Chapter 159

Title: Jounin Exams 8


"You have interesting Shinobis, Hiruzen. First it was the Medical Ninja, then Takeshi, then Yugao and finally , the Uchiha. The future of your Village looks bright." Keshiro praised earnestly with a smile.

Hiruzen laughed salaciously while rubbing his beards. "I believe it's the will of fire that burns brightly in them."

"Heh. I understand others, but even the girl with the sword?" A derisive snort came from Ohnoki which Keshiro, retaining his smile, said.

"Her adaptability is one attribute that should be commended. Although she lost, there isn't an iota of doubt that she's strong. Give her a couple years and she could achieve wonders."

"Heh." Ohnoki snorted and didn't say anything else.

As for the Raikage, he glued his eyes to the arena as soon as he saw the names of the next participants.

Tengoku Shun Vs Goro Akatsuchi.


As the two fighters came into the arena, no manner of compliments were exchanged. Shun stood there with a bored expression which irritated the Iwa nin.

"Are you looking down on me by wearing that?" The Iwa nin asked.

"Looking down on you? Please, I need to actually pay attention to you in order to determine whether you're worthy of being looked down upon." Shun said calmly, but this managed to irritate the boy.


"However, as you've mentioned, allow me to show you why I put them on." Shun said and untied the black straps tied around his eyes.

And as though intentional, a soft breeze blew out of nowhere, whipping his now loose ponytail into the air.



Screams of girls and women of all ages could be heard all over the stadium as Shun exposed his full face to the public for the first time in years.

His dark crimson eyes were exposed to the world as he looked into the crowd and sighed sadly. "Alas, the woes of being too beautiful."

"Now, do you understand?" He asked the Iwa nin. "Plus, I'm a Tengen, eyes closed or not, you can't possibly win against me."


As the shout rang out, Goro's eyes narrowed, his fists clenching in determination. He charged forward, unleashing a barrage of lightning-fast punches aimed at Shun's midsection.

Shun, with a calm expression, swiftly dodged each blow with minimal effort, studying Goro's fighting style with keen interest.

Goro, undeterred, leaped backward, forming a series of hand seals.

"Fire Style: Ember Burst!" he shouted, expelling a stream of scorching flames towards Shun.

However, Shun analyzed the technique in an instant. With a fluid motion, he replicated the hand seals and countered with an amplified version,

"Fire Style: Inferno Wave!"

The intensified flames roared forward, engulfing Goro's attack and colliding with his Ember Burst, causing an explosion that sent debris flying.

As the smoke cleared, Goro emerged, sweat trickling down his forehead. The shock of what he had just seen made him look at Shun with a different expression.

'He copied my technique and amplified it?' he thought.

He knew he had to strategize to counter Shun's mimicry ability. Goro focused his chakra, his muscles bulging as he activated the "Stone cyclone kick" technique.

With blinding speed, he appeared in front of Shun, delivering a series of lightning-quick kicks. Shun's eyes widened in acknowledgment as he attempted to replicate the movements.

Adapting swiftly, Shun's muscles bulged, allowing him to mirror Goro's movements more accurately. With newfound precision, he matched Goro's kicks, blow for blow, and countered with his own improvised version, "Gale Cyclone Kick!"

Goro staggered back, his defense shattered by his own technique.

Contrary to how Goro's technique was focused on hardness, Shun's was focused on swiftness and precision.

Goro wiped a bead of sweat from his brow, realizing he needed to incorporate a blend of unpredictable Taijutsu and Ninjutsu into his strategy.

He dashed backward, distancing himself from Shun. Forming a single hand seal, he summoned a water dragon that lunged at Shun.

Anticipating the move, Shun's eyes glittered as he executed the same seal sequence, morphing the water dragon into an even larger and fiercer version.

Goro's eyes widened in awe as he beheld the upgraded water dragon hurtling toward him. He rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack, but the ensuing water splash dampened his clothes.

Sensing an opportunity, Shun capitalized, surging forward with a flurry of shurikens infused with wind chakra. Goro deflected some, but others grazed his arm and leg, drawing blood.

Gritting his teeth, Goro knew he couldn't hold back any longer. He infused his fists with chakra, invoking the power of the "Iron Fist" technique.

His strikes became blindingly swift and powerful, a blur of movement that was difficult for even Shun's enhanced eyes to follow. Fist met fist in a clash of sheer force, causing shockwaves that reverberated through the training ground.

'First Takeshi, now this guy... Interesting.' Shun thought.

Shun's expression remained composed, despite the intense barrage. He took a deep breath, his chakra surging to its peak. With a decisive motion, he unleashed a technique he had just explained to Kimizu about, combining it with his own flair. "Gale Palm Fist of Destruction!" he bellowed, his palm connecting with Goro's chest.

'Aiya... How embarrassing.' he thought as he recalled how long the name was. He was caught in the moment and called out the name callously.

The impact was shattering. Goro felt an overwhelming surge of energy envelop him, his vision blurring as he was propelled backward. His body crashed onto the ground, and he struggled to rise, his strength waning.

Shun stood, his breathing steady. He had managed to adapt, analyze, and combine the techniques he'd copied to create a formidable fusion of power.

He looked down at Goro with a mix of acknowledgment and sympathy, acknowledging his opponent's valiant effort of being able to still stand after receiving such an attack.

Goro groaned as he pushed himself up from the ground, his body aching from the powerful blow. He wiped a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes narrowing with renewed determination.

As he stood, he could feel the ground trembling beneath him, a sign of the battle's escalating intensity.

Shun remained several meters away, his breathing steady but his gaze unwavering. He understood that Goro was a resilient adversary, and he couldn't afford to underestimate him.

With a swift hand seal, Shun conjured a swirling vortex of wind around him, creating a defensive barrier that repelled any incoming attacks.

Seeing Shun's new defensive tactic, Goro's mind raced, searching for an opening. He knew that his best chance lay in overwhelming Shun with sheer force and unpredictability.

'He has Fire, water and air... Let's try lightning.' Goro thought as he dashed forward, his fists coated in a layer of crackling lightning chakra. He closed the gap between them in an instant, striking at the vortex with a rapid series of punches.

The vortex shuddered under the assault, crackling with energy as the clash of lightning and wind sent sparks flying. Goro pressed on, pouring his chakra into each blow, his determination igniting a fiery determination within him.

Suddenly, he twisted his body, his fist transformed into a whirling drill of chakra-infused lightning. With a mighty roar, he plunged his fist into the heart of the vortex, creating a surge of energy that ruptured the wind barrier.

Shun's eyes widened in surprise, his defensive technique shattered. Goro didn't hesitate; he continued his onslaught, delivering a powerful uppercut that sent Shun hurtling into the air.

Goro's muscles screamed in protest, but he powered through the pain, leaping after Shun with a burst of speed.

As Shun plummeted, he twisted in midair, his hands forming intricate seals.

"Water Style: Torrential Surge!" he calmly said, conjuring a colossal wave of water that surged upward. Goro's eyes widened as he was engulfed by the rushing torrent, the force of the water slamming him against the ground with bone-shaking impact.

But Goro wasn't done. With a primal roar, he surged to his feet, his entire body cloaked in crackling lightning chakra. Bolts of electricity arced around him, forming a protective barrier that repelled the water and steam.

Goro charged forward, his movements a blur as he closed the distance between him and Shun.

Shun's eyes flickered as he analyzed Takeshi's transformation. He knew he had to act quickly. With an intricate series of hand seals, Shun summoned a swirling vortex of flames around him, creating a barrier of scorching heat.

Goro's lightning barrier clashed with the inferno, creating a dazzling display of elemental disorder.

As the two intense forces clashed, the very ground beneath them quaked. The arena was becoming a battlefield of raw elemental power.

The clash of lightning and flames created a swirling vortex of steam and smoke, obscuring the combatants from view. The air crackled with energy, and the ground was scarred by the aftermath of their techniques.

Amidst the chaos, Goro's voice echoed, determined and unyielding. "I won't back down, Shun!" His lightning barrier pulsed with renewed vigor, pushing back against the scorching flames.

Shun's voice cut through the tumult, firm and calm. "Nor will I, Jiro!" His flames surged with greater intensity, pushing against the lightning with unrelenting force.

"It's Goro!!" The Iwa nin shouted in anger as his chakra surged. The clash of elemental power continued to rock the Arena ground, each force pushing against the other in a struggle for dominance.

Goro's lightning barrier crackled and sizzled, its brilliance illuminating the swirling vortex of steam and smoke. Shun's flames roared and surged, their intense heat radiating outward, creating an area of destruction.

With a final surge of determination, Goro's lightning barrier surged forward, overwhelming Shun's flames. The intense collision resulted in a blinding explosion that engulfed the entire arena ground. Debris flew in all directions, and the shockwave rattled nearby trees.

As the smoke gradually cleared, Shun stood amidst the aftermath, his body neat and his clothes prim and proper, his expression unperturbed.

Goro, on the other hand, lay on the ground, his lightning barrier depleted and his strength spent. The battle had taken its toll, and Shun emerged as the victor, his ability to adapt and combine techniques proving to be the deciding factor.

Shun approached Goro, extending a hand to help him up. Goro accepted the gesture, his gaze a mixture of exhaustion and respect. "You're indeed something else, Shun," he admitted, a weary smile tugging at his lips.

Shun nodded, a genuine sense of appreciation in his eyes. "

You have promise... having recognised my Genius, Goro. Your determination was truly remarkable."

"Wha-?" Goro spoke but was too tired to complete his words and fell unconscious.

"What did he want to say? What a weird fellow." Shun muttered as he shook his head and left the arena with Goro.


"Who is that?" Rasa asked in shock as he watched the beautiful white haired and red eyed boy walk out of the arena.

Everyone in the room shared the same shock except for a few who had confused expressions. One in particular looked bored as though it was to be expected.

"He really is something, eh Kakashi?" Hiruzen said in a low voice that only Kakashi heard.

"Of course, Hokage-sama. And this is him not even taking the opponent seriously." Kakashi replied.

"Oh? How much Strength do you think he used?" Hiruzen asked and Kakashi kept silent for a moment. "I'd say...30 percent."

"I see."


"How come he didn't use it in the final clash?" The Raikage asked no one in particular, but unlike the Hokage, everyone heard his question.

"What do you mean Raikage-dono?" Rasa asked with an expression that still wasn't Normal.

"He didn't use Lightning in the last clash."

"I still don't follow."

"And you call yourself a Kage." Ay snorted. "When the Iwa Chunin used fire, he copied and amplified it, when he used water, he did the same."

"But in the last clash, he used wind to defend against lightning. Why?" Raikage asked.

"Maybe he doesn't have the lightning element?" Rasa asked, causing Ay to roll his eyes.

Ohnoki however looked to be thinking something before saying. "And he used wind, which is weaker than lightning too."

"Exactly!" Ay shouted. "I know for a fact that he is accomplished in lightning release. Why didn't he use it in that confrontation?"

"Hohoho." Hiruzen laughed.

"What are you laughing at, you old geezer!?" Ohnoki sneered.

"I believe I know why." Hiruzen answered.

"Oh? As expected of the professor. Please, do tell us." Ohnoki mocked as everyone's attention focused on Hiruzen. Even Keshiro looked at him to hear what the famous current God of Shinobi had to say.

"Having mastered all elements, I know for a fact that the theory that one element restricts the other is nothing but a...false theory. Water restrains fire, but we fail to understand that when fire boils water, it becomes much more dangerous considering the steam which is hotter than water."

"Lightning restricts wind, true, but what if the wind is stronger than the lightning?" Hiruzen asked. "What comes to mind when you hear wind? Many will have different understanding, but from what I've seen of Young Shun, he sees wind as something of a group."

"A group?" Keshiro asked in curiosity.

"I believe you of all people should know that air is made up of different other particles?"

"Of course." Keshiro nodded.

"Then what would happen when he brings all these different particles and makes it a whole body? A group of particles, brought together in order to combat a rampaging element."

"I see." Keshiro nodded. "One party, the weaker party, will suffer the aftermath."

"That was why he was un-scathed after the explosion." Hiruzen finished. "Truly a genius. Hahaha." He laughed as the other Kages tried to make sense of what they'd just heard.

The Jounins behind their respective Kages all had different expressions at that moment as they re-evaluated the boy Shun.

"And he took off his blindfold on top of that." Keshiro added and laughed leaving the Kages who looked at him hanging for answers.


"You have one interesting prodigy from your clan Kei." A blond haired woman with a big bust said as he sipped from a cup of sake in front of her.

"I know. I literally have no idea what to do with him."

"Do you want me to take care of him?"

Keshiro looked at the woman beside him for a moment before sighing and shaking his head. "I Reckon he'd be the one taking care of you."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" The woman asked in anger.

"Nothing Tsu, nothing." He smiled and looked towards the arena waiting for the next battle. "I'd advise you to stake on the two girls in his team-"

"I bet that girl with the violin will lose." Before he could finish his speech, Tsunade had already placed a bet causing the people around to cheer for her and stake on the girl to win.

"Sigh. Oh, Tsu-chan." Keshiro sighed and looked at the Stoic looking young man beside them with pity.


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