Chapter 11

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Title: Fateful Encounter


As Shun's voice rang in their ears, Naruto and Sasuke exchanged quick, suspicious glances. The suddenness of Shun's reappearance and his probing question had instantly put them on edge.

Shun's eyes narrowed as he saw the guarded expressions on the faces of the two kids.

"What were you two about to do just now?" Shun repeated, his tone filler with a sense of scrutiny.

"Nothing," Naruto replied hastily, attempting to play off their sudden tension.

"Nothing," Sasuke echoed, his Sharingan subtly activated, ready to assess the situation at a moment's notice.

Shun's gaze intensified, and he took a step closer to the two young ninja.

As Shun drew nearer, Naruto's hand instinctively moved towards the kunai pouch on his hip, while Sasuke's also did the same. Their training had taught them to be cautious and always ready for unexpected threats.

But Shun, ever perceptive, didn't miss the subtle movements. His lips curled into a knowing smile. "You two have secrets, don't you?" he said with a hint of amusement.

Naruto and Sasuke exchanged another glance, realizing that their secret was now in danger of being exposed.

"Hahaha, look at you two being all guarded against me." Shun laughed loudly, immediately dispelling the tense atmosphere that seemed to grip the two ninjas.

"What? You thought your system were unique to you or something?" Shun asked and the two looked at eachother. "It wasn't?"

Shun nodded at the question. "It is, actually, but who do you think created it?"

"Y-You did?" Naruto asked in a shaky voice.

"No no no. Well yes, I did, but not entirely." Shun said and sat down. "I don't have much time so I'll keep it short. This system was a unique Creation I came up with. Naruto, you father and mother wanted to leave you something that wouldn't make you lonely, as they were busy people so I brought up the Idea."

"Coincidentally, Mikoto-san, Your mother's best friend already had a kid." Looking at Sasuke. "It was you Sasuke. Your mother and Naruto's mother were as close as sisters right from the academy. On the day of that incident, she gave you the twin pendant that contained the other system, in hopes that you two will be as close as they once were."

Shun smiled sadly. "It was as though Naruto's mother knew that something would happen to her... Anyways, the system, they came up with was one where you two would compete with eachother to better yourselves as you grow, however, the things I came up with, were certain skills and... incentives that would make you two stronger than your peers."

"As I have told you earlier, the system isn't unique to you. Try saying [Analyse] while looking at me." Shun said.

The two boys looked at eachother before saying. "[Analyse]"



"Argh!" They both screamed and clutched their head in pain.

"Stop!" Shun ordered and the notifications blaring in their heads instantly stopped.

"What was that!?" Sasuke asked in anger.

"Well, that was you system, trying to analyse it's creator."


"It's like a child challenging his or her father." Shun explained in simpler terms. "I've come to realize that you two haven't thought to utilizing the full capability of your system for whatever reason."

"Well, it's not like it's that necessary, but as a Shinobi, knowing the information of your foe before you engage is a must. I just remembered this as I was leaving. You will need this particular {Skill} in tomorrow's battle."

"Now then..." As he finished saying this, his figure disappeared.


"Naruto! Sasuke!"

They were immediately jolted awake by Sakura screaming their names.

"What!" Naruto asked as he looked around only to be hit with so many information that he couldn't process.

"Argh!!" He began screaming only to realise that Sasuke was also screaming with him.

"Sensei! What's wrong with Sasuke and Naruto?" Sakura asked in worry.

Kakashi frowned and placed his hands on them and noticed that the chakra in their brains were in overdrive.

It was as though they were caught in a Genjutsu but no matter how much chakra he tried to pour into their system, nothing worked.

He was beginning to panic when Sasuke's husky voice voice rang out. "Stop!"

As soon as he said this, Kakashi noticed the chakra running wildly in his brain came to an abrupt stop.


"Stop!" Naruto, seeing Sasuke calm down, followed suit and immediately, his pain was gone.

"Sasuke you..." Naruto looked at Sasuke for an explanation only for Sasuke to grunt. "He did the same thing and it stopped."

Naruto, hearing this, understood what Sasuke was talking about and sighed weakly. "Why doesn't he ever complete his explanation?"

"I believe that's why he said we aren't utilizing That Thing properly. This was probably one of his tests as the creator. Remember those weird stories he always told us?" Sasuke recounted.

"Yeah.... Damn." Naruto said.

"You two... What are you talking about?"


That night, the group sat around the table as usual to eat their dinner. Naruto and Sasuke were all worn out with their clothes all dirty.

Sakura for some reason was still sparkling clean despite the match they had just finished under the usual pressure.

As they relaxed on the table waiting for the meal to be served, Naruto noticed Inari trembling and asked. "What's wrong?"

Not being able to hold all his grievance any longer, the young boy burst out. "Why do you wear yourself out trying!? No matter how hard you train, you'll never be able to match Gato's thugs! You act all cool, and you talk all tough, but big strong guys like that are always too much for people weaker than they are. They'll destroy you!!"

Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi, Tsunami and Tazuna all paused at the boy's outburst. For a moment, no one knew how to react until Naruto said lazily. "Shut up. I'm not you, and I'm not gonna lose."

"Just watching you ticks me off. You go running your mouth when you don't know a thing! This isn't your town." Inari began. "And you don't know a thing about me. You're always clowning around and having fun, you don't know a thing about suffering and loneliness or what my life is like!"

This managed to actually tick the usually calm Naruto. Ever since he began learning under Shun for the past two weeks, he had learned to always meditate after every exercise, so he didn't really have much brain cells to argue with the boy. But listening to the boy...

"So you figure it's noble to star in a melodrama and threat everyone around you like guests at you pity party?" Naruto calmly asked. At that moment, the air in the room suddenly shifted as Naruto sat up and glared at Inari.

"It takes a big man to sit around and cry, you brat! You big baby!"

"..." Inari was stunned speechless as he saw a new version of the usual happy go lucky kid he always saw around his house. With no words to refute, Inari ran upstairs while sobbing.

"Naruto, you..."

"No, Sensei. The boy needs to know that the world doesn't revolve around his pain." Naruto interuppted and left the room leaving a flabbergasted Kakashi who seemed to see the shadow of Shun in Naruto for a split second.


(A/N: Well, we all know that Naruto didn't go too far in his admonishing. Inari needed to know that there were others suffering.ore than him out there so I'm just going to skip the whole thing.)

The next day, the group of Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura and Tazuna stood Infront of the house as they bid farewell to Tsunami. They had decided to not train today as Shun had told them that Zabuza may attack..

Meanwhile, Naruto was having his beauty sleep as if it was no one's business.


In a dark room that screamed suspicious, a fat man, dressed in a three piece black suit and enjoying a glass of wine suddenly asked. "Are you ready to attack?"


Not receiving an answer from the Ninja he had hired, the man threw the glass to the ground in anger, but that did little to the man sitting comfortably in the shadows of the room.

"Time to go Haku." The man said as he swung a gigantic sword over his back and Flashed out of the room.

"Of course." The person identified as Haku answered and followed suit.

Their destination, The Bridge, where they would confront our resident team Seven.


"WHAT!!! I overslept!!" Naruto's carelessly loud voice resounded throughout the house and it's environment as he awoke and saw the daylight outside.

Running downstairs, he saw the duo of Tsunami and Inari going about their daily activities. "Hey. Hello? Where did everybody go?"

"Oh Naruto. What are you doing up?" Tsunami asked with a smile.

Naruto's eye twitched at that question. 'Were you expecting me to sleep in more or what?'

"Master Kakashi wanted you to take Today off." Tsunami continued causing Naruto to understand the reason for the weird question.

"I knew it! First chance they get, they leavee behind!" Naruto grumbled causing Kakashi's clone who was hiding to facepalm.

'I wanted you to guard the two while we handle Zabuza. Couldn't you even realize that much?' he thought as he wondered if this boy really learned anything from his entire twelve year with Shun.

"I'm outta here!" Naruto shouted and left the house in a hurry. Shun who was watching from the side saw that the plot seemed to be going according to the original timeline and decided to just leave a Calogram to record it while he left.

He had already felt the presence of normal civilians approaching the house, but with a well trained Naruto, they were nothing but fodder.

After all, even the less trained Naruto could handle them.


As the group approached the bridge they came across a group of grown men beaten to an inch of their life.

"Wh-What the hell is going on!?" Tazuna asked in shock as he ran to his fellow workers. "Oi. What happened!? What could've..."

"M... monsters.." One of the men managed to say before he succumbed to darkness.

'As expected... He's here,' Kakashi thought as he looked around only to discover a faint mist converging around them. 'This mist...'

"They're coming." He said and immediately, Sasuke and Sakura took position with Tazuna in their center.

"Kakashi-dono, is this..That man we met... His [Hiding In The Midst] technique isn't it?" Tazuna asked as Sasuke began trembling.

"Been a while Kakashi..." Zabuza's voice sounded from the midst around them. "And I see you've got those brats tagging along, just like last time. And the little boy trembling again. Poor thing."

As his voice faded, four figures emerged from the mist surrounding them in all four direction while gazing at the group menacingly.

Sasuke locked gaze with the one Infront of him with no fear in his eyes. A smirk trained on his lips as he said. "I'm shaking... Not out of fear... But with eagerness for a rematch."

The Zabuza looking at him was shocked at the little amount of aura emanating from the boy. It was one only see in seasoned ninjas. Those who've been through some rigorous training and missions.

Still, as experienced as he was, he wouldn't put the boy in his eyes as his surprise turned into a disdain.

At that very moment, another Zabuza appeared in their Midst and swung his heavy sword at Tazuna, only for it to be blocked by Kakashi's Kunai who had an eye smile.

"Go ahead, Sasuke." Kakashi Said, and immediately, all hell broke loose.


1.9k words. Sorry for the delay. Been occupied with a lot of things. I hope y'all are enjoying the book so far. Thanks to my newest patreons. I appreciate the support.

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