Success in this test demonstrates their capacity to lead and guide a team effectively.

Part 2: Battle of Adaptability

Description: Jounin candidates will be placed in a controlled environment that simulates various terrains and scenarios. They will encounter unexpected obstacles, terrain changes, and unpredictable enemy attacks. Their ability to adapt, come up with new tactics, and adjust their strategies on the spot will be assessed.

Part 3: Teamwork and Leadership Assessment

Description: Jounin candidates will be divided into teams and tasked with a complex mission. Each team will consist of diverse members with unique abilities. Candidates must demonstrate effective leadership, clear communication, and the ability to coordinate their team's efforts to accomplish the mission's objectives. Evaluators will assess their decision-making, delegation skills, and how they handle unforeseen challenges.

Evaluation Criteria:

Creativity and adaptability in solving challenges.

Effective utilization of ninja techniques and tools.

Decision-making under pressure.

Clear communication and teamwork.

Strategy development and execution.

Leadership qualities and ability to guide a team.

Problem-solving skills in complex situations.

Swift adaptation to changing circumstances.

Passing Criteria:

Candidates must score a minimum of 70% in each test to pass the overall exam. Those who excel in multiple categories and demonstrate exceptional leadership skills will be recognized and recommended for promotion.


All the Jounins in a well furnished room looked over the scroll they each held in their hands. This was basically what the Chunins will have to go through during the exams.

"These are all well and good...but is this really what you give your Chunins..or rather silver rankers as exams? Isn't this too easy?" Chisaki, the Iwagakure Chunin, couldn't help but ask.

"Oh? How do you decide who's qualified to become a Jounin over in Iwa?" The proctor of the exams raised his eyes as his glasses lowered a bit.

"Isn't that obvious? Send them on a mission that will test their loyalty to the village." Chisaki said with pride.

"I see... So only those you deem loyal are worthy of being Jounin..? No wonder..." The proctor set his glasses back and ignored the lady after muttering the last part.

"Huh? Got something to say, you four eyes? No wonder what?" Chisaki growled.

"Hmm? No wonder you seem a little bit...weak as compared to everyone in this room." The captain said without raising his eyes from his book.

"Pfft." Pakura stifled her laugh for a moment before laughing out loud. "Now you see I'm not the only one that thinks so."

"I dare you to say that to my face yourself."

"What? You don't dare pick a fight with him but you dare to fight with me?" Pakura sneered at her.

"That aside. The reason I gave you each that scroll is for each of you to complete the mission you were all assigned before coming here." The proctor said, causing all of them to look at him in Shock.

"What? You think we don't know you're basically here to spy on us and the Geniuses of the other villages? Please. We've been around before even the first Hokage thought of creating the village system. The ranking system you all use was even copied from us."

"What are you trying to say?" Raika, the Kumo Jounin asked.

"You're all to watch the trials. Now, you have an idea of what they'll be going through in the upcoming trials. As experienced Jounins, you're to sincerely evaluate them by your standards. Afterwards, you can decide whether your Chunins are ready to be Jounins."

"What if we decide to wrongly evaluate them?" Chisaki grumpily asked.

"That wouldn't be a problem. After all, I just said you had the right to make your Chunins, Jounins. What makes you think we can't do that too?" The proctor asked back.

"Anyways. The second trial is commencing soon. Pay attention." He said and watched the screen.


The proctor of the second part of the Exams wasn't the previous one, however, as a proctor, he was still allowed to watch on, after all, he had a say in the final evaluation to be given after the trials are over.

As for the proctor of the second exam, it was a random member of Hanagakure who came in and introduced the second part of the exams to them.

The proctor, a seasoned Jounin known for his stern demeanor, addressed the candidates. "In this battle, you will face a series of challenges that will test your adaptability in various scenarios. The environment will change, and enemies will appear unexpectedly. Your ability to adjust your strategies on the fly and work cohesively as a team will be paramount."


The simulated space this time was a blend of shifting terrains, from dense forests to rocky mountain sides, designed to challenge the candidates' adaptability.

The time of change was random so they could never keep a monitor when there would be a change. And this was considering the fact that they were under

As the simulation began, the ground beneath their feet transformed, shifting from a dense forest to a rocky desert terrain.

Shun's Domain allowed him to quickly assess the changing landscape and relay the information to his teammates. Kimizu's violin emitted haunting melodies, creating sound barriers that shielded them from the enemy's initial onslaught.

Kitsume moved with an uncanny grace, her Genjutsu shrouding their movements, confusing the attackers. The trio's synergy was evident as they countered each challenge.

Their attackers, despite being Energy constructs, held enough energy to rival any random Jounin. "Their attack pattern is random, they probably don't have a hive mind like I would assume." Shun alerted his team mates.

The trio entered the designated battleground, a vast expanse that shifted from dense forests to rocky landscapes. Their opponents appeared as shimmering energy constructs.

Shun knew that his domain, combined with his taijutsu, would come in handy, while Kimizu's sound attacks and Kitsume's expertise in taijutsu and genjutsu would also play pivotal roles.

As the battle commenced, the trio faced their first challenge: a dense forest teeming with energy constructs mimicking wild animals.

Shun swiftly created spatial gates to navigate through the thick vegetation, while Kimizu used her violin to produce resonating sound waves that disrupted the constructs' cohesion.

Kitsume moved with elegance, using her taijutsu skills to maneuver through the forest like a phantom, finishing off the weakened opponents.

An instant later, the terrain shifted abruptly, transforming into a barren wasteland with gusty winds. Energy constructs of skilled shinobi materialized, each launching formidable attacks.

Shun's spatial awareness allowed him to dodge and counter with precision, while Kimizu's violin melodies wove a protective sonic barrier around the team.

Kitsume engaged in close combat, her Chinoike techniques merging taijutsu and genjutsu seamlessly, confusing the constructs before subduing them.

Suddenly, the terrain transformed once more, this time into a labyrinthine cave system. The team had to rely on their wits and adaptability to navigate through the maze while evading relentless energy constructs.

Shun created gates, allowing them to bypass dead ends and traps, while Kimizu used sound waves to detect vibrations in the environment. Kitsume's keen senses and genjutsu expertise helped them deceive the constructs, leading them into ambushes.

The final phase took place atop a towering mountain, overlooking a breathtaking vista. A trio of energy constructs emerged, each mirroring the skills of Shun, Kimizu, and Kitsume.




The battle was intense, with the constructs countering their every move. Shun's Domain clashed against his mirror's ethereal duplicates, Kimizu's melodies battled against sonic distortions, and Kitsume engaged in a dance of taijutsu and genjutsu.

"They might have our abilities, but they don't have enough sentience to put them to use." Shun said, and in a synchronized display of teamwork, Shun opened spatial gates to position his teammates strategically.

Kimizu's violin unleashed a crescendo of sonic force, stunning the constructs, while Kitsume exploited the openings, immobilizing and dismantling them with swift strikes and genjutsu illusions.

As the dust settled, the team emerged victorious, their adaptability and coordination proving their worth.

Exhausted but triumphant, Shun, Kimizu, and Kitsume gathered at the mountaintop's edge, looking out at the world they had just conquered.

The Battle of Adaptability had pushed them to their limits, testing their skills and forcing them to improvise at every turn. Yet, their unity and resourcefulness had prevailed, setting them one step closer to the coveted title of Jounin.

'This Illusion Scape sure is something. Despite creating numerous spatial gates, I don't feel fatigued at all. Is this what I think it is?' Shun thought as he tried to pry into the secrets behind the creation of this little world.


Returning to reality, the candidates stood victorious, their teamwork and adaptability only known to themselves and the people watching them.

The proctor on the podium, a hint of pride in his eyes. "You've demonstrated exceptional adaptability and teamwork. You faced every challenge head-on and found innovative solutions. Remember, a true ninja isn't just powerful – they're resourceful and quick-witted."

"In your Journey as a Ninja, you'll be faced with insurmountable obstacles. But nothing is ever insurmountable. You just need a new outlook. Whether from your perspective or from the perspective of others."

"And that... Is where trust Is needed. Dismissed."

After saying that, he disappeared with a gust of wind as Sakura petals flew about the area he once stood.

The participants seemed to realize that what the proctor said Actually made sense while some already knew that and just stood up and left the hall.

As for Shun and his friends, they went out to enjoy the beautiful sun set that Hanagakure had to offer.


The sun rose over Hanagakure on the final day of the Jounin Promotion Exam. Shun and his fellow chunin candidates gathered for the ultimate test of their leadership and teamwork skills.

Divided into teams, each comprising a diverse set of abilities, they were assigned a complex mission with numerous objectives.

Shun found himself leading a team that consisted of the Kimizu and Kitsume along with chunin candidates from other villages.

Shun's teams' mission involved infiltrating an enemy compound to retrieve valuable intel.

Shun didn't need to be told twice how missions like this actually went. This wasn't his first mission actually, but in this life, it was his first ever.

This went a long way to show how much was expected of him.

Without wasting much time, he planned out the entire mission while putting together a plan with all his current information.

Each member of his team had unique skills which were crucial for different phases of the operation. Kimizu's ability to create sound based illusions and distractions was invaluable for sneaking past guards, while Kitsume's Genjutsu prowess provided a means to confuse adversaries.

Shun's leadership shone as he assessed each member's strengths and allocated tasks accordingly. He delegated responsibilities while keeping the team's overall objective in mind.

His decisive decision-making propelled the mission forward, earning him the respect of his teammates as well as those watching.


"I can't believe this is actually his first mission." One grumpy old voice said from within a dark room.

"There's a lot you don't know about our genius, old man Ohnoki. You should, however, pay attention to your Chunin." A soft middle aged voice said with a small laugh from beside him.

"Humph, of course I'm paying attention to them. What? You think only your Village has geniuses?"

"Of course not... Konohagakure has a few actually." The other party replied.


"Hahaha, he's right you know, Fence Sitter Ohnoki, your Village hasn't actually produced a genius since you took office." Another old man said from beside the middle aged man.

"Heh, at least we let the ones we have blossom even if they don't end up becoming more than that." Ohnoki sneered. "Your Village however, finds a way of making them disappear."

"Hahaha, they all had a large part to play in creating the Konoha we have now." Hiruzen, the third Hokage said, un-provoked by the other man's words.

While these two were bickering, the Raikage and Kazekage had their eyes trained on the screen. As for who their focus was, it was none other than Shun.

Ay wouldn't forget the kid that made him feel shocked for the first time since his self proclaimed rival died.

If the kid could move that fast as a kid... How fast would he be now he's grown? (A/N: Once you graduate, you're basically an adult in this world's standards. Just saying.)


Meanwhile, Shun and his team had reached their designated area of interest, however, the mission took an unexpected turn when they encountered an unexpected enemy force.

The enemy had anticipated their arrival and set a trap. Chaos erupted as Shun's team found themselves surrounded. The evaluators closely observed how each leader handled the dire situation.

Those enemies they had encountered were actually death row rogue Ninjas. They had been given the choice of: "Stop the Chunins and get your amnesty or fail and either be killed by them, or return to prison." (A/N: Took inspiration from the Hunter's Exams... HXH.)

Shun remained composed, his mind accelerating as he analyzed the situation. He swiftly formulated a counter strategy, directing his team to use a combination of sound-based distractions and Genjutsu illusions to disorient the enemy.

Meanwhile, he used his teleportation to create openings and opportunities for his team members to strike.

The battle was intense, but Shun's team fought with cohesion and unity. They adjusted their tactics on the fly, adapting to the enemy's movements and coordinating their efforts flawlessly.

Shun's leadership was the linchpin that held the team together, guiding them through the chaotic battle with a calm and resolute demeanor.

As the dust settled and the enemy was defeated, the mission was quickly completed without much problems.

Returning to the exam center, the proctor approached the teams to announce the end of the trial. All the teams actually passed, but their methods were left to the evaluators to evaluate.

Shun's team emerged victorious, their teamwork and adaptability securing their success.

The various Chunin were left in the hall as they weren't told what to do afterwards. They didn't have anything to do, and coupled with the fatigue from the earlier test, they all decided to stay awhile in the hall.


A cloud of smoke appeared in the room alerting all the Chunins.

"Ah. It's good you're all still here..."
