Chapter 161

Title: Jounin Exams: End 1


The arena crackled with palpable tension as the atmosphere grew electric with anticipation. Shun, his gaze focused and unwavering, stood poised at the center, his Jounin-level status evident in the way he carried himself.

The murmurs of the spectators formed a background hum, creating an ambiance that mirrored the gravity of the moment.

Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan spun like a hypnotic vortex, its crimson glow reflecting both his mastery and the foreboding sense of danger that surrounded him.

With an almost casual flicker of his fingers, he brought forth the power of Amaterasu, the black flames erupting like a storm. Flames of unimaginable intensity surged towards Shun, threatening to consume him in an inferno of devastation.

Yet, Shun's reaction was nothing short of astounding. Swift as a striking serpent, he raised his hands, fingers splayed like the roots of a mighty tree.

Earth manipulation flowed from his chakra, weaving into existence a protective barrier. The voracious flames met this defense, their furious assault being met with stoic resistance. The arena was awash with flickering shadows as the barrier absorbed the flames, leaving Shun unscathed.

But Shun's response was not limited to defense alone. In a moment that was almost an echo of Itachi's technique, Shun's hands moved with an intricate dance. Amaterasu, now trapped within the web of his chakra, was amplified and transformed.

The flames, once Itachi's weapon, now turned against him. Itachi's eyes widened ever so slightly, a flicker of surprise and admiration crossing his features as he deftly evaded his own flames, the black inferno narrowly missing him.

Casual conversation found its way into the midst of battle, a testament to the fighters' prowess and the familiarity that had come from shared experiences. "Impressive, I didn't know you could do even that," Itachi remarked, his voice as calm as the eye of a storm. "To think you could manipulate my own technique against me."

Shun's grin was a flash of lightning in the midst of the clash. "Always good to have a few tricks up my sleeve," he quipped, eyes still fixed on his opponents even as he exchanged banter.

Across the arena, Kimizu stood, her presence a mix of ethereal grace and eerie intensity. Her violin, an extension of herself, emitted a haunting melody that seemed to ripple through the air. Sound waves distorted, weaving a tapestry of illusion that threatened to ensnare Shun's senses.

Yet, Shun's mind was his greatest weapon. His eyes, sharp as a hawk's, saw through the illusions that danced before him. His chakra surged, amplifying his Genjutsu abilities, and suddenly the illusions themselves rebelled. Kimizu's eyes widened in alarm as the visions she had conjured now turned against her. Illusory tentacles wrapped around her, causing her to stumble and falter, her own nightmares becoming her reality.

Amidst the battle, a moment of exchange emerged like a gem amidst the chaos. "Your music is enchanting,as always." Shun remarked, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes as he deftly navigated the altered perceptions. "But I prefer my own tune, one that resonates with me alone."

Kitsume, her Ketsuryugan ablaze, radiated an aura of crimson intensity that matched her fighting spirit. Her blood manipulation danced like liquid rubies, forming into deadly spikes that glinted maliciously in the light. She charged at Shun, the intent clear in her predatory smirk.

Shun's movements were a dance of lightning and shadow, his body flowing seamlessly as he engaged Kitsume in Taijutsu. Their clashes were a composition of strikes and evasions, each move calculated and precise.

Kitsume's strikes were formidable, her blood spikes seeking to pierce through Shun's defenses, but he matched her blow for blow. With each interaction, his understanding of her technique grew, a testament to his adaptability.

In the midst of their exchange, words flowed effortlessly. "You fight with a belief," Shun mused, his voice carrying a note of admiration even as he parried Kitsume's assault. "But remember, it's your blood is just a part of a whole."

As the battle raged on, Shun found himself facing an unrelenting assault from his opponents. Itachi's control over his flames evolved, his Amaterasu took form, materializing behind him.

Shun didn't need to copy this as it was just child's play to him, adapting them with his own twist. Lightning-infused arrows crackled from his hands, forcing Itachi to divert his focus.

Kimizu's violin melodies grew more discordant, unleashing waves of sonic force. Shun countered with his amplified lightning manipulation, creating shockwaves that disrupted her sound-based attacks.

Kitsume's aura intensified, and her Ketsuryugan's gaze pierced into Shun's mind. Illusions of his deepest fears flooded his consciousness, but Shun's mental prowess prevailed.

He reversed the Genjutsu, causing Kitsume to falter. Seizing the moment, he unleashed a combination of earth and lightning jutsu, creating a devastating terrain of electrified quicksand. His amplified attacks overwhelmed Kitsume, leaving her coated in a mix of earth and blood, immobilized.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Shun's heartbeat quickened as he faced the relentless assault from his opponents. Itachi's crimson Sharingan spun, and with a surge of chakra, his Amaterasu took the form of a Susanno behind him.

Shun's eyes widened as he took in the sight, his mind racing with possibilities. 'He doesn't have the Mangekyou Sharingan yet. How...?'

Drawing upon his own mastery of lightning manipulation, Shun's hands crackled with electricity as he swiftly mimicked phantom behind Itachi.

Lightning-infused arrows manifested, each bolt pulsating with energy as they sizzled through the air towards Itachi. The Uchiha prodigy swiftly reacted, weaving hand seals to erect a barrier of fire that deflected the arrows just inches from his form.

Shun's lips curled into a determined grin as he pushed his ingenuity further, imbuing the arrows with an erratic trajectory, forcing Itachi to divert his attention between defense and evasive maneuvers.

As the battle raged on, Kimizu, drew forth haunting melodies from her violin, the notes resonating with an eerie power. Waves of sonic force surged towards Shun, a discordant cacophony that threatened to disorient him.

With a focused breath, Shun's aura ignited with amplified lightning manipulation. His body became a conduit for energy as he stomped the ground, sending out shockwaves that met the sound waves head-on. The resulting clash created a dissonance of energy, causing the very air to tremble with their power.

Amidst the chaos, a casual exchange found its way between the combatants. Itachi's voice carried a tone of appreciation, "Impressive control over lightning, Shun. Few can harmonize with such power."

"These phantom forms are an innovation," Shun mused aloud, acknowledging Itachi's creativity even in the midst of battle. "A testament to your mastery over chakra manipulation, Itachi."

Itachi's lips curved in a half-smile, his Sharingan gleaming with appreciation. "You always had a keen eye for details, Shun."

But the battle wasn't just about words and jutsu. Kitsume, with her Ketsuryugan, locked her crimson gaze onto Shun's eyes. In an instant, his surroundings twisted and contorted, illusions taking shape as his deepest fears clawed their way into his consciousness.

Shun's mental state wasn't one to be easily shaken . With a mental pivot, he shattered the illusory world, redirecting the fear back at Kitsume. The Ketsuryugan wielder stumbled, a momentary falter that didn't go unnoticed by Shun.

Their verbal exchanges continued as the battle raged. "Illusions are an art, Kitsume, but an artist must also be prepared to confront their own work," Shun remarked with a knowing smirk.

Before Kitsume could retaliate, Shun surged forward, his hands weaving intricate seals. The earth beneath him quivered, and with a swift motion, he drove his palm into the ground.

Lightning-infused chakra surged through the earth, birthing jagged spires of electrified quicksand that erupted in a devastating terrain. Kitsume's eyes widened as she struggled to escape, the mixture of earth and blood proving immobilizing.

Shun's breath was steady, his eyes locked onto Itachi's spinning Sharingan. Itachi's demeanor, though worn, exuded an air of formidable confidence.

As the Sharingan spun faster, Itachi's eyes fixated on Shun, and suddenly, the world seemed to twist and distort. Shun found himself engulfed in a realm of darkness and despair – Tsukuyomi. .

'Interesting.' Shun thought.

The illusion painted a scene of eternal suffering, but Shun's will wasn't to be scoffed at. As the illusion's tendrils tightened, Shun pushed back, his mental resistance amplifying with every ounce of his willpower.

Shun drew upon his inexhaustible source of spiritual energy and countered with a perfected Tsukuyomi of his own. Itachi's eyes met Shun's in a clash of mental fortitude.

In this alternate plane, illusions clashed like titans, distorting reality and fabricating a battleground of the mind. Shun's mental landscape was one of vibrant determination, a stark contrast to the dark abyss of Itachi's design.

Amidst the duel of illusions, Shun's voice cut through the miasma. "You can't break me, Itachi. I've come too far to succumb to despair." His words were laced with conviction, a testament to his unyielding spirit.

Itachi's control over the illusion wavered as Shun's willpower surged. The Uchiha's visage twisted in surprise, a crack forming in the façade of his unflappable demeanor.

Shun's image stood strong within the dream-like realm, his eyes blazing with defiance.

As the clash continued, their words intertwined with the battle itself. "Your genjutsu is impressive, Itachi," Shun remarked as he maintained eye contact, his focus unshaken. "But I've learned a thing or two in this fight."

Itachi's lips curved into a half-smile, a rare display of acknowledgment amidst the chaos of battle. "You've adapted well, Shun. But do you truly believe you can best the Uchiha clan's ultimate technique?"

Shun's grin matched Itachi's in its intensity. "Only one way to find out."

With a final surge of willpower, Shun's mental landscape shattered Itachi's illusion. The Uchiha's control wavered and faltered as the realm of suffering collapsed, leaving him momentarily stunned. It was a moment Shun seized upon.

In the span of a heartbeat, Shun lunged forward, his movements a blur of precision. His fist connected with Itachi's side,

causing Itachi to stagger, the mask of invincibility finally cracking.

As they separated, breathing heavily, Shun's voice held a note of camaraderie. "You know, Itachi, you've come a really long way."

As Shun and Itachi locked gaze, Kimizu's presence demanded attention. Her violin melodies held an eerie allure, each note a calculated strike to disrupt Shun's concentration.

But Shun was no stranger to adapting his strategies. With a sudden burst of speed, he closed the distance between them. His lightning manipulation wrapped around the sound waves, transforming them into crackling tendrils of energy that fizzled into the air.

"You're a maestro with sound, Kimizu," Shun remarked, his voice carrying a touch of admiration. "But let's see how your melodies dance to a different tune."

'How can I forget that lightning also has a chaotic sound frequency on its own?' Kimizu thought to herself in annoyance.

Kimizu's eyes widened at the counter, her violin's melodies faltering momentarily. The air quivered with their combined power, a symphony of electricity and sound intertwining in a mesmerizing display.

Meanwhile, Kitsume's crimson gaze fixated on Shun, a testament to her Ketsuryugan's potent abilities. But this time, Shun was prepared for the mental assault.

As the illusions wormed their way into his mind, he met them with resilience.

"You seek to delve into my mind, Kitsume," Shun's voice resonated, his tone unshaken. "But you forget that I've always been Strong mentally."

Shun's and Itachi's mental battle all happened in less than a sir second in their Tsukuyomi worlds so both Kimizu and Kitsume had no idea.

With a focused breath, he projected his own illusions back at Kitsume, the fabric of her illusions unraveling as she faltered. The dual play of minds was a battle of willpower and strategy, one where Shun's experience as a teacher and mentor played a pivotal role.

As the intensity of the battle continued to escalate, Shun found himself facing a new challenge. The ground beneath him trembled as Kitsume's manipulation of earth and blood surged forth.

Quick thinking saved him from being ensnared, as he propelled himself into the air using a burst of lightning-infused chakra. Suspended above the battlefield, he surveyed the chaos below, his mind moving in acceleration.

Kitsume's voice echoed, laced with frustration. "Your confidence is infuriating, Shun."

Shun's retort carried a touch of amusement. "It's a skill I've honed over the years, Kitsume. But I appreciate the effort you put into this fight."

In a final surge of energy, Shun descended, his form a blur of motion. Earth and lightning fused beneath his palms, the resulting shockwaves creating a terrain that crackled with energy.

Kitsume's movements faltered as the electrified quicksand surged forth, entrapping her within its grip. Shun's eyes glinted with triumph as he surveyed the battlefield, each opponent momentarily incapacitated.

In the midst of the chaos, Shun's voice cut through the air, addressing his adversaries. "You've all pushed me to the limits, and for that, I'm grateful. But this battle is far from over."


A/N:- I dunno if I repeated any scene or if the battle is unsatisfactory, but I did my best in making Itachi stronger than he's supposed to be. I might have, in a way, made Kimizu and Kitsume look weak but know that they aren't.

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