Chapter 10

Title: Jutsus


Two weeks had passed since Shun began training the kids, and to no one's surprise, they showed immense growth that left Kakashi flabbergasted.

"What's with that look? Have you forgetten that I trained Yakumo-chan into a Jounin level Shinobi in a month?" Shun asked, looking at the shocked Kakashi in disdain.

Kakashi looked between his students and the distainful Shun, mouth agape, with no words coming out of him.

After spending two weeks under Shun pressure array/formation, they had learned to control their chakra to coat their body... Although it was little, it still wasn't something Genins could achieve.

Looking around him, Kakashi spotted the numerous seal markings around the training ground and look at Shun questioningly.


"Isn't that a little dangerous?"

"How so? The pressure only affects chakra-less bodies." Shun shrugged as he continued watching the three Genins play a game of basketball with his three clones.

Kakashi also watched in fascination as the three Genins showed good coordination and teamwork.

Peeling his eyes off them, he looked at Shun and asked. "And what if they hadn't learned to control it the first time? Wouldn't they have been crushed by that pressure?"

"I feel like you are underestimating me a little too much Kakashi." Shun said seriously. "I am far more accomplished in all forms of Jutsu. I wouldn't overlook something so common."

Shun humphed and turned away. "The pressure is merely a spiritual one. It has little to no effect on their physical bodies, but, as their soul is the anchor to their body, any harm inflicted on it affects the body."

"As far as they keep their wits to themselves, they wouldn't face any harm." Looking over his shoulder at Kakashi. "I've been charged to take care of them which I have been doing... unlike a certain someone."

Not waiting for Kakashi to reply, Shun flashed and appeared in front of the ball that was being passed to Sasuke from Sakura.

"That's enough for today." Shun said as the ball slid down his hand.

"Hey! That's not fair. We were about to score a point!" Naruto cried out.

Shun looked at the kid with a smile. "Oh? And what would that have done? Look at the score... It's 111 to 11. You wouldn't have caught up in time even if my clones decided to laze around on the court."


"Anyways, you lot have showed great growth over this past few weeks. My sources tell me Zabuza has recovered to his peak, and Naruto,"


"Remember that girl you met the other day you stayed out late?"

"Hmm? Oh, she's a boy, no. He's a boy." Naruto answered with a betrayed look on his face.

"Yeah. That one. Well, guess what?"


"She's the Anbu from that day."

"What!" x3. The three shouted as they all looked at Naruto. "Are you okay?" Sakura asked causing Naruto to look at her weirdly.

"Yeah... I mean. I'm here right?"

"Oh... I mean, she-


"Right. He just left you alive?" Sakura asked with a giggle as she saw the look on Naruto's face.

"Yeah. At that time, I felt he was a good guy. He had this air around him... Like Nee-sama." Naruto said looking at Shun.

"Well, you're right. He is a remnant of the Yuki clan. A clan of Ice Release Kekkai Genkai. And he will be your opponent."

"Kekkai Genkai?" Sakura asked. Shun looked at the girl before looking at Naruto and Sasuke, only to see they weren't as confused as the girl.

"Kekkai Genkai is a bloodline limit. A bloodline inheritance per se." Shun began. "It is a bloodline that allows their wielder to use unique Jutsus. A kekkei genkai's name describes both the anomaly and the resulting technique."

"Most kekkei genkai are passed down between generations of a clan, an exception being Hashirama Senju's Wood Release. Likewise, most individuals with kekkei genkai only inherit one kekkei genkai, however this is not always the case."

"Two of you actually possess a Kekkai Genkai here." Shun finished.

"Really? I didn't know about that." Sakura exclaimed.

"Well, one is the Sharingan and the other is...well, is still dormant in Naruto so... Anyways..."

"Hey! Don't jump over my part!" Naruto interuppted but Shun ignored him.

"The Kekkai Genkai helps the user use Unique Jutsus like the three you were taught in the academy. Who can mention them?" Shun asked and Sakura, the straight A student raised her hand.

"Hai. Sakura-kun!"

"The three Jutsus are the Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Taijutsu." She answered with a smug smile to which Shun nodded.

"That's correct, but are those the only Jutsus there are?" Shun asked rhetorically. "As you grow, you would come in contact with Kenjutsu, or rather, Bukijutsu, which is Weapons Technique. This encompasses all forms of weapon technique ranging from Kenjutsu, Shruiken Jutsu, Bojutsu and others."


"That's the correct reaction." Shun nodded seeing their wowed expression. "There is also the Fuinjutsu. Basically the use of Maths alongside chakra."

Naruto immediately looked repulsed at the thought and shrank his head. Shun specifically looked at him and continued. "This is a branch that the Uzumaki clan were feared for... Unfortunately, our resident Uzumaki is such idiot that he can't even write his name properly."

Shun shook his head and that thought. He had once thought that the reason Naruto was not good at Fuinjutsu despite being an Uzumaki was because no one taught him.

However, after repeated attempts, he found that Naruto couldn't even hold a brush steadily, not to mention writing his name properly.

He had initially thought that this was one of the disadvantages of being Ashura's reincarnation, after all, Ashura couldn't even make a functioning seal right till his deathbed.

However, he immediately discarded that thought as he remembered that Hashirama could use it. However, he also discarded that thought as he remembered that nearly all Hashirama's seals were created by Mito.

Looking at the shy Naruto, Shun sighed and continued. "The effects of this training ground is actually as a result of Fuinjutsu."

Without waiting for them to ask any questions on how that works, Shun said. "Kakashi will handle your questions later. Now, moving on, there is the highest and rarest of them all... The Shinjutsu."

"Shinjutsu?" Kakashi by the side was the one to raise the question this time, afterall, unlike the Genins, he had seen more of what the world had to offer, and even he was hearing this term for the first time.

"Yeah. Of course there are other Jutsus out there like the Barrier Jutsu, which is a branch of Fuinjutsu, Collaboration Jutsu, which is usually performed by two or more people, Kinjutsu, whic literally means forbidden Jutsu, Juinjutsu, which is a Kinjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu, Ninjataijutsu, Space-time Jutsu and Senjutsu."

Shun could plainly see the numerous question marks floating around the kids and just smiled. "Don't worry. You'll come across these fields as you grow."

"You still haven't mentioned what the Shinjutsu is." Kakashi pressed as he saw that Shun wasn't keen on answering the first time.

"Well, the Shinjutsu is a Jutsu on the realm of Gods." Shun answered in the literal meaning.

"Gods? As in the levels of Hashirama and Madara from years ago?"

"What? No. Those two don't even come close to what a true Shinjutsu can accomplish." Shun said casually.

Kakashi squinted his one exposed eye as he read Shun's body movement while analysing what he just said.

"True Shinjutsu? That means there are levels? And those two actually reached such a realm? Is that why they're acknowledged as Gods of Shinobi?" Kakashi asked a series of questions.

Shun looked at Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke, who were also looking at him in curiosity. He wondered if he should actually tell them. It wasn't something of a secret as they would come in contact with it on their own as they grow.

It was better if they knew what they were getting their hands into earlier on.

"Well, first off, the Uzumaki, Senju, Hyuga, Uchiha and Tengoku clan all have the potential to reach that level of power." Shun began but paused.

"I suspect there's a but coming up." Kakashi said to which Shun nodded

"But, only the Uchiha, a select few among the Uchiha are capable of that." Shun began. "These five clans are descendants of the Sage of Six Path, his brother and The Six Star Sage respectively."

"The Sage of Six Path has a brother?" Naruto asked in shock.

"Yeah... But I suspect you don't even know who that is do you?" Shun asked and the boy smiled sheepishly while scratching his head.

"Sigh. Anyways, these three are people who reached the realm of Gods during their time. They held so much power that they could create the moon on a whim." Shun said and looked up into the bright afternoon sun.

"You're kidding right?" Kakashi asked but Shun rolled his eyes at him.

"I'm only telling you what's recorded in our clan's archive. As descendants of these three, these clans posses the potential but only the Uchiha clan can use it only when certain requirements are met."

Looking at Kakashi, Shun said. "You should already have an idea. Shinjutsu are technique that do not require these handsigns as we call it. You can't possibly copy them by looking at them or even studying them."

"An example is the Susanno and the numerous Abilities the Mangekyou Sharingan bestows on its wielder." Shun stood up. "These are just the basic level Shinjutsus, after all, in the face of a true Shinjutsu, common sense is thrown out the window."

"That should be enough for today. I suspect that Zabuza will be attacking the bridge tomorrow. I won't be there to fight with you guys as I have a separate mission I've been putting off for a while now." Shun turned to the three and smiled.

"You've all grown. When you meet that boy tomorrow, show him hell, and Naruto, despite what I've been telling you on what a Shinobi is... Remember to follow your heart in whatever judgement you make." Saying that, his figure blurred out of existence as the trio and confused Kakashi watched.

"That guy..." Kakashi sighed.

"Right? He just comes and goes like he owns the place. He doesn't even allow anyone to say goodbye or something." Naruto grumbled.

"He just said he has important things to take care of, idiot." Sasuke muttered as he looked at his friend in disdain.

"What did you say, you stupid..."

"Oh. I forgot something..." Shun's voice was heard as he appeared in front of the two friends. "....What were you two about to do just now?"

"Nothing." They both said at the same time causing Shun to squint his eye at them. "Suspicious... Anyways." *Snap*

Shun snapped his finger and immediately, Sakura and Kakashi seemed to have frozen in time.

"You two... What level are you both at now?"


I'll be going AWOL for a few days..don't know how long, but it'll be a while. I posted 5 chapters at once because of that. If you feel like reading more, Read extra 20-50+ Chapters on my Patre@n