Chapter 173

Title: Potential Shinigami


Timeskip: 4 Years.

Shun POV

Four years was a lot of time for a lot of things to happen. Life as Batman was thrilling as hell, assassinating people who needed assassinating, stealing information that needed stealing, infiltrating organisation that needed infiltrating.

It was a wholesome experience. I must say though, some interesting stuffs has been going on behind the scenes recently.

Hidan had just been invited to join the Akatsuki, Deidara too. It seemed as though those who were meant to be bad still became bad.

Though not everyone in Akatsuki were actually that bad. Currently, the only ones I could kill without batting an eye were Hidan, Kakuzu, Sasori, Juzo and well, Zetsu.

People like Orochimaru, Itachi and Hiruko were actually half good, half bad. Afterall, they killed carelessly for money but, which Shinobi doesn't?

What? Are you surprised Hiruko was actually in the Akatsuki? Me too. The guy actually managed to create a Chimera technique that didn't need him to devour a person to acquire their Kekkai Genkai.

He and Orochimaru actually wanted the same thing in a different way.

One time I had met Itachi and Sasori on a mission and was quite surprised he was still in the Akatsuki. Afterall, by this time in the original timeline, he should've attacked Itachi for his body.

When I asked why he wasn't exchanging bodies, he answered. "Surely you jest Shun-kun. Why would I give up this magnificent form of mine?"

I was actually dumbstruck and asked if he wasn't looking for eternal life. He answered. "Of course, I just need to make my body and soul join as one. Since the soul is eternal while the body isn't, with the body and soul becoming one, I would live forever."

I was like... "Wow, Orochimaru, that's...a great step you just took there my man."

And he was like... "Whatever do you mean, young Shun?"

Sasori meanwhile was trying to kill me back then, unfortunately for the guy, he was dealing with a clone all along.

I had also met Itachi and Juzo. With a glance, Itachi and I had a wholesome reunion in our illsuion scape, and by the time we were done, Itachi merely said. "We're retreating."

Juzo was all like, "Huh? Are you scared or something?" He said while swinging his Kubikiribōchō only for me to plunge my hands into his chest and pulled out his heart.

As soon as he died, he discovered he was in a Genjutsu all along with Itachi already gone.

As for the rest of the Akatsuki, I had some encounter with them on one or two occasions. Deidara too, unfortunately I was in my Batman attire so he didn't know it was me. I wonder if he'd piss his pants if he knew.


As of now, I was just entering Konoha with a posture that dictated I was a villager and no body had nothing to say about it. Not even the Eternal Chunins currently waving at me.

The Anbu that were previously here left immediately to report my arrival, not that I cared though. My First course of action... Naruto and Sasuke.

That was the plan, however, this enormous amount of inhuman Chakra signature I was feeling intrigued me so I'ma just check it out and see who owns it.

A couple of flash steps brought me to a room where a little girl was on her knees with her hands tied to the ground. Behind her was the familiar figure of Kurenai performing some hand signs before slamming it on the girl's head.

As soon as her hand fell, the Fuin markings on the ground began wriggling before climbing her body and sealing off that Chakra.

Now, on a normal situation, I would just shrug and be like, 'None of my business.' but this was not a Normal situation.

"What are you doing!?" I asked in a stern voice as I materialised behind Kurenai who was holding the fainted girl.

"What!?" Kurenai shouted and pulled out a Kunai to stab behind her only for her to stab nothing. "Who are you?" She asked and I revealed myself.

"After not seeing eachother for a few months and you already forgot me?"

"Wha-? Shun? When did you come? Wait! What are you doing here? This is the sealing room of the Village. You shouldn't be here." She said as she raised her guard.

"Pssh. Disperse with that hostility. You couldn't do anything to me even if you wanted. On a more serious note, what are you doing to that girl?" I asked, or more like demanded.

"You don't need to know. She's my student and I'm doing what a teacher is supposed to be doing." She said and straddled the girl behind her and began walking away.

"Sealing away her potential is what a teacher is supposed to be doing?" I asked as I followed behind her.

"It's none of your business." She said, only to feel weightless the next second. "Return her this instant!" She said flaring her chakra.

I only raised an eyebrow at that and said. "Are you sure you want to fight me?"

"If you don't return her, then yes. She's my ward and I'm responsible for her." She said with a stubbornness that made me admire her for a split second.

"While I find your determination admirable, I find your ignorance even more... palpable. It's so... intense that I could taste it if I so wish.

"What do you mean?" Kurenai asked in a moment of logical reasoning. Good thing I used my new technique on her.

[Focus] A Genjutsu technique I created that will draw the victim into a state of intense concentration with all emotional hindrances subdued.

"Simply put, this girl has the potential to reach a God level Shinobi with only Genjutsu, similar to Guy with Taijutsu." I said as I examined the girls spiritual energy only to notice an even more interesting phenomenon.

No wonder. So that was the being emitting that intense chakra.

"You don't understand. There's something in her tha-"

"An Id monster. I'm aware. That's what makes her even more of a genius rivaling a perfect Jinchuriki." I said as I could already imagine the prospect this girl presented

"A perfect Jinchuriki?"

Oops, I forgot there has been no occurrence of such a Jinchuriki in the past. "Don't mind that. I'll be taking this girl from your hands. I'll also be letting the Hokage know."

Saying that, I teleported out of the room with the girl in hand and appeared in a foggy room. "What the fuck!?" I couldn't help but about.

What level of depression could lead this old man to smoke to this extent?

Xiu. Xiu. Xiu.

"Hm? Call of these death suitors before she actually accepts their courtship, Hiruzen." I said casually as I waved the smoke away from me and the girl on my shoulder.

"Stand down." Hiruzen said with a Hoho laugh. "Shun, I didn't know you had arrived."

"Yeah right." I muttered while rolling my eyes. "You probably became so worried about my disappearance that you nearly smoked yourself to death didn't you."

"Cough. Cough. I have no idea what you mean young Shun, but if I may, who's the young lady with you?" He asked while diverting the topic. Good for us though.

"That's right. As soon as I arrived in the village, I felt this enormous and interesting chakra signature oozing from a certain place in the village. Curiosity got the best of me and I'm here to tell you that I'll be taking this girl off your hands."

"... You literally told me nothing."

"I know. You're the Hokage, you'll figure everything out soon. Don't worry too much though, I'll only be adding to your Village strength." Saying that, I vanished again.


"Hokage-sama, isn't that kid a little bit impudent?" One of the Anbu asked in annoyance.

"Puff. Owl, you haven't been in service for long so it's a pity you don't know of him, but you should know of his alias. The Batman." Hiruzen said with a tired expression.

"Gasp. You mean..."

"Yup. That menace. He also happens to be a once in a century Genius. Just don't make him an enemy, or as he said, don't court death."


"Sigh. What a pain."


General POV.

Minutes later, the girl's eyes fluttered open, and a wave of pain washed over her. She let out a soft cry, clutching her chest where her chakra had been sealed.

Her eyes widened in alarm as she looked around, realizing that the face that greeted her was unfamiliar.

"You're awake," Shun said gently, his voice calm and reassuring. "You've been through something difficult. Can you tell me your name?"

The girl hesitated for a moment, her eyes filled with confusion and fear. Then, with a shaky voice, she replied, "Yakumo... Yakumo Kurama. Who are you?"

Shun maintained his calm and reassuring demeanor as he spoke to Yakumo Kurama, her pain and confusion still evident in her eyes.

"I'm Shun," he repeated with a warm smile. "Yakumo Kurama, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm not from around here, but I couldn't just walk past and ignore what I saw."

Yakumo nodded weakly, still clutching her chest as the lingering pain of the chakra sealing ritual continued to affect her. She couldn't help but feel a strange sense of comfort in Shun's presence, like he was a ray of hope in her otherwise troubled life.

"I've been through something similar," Shun bullshitted, his voice soft and empathetic. "I understand how it feels to have your potential locked away, to have others dictate what you can and cannot do with your own chakra. But I believe you have incredible potential, Yakumo, and I want to help you unlock it."

Yakumo's eyes widened at his words. Her former sensei had never offered her such a possibility. Instead, she had only seen her chakra as a danger and had sought to seal it away.

"You... you really think I can do it?" she asked, her voice quivering with a mix of hope and uncertainty.

Shun nodded firmly. "I do. I've seen the strength in your chakra, and I believe it can be a force for good, great good. We can work together to help you control it, to bring out its true potential. You deserve to have control over your own abilities, Yakumo, and I'll do my best to guide you."

Yakumo's eyes began to shimmer with tears, but this time, they were tears of gratitude and newfound hope. She had spent so long feeling like a burden, like a danger to others, but Shun saw something different in her.

"Thank you, Shun," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "I... I want to learn, to be in control of my chakra. If you're willing to teach me, then I'm willing to learn."

With a genuine smile, Shun extended his hand to Yakumo, sealing a promise between them that would lead to a journey of self-discovery, growth, and the unlocking of Yakumo's untapped potential.

"That's good. Your first order... Call me Sensei!"


"That's good. Then from now, we're going to make you a Shinigami in the world of Shinobi."



A/N: Who can guess where this is going? No one? Well, lemme just say it. She's going to be having a Shikai and Bankai release soon.


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