Chapter 174

Title: Creating A Mindscape.


Closing his eyes, Shun focused his chakra and consciousness, allowing himself to merge with the ethereal plane that connected him to Yakumo's mind. As he stepped into her inner world, he was met with a surreal landscape that seemed to shift and change with her emotions.

It was a like a canvas filled with all manner of colours. Colours that existed and those one didn't even know existed forming several physical manifestations.

Amidst the swirling chakra mists and shifting terrain, Shun soon encountered what he sought. It was a human figure with the face of monster, an Id monster made of chakra, pulsating with raw power. This was the source of her unique abilities and also the source of her inner turmoil.

The Id monster, initially hostile, paused as it sensed Shun's presence. It was as though it had come in contact with a higher existence, which it did.

Shun held out his hand, not as a threat but as an invitation. "I'm here to help," he said with a calm yet resolute voice. "We can work together to find balance and control."

Surprisingly, the Id monster seemed to hesitate, its form quivering. Shun's presence was like a beacon of light in the darkness, yet it felt trepidation.

It then slowly approached Shun and touched his outstretched hand, and in that moment, a connection formed between them. Shun could feel the immense chakra of the Id monster, a chaotic and untamed force.

A force that if used properly, had the potential to alter the fabrics if reality on a scale he wasn't sure of.

"I'm going to create an inner world for Yakumo," Shun explained to the Id monster. "A place where she can learn to control and harness your power. Will you be a part of it, to guide and protect her?"

The Id monster, now more like an uncertain spirit, nodded in agreement. Shun could sense its desire not of balance or unity, but a desire to serve a greater purpose than causing chaos.

Afterall, It was created out of the burden placed young Yakumo by the expectations of her clansmen, as well as her father and mother. An expectation that she wasn't fit to bear.

Together, Shun and the Id monster worked to reshape Yakumo's inner world. They crafted a serene landscape, a tranquil garden surrounded by calm waters.

In the center of this world, the Id monster took on a different form, resembling a majestic beast with chakra wings.(An arrancar maybe?)

"This will be your new form," Shun said, addressing the Id monster. "As her Zanpakuto spirit, you'll guide and protect Yakumo. Help her find the harmony within your power."

The Id monster, now a Zanpakuto spirit, nodded with newfound determination. Shun could sense Yakumo's presence approaching, drawn by the changes in her mindscape.

As Yakumo entered her inner world, her eyes widened in astonishment at the transformation.

Shun stepped forward to explain, "Yakumo, this is your new inner world, and this is your weapon spirit. With its guidance, you can learn to control your unique abilities and find the balance you seek."

Yakumo's gaze shifted between Shun and her weapon spirit, a mix of awe and determination in her eyes. With Shun's help, she had taken her first step toward mastering the extraordinary chakra entity within her and forging a new path as a shinobi.

The serene garden within Yakumo's mindscape felt like a sanctuary, a stark contrast to the chaotic chakra entity that had once plagued her.

The Id monster, now her Zanpakuto spirit, radiated a calming presence as it regarded Yakumo with understanding eyes.

She had understood that this monster was the very monster behind the fire that killed her parents, yet she felt no enmity against her. It was her, similar to how she was it. So hating it was similar to hating herself. And Shun had breached that the moment he created this place.

Yakumo, still overwhelmed by the transformation of her inner world, took a deep breath and slowly approached her Zanpakuto spirit.

With a mix of trepidation and hope, she extended her hand toward it. The moment her hand touched the weapon spirit's chakra-infused fur, a surge of warmth and connection flowed through her.

Shun watched with a smile as the bond between Yakumo and her weapon spirit began to strengthen. He knew that this inner world would serve as a place of training and self-discovery for Yakumo, where she could learn to harness her unique abilities and bring balance to her chakra.

"Remember, Yakumo," Shun advised, "your weapon spirit is here to guide and protect you. Trust in your own strength, and together, you can overcome any challenge."

"The first step to actually achieving something is to believe that you can achieve that thing."

Yakumo nodded, her determination solidifying. She was ready to embark on this new journey of self-discovery, knowing that she had the support of her Zanpakuto spirit and Shun by her side.

As Shun prepared to leave Yakumo's mindscape, he offered one final piece of wisdom, "Harness your inner power, Yakumo, and become the shinobi you were always meant to be."

With that, Shun exited her inner world, leaving Yakumo to begin her training and embrace her newfound connection with her Zanpakuto spirit.

The garden of tranquility within her mind held the promise of growth and mastery over her unique chakra entity, and Yakumo was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

As Shun withdrew from Yakumo's mindscape, he found himself back in the physical world, where he had left her resting peacefully.

The serene atmosphere of her inner world lingered in his thoughts.

Back in reality, Yakumo stirred, her eyelids fluttering as she gradually awoke. The confusion that had clouded her eyes moments ago seemed to have dissipated, replaced by a newfound sense of purpose and determination. She sat up, gazing around as if seeing the world with fresh eyes.

"Shun-sensei," she whispered, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Thank you."

Shun nodded, his own smile reflecting the relief and satisfaction he felt. "You have a long journey ahead, Yakumo, but you're not alone. Your Zanpakuto spirit is there to guide you, and I'll be here whenever you need help."

With newfound resolve, Yakumo stood up, her eyes filled with determination. She was ready to begin her training, to embrace the power that had once been a source of turmoil and transform it into a force for good.

Together, with her Zanpakuto spirit as her companion and Shun as her mentor, Yakumo embarked on a path of self-discovery and growth.

Shun taught her all he could about the art of painting. Bringing painting to life, bringing painting into reality and finally giving life to painting.

The garden of tranquility within her mindscape served as a symbol of her newfound harmony with her chakra entity, and she was determined to become the shinobi she had always aspired to be.

Within it, she could create anything at will, creating matter, manipulating space, time, and life was only a painting away. All that remained was drawing them out to reality.

As the days passed, Yakumo's skills and confidence grew, and she became a testament to the power of understanding and acceptance, turning her unique abilities into a source of strength.

And in Shun's eyes, she was not only a remarkable shinobi but also a symbol of hope for those who sought to harness their inner potential.

He wondered how she'd be if she could Summon her weapon spirit into reality. He wondered how that Shikai release will affect her abilities.


As days turned into weeks, Shun continued to mentor Yakumo in her pursuit of mastering her unique abilities. Their training sessions took on new dimensions as Yakumo honed her control over her Zanpakuto spirit and the painted realities within her inner world.

The garden of tranquility had become a place of experimentation, where Yakumo practiced bringing her creations to life. Shun encouraged her to explore the boundaries of her power, pushing her to summon the painted objects, creatures, and landscapes into the physical realm.

One day, as the sun hung low in the sky, Yakumo stood at the center of her inner world, her Zanpakuto spirit beside her, ready to attempt a feat that had once seemed impossible. With a deep breath, she focused her chakra and began to paint.

Her brush moved with precision and purpose, and before long, a magnificent creature took shape on the canvas before her. It was a majestic bird with shimmering feathers and wings that spanned the entire garden. As she completed the final strokes of her painting, she channeled her chakra into it, willing it to come to life.

In a burst of vibrant energy, the bird emerged from the canvas, its wings unfurling as it soared into the real world. Yakumo watched in awe as her creation took flight, circling above her before landing gracefully on her shoulder.

Shun, who had been observing the entire process, couldn't help but applaud her achievement. "You've done it, Yakumo! You've brought your painting to life."

Yakumo's eyes shone with pride and excitement. She had achieved a level of control over her abilities that she had once only dreamed of. Her Zanpakuto spirit, now a magnificent bird, nuzzled her cheek affectionately.

But their training was far from over. Yakumo continued to practice and refine her abilities, experimenting with different creations and summoning them into reality. Shun guided her through each step, offering advice and encouragement along the way.

In time, Yakumo's abilities grew even further, and she reached a point where she could not only bring her creations to life but also control them with precision. Her Zanpakuto spirit, once an Id monster, had become a powerful and loyal ally in her shinobi endeavours.

One day, during a training session, Yakumo decided to push the boundaries of her power once more. She painted a complex and intricate construct, a massive golem made of chakra-infused stone. With unwavering focus, she willed the construct to rise from the canvas.

As the golem emerged into the physical world, it stood before Yakumo, a towering and formidable presence. She commanded it with a mere thought, and it obeyed without hesitation.

Shun watched with amazement as Yakumo demonstrated her newfound abilities. She had done something that was humanely impossible.

She had created a being with chakra. A being not drawing chakra like her Weapon spirit, but an independent one. Even the concept of Chakra stones, although originally fantasy, was made reality by her.


As the days passed, Shun told her all he knew about the weapon spirit. About the possibility of merging with it to unlock a new form of power she had locked up in there.

Shun has spent a good portion of his time accompanying her in meditation and spiritual exercises, preparing her for the fated moment.

Other than spending time with his Little brothers when they're not in school, he spends the remainder of his time with Yakumo. With the Fission Technique, he could be in two places at the same time, so he wasn't afraid of anyone saying he wasn't taking them seriously by sending a mere clone.


Yakumo stood alone in a quiet grove within the village of Konohagakure. The sun cast dappled shadows through the leaves, creating a serene atmosphere. She took a deep breath, her determination palpable in the crisp air.

She held her brush, the transformed Id monster, in her hands. It had taken exactly 6 weeks of rigorous training and meditation to form this impeccable bond with her unique weapon spirit.

This moment was a culmination of her efforts, and she was determined to unlock its power.

Closing her eyes, Yakumo focused her chakra, feeling the presence of her weapon spirit as one with her. The aura of the transformed Id monster began to envelop her, a swirling vortex of chakra.

As she delved into this newfound connection, she could sense the power waiting to be harnessed. It was like standing at the edge of a vast reservoir of energy, ready to be unleashed.

Yakumo opened her eyes, and as she did, something remarkable occurred. The very atmosphere around her seemed to shift and waver. Trees transformed into bizarre shapes, and the gentle breeze whispered strange secrets in her ears.

She extended her hand, and with a mere gesture, she created her first illusion. A phantom bird of vibrant colors materialized in the air before her, its wings beating gracefully. It was a breathtaking sight, a testament to her newfound abilities.

She didn't need a brush and canvas to draw any longer in this state. In this state, a thought was all she needed to bring her illsuions to reality. Yet, they were just that Illusions.

Shun, who had been observing from a distance, watched in awe as Yakumo unlocked her Shikai. He saw the potential within her, the ability to manipulate the perceptions of those around her with her Zanpakuto spirit's power.

"You've done it, Yakumo," he said, his voice filled with pride. "You've unlocked the power of your Shikai."

Yakumo couldn't help but smile, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She had taken a significant step on her journey to mastery. Her Zanpakuto spirit, the transformed Id monster, stood beside her, its chakra wings shimmering with approval.

With her Shikai unlocked, Yakumo knew that she now possessed the means to protect her village and make a difference in the shinobi world.

The power of [Kurama's Illusionary Embrace] was in her hands, and she was ready to embrace her role as a formidable shinobi.

The grove, once serene and tranquil, now bore witness to the birth of a new legend in Konohagakure. Yakumo Kurama, with her unique Zanpakuto spirit by her side, was destined for greatness, and her journey had only just begun.


**Shikai Release - "Kurama's Illusionary Embrace"**:

Upon releasing her Shikai, Yakumo Kurama's weapon spirit, the transformed Id monster, envelops her in a swirling aura of chakra and illusion. In this form, Yakumo gains the ability to manipulate the perceptions of those around her, casting powerful genjutsu with a mere glance or gesture. Her Zanpakuto spirit becomes her conduit to create and control illusions, turning her enemies' senses against them.


1. **Illusionary Mirage**: With a focused gaze, Yakumo can create intricate and immersive illusions that target her opponents' senses. These illusions can range from simple tricks to complex scenarios that seem entirely real. She can make her enemies see and hear things that aren't there, leading them into confusion and disarray.

2. **Chakra Suppression**: Yakumo can mask her chakra presence to a high degree, making it challenging for even skilled sensors to detect her. This ability allows her to move stealthily and strike from unexpected angles.

3. **Mind Tether**: By making physical contact with her target, Yakumo can establish a mental link, allowing her to delve into their thoughts and memories. This power can be used for interrogation or to understand her opponent's weaknesses and fears.


That's for the Shikai guys. I already know what you all are probably thinking... Aren't I overpowering her a little too much?

Yup, I am. And for good reasons too. She had the potential to reach Aizen level of Illusion as shown in her small arc. I have no idea Kishimoto didn't focus on her, but I guess the show is called Naruto and she has no connection to them or something.

Don't forget that with her drawings, she could erase anyone from existence. She was that good. She could make your cerebrum believe you're being burnt and you'll be burnt. She could also make you believe you're dead and you'll die.

She's just that strong. Aizen wasn't even that strong.

And like I said. I plan on focusing on the general Naruto world. Not just Naruto and Sasuke.


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