Chapter 158

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Title: Jounin Exams 7


"What an interesting person." Shun muttered from the area they were assigned.

"What's that Shun?" Kimizu asked. Nothing was really hidden from her with her super hearing.

"Oh, it's that Takeshi. He has a technique similar to the Vibration Fist I was trying to teach you before."

"You mean that punch at the end of the fight?"

"Yeah. It has the same essence as the vibration fist, however, instead of internally causing damage, this does it externally and at a broader scale." Shun said with a rare smile.

"You're interested in him?"

"Hmm, he's Strong. As for how strong... we'll see." Shun said and stopped paying attention to the boy and woman walking out and looked at two entering the arena.

This would be a Clash of Blades as the fighters of this round were - Yugao vs. Kaida.

The arena this time was a unique creation, with its layout changing at random intervals, presenting both challenge and opportunity to the combatants.

The match promised to be an intense one, pitting the Kenjutsu mistress, Yugao, from Konohagakure, against the seemingly ordinary Chunin from Sunagakure, Kaida Subaku.

As the two shinobi faced each other from opposite ends of the ever-shifting battlefield, the tension was palpable. Yugao, brandished her twin chakra-infused blades, known as "Kiba."

She wore a focused expression, her dark eyes locked onto Kaida. Across from her stood Kaida, her eyes hidden behind the bangs of her crimson hair. Clad in her Sunagakure attire, she held a seemingly plain-looking short sword with an air of confidence.

With a nod from the referee, the battle began. Yugao moved first, her feet barely making a sound as she dashed forward with blinding speed.

Kaida's stance shifted subtly, her feet sinking into the sand beneath her. As Yugao swung her blades in a series of intricate arcs, Kaida's blade flickered with wind chakra, creating a barrier that deflected each strike with ease.

Yugao's strikes were relentless, each one delivered with precision and power, but Kaida's defensive maneuvers were equally masterful.

She weaved between the strikes, her sword gliding smoothly through the air as she parried and blocked Yugao's attacks. Their dance of steel and sand was mesmerizing, each movement a testament to their skill.

Yugao's frustration grew evident as her strikes failed to find purchase. With a sudden flourish, she unleashed her signature technique, "Slicing Moon Dance."

The blades hummed as they blurred in a whirlwind of slashes. Yet, Kaida remained composed. With a swift motion, she formed a seal, and the sand beneath her surged upward, forming a shield that absorbed the force of Yugao's assault.

Seizing the opening, Kaida retaliated with "Crimson Gale Strike." Her blade glowed with a vibrant red aura as she dashed forward, leaving a trail of afterimages. Yugao's eyes widened as she struggled to match Kaida's speed, her blades clashing against the crimson blade in a shower of sparks.

As the battle raged on, the arena shifted, morphing into a dense forest with towering trees. The change in terrain favored Yugao's close-quarters combat, and she pressed her advantage.

She executed a series of blindingly fast strikes, her blades seeming to multiply as she spun and twirled. Kaida adapted quickly, her blade a blur of motion as she countered each attack.

Their battle took them from the forest to a rocky terrain, then to a sandy dune, each shift forcing them to adjust their strategies. The crowd watched in awe as the two shinobi showcased their mastery over their respective techniques.

With the final arena transformation, they found themselves on a narrow bridge over a chasm. Yugao's eyes gleamed with determination, and she unleashed her ultimate technique, "Heavenly Moon Strike."

Her blades glowed with ethereal light as she struck with blinding speed, leaving trails of shimmering energy in her wake.

Kaida's breath quickened, her heart pounding as she defended against the onslaught. Gathering her strength, she channeled her chakra into her blade, infusing it with the power of her will.

With a mighty swing, she executed "Scarlet Sandstorm Slash." The wind roared, and a tempest of sand and wind chakra enveloped her blade, colliding with Yugao's attack in a cataclysmic clash.

The explosion of energy sent shockwaves through the arena, the force of their collision shaking the ground beneath them. When the dust settled, both combatants stood their ground, their blades locked in a stalemate. Sweat trickled down their brows, their breaths heavy as they strained against each other's strength.

In a final surge of determination, Kaida pushed forward with all her might. Yugao's defenses wavered, and with a resounding clash, Kaida's blade shattered Yugao's defenses, sending her stumbling back. The crowd held its breath as Kaida stood victorious, her blade at Yugao's throat.

The referee's voice rang out, declaring Kaida the winner of the battle. The crowd erupted in cheers, applauding both warriors for their incredible display of skill.

Yet, as the dust settled and the adrenaline faded, there was no camaraderie formed between them. Their eyes met one final time, a mix of respect and rivalry lingering in the air, before they turned and walked away from the battlefield.

And so, the clash of blades between Yugao and Kaida remained etched in the memories of those who witnessed it, a testament to the unyielding spirit of shinobi and the pursuit of mastery.


"Now that's something." Shun said aloud this time. His face was all smiles as he watched the red haired girl leave the arena. 'She isn't Uzumaki. That's for sure.' He thought.

He didn't feel the unique chakra he felt in clans he had a relationship with in her. She was just normal. And for someone so normal to have that color of hair, she should have her own story.

"Interesting." Shun my muttered.


"Kazekage-dono, you surely have a splendid kunoichi." Hiruzen praised sincerely after the duel finished. He knew of Yugao and knew that she was top five in the entire Konoha when it came to Kenjutsu.

For her to be defeated by someone he didn't know of... His interest was piqued. But as he was allied to the Sand, he had nothing but admiration for her.

"It's nothing Hokage-dono. Even I didn't know she was this strong." Rasa said with a mixture of pride, surprise and confusion. If he had known of this girl earlier on, he wouldn't have sent her here.

Now she was in the sight of all these men. Who knows when she'd be mysteriously assassinated.

"You have nothing to worry about Kazekage-dono. In Hanagakure, your safety is assured. Hers too." Keshiro said with a confident smile.

"And outside?"

Keshiro merely smiled and didn't say anything, causing the young Rasa to sigh.


Next fight Uchiha Itachi vs Jiro

The arena this time was unlike anything either of them had ever seen. Its design seemed to defy logic, with towering crystalline formations that glowed with an eerie light.

The ground beneath their feet was a shifting mosaic of shifting panels, each emitting a faint hum. Above them, a swirling vortex of mist created an unsettling atmosphere, shrouding their surroundings in mystery.

Uchiha Itachi stood at one end of the arena, his Sharingan eye locked onto his opponent. Opposite him was Jiro, a formidable Chunin from Iwagakure, his rugged demeanor a stark contrast to Itachi's composed presence.

The tension in the air was palpable as they prepared to engage in a battle that would test their skills to the limit.

"I've heard about you, Uchiha Itachi. Prepare yourself," Jiro's voice rang out, his tone dripping with confidence. "I'll show you the strength of Iwagakure!"

Itachi nodded calmly, his expression unreadable. "I won't underestimate you, Jiro. Let's begin."

With a blur of movement, Jiro dashed forward, his body enveloped in a thick layer of earth chakra. He slammed his palm into the ground, causing the panels beneath him to shift and morph into large earthen spikes that jutted out towards Itachi.

Itachi's Sharingan flashed, his keen perception allowing him to effortlessly predict the trajectory of the spikes. With a series of fluid movements, he weaved between them, his body twisting and contorting like a shadow. As he approached Jiro, he unleashed a barrage of kunai, each one aimed with pinpoint accuracy.

Jiro responded by forming hand seals, his chakra merging with the earth around him. The kunai struck the ground, but instead of piercing through, they were stopped by an invisible barrier of solid rock that Jiro had erected.

He grinned as he continued to manipulate the earth, causing pillars of stone to burst forth from the ground, threatening to trap Itachi.

Itachi's Sharingan spun, analyzing the flow of chakra within the earth. In an instant, he activated his Sharingan's Genjutsu, casting an illusion that made it appear as though he had been ensnared by the stone pillars.

Jiro's confident grin faltered for a split second, allowing Itachi to capitalize on the opening.

Itachi's form blurred as he moved at blinding speed, his kunai slicing through the air. Jiro's eyes widened as he barely managed to deflect the kunai with a hastily formed earth shield.

However, Itachi's true target was not Jiro himself, but the ground beneath him. With a precise strike, Itachi shattered the panels beneath Jiro's feet, causing him to lose his balance.

Jiro's eyes narrowed, his determination unwavering. He performed a series of hand seals, his chakra intertwining with the earth. The ground rumbled as massive stone arms erupted from the earth, their powerful fists hurtling towards Itachi.

Itachi's Sharingan blazed with intensity as he unleashed a torrent of shuriken, each one striking the stone arms with incredible force.

The impact shattered the arms into rubble, and Itachi seized the opportunity to close the distance between them. He launched himself into the air, performing a rapid series of hand seals.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" Itachi's voice echoed as he exhaled a stream of fireballs that streaked towards Jiro like meteors.

Jiro's earth manipulation was quick, but the fire proved too relentless to quell entirely. The flames seared through the barriers of stone, forcing Jiro to dodge and weave as the fireballs exploded around him.

Jiro's eyes flashed with determination as he formed one final hand seal. The ground beneath him erupted, and a colossal stone serpent burst forth, its jaws gaping wide.

With a surge of strength, Jiro propelled himself onto the serpent's back, using it as a platform to launch himself towards Itachi.

Itachi's Sharingan whirred as he analyzed the serpent's movements, his mind racing to anticipate Jiro's next move. With a swift motion, Itachi formed a single hand seal and vanished in a burst of speed, leaving behind a mere afterimage.

Jiro's attack connected with nothing but air, and before he could react, Itachi reappeared behind him.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" Itachi's voice was calm as he unleashed a powerful torrent of water that surged towards Jiro.

Caught off guard, Jiro barely managed to form an earth barrier in time, but the force of the water was relentless. It swept him off the serpent's back and sent him crashing into a crystalline formation.

As Jiro struggled to his feet, his breath ragged, Itachi's Sharingan blazed with intensity. With a swift motion, he weaved a series of intricate hand seals.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Multiple copies of Itachi materialized around him, their eyes fixed on Jiro with unwavering focus. Itachi's voice rang out from all directions as the clones moved in perfect synchronization, launching a coordinated assault that left Jiro with little room to maneuver.

Jiro's movements were slowed, his chakra reserves dwindling as he struggled to fend off the barrage of attacks. Despite his determination, he found himself surrounded, his strength faltering. With one final effort, he performed a series of hand seals, channeling the last of his chakra into a desperate counterattack.

The ground trembled as massive stone spikes erupted in all directions, aiming to impale Itachi and his clones. But Itachi's Sharingan blazed with power as he weaved a final hand seal, his eyes transforming into the three-tomoe form. With a single glance, he cast a powerful Genjutsu that distorted Jiro's perception.

Jiro's attack struck nothing but illusions, and as the Genjutsu took hold, his movements grew sluggish. Itachi's clones closed in, their attacks relentless and precise. The real Itachi materialized behind Jiro, his hand glowing with chakra as he pressed it against Jiro's back.


Black flames erupted from Itachi's palm, engulfing Jiro in an inferno that consumed everything in its path. Jiro's anguished scream echoed through the arena as he struggled in vain against the relentless flames.

With a final burst of strength, he collapsed, the flames extinguishing as he lay motionless on the ground.

Itachi's eyes reverted to its normal state as he stood over his defeated opponent. His gaze was impassive as he surveyed the aftermath of their battle, the arena still crackling with residual energy.

The battle had been intense. But in the end, it was Itachi's strategic prowess and mastery of his Sharingan that had secured his victory.


"Seems like Itachi has developed his own new technique." Shun said with an approving nod.

"Wha-What is that fire?" Kitsume asked in fright. She had felt something eerie the moment that fire was released and although she didn't know its origin, she knew it was dangerous.

"That is high tier elemental manipulation. I've told you two of the Yin and Yang elements right?" Shun asked and they both nodded. "That fire is the result of adding Yin Chakra with Fire Chakra before unleashing it."

"Yin? Isn't that..."

"Yes, the energy found in our mind. The Chinoike, Tengoku, Hyūga, Nara and Yamanaka clans all have it in abundance with only the Tengoku having enough Yang to balance it out." Shun explained. "Similar to how Yang is used in medical Ninjutsu, Yin can also be used to power up the other Elements."

"So increases the lethality of elements?" Kimizu summarized.



The very same explanation was actually going on in the Kage booth with both Keshiro and Hiruzen doing the explanation to the other Kages.

Meanwhile, Jiro was being brought by the medics to the extensive care unit.

Itachi however didn't feel drained and went back to his teammates.

"Good fight Itachi." Yugao, who had returned and the others acknowledged him to which he nodded as though it was as expected.


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