Chapter 155

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Title: Jounin Exams 4


"Ah. It's good you're all still here..." A soft and calming voice sounded from within the smoke. "I am... my name isn't important. I am simply here on order of the Hanakage.

The owner of the voice said as the smoke gradually dissipated. The lady who appeared was a relatively beautiful lady with a cold aura around her that left all the Chunin frozen except a few.

"I've been told to pass on a message to you all: You all aren't really satisfied with the exams right? You didn't get to fight against the Geniuses of the other villages and you're unsatisfied right? Then fear not. For there would be a tournament in a week's time. You'll have the opportunity to fight each and everyone of the participants in this room present..."

As she finished she looked at everyone in the room without a change in her expression. After making sure there weren't any questions for her, she closed her eyes and said. "Well then." and disappeared as ice petals floated and dissipated where she stood.

"That was... awkward." Kitsume whispered to Shun whose lips were twitching.

"It sure was." Shun said and then sighed a few moments later. "Well, I expected something like this. When it wasn't in the three trials, I thought something was wrong."

"What? You expected us to fight?" Kimizu asked in shock.

"Well of course. What kind of promotion exams would it be if we didn't fight against each other?" Shun asked as if it was the supposed procedure.

"The Normal type of promotion exams?" Kimizu asked while rolling her eyes.

"Heh. That only applies to the academy graduation exam, my little siren." Shun said while rubbing the cute girl's head. "Now then, I sure hope you three are prepared to fight me... Coz I won't be holding back."

"Three?" Kimizu asked.

"Yup. Itachi who's eavesdropping over there." Shun pointed to his back where the Genius Uchiha flinched before putting on his stoic facade.

"Hehe." Kimizu laughed seeing that before turning serious the next moment. "I'll also be giving it my all, Shun. I'll show you how much I've grown."

"Umu. As you should. A student should surpass their masters at one point in time..." Shun said and then looked at her for a few seconds before saying. "In the sound department."

"Of course I will." Kimizu beamed. Despite understanding what Shun meant, she wasn't sad, instead, she was glad he believed she was better than him in something.

"How about you Kit-chan?"

"Stop calling me that!" Kitsume shouted in a low voice with her face all red.

"Sure thing Kit-chan."

"Humph. I'll be sure to beat that into your head a week from now!" She said and stood up with a huff before stumping out of the room.

"Hahaha." Shun and Kimizu laughed before Shun turned to look at the Konoha group. "I hope to see how much you've grown over the years Itachi-chan." Shun smirked before disappearing and appearing where the Kumogakure group were.

To be more specific, he appeared squatting in front of their blonde haired kunoichi... Yugito.

"Yo!" He greeted with a toothy smile.

Shun's POV.

As soon as I appeared and greeted the trio of Yugito, Samui and one guy I had no idea about, they all went on full alert which I also didn't care about.

Other than Yugito, I had no business with the other two. They couldn't even hurt me if they tried. Even Yugito, other than the fact that she has my little sister in her, I wouldn't even have bothered to greet her.

I fixed my gaze on her..well, my gaze behind the blindfold with my smile not even faltering for a second.

"You must be the carrier of the two tailed beast. It's an honor." I said to the girl who's chakra seemed to spike as I said that. "Oh, c'mon. It wasn't really much of a secret you know."

"This guy beside you is no Chunin. Probably sent to protect you...I wonder why." I said as I looked disdainfully at the man. Looking at Samui, "You on the other hand. You're interesting."

"Who are you? And what do you want?" Yugito asked in a mean voice.

"Aww, look at her being all feisty." I chuckled. "Don't worry yourself too much though. I come in peace. As for my name... Shun, Tengoku Shun."

"I see. I'm going to assume you already know my name then?"

"Of course. Yugito Nii. Unfortunate little girl of Kumo. Forced to become the carrier of one of the most beautiful creatures of this world at an infantile age." I said and the three tensed up again.

"Calm yourselves. I said I came in peace. You three must not have many friends right?" I asked. Smiling at Yugito. "Yours is a different case altogether but them..?"

"You still haven't answered my question."

"And what might that be?"

"What do you want?"

"Oh that? Nothing. Nothing at all. I just felt like we should know eachother. You know. As fellow future powerhouses." I said with a smug smile.

"Forgive me but I have no time to entertain your childish impulses." Yugito said and made to stand up but I placed my finger on her forehead in a flash, causing her to be unable to move.

"Wha-What are you doing?" She asked in a stuttering voice at her inability to move.

"Oh. Nothing. I just don't like being walked out on." I said, however, my smile fell for a second before I made it wider again. "I have a history with your Raikage. Next time you meet him, ask about me. Just don't try to do that the next time we meet."

Removing my finger, I stood up and looked down on them three. "Well then." and disappeared.

"Let's go." I said as I arrived beside the six other Chunin waiting for me. (Itachi, Yugao, Takeshi, the medic girl, Kimizu and Kitsume.)

"Why'd you do that Shun?" Itachi couldn't resist asking to which I smiled. "I was just getting to know a potential powerhouse." Itachi seemed to get it and looked back at Yugito with a serious expression.

"Potential powerhouse? What's that?" Yugao asked.

"Well... People who have the potential to reach the level of the First Generation Kages." I replied, which seemed to shock three out of the six people with us.

"That's impossible." Takeshi blurted out.

"Yeah..." I answered and didn't dwell on the subject again. People like him were the ones who would definitely be content with being at a certain level. The potential Canon fodder in the war to come.

"Anyways, I really do look forward to fighting with each of you. Hopefully, you'll be able to give me a fight to remember." I told the girl beside me and Itachi who also smiled.

"Arrogant much?" Yugao teased to which I merely chuckled. I knew she was joking. If Takeshi had said that, I would've simply ignored him.

"Oh yeah, I am now able to open portals within my Domain. I can also move living things within it as well as destroy and manipulate the vectors within."

"Vectors?" Yugao and the Medic nin whom I haven't been interested in knowing her name asked at the same time while Kimizu, Itachi and Kitsume simply nodded with hard looks on their faces.

"Eh? It's a long story. I can't explain it. Ask Itachi-kun to do that. Just make sure you give your all if you meet me in the fights a week from now. Gotta go." Saying that, I teleported to a dark room.


General POV.

Watching the 12 year old boy disappear from their sight left the group from Konoha stumped, safe for Itachi. Kimizu and Kitsume took that as their queue to leave and did so.

Itachi, who wasn't affected by Shun's teleportation, simply continued walking until he realized he was walking alone. "Guys?"

"Ah." They all reacted.

"What was that? He was too fast." Takeshi and Yugao said while the Medic nin just nodded.

"Oh, that's his teleportation Jutsu."

"Teleportation Jutsu? Like the fourth Hokage?"

"Hmm. Similar to it I think. I haven't really seen the Fourth use it so I wouldn't know."

"But he didn't even leave a flash..." Takeshi muttered.

"Hey, Itachi. What's this vector he was talking about?" Yugao asked.

Itachi rubbed his forehead and tried to remember what he had understood from his studies of vectors. "They... They're like laws...laws that govern the world...I guess?"

"Why are you asking us? We don't know, that's why we're asking you."

"Well, even if you ask me, I still wouldn't know. I just know that, if you can't identify his weakness, you'll never be able to defeat him if he doesn't want to be defeated. That's why he calls himself a genius and no one refutes him." Itachi said with a wry smile.

"Then why does it sound like he expects something from us?"

"Not us, just me, Kimizu and Kitsume. You three, forgive me for this, but you stand no chance against him."

Surprisingly, the three weren't affected by this and simply kept looking at Itachi. "Sigh. He's that strong?" Takeshi asked with a glint in his eyes.


"Then why does he expect you three to give him a good fight?"

"Because apparently, our unique abilities are able to reject certain abilities of his. We just need to identify how much more of his ability we can restrain." Itachi said.

"Really? Even those two girls?" Takeshi asked.

"Yeah. You may have felt it yesterday after the first test. But that Violin of hers is chakra inductive, whatever music she plays from it has whatever effects she has in mind." Itachi said with a thoughtful expression. "And Kitsume, her Ketsuryugan enables her to manipulate blood...or anything with enough iron content. So don't let her touch you..."

"But she's a Taijutsu specialist."

"My point exactly. The moment she seeps her chakra into yours, you've already lost."


"What monsters."


The three all had different reactions.

"I know." Itachi nodded with his usually calm expression.

"And the funny thing is that you're also a part of this. What is your own special ability?" Takeshi asked.

Itachi looked at him and said, "Takeshi-senpai, you'd just have to wait and see."

"I suppose." Takeshi smiled and nodded, but something about his smile felt different.


Shun's POV.

"I really am getting too overpowered." That was the first thing I thought as I entered my little dimension.

Yup. I've created another dimension similar to the one from centuries ago. However, this one is different as I created it inside the Shadow Dimension, hence the total darkness.

With everything I know right now, thinking that any random Dimension is safe would be me being stupid.

The Otsustsuki can pry into any and all dimensions, no matter where it is... As for when.. that's something I wasn't so sure about.

Time didn't really flow in the shadow dimension so I was safe here. As for how I was able to make time in my dimension... Sigh... I'm just too overpowered.

Just when I thought that vector manipulation was the limit my human brain could achieve... I was able to gleam into Mathematical Manipulation.

In case you were wondering... Science Manipulation is the God, Mathematics Manipulation is the Demi God and the Vector Manipulation is the Peak Human.

With Science Manipulation, one can simply create matter. With Mathematics Manipulation, one can simply distort space and time and with vector manipulation, one can simply alter the law of the world.

(A/N: By laws I mean the laws of Physics. Don't forget these Laws don't really apply in space. But mathematical laws do.)

Anyways. I really need to stop myself from thinking too much. As someone with a soul quality such as mine. Thinking too much would lead to many 'What ifs'. And too many 'What ifs' would lead to 'lemme try this' and from there... BOOM! A new ability.

Sigh. I guess stopping time for me here for a week would be the best option. I really do pity those guys a week from now.


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