Chapter 156

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Title: Jounin Exams 5


The sun hung high in the sky, casting a brilliant glow over the Hidden Village's expansive stadium. It was the day everyone had been waiting for—the final part of the Jounin exams.

The air was electric with anticipation as spectators from all corners of the shinobi world filled the grandstands. Banners and flags from various villages fluttered in the wind, a colorful testament to the unity forged by the spectacle.

The stadium was a masterpiece of engineering, capable of housing thousands. Seated closely together, the audience created a scene of excitement, their faces a mix of curiosity and admiration.

Ninjas of all ranks and ages were present, their attire representing the diversity of the shinobi world. Some wore the traditional attire of their respective villages, while others sported other clothing that incorporated their clan symbols.

As the stands buzzed with conversation, vendors circulated through the crowd, offering a range of snacks and beverages. The scent of roasted nuts, skewered meats, and freshly baked pastries wafted through the air, adding to the festive atmosphere.

In one corner of the arena, a sophisticated betting platform had been set up, complete with screens displaying real-time statistics, odds, and information about the competing teams.

People clutched their tickets, eyes glued to the screens as they debated where to place their bets.

It was known that all the participants would be fighting against each other so they had a lot of options to pick from.. 17 to be exact.

Every participant is expected to fight at least 17 matches with the one with the least number of defeats being the winner.

This way they can all experience the beauty of fighting against different people with different fighting styles and techniques.


In a well decorated platform at the very top of the stadium, five out of six Kages sat with their respective guards standing behind them...all Except the Hanakage.

"You managed to create one amazing spectacle, Hanakage-dono." One for the Kages with a cap that had the symbol of fire boldly written on it said with a smile.

"But of course. There is a need for something like this every once in a while. After all, the numerous wars have eaten away most of our joys." The Hanakage said with a happy smile while also eyeing the betting platform with an even brighter smile.

"As expected of the richest country in the world. Being able to organize something as large as this must have cost a lot." Another Kage with the symbol of earth said.

"I appreciate the concern Tsuchikage-dono, but as you said, we are rich enough to make this happen."

"Humph. All these could be used for something more productive." He said grumpily.

"Heh, like what? Creating more hot headed idiots to die in some stupid war?" The previously silent Raikage couldn't help but taunt.

The Tsuchikage simply shook his head. "The young ones these days have no respect for their elders. How I pity your generation."

"Says the man still clinging on to his pitiful life." Raikage sneered at the man and in an instant, the pressure emitting from the two became so suffocating that the Jounins guarding them couldn't help going pale in cold sweat.

Even the ever stoic Kakashi had his Sharingan open in case of any altercation.

"Guys. Guys. You all should behave yourselves now. We wouldn't want the whole world thinking you want to wage war on us, now would you?" Keshiro's calm voice broke the atmosphere as everyone looked at him.

He still wore his calm and happy smile as though the chakra emitting from two Kages didn't faze him at all.

"You overestimate yourself boy. With the might of our four villages, attacking this village and conquering it would be child's play." Ohnoki spat in a fit of anger causing the room to turn eerie silent.

Other than the fact that Ohnoki called the Hanakage boy, he also blatantly threatened him in his own village. They all looked to see how he would react.

Keshiro on the other hand, simply raised an eyebrow at the comment. Not because he was called 'boy'... After all, compared to Ohnoki, he really was a boy

One had to know that Ohnoki and Hiruzen were of the same generation. He and Tsunade were also of the same Generation, meaning that he really was of the younger generation.

"Hahahaha. Surely you jest old man. There's no way that will happen." Keshiro simply said while waving his hand.

"Oh? Who's to say? You don't even have guards to rely on." Ohnoki pressed.

"You'll make me look down on you old man..." Keshiro shook his head. "Why will I need a guard when I myself am the guard?" Saying that, he scoffed and looked outside the room. "Ah, seems like my little sister has arrived. Forgive me."

After that, he stood and left the room.

The atmosphere in the room remained palpable after he left. What he, the Hanakage, had just said seemed like a joke at best, and a boast of his might at worst.

Anyways, it sounded arrogant to everyone in the room. Yet for some reason, some of the Kages felt offended while the Jounins felt surreal.

'Why will I need a guard when I myself am the guard?'

It was a simple question yet it left a deep impression on them all.

"Hahaha. What an impressive young man. Truly, the younger generation will surpass the old. It's a pity not all of them are like that." Hiruzen said with a sagely laugh while stroking his beard.

As for Kakashi who was standing behind him with another young man, he felt that for some reason, this man reminded him of that annoying brat.

'Maybe Shun picked his arrogance from him?' he thought, but that question would forever remain unanswered.


In a corner of the bustling stadium, the air was thick with anticipation as the crowd roared in excitement. Banners fluttered in the wind, displaying the names of different shinobi competing in the grand event.

Tsunade Senju, a vibrant woman with her blonde hair tied in a loose bun, stood at the center of a small group, her animated gestures catching everyone's attention.

"Come on, Kawaki! Don't tell me you're not placing a bet on this one!" Tsunade's boisterous laughter echoed as she leaned against the betting counter, her gaze locked onto the fighting arena.

Keshiro, dressed in intricate Kage robes, approached Tsunade with a knowing smile. "Tsunade, always the enthusiastic gambler, I see. But before we get into that, I'd like to formally welcome you and your companions to Hanagakure."

Tsunade's eyes widened as she turned to face Keshiro. "Well, well, Keshiro! You've certainly come a long way from our days as troublemaking kids. It's good to see you're still the same old friend though." She chuckled, her eyes twinkling.

Beside Tsunade, Shizune, a loyal and patient woman, nodded with a smile. "Congratulations on becoming Kage, Keshiro. It's well-deserved."

Keshiro nodded in gratitude. "Thank you, Shizune. Now, as for the bets, I'll admit I'm not much of a gambler myself, but I'll gladly watch you enjoy the thrill."

Tsunade's laughter resonated as she slapped Keshiro's back playfully. "That's the spirit! Now, which one of these fights looks like the juiciest?"

As Tsunade and Keshiro discussed potential bets, a figure quietly stood at Tsunade's side, a grown-up Kawaki. His stoic demeanor contrasted with the excitement of the crowd. His arms were crossed, and his gaze remained focused on the arena, betraying nothing of his thoughts.

Amidst the chatter and laughter, the cheers of the crowd grew louder as the first match commenced. Tsunade placed her bets with an infectious enthusiasm, her laughter resonating through the stadium.

The atmosphere was electric, a mixture of camaraderie, competition, and the thrill of gambling.

As the battle unfolded, Tsunade's boisterous cheers filled the air, while Keshiro and the others watched with amused expressions.

In the midst of it all, the bond between old friends remained unbreakable, even in the face of their differing approaches to the event.


Meanwhile, in the Kage booth, another Keshiro re-entered and sat down on his chair without sparing a glance at any of the Kages.

The noise in the stadium gradually died down as another Keshiro walked into the stadium. The calmness only remained for a second before the noise came back many times stronger than before at the sight of their Kage.

Keshiro allowed the crowd to shout for a while before raising his hand to quieten the crowd, and as expected, they all fell silent.

"Today marks a pivotal moment in the history of our great villages. As Hanakage, I stand before you not only as a leader, but as a guardian of the ideals that have forged our land's strength."

"The journey that brought you here has been one of perseverance, skill, and unwavering dedication."

"The Jounin exams are not merely a test of power, but a testament to the unity that binds our villages together. They remind us that despite our unique backgrounds and allegiances, we share a common purpose – the pursuit of harmony and protection for our lands. Through these trials, we reaffirm our commitment to nurturing both individual prowess and collective harmony."

"In this arena, you stand not only as representatives of your villages, but as ambassadors of a greater legacy. The diversity of skills and talents you bring to this competition reflects the beauty of our land's multifaceted strength."

"As you face each other in these challenges, remember that your actions echo beyond these lands."

"The bonds you form and the lessons you learn during these exams will ripple through our villages for generations to come. They will become the foundation upon which future alliances are built and shared values are strengthened."

"As you clash and collaborate, may you never forget that the spirit of cooperation and mutual respect is the very essence of these exams."

"So, embrace this final test with honor and humility. Your journey thus far has been a testament to your abilities, but the road ahead is a shared path."

"As you step into the arena, remember that the purpose behind this competition is to forge unbreakable bonds, inspire greatness, and protect the harmony that our villages hold dear."

"May your actions today reflect the unity and strength that make our villages shine. Good luck. The future of our lands rests in your capable hands."

Saying that he turned and walked out of the arena amidst the shouts of praise and admiration from the crowd.


"You wouldn't happen to be a clone would you?" Rasa, the current Kazekage, couldn't help but ask the sitted Keshiro.

"Surely you jest Kazekage-dono, I wouldn't be that disrespectful." Keshiro said and cut his fingers to show a drop of blood.

"I see." The Kazekage nodded while the other Kages looked better for some reason.


In the arena after the Hanakage's speech a screen by the side of the arena showed the names of two Chunins: Kaori Akimichi Vs Hisoka Raikiri.

'Oh? So that's their names. Weird.' Shun thought as he left the arena.


In the bustling arena of the Hidden Flower Village, the crowd gathered in anticipation for a showdown between two shinobi: Kaori Akimichi and Hisoka Raikiri. The sun beat down on the sandy arena as the two opponents faced each other.

Hisoka cracked his knuckles, a confident smirk playing on his lips. "You're in for quite a challenge, Akimichi. Let's see if you can keep up."

Kaori stood her ground, her expression determined. She knew her Akimichi techniques weren't at their prime, but her medical training had given her an edge. She formed a series of hand signs, focusing her chakra. "Let's do this."

The referee signaled the start, and the battle began.

Hisoka lunged forward, his movements swift and calculated. He unleashed a barrage of lightning-fast strikes, each aimed with precision. Kaori's eyes narrowed as she managed to block and dodge some of the attacks, using her limited Akimichi strength to counter.

She took a deep breath, assessing the situation. Her medical knowledge kicked in, allowing her to exploit Hisoka's openings. With a sudden burst of speed, she closed the distance between them and delivered a series of quick, precise strikes to Hisoka's pressure points, temporarily paralyzing his limbs.

Hisoka's smirk faltered as he struggled to move. He channeled his chakra, attempting to break free from Kaori's hold. She took this opportunity to create some distance and quickly formed hand signs, her medical chakra mixing with her Akimichi techniques.

With a mighty roar, Kaori's form began to change, but it was clear that the transformation wasn't as perfect as it should have been. Her limbs grew larger, but the proportions were off, affecting her balance and agility.

Hisoka's eyes gleamed with realization as he spotted the flaw in Kaori's transformation. He managed to regain control of his limbs just in time to evade her somewhat clumsy attacks. He weaved through her strikes, landing a solid hit on her side.

Despite the setback, Kaori gritted her teeth and pressed on. She focused on her medical abilities, using her knowledge to heal her injuries as she fought. Her attacks became more calculated, aiming for Hisoka's vulnerable points.

The battle raged on, both shinobi giving their all. Hisoka's speed and precision were unmatched, but Kaori's determination and ingenuity kept her in the game. The crowd watched in awe as the two clashed, their strengths and weaknesses on full display.

As the battle piqued, the arena was filled with tension. Kaori's stamina was waning, but she refused to give up. With one final surge of chakra, she managed to execute a makeshift version of the Akimichi Butterfly Mode, increasing her power and agility temporarily.

Hisoka's eyes widened as Kaori's movements became more fluid and powerful. He struggled to keep up with her enhanced speed and strength. Kaori seized the opportunity and unleashed a barrage of strikes, landing a solid blow that sent Hisoka crashing to the ground.

Breathing heavily, Kaori stood over her fallen opponent, her chest heaving. The crowd erupted in cheers, impressed by her determination and resourcefulness. Despite her defective Akimichi technique, Kaori had proven that with her medical prowess and unwavering spirit, she was a force to be reckoned with.

The referee raised Kaori's hand in victory, and she looked down at Hisoka with a mixture of exhaustion and respect before turning and leaving the arena.


2.4k words. I'm really getting tired. I'll see what I can do before the day runs out.

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