Chapter 160

Title: Jounin Exams 9


Kimizu Vs Deidara


"Heh, my Very own genius is getting on stage. I'd like to see how your precious little children would dare against him." Ohnoki spoke smugly as he saw Deidara's name on the screen.

"Oh? The kid with the Explosion Release. I really want to see how this battle will play out." Keshiro said with ever present smile.

"Hmm, she carries a musical instruments... Could she have a Kekkai Genkai related to sound?" Hiruzen muttered to himself which Keshiro heard but refrained from speaking.

"Oh, she has also been personally trained by the boy from earlier. That violin was practically a gift from him." Keshiro said

"Your point?"

"Hehe, don't get your hopes up,"


"Look at you, a little girl playing ninja," Deidara sneered, his voice dripping with condescension. "I'm surprised they let someone like you compete."

Kimizu's lips curved into a composed smile. "I have only one opponent in this competition... I'm afraid it isn't you."

Deidara's eyebrows twitched at her words, and his smirk faltered. Without further ado, the battle was joined.

Kimizu's fingers danced gracefully along the strings of her violin, her movements fluid and enchanting. A haunting melody wafted through the air, carrying an almost hypnotic quality.

But as the notes reverberated, they morphed into something more substantial—a resonating sound wave, pulsating with energy. Deidara's eyes widened as the sonic attack reached him with an unexpected force, throwing him off balance.

As Deidara stumbled, Kimizu's expression remained serene. She lowered her violin, her gaze never leaving her opponent. Deidara's frustration was evident as he clenched his fists. "You think a little noise will stop me?"

With a flourish, Deidara reached into the pouch on his belt and pulled out a handful of clay. The clay began to mold and shape itself, taking form under his skilled touch. In moments, a small clay bird was perched on his palm.

A wicked grin played on his lips as he tossed the bird high into the air. "C1: Explosive Clay Creation!"

The clay bird expanded, growing larger and larger until it resembled a menacing avian creature. Its wings flapped once before it spiraled downward toward Kimizu, its body pulsating with explosive energy. Kimizu's eyes narrowed, and she brought her violin up again.

This time, her melody was fierce and determined, a counterpoint to the impending explosion.

The clash was spectacular. The explosive force of Deidara's creation met the barrier of sound Kimizu conjured, resulting in a shockwave that sent ripples through the arena.

Spectators shielded their eyes from the blinding light as the shockwave pushed them back. When the dust settled, both Chunin were still standing, though Kimizu appeared slightly more winded.

Deidara grinned, a maniacal gleam in his eyes. "Impressive, little girl. But let's see how you handle this!" With a swift motion, he manipulated the clay in his palm once more.

This time, he fashioned a clay spider, its legs twitching as it scuttled toward Kimizu.

Undeterred, Kimizu's fingers danced over the strings once again, producing a piercing crescendo that shattered the ground beneath the clay spider.

The force of the sound sent shockwaves through the earth, causing the ground to rumble and quake. Deidara's creation crumbled into pieces before it could reach its target.

Deidara's face contorted into a mixture of frustration and rage. He wasn't used to an opponent countering his explosive techniques with such finesse.

Gritting his teeth, he formed a large clay sphere in his hand. "Enough of this!" he growled. "C2: Art of the Explosive Contact!"

The sphere burst open, releasing a swarm of miniature clay creatures that resembled insects. They scurried across the ground, converging on Kimizu with alarming speed.

Kimizu's expression remained unperturbed as she brought her violin to her chin once more. Her music swelled, a torrent of sound that collided with the clay insects.

The resulting cacophony was nothing short of awe-inspiring. The clash of sound and explosions created a symphony of chaos, each note punctuated by a burst of fiery detonation.

The ground shook violently, and debris filled the air. When the dust finally cleared, both combatants were revealed, battered but unyielding.

Deidara's chest heaved as he glared at Kimizu, a newfound respect shining in his eyes. "You're not just a little girl with a violin, are you?"

Kimizu's lips quirked into a serene smile once more. "But you're just a boy with clay."

Kimizu's obsidian eyes never wavered as she assessed her opponent, her fingers poised over the strings of her violin. Deidara's breaths were ragged, his body battered from the explosive symphony that had erupted between them.

'This should be enough.' She thought.

With a graceful yet determined movement, Kimizu's bow struck the strings once more. This time, her melody was different—an intricate composition that resonated with power.

The sound waves she unleashed surged toward Deidara, a relentless force that penetrated his defenses. As the waves washed over him, Deidara's eyes widened in realization.

The sound wasn't just an attack—it held a certain frequency that affected the inner ear and disrupted equilibrium.

Deidara staggered, clutching his head as dizziness consumed him. The world spun around him, and he fought to maintain his balance. But the combination of the previous explosive clashes and the disorienting sound frequencies proved to be his undoing.

With a final, resounding note from Kimizu's violin, Deidara's eyes rolled back, and he crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

The arena fell into stunned silence. Spectators and fellow ninjas alike stared in awe at Kimizu, who lowered her violin with a calm grace. The battle had ended, and she emerged victorious, though not without effort.

Meedical ninjas rushed to tend to Deidara. Yet Kimizu's gaze remained fixed on the fallen Iwagakure Chunin. She knew the effects of her sound attack were temporary, a non-lethal way to incapacitate her opponent.

With a final nod of acknowledgment, Kimizu turned away.


"Well, isn't that something?" Keshiro said in shock as he looked at the seething Ohnoki.

"You... Humph." Ohnoki snorted and turned away.

Out of the three Iwa Chunin, none has won a Single competition. If he wasn't livid then something was wrong. The other Kages didn't find it satisfactory enough to make fun of him for that.

Meanwhile, in a corner of the betting platform, the same blonde haired woman was lamenting her loss while demanding more money from her poor secretary cum assistant.


Kitsume Vs Mob.

(A/N) I know I added three more candidates but I'm currently regretting it as I don't think I can put their fight here so... We'll deal with it as it comes.)

This round of battle was spectacular as Kitsume, a Chinoike, fought against a Tengen and won.

Due to Shun's initial impression, the spectators thought that it would be an easy win since all three from that team were of the same clan.

However, reality most often that not, disappoints those who place expectations on it.

The round of battles carried on as the Chunins fought eachother. The three other Tengens showed their mights against the other participants, making the spectators understand that Shun group of three were just unique.

Due to them being 19 Participants, anyone with nine losses was immediately disqualified to continue so as not to waste time. After the Tenth round, half of the original nineteen were already eliminated leaving only the truly Strong ones.

From Konoha, Itach and Yugao.

From Iwa, Deidara.

From Kumo, Yugito and Hisoka

From Suna, Subaku and Aika.

From Hana, Shun, Kimizu and Kitsume.


Standing on top of the arena, the proctor announced. "Due to there being only ten participants remaining, the format of the exams will be changed. You will be separated into two groups of five, in which only two will remain. However you all decide to eliminate the other three will be left to you."

"At the end of this round, the remaining four will be selected at random to battle against eachother in two rounds with only one person emerging as the winner."

"For the first group: Deidara, Yugito, Subaku Hisoka and Aika."

"For the other group, we have: Itach Uchiha, Kimizu, Kitsume Chinoike, Yugao and Tengoku Shun."

As soon as the groups were announced, the whole crowd burst into shouts of exclamation.

From one point of view, it was as though they were thrilled at how the battles will play out, but on the other hand, the y felt that this setting was too convenient.

It was as though the competition was rigged to eliminate the people surest to win.

The fact that four of the undefeated people of the competition were in one group was cause for alarm.

Yugito and Deidara had been eliminated. Yugito twice, Deidara thrice, yet, they were both placed in one group.

Itachi, Kimizu, Kitsume and Shun had held their undefeated status, yet, they were placed in one group.

One would think they were plotting to have either Shun or Itach eliminated beforehand as they were the favourite to win the competition.

"For some reason, I'm still in the competition." Yugao muttered to herself in disbelief as she looked at the screen showing her name, but seeing her name in the same category as Shun and Itachi made her smile in resignation.

She has come quite a long way and that was enough for her. Even if she wasn't made a Jounin, she could boast of being in the same competition as these two monsters.

And that was not even talking about the two women with Shun. They were both unstoppable forces. Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu. They were versed in all three, at least, they knew the basics to perfection.

Who would've thought that the bow Kimizu used to play her Violin could also be used as a sword? No one! That's who.

Somehow, using chakra to block your ears to get close to her wasn't a sure win technique. She had found out the harder way.

She had wanted to see how a clash between her and Itachi would look like, but alas.

"I believe you've gone a long way, Yu-chan. I'm awe of how I managed to even survive so far. If not for the medical facilities here, I would've died ten time over."

"Don't underestimate yourself Senpai. Your self created techniques just need a little polishing. Once you take care of the self harm, you'd be unstoppable." Itachi consoled.

"Yeah right. Unstoppable till I meet you two." Takeshi said with an eye roll. "But seriously though. Can you take him?"

"Nope. From what I can see, his chakra hasn't even gone lower than half...and that's considering that he never used the pod. Imagine if he did."

"Hahaha." Takeshi and others laughed nervously at that imagination.

"At least this way, we three can get him to fight seriously." Itachi said before looking beside him. "No offense Yugao-senpai."

"Non taken. I even plan on giving up as soon as I enter the arena." Yugao sighed.

"That would be unadvisable." Itachi shook his head at her. "You wouldn't want to get on his bad side would you?"

"Why would I get on his bad side?"

Itachi shook his head again. "Shun doesn't appreciate those who give up without even trying. He might smile at you but after will be strangers."

"What? Why?"

Itachi shrugged. "He believes in trying and failing than not trying at all. Plus, I doubt Shun is merciless enough to attack you at full force."

"Yeah, I noticed. He seems to always respond to every attack with Equal amount of force, only a little bit stronger." The Medic nin said with a thoughtful expression.

"Exactly. Like he's always trying to gauge your limits." Takeshi said.

"Well, that's exactly what he's doing. Or rather, that's one disadvantage of his eye. He's more dangerous with his eyes blindfolded." Itachi said as he looked to the sky with a reminiscent look.

"That way, he doesn't need to analyse you, but goes with his instinct." Itachi said. "In that form, even I would readily give up."

After saying that, the group fell silent as they tried to imagine how a boy younger and slightly the same age as them could be that terrifying.


"Was this intentionally done?" Ohnoki asked as he looked at Keshiro who smiled.

"I won't play with your intelligence and lie to you Kages." Keshiro said. "Yes, this was intentionally done. Or at least, Shun over there requested it."

"A kid requested something of you and you accepted? Even knowing that we all will be here?" Ay bellowed

"Isn't that a tad bit insulting?" Rasa asked.

"Hahaha. What are you all being stuck up for? This is his village and he has the right to do so." Hiruzen laughed while looking at the screen with a thoughtful gaze. "What you should be worried about is, how powerful is Shun, that he could confidently ask to fight against all four- three, at the same time."

Hiruzen asked as he intelligently removed his beloved kunoichi from the equation as soon as the word left his mouth.

"Hehe, you're truly insightful Hiruzen-dono. And it is because of that that I accepted his offer. Even I want to know how powerful he is." Keshiro said with expectations in his tone.

It was unknown what was going on in the Kages' heads, but one thing was for sure... This village really deserved to be a neutral village.

If every generation could produce a genius of this calibre, why would they fear the other villages?

Even the man sitting in their midst, they didn't know the full extent of his ability, but they were sure of one thing. He has a domain. And to have a domain, they knew what was needed.

From their respective sources, they knew this kid, Shun also, has a domain, but even without using it, he was already this strong. How powerful would he be with it?

They didn't know and didn't want to imagine, especially substituting Shun for Keshiro.

For him to be made a Kage from the Tengoku clan... He had to have already Awakened his domain.


Similar conversation and thoughts were flying around amongst the spectators of the competition as the tried to understand how powerful this Chunins were.


Last two chapters before this arc is complete. It may be three, I dunno. This arc just seems too interesting for some reason. Right? I need to hold a group battle for Itachi, Kimizu, Kitsume and Shun. No offense to Yugao.

Writing a fight between an Uchiha, a sound release Ninja, a Taijutsu and Genjutsu user and finally a Gojo like person... 😤😤😤

Anyways. Don't mind the lack of chapters in-between. I'm doing a lot of research to make the battles epic enough.

Like my Chapters if you enjoyed the fights. And feel free to point out anything you find unpleasant.

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