Chapter 157

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Title: Jounin Exams 6


Next Match: Yugito Nii vs Aiko Yura.

Walking out of the arena amidst the ovation created by the crowd, Kaori couldn't help smiling proudly, but remembering that she had to face 16 such battles her face turned pensive.

How was she supposed to recover before her next battle?

The answer came as three people, a man and two women dressed in familiar Medical uniforms. The man sized her up and said. "Follow us."

Without waiting for her to answer, he turned and left. Kaori looked dumbfounded at the man but seeing the two women still waiting for her, she shook her head and followed

She followed the trio, or rather the man as the women followed behind her. After a series of twists and turns, she was brought to a room with several devices that looked like a pod lying around.

"The Chakra-Revive Meditech System." The man introduced. "A device that will bring you to full health in minutes. It'll also enhance your exhausted cells, improving your physique depending on how much stress is placed in them."

"The ChakraRevive Meditech System?" Kaori couldn't help but ask. She understood what the man was saying but that was impossible based on what she knew.

She looked at the machine in awe as well as doubts. "It's not in your place to doubt. You're not qualified to do that yet. Now, get in." The man ordered and before she could even resist, the women began stripping her.

"Hey!" She tried to protest but she was too weak to do anything. After all, she had just exhausted herself earlier from the battle.


The arena was a marvel of design, shaped and crafted to resemble a dense forest, complete with towering trees, hidden clearings, and a meandering river.

Sunlight dappled through the leaves, casting intricate patterns on the ground. A gentle breeze rustled the foliage, carrying with it an air of anticipation.

This was the chosen battleground for an extraordinary clash between the two shinobi of vastly different backgrounds.

In one corner stood Yugito Nii, the formidable Chunin(Jounin) from Kumogakure. Her cat-like eyes gleamed with determination, framed by her fiery red hair that cascaded down her back.

The dark clouds etched on her cheeks seemed to mirror the raw power she held within. Opposite her, in the other corner, was Aiko Yura, a Chunin of Sunagakure.

Her eyes held a mix of nervousness and resolve, her sandy blonde hair cascading in waves over her shoulders. Though an ordinary Chunin, Aiko's courage burned brightly.

The match began with a tense silence, broken only by the sound of leaves rustling in the wind. Suddenly, Yugito's body blurred, and she vanished into thin air using the Body Flicker Technique. Aiko's eyes widened as Yugito appeared before her in a blink of an eye, her fist encased in a swirling orb of lightning-infused chakra.

"Raiton: Lightning Strike!"

Yugito's voice echoed as her fist connected with Aiko's shoulder, sending a surge of electricity coursing through her body.

Aiko gritted her teeth, feeling the shockwave travel through her. She reacted swiftly, performing a series of hand seals.

"Futon: Wind Wall!"

Aiko exhaled a gust of wind that formed a protective barrier around her, deflecting the electric strike away. Seizing the opportunity, Aiko thrust her hand into the ground, causing the earth beneath Yugito to erupt in a cascade of sand. Yugito gracefully leapt into the air, evading the sand trap.

With a smirk, Yugito extended her hand towards the sky.

"Raiton: Thunder Roar!"

Gathering chakra into her palm, she released a powerful lightning bolt that streaked across the sky and crashed down towards Aiko. Aiko's eyes widened as she leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the electric blast that scorched the ground where she had stood.

Aiko's determination burned hotter as she drew upon the chakra within her. Forming the necessary seals, she called upon the desert winds to her aid.

"Futon: Sandstorm Assault!" Aiko exhaled a powerful gust of wind infused with a swirling vortex of sand. The sandstorm engulfed Yugito, making it difficult for her to see and move.

However, Yugito's reflexes were lightning-fast. She formed a series of hand seals and unleashed a torrent of lightning chakra that dispersed the sandstorm.

Now standing in the aftermath of their clashing techniques, both shinobi exchanged glances filled with respect. Yugito's lips curled into a smile. "You've got potential, Aiko."

Aiko's eyes glinted with determination. "Thank you, Yugito-san. But I'm not done yet."

Aiko's chakra surged as she performed a series of complex hand seals.

"Katon: Desert Inferno!" Flames erupted from her mouth, forming a fierce wall of fire that hurtled towards Yugito. Yugito's eyes narrowed as she channeled her chakra once more.

"Raiton: Lightning Armor!" She coated her body in an electric aura, using it to repel the flames and protect herself from the scorching heat.

Yugito's eyes flashed with lightning as she gathered her strength.

"Raiton: Thunderclap Fist!"

Her fist crackled with electricity as she charged at Aiko, striking with incredible speed. Aiko's sand-infused defenses crumbled under the force of the attack, and she was sent flying through the air.

With a grunt, she managed to regain her footing, her sand cushioning her fall.

Dusting herself off, Aiko glanced up at Yugito, a determined smile on her face. "I won't back down." She knew well enough that Yugito was a Jinchuriki, yet, she was determined to give her all in this fight.

Yugito chuckled softly, impressed by Aiko's resilience. "Very well, Aiko. Let's end this."

With a nod of agreement, both shinobi gathered their chakra for one final clash. Aiko's hand glowed with a mixture of wind and sand, while Yugito's entire form crackled with electrifying power. In an explosive moment, they charged towards each other, their techniques colliding in a blaze of sand and lightning.

The resulting explosion shook the forest-like arena, sending leaves and debris flying in all directions. When the dust settled, only one figure remained standing, breathing heavily. Yugito's body was scorched and her clothing tattered, but she stood victorious.

Aiko lay on the ground, her strength spent. Despite her defeat, a proud smile graced her lips. "I... gave it my all."

Yugito approached Aiko with a hand extended. "You fought valiantly, Aiko. You've earned my respect."

Aiko accepted Yugito's hand and pulled herself to her feet, the fire in her eyes still burning. "Thank you, Yugito-san. This battle was an honor."

As they exited the arena, the leaves whispered tales of their clash—a battle between the lightning of the clouds and the sands of the desert—a testament to the indomitable spirit of shinobi from different villages, bound by a shared love for the art of combat.


While they both left the arena, the proctor didn't know what to do as he hadn't really declared Yugito the winner, however, he knew not to do anything stupid and just ushered in the next fighters.

Takeshi vs Samui

Meanwhile, both Yugito and Aiko were met with the same treatment as Kaori from earlier, however their reaction to the healing machine wasn't as exaggerated as Kaori's


The arena was abuzz with excitement as Jounin promotion exams continued. The battleground, a vast arena with rocky terrain, witnessed a confrontation between two skilled Chunins.

The rocky ground trembled underfoot as Takeshi, a Chunin hailing from Konohagakure, tightened the grip on his kunai. Across from him, Samui, a Chunin of Kumogakure, stood with an air of confidence.

Takeshi's eyes narrowed as he assessed his opponent. Samui was known for her lightning-fast reflexes and mastery of Raiton jutsu. Takeshi knew he couldn't afford to underestimate her. The wind ruffled his hair as he crouched, ready to spring into action.

"Ready?" Samui's voice cut through the tense silence.

Takeshi's response was a determined nod. With a sudden burst of speed, he charged forward, kunai flashing in the sunlight. Samui's eyes glinted as she sidestepped gracefully, narrowly evading the attack.

In an instant, she retaliated, her fingers crackling with electricity. A bolt of lightning shot towards Takeshi, who reacted just in time to erect a makeshift earth barrier, absorbing the impact.

"Not bad," Samui remarked, her lips curling into a half-smile.

Takeshi's mind raced as he considered his options. He needed a plan, a way to catch Samui off-guard. He focused his chakra, feeling it surge through his veins. With a deep breath, he unleashed a gust of wind, kicking up a cloud of dust and debris. Blinded by the chaos, Samui's lightning-fast reflexes were momentarily dulled.

Seizing the opportunity, Takeshi dashed forward, a whirlwind of movement. His fist connected with Samui's shoulder, but the impact was softened as she swiftly sidestepped, her Raiton-infused agility saving her from a direct blow.

A surge of electricity crackled from her palm, aiming for Takeshi's chest. He twisted and ducked, narrowly avoiding the lethal jolt.

Regaining her composure, Samui pressed her attack. Her hands formed a series of intricate seals, and suddenly, a cascade of lightning bolts rained down upon Takeshi.

He leaped and weaved, the sparks grazing his skin as he evaded each deadly strike. Gritting his teeth, Takeshi knew he needed to turn the tide of battle in his favor.

Drawing upon his Chakra, he slammed his palm against the rocky ground. The earth quaked beneath him, and before Samui could react, jagged spikes of stone erupted from the ground, threatening to impale her. She somersaulted backward, her eyes flashing with a mixture of surprise and admiration.

"That's an impressive Doton jutsu," she acknowledged, her tone laced with respect.

Takeshi's chest heaved as he wiped sweat from his brow. He wasn't about to let up now. His fingers danced through seals, channeling his chakra once more. With a powerful exhale, he exhaled a torrent of flames, creating a wall of fire that surged toward Samui.

Samui's eyes glinted with determination as she met the challenge head-on. Her hands blurring in motion, she created a swirling vortex of wind that swiftly extinguished the flames.

Without missing a beat, she launched herself toward Takeshi, her fists crackling with Raiton energy. The air seemed to hum with electricity as she aimed a devastating punch at his abdomen.

Takeshi's body reacted on instinct, and he twisted aside just in time to avoid the full brunt of the attack. However, a searing pain shot through his side as the electric charge grazed his skin. Gritting his teeth, he counterattacked with a barrage of shuriken, aiming to keep Samui on the defensive.

Samui's eyes gleamed with determination as she deflected the projectiles with a flurry of well-timed strikes. She leaped backward, her feet skimming the rocky ground as she prepared for her next move. With a series of rapid hand signs, she summoned a surge of electricity around her body, forming a protective shield that crackled with energy.

Takeshi knew he had to break through that defense. Drawing deeply from his well of chakra, he focused his energy into his fists. His skin glowed with an ethereal blue light as he lunged forward, striking the shield with a powerful punch. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, and cracks began to form in Samui's electric barrier.

With a final burst of determination, Takeshi unleashed his ultimate technique, the "Elemental Quake Fist." His fist smashed through the weakened barrier, connecting solidly with Samui's chest.

Electricity danced around them as the impact sent her hurtling backward. She crashed into a boulder, the force of the blow leaving her momentarily stunned.

Takeshi stood panting, his knuckles scraped and bloodied. The arena fell silent as all eyes turned to Samui, who slowly rose to her feet, her gaze never leaving Takeshi. Despite the pain and exhaustion, a smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

"Well fought," she admitted, her voice tinged with both admiration and defeat. Despite her calm facade, all her earlier techniques were all chakra consuming.

She had Initially thought of ending the battle as soon as possible, but she didn't count on his battle experience being higher than hers.

Takeshi's chest heaved as he nodded, a mixture of relief and exhilaration washing over him. The crowd erupted into cheers as the realization dawned on them: Takeshi, an ordinary civilian Chunin, had emerged victorious in a battle of extraordinary skill and determination.

As the cheers echoed through the arena, Takeshi extended a hand to Samui, offering her a gesture of camaraderie. She accepted it with a grin, acknowledging their hard-fought battle.


"That Samui girl is Jounin material." Keshiro suddenly spoke in the silent room.

"Huh? Hanakage-dono, you can't be serious right? She couldn't even defeat someone with lower chakra than hers." Ohnoki spoke in derision.

"Ah." Keshiro exclaimed. "Mind you, I'm saying this from the perspective of Hanagakure. All those Techniques she used all served their purpose. Her evasion were all exquisite with the minimum movement in-between. If not for that outburst at the end, her barrier wouldn't have been cracked."

"I agree with the Hanakage. I know for a fact that that last technique used by Takeshi is currently incomplete. He may have just used it in the spur of the moment. If not for that, he'd have lost." Hiruzen said while stroking his beard.

"The will of fire burns brightly in him." He concluded, causing the other Kages to sneer at that last sentence.

'The will of Fire my ass.' they all thought.


A/N: I tried my best.

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