Chapter 175

Title: Conclusion.


"Yakumo-chan." Shun called out to his student as he arrived in their training ground only to see her waiting.

"Sensei!" She greeted back.

"Punctual as always." Shun chuckled and ruffled her hair only for her to pout and push away his hand.

"I'm a Genin now. Stop treating me like a child." She harrumphed and crossed her hands. "Plus, as a Shinobi, we should always maintain our sense of of punctuality, you told me that."

"Did I? That's weird. Anyways, I came right on time." Shun waved off her pout and then said. "I came to tell you two pieces of news. A good one and a bad one. Which do you prefer to hear first?"

Squinting her eyes at him, she seemed to think for a moment before saying, "Give me the good one."

"Alright. The good news is that, with your Shikai release, you can go toe to toe with any random Chunin. No Genin your age is currently your match." Shun praised sincerely causing her to smile happily.

"And the bad news?"

"I'm leaving."


"I'm leaving. What? Does that sound so surprising? You seem to have forgotten I'm not a Shinobi of Konoha?" Shun smirked and flicked her forehead.

"But... Who's going to teach me? You promised to help me master this ability." Yakumo said in mild anger and sadness.

"Come now. What did I tell you about farewells?"

"Nothing. You've never told me anything about that." Yakumo said with a straight face.

"Oh. Wrong person. Anyways, when someone is going on a journey, or leaving for a faraway places, you don't cry, but smile and wish that person a safe join, as well as telling them to come back. That way, they would know someone is thinking about them somewhere." Shun said with a warm smile.

"Un." Yakumo nodded and bent her head to hide her tears. She had spent the better part of the past few weeks with Shun, who has opened to her a while new world.

A world no one had ever stepped foot on and a whole new system of strength. One that made her feel... special.

Shun had called her special, and that she was. To be able to amass so much Yin Chakra to the point of creating a living being in ones consciousness already made her a whole lot different from the average human.

She had become so strong that she felt that she could take one anyone with just a Genjutsu. Even her former Sensei, despite her mastery over Genjutsu, she felt she could take her on.

She felt that strong.

"Alright. Let's have a little spar." Shun said, breaking her out of her thoughts. "Show me the fruits of our training."

Looking up at Shun and seeing his encouraging smile, she firmed her resolve to give Shun a beating he wouldn't forget, no matter what.

She had always felt Shun was a higher form of existence. She felt it even deeper the moment she merged with her Id monster. The new weapon spirit.

She felt she stood before a being, similar to her but on a whe other level, yet, for some reason, she also felt it was a misconception on her part.


The training grounds of Konohagakure bore witness to a clash of extraordinary abilities once more. Yakumo Kurama, in her Shikai "Kurama's Illusionary Embrace," faced off against Shun.

The battlefield stilled as the air seemed to crackle with anticipation. Yakumo's Zanpakuto spirit, the transformed Id monster, swirled around her, its chakra wings shimmering with power.

Shun stood with perfect composure, his chakra control evident in the aura that surrounded him.

With a determined expression, Yakumo made the first move. She locked eyes with Shun, her gaze piercing through the space between them.

In an instant, a wave of illusions washed over him. Shun's surroundings twisted and contorted, turning the verdant training grounds into a surreal landscape.

Shun's exceptional control over illusions allowed him to resist the initial onslaught. He focused his chakra to dispel the mirages, his mental fortitude unwavering.

The ground beneath him shifted, revealing hidden traps that seemed real but were mere constructs of Yakumo's illusion. Waves of illusory flamea as well as vines washed towards him.

With a series of hand signs, Shun unleashed a burst of elemental jutsu. Water surged from the ground, extinguishing phantom flames, while gusts of wind sliced through illusory vines.

Yakumo responded by creating clones of herself within the illusions, each casting different genjutsu techniques. Shun's senses were bombarded from all directions, making it increasingly challenging to distinguish reality from illusion.

But Shun was not to be outdone. With a focused breath, he released a surge of his own chakra, causing the illusions to waver and dissipate. He stepped forward, weaving through the remnants of the illusions.

The battle continued with a dance of illusion and elemental mastery. Yakumo's Zanpakuto spirit aided her, creating distractions and mirages, while Shun countered with elemental barriers and subtle genjutsu that tested Yakumo's mental resilience.

The clash between them was intense, a testament to their mastery over their respective abilities. The training grounds bore the scars of their battle, with trees twisted into contorted shapes and the very ground upheaved by elemental forces.

In the end, it was a battle of attrition, a test of endurance and skill. Both Yakumo and Shun were pushed to their limits, their chakra reserves nearly depleted.

With a final surge of determination, Yakumo unleashed a powerful genjutsu, weaving a tapestry of illusions that enveloped Shun. He fought valiantly to resist but found himself ensnared in a web of sensory deception.

With a triumphant smile, Yakumo declared, "I've got you."

Shun acknowledged her victory with a nod, his chakra control technique pushed to its limits. The battle had been a grueling test of their abilities, and Yakumo had proven her prowess with "Kurama's Illusionary Embrace."

"You've improved, Yakumo," Shun remarked, acknowledging her growth.

Yakumo grinned, her confidence surging. "I've learned from the best."

Shun's eyes gleamed with determination. "Then, let me show you the power of your Sensei."

Yakumo, her Zanpakuto spirit by her side, launched an illusionary assault. "Kurama's Mirage Dance!" she called out. Illusory copies of herself surrounded Shun, their movements mimicking her every step.

Shun countered with "Elemental Resonance," using his chakra control to create a barrier of elemental energy that disrupted the illusions.

With a smirk, he unleashed "Elemental Surge," a technique that fused multiple elements into a devastating attack. Fire, water, and lightning converged into a searing vortex. The intense heat distorted the air, creating a mirage-like effect.

Yakumo's eyes widened as she recognized the danger. She swiftly activated "Kurama's Illusionary Veil," a technique that concealed her presence and rendered her invisible to Shun's senses.

Shun's elemental surge roared through the area, but it found no target. He realized that Yakumo had vanished.

"Where are you?" he muttered, scanning the battlefield.

Yakumo's voice whispered from the shadows, "Right here."

Suddenly, a chilling sensation enveloped Shun. He turned, only to see Yakumo's form emerging from the illusionary veil, her Zanpakuto spirit lending her an eerie aura.

She struck with "Kurama's Phantom Touch." Her hand, imbued with a chilling illusion, grazed Shun's arm. He felt a numbing cold spread through his body as an illusion of frostbite overtook him.

Shun's chakra control came to his rescue. With great effort, he shattered the illusion, dispelling the numbing sensation. "Impressive," he admitted.

The fact that she could actually deceive his brain to think he was actually feeling cold was very impressive in itself.

Seeing her illsuion dispelled, Yakumo unleashed "Kurama's Whispering Shadows," creating illusory duplicates of herself that weaved through the trees, mimicking her movements and launching attacks from all angles.

Shun countered with "Elemental Serenity," a illusion technique that enveloped him in an aura of calm and clarity, making it harder for Yakumo's illusions to affect his senses.

Even though he knew his brain was of a higher level than normal, Yakumo's Shikai has proven to be beyond normal.

He grinned, "You'll have to do better than that."

Yakumo smiled in response, "Don't underestimate the power of my illusion."

With that, she unleashed "Kurama's Mirage Symphony." The entire battlefield became a shifting, kaleidoscopic realm of illusion. The very ground seemed to ripple, and Shun found himself disoriented.

Shun struggled to maintain his composure, relying on his perfect control to anchor himself in reality. His gaze locked onto Yakumo, who stood at the epicenter of the illusion.

He whispered to himself, "I must break free. This is getting weird."

In the heart of the illusion, Yakumo watched with bated breath, waiting to see if Shun would prevail or if her illusions would claim victory.

As the illusionary world wavered, with Shun's surge of willpower, he dispelled the mirages and stood with a captivated expression.

Yakumo acknowledged his resilience with a nod. "You're a formidable opponent, Shun."

With the final remnants of her chakra, Yakumo's illusions dissipated, and the battlefield returned to its natural state. She staggered slightly, exhaustion finally taking its toll.

Her chakra reserves, modest at best due to her Chunin-level status, were nearly depleted.

Shun approached Yakumo with a sense of pride and admiration. He placed a hand on her shoulder and spoke with genuine praise, "Yakumo, you've exceeded all expectations. To have battled me, with my vast chakra reserves and perfect control, for so long with your limited chakra is a testament to your skill and determination."

Yakumo managed a weary smile, grateful for Shun's encouragement. "Thank you, Shun-sensei. Your guidance and this battle have pushed me further than I thought possible."

Shun nodded, a look of satisfaction in his eyes. "Remember, Yakumo, chakra reserves can be developed with time and training. What you lack in quantity, you make up for in the quality of your techniques and your indomitable spirit. You've proven that today."

Their battle had been an invaluable learning experience for Yakumo, one that would drive her to continue growing as a shinobi.

She knew that she had faced one of the most challenging opponents she could encounter, and the fact that she had endured for so long filled her with a sense of accomplishment.

As they left the training grounds together, the sun dipping below the horizon, Yakumo carried the memory of their battle with her.

She was determined to build her chakra reserves and continue mastering her unique abilities, all while drawing strength from the bond she shared with Shun, her mentor and guide on the path to becoming a truly exceptional shinobi.


In a certain restaurant in Konoha, a couple of Jounins could be seen eating and chatting away with varying expressions on their faces.

"I'll be getting my own little team of Genins next year. So you shouldn't be too smug about yours, Guy." One of the Jounins said to the weird clothed Jounins with a Bob cut.

"Hahaha, my little Genins are just so cute, by the time you're getting yours, they'll be Konoha's strongest Genins." The guy named Guy said with a boisterous laughter.

"Boys." One of the girls amongst them said and shook her head. "How about you Kakashi? Didn't you get assigned to a team this year?"

Kakashi who was focused on his book flipped over to the next page and replied. "I failed them. They weren't prepared."

"Again? Kakashi, at this rate, you wouldn't get a team, you know." Asuma said.

"Whatever, like you aren't waiting for your Sensei's son to graduate to take him." Kakashi said without even raising an eye.

"Heh, it's my duty to take care of my Sensei's son. Plus, I'll also have the responsibility of teaching the Ino-shika-cho group of this generation. The clan heirs at that." Asuma sighed. "What a responsibility."

"Humph." Kurenai snorted at his fake-ness.

"I heard you took in a student recently Kurenai. How is she?" Asuma asked to divert the topic only to see the look on Kurenai's face turn even more sour.

"What's with the look? I heard she was the Kurama clan heir. She should be good with Genjutsu right?" Guy asked oblivious to the look the other Jounins were giving him.

"Sigh. Guy, you should learn some tact." Kakashi said and flipped his page

"And you should stop being a pervet in public." Asuma told the guy

"Everyone has the freedom of preferences." Kakashi said with a straight face as he stuffed a meat into his mouth without lifting up his mask.

'Weird.' they all thought at the sight.

As they saw that Kurenai wasn't in the mood to talk about her student, they began discussing about their daily lives without bringing up any important intel that concerned their missions.

At that moment, Kakashi suddenly sighed loudly and before they could ask what that was about, they heard. "Yo,"

In the center of the group, Shun appeared an began eating as though he was there all along causing some eyes to twitch.


"A-re? Asuma-san? Is that you?" Shun asked after swallowing the meat in his mouth. "I didn't know you had returned. Is your Rebellious phase over already?"

"It's good to see you too Shun." Asuma said with a carefree smile as though Shun's meaningful words had nothing to do with him.

"Hmm. You're more likeable now. If you were like this back then, I'm pretty sure you could've been my brother-in-law. Unfortunately..." Shun said and looked at Kakashi before shaking his head in disappointment.

"For some reason, I feel insulted." Kakashi who had his book closed and hidden away said.

"You should be. Did you think hiding away that book would make me not know you were reading it?" Shun said, looking at him in disdain.

"What are you talking about?" Kakashi said with a straight face.

"Sigh. Anyways, I'm done. I'll be returning back to Hanagakure today." Shun said and then looked at Kurenai. "Your student is already good enough to be a special Jounin as you lot call it."

"What!!?" Kurenai shouted and stood up.

"Shh... Focus." Shun said and used his Genjutsu on her again to prevent any unnecessary emotional outbreaks.

"What are you doing?" Asuma who felt the chakra fluctuation asked as he went on guard only to be stopped by Kakashi who shook his head at him.

"With my impeccable Genius, I was able to develop a Training technique for the young girl. With her Genjutsu, she could actually take either of you on." Shun said refering to Kurenai and Asuma. "No offense."

"What? What of Kakashi and Guy?" Asuma asked in dissatisfaction.

"Well, Guy is...well Guy and Kakashi is well... Kakashi." Shun answered casually. "Anyways, place her in this year's Chunin exams. She will pass with flying colours."

"Are you sure?" "Yup." Can I see her?" "Yeah, sure." Shun replied as he continued stuffing his mouth with meat.

Kurenai immediately left and after giving me a nod, Asuma followed behind her.

"Well, I'll be on my way-" Kakashi said and wants to stand up only for Shun to Stop him. "Please Sit down Kakashi-san." Shun smiled.

With a loud sigh, Kakashi sat down and Shun looked at Guy and said. "If you leave now, Kakashi will fight you for a good one hour."

"Really?!" Guy asked with Youth.

"Of course. You havey word." Shun said and gave him a thumbs up causing Guy to return the gesture and run off with youthful vigor.

As Shun watched the departing back of the Youthful Jounin, he smiled and said. "I like that Guy. What a pity..."

"A pity?" Kakashi asked.

"Nothing to concern yourself about." Shun waved his hand at him. "Now Kakashi, you know Nii-san's son will be graduating from the academy soon, right?"

Kakashi squinted his one exposed eye as he heard that. He could already imagine what Shun was about to ask of him. However, he had pledged to himself that he would only take in students who meet his requirements.

He could surely reject what Shun would propose but he felt he shouldn't do that to his face without having a clear contest of the boy.

"You haven't actually met with the kid, have you?" Shun asked as he continued eating only for Kakashi to keep silent.

"He reminds you of Obito?" Shun asked again and finally got a reaction from Kakashi.

"There's no need to be agitated Kakashi." Shun gulped and continued. "Obito was a genius in his own right. If you look back, you'll also realize it. Your arrogance back then didn't just allow you to acknowledge him."

"I'm aware. I've regretted it ever since." Kakashi said with a sad sigh.

"Then this is your chance to make it up to him. Both him and Itachi. I don't know what conclusion you've come to about Itachi, but I've asked that Sasuke and Naruto be placed in the same team." Shun told the Jounin.

"What? And the Hokage accepted?" He asked in surprise.

"Of course. That would have been Minato's course if action. His son and the son of the Uchiha clan head. Plus, Nee-san also wished that the two would be best friends." Shun answered.


"Yup. You were too broody back then, and even now, your detachment from reality is blinding you to a lot of things." Shun told the man and stood up. "You're already old enough. Don't keep my sister waiting."

"Huh? What has that have to do with what we were talking about?"

"Oh nothing. I just felt like I should tell you. You're already old after all. My sister too. Anyways. With those two in your team, maybe you'll find that family you've always sought in the darkness."

"Family? I don't-"

"Don't worry Kakashi. I'm a genius afterall. What I see and what you do are two different things." Saying that, he stretched his back and waist and said. "Till we meet again..." And flashed away.


Sitting alone in the now scanty restaurant, Kakashi mulled over what Shun had just told him. Deep down, he felt he was right, but his seasoned willpower simply crushed the thought.

Bringing out his Icha Icha paradise, he put his attention on the book and shortly after, he began chuckling pervertedly.

To others, this was just him being a pervet, but to those who knew him, this was his escape from reality.

As for Shun he was already halfway back to Hanagakure via the Shadow Dimension.


A/N: Attention. Attention. We've successfully come to the conclusion of this Volume. Next volume will be The Main Arc... Naruto.

Just so you all know. This is not about Naruto. So this will be from the perspective of Shun.

It'll still be intriguing though so stay tuned.

You can still Read extra 20-50+ Chapters on my Patre@n