Chapter 41

Title - Chunin Exams. Final Part 1


'Well now, I look forward to seeing how much you'd grow after this short Timeskip. Naruto already has his Cheat Code, I just hope I can make you catch up real quick.' I thought as I left the room.


A week quickly passed as the entire Village prepared for the final part of the Chunin Exams, the village was writhe with excitement as it welcomed the various dignitaries from all around the world.

With this visitors came an increase in business as well as population and congestion...For the civilian part of the Village though.

And with that also came an increased movement of the village Anbu.

The Reason I came to even be bothered to know this?

I had a favorable impression of Yugao Uzuki. Of all the Normal kunoichis I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, she was the most impressive of the era.

Tomoe was in another league of her own, and with Izanami's interference, she's also basically immortal, and that's just with her physical bodies.

I wouldn't want someone as passionate and beautiful as Yugao to just die out due to a broken heart, hence my need to protect the man if need be.

"Hey, Shun. What got you in this mood?" A voice interrupted my peace as I sat in a meditative posture atop a relatively tall tree in the forests around Konoha.

"I think the better question is: How and Why did you even find me?" I asked the silver haired Jounin who has his back against the upper part of the tree while standing on a branch.

"Oh, I didn't actually find you perse. Jiraiya-sama just pointed me in your direction. According to him, your presence around makes it impossible to teach Naruto properly." Came the Jounin's reply.

"Is that so? I only had an inkling he'd be putting my dearest brother's life in danger is all." I said as I extended my perception towards another end of the village's forest.

"Y'know, Jiraiya is the kid's God-father."

"I haven't seen him in the last 12 years Naruto has been alive. The only reason I allow him near the kid is because of Minato-nii." I replied.

Although I like the man, his direct absence during these 12 years of Naruto's life left a bad taste in my mouth.

This was someone you promised to look after if anything went wrong with the father.

I was there. The very day Minato asked this of him. Minato was the Hokage so he knew his life may not be peaceful. This was the very reason he asked Jiraiya to be his Godfather.

Yet, the man left and never returned for 12 years. 12 years outside the village, chasing someone who even the Gods can't change.

I get he may have inquired about him from Hiruzen, but Hearing and Seeing are two different things.

But still, the man was a good man, and he would be the father figure Naruto needs in his life.

As for me, I'm okay with being the big brother.

"Hmm, anyways, I've been meaning to ask. How's Sasuke doing? Guy has also asked about his student, Tenten... How are they doing?" Kakashi asked.

"Quite alright if you ask me. They'd be two different people after their training ends."

"Okay, that I can trust, but Guy... Despite him focusing on Lee, you know he's quite the character."

"I'm aware, but let him know that Tenten came of her own choice. Also, I won't harm a Shinobi in their own village, now would I?"

"Who knows? You've always been weird in the way you think," Kakashi snickered.


"Alright, I'll catch you later. Gotta see how Sakura is holding on." He said and disappeared with a shushuin.

This guy... I wonder why he even came here in the first place. Worried I'd do something to Sasuke? I've known the kid longer than he has and yet...Sigh.

As for Naruto...

Time continued to pass and soon it was the day the finals were going to be taking place.

I had decided not to talk to Jiraiya throughout his stay in the Village and he too didn't seek me out.

The one good thing he did during this training period was train Naruto on how to better harness Kurama's chakra, and even then, what he taught him was just the rudimentary.

But oh well, it'd be alright for now. It's not like Naruto has a need for Kurama's chakra as of yet. His is already enough with proper control.

Also, Jiraiya didn't mention anything about his relationship with Naruto's parents which I actually appreciated. Whether it was because he could feel my stare down his back or just his morality in play, I didn't know and didn't care to find out.

But Naruto... I promised him I'd tell him about his dad if he impressed me in these exams. To say I'm not impressed even now would be a lie. Same goes for Sasuke.

I'll find a time to let them both know about the family before they both leave for their respective training.

I would've loved to train them during the 2.5 years Timeskip, but I've got better things to do.

What better things? You might ask...

Well, nothing really. I just gotta enter my Time Chamber and throw myself into the future.

Although I would love to watch them develop during the 2.5 years, I still have better things to do. A clone will do in observing them, plus, keeping an eye on Ishikki's growing organization is a necessity.

Thankfully, my clones are quite capable.

"-san! Shun-san!"

"Eh? Little Red, you called?"

"I've been calling you for some time now. Also, don't call me little red!" The little red head beside me pouted angrily as she said.

"Eh? Then what should I call you?"

"It's Karin. Karin! It's that simple." She said as she tried to enunciate her words by clenching her fist and pointing it at my face.

"Eh? But that's quite a mouthful. Little Red is okay."

"H-how? Little Red is a mouthful. Karin is just that. Karin." She said in exasperation.

"Eh? Is that so? Then Karin is not a mouthful. I don't like names that are not a mouthful." I said to the Red head with a serious tone

"Y-You.... Nevermind." She quickly gave up before looking around and asking. "Naruto-kun would be here, right? Sasuke too."

"Yup. The whole team would be here. But considering their Sensei, there's a high chance of them coming just at the nick of time." I reassured with a nod, causing her to settle down.

Seeing this, I rolled my eyes at the girl going through what many know as the First love experience. Unfortunately, her crush has a rather dangerous Hyūga always watching his back.

For as long as a month now, I've been taking care of the Uzumaki after Naruto found out she was an Uzumaki.

Thankfully, my lessons on Shinobi uniqueness didn't go to waste as he quickly realized she must be a relative considering her crimson red hair.

After that, he had made sure she stuck to him which wasn't an issue considering his sunny smile and chakra.

According to Karin, when she used the Kagura Mind Eye, Naruto's chakra was too bright, although looking deeper, she saw something totally contrasting.

An eerie and malevolent chakra so evil that even staring at it made her barf.

It was a pleasant surprise knowing she had awakened the ability so early, but it wasn't unwelcomed.

Thanks to the abuse she and her mother had gone through in Kusagakure, she has been able to Awaken it.

And thanks to my interference a few years back, her mother is still alive albeit not particularly kicking.

After hearing her story, Naruto had immediately pleaded with Kakashi to help her, but after a series of refusals as well as adequate and reasonable reasons for refusing, he turned to me.

I didn't particularly have any problems with that and readily accepted to help her after this exam arc was completed.

At that time, Naruto would probably be out looking for Tsunade, so I would just pop in, kill a few Kusa nins, 'kidnap' the village medical center while making them know who did it.

I'll see whether they'd have the gall to complain, fully knowing they had held an Uzumaki captive for close to 15 years.

"-san! Shun-san!"

"Hmm?" I turned to the pink faced Karin and responded.

"You're doing it again. Where does your mind go every now and then? And you call yourself a Jounin rank Shinobi? I would've killed you many times over if I was an enemy." She said as literal fumes could be seen floating out of her head.

"You? Enemy? Please. I could literally sleep and a thousand of you wouldn't be able to even rouse me from my sleep." I said with a nonchalant air.


"Me! What's up? Oh look, the exams are about to begin."


The arena buzzed with anticipation as the Chunin Exams entered their final phase. I shifted my focus from Karin's harmless rant to the unfolding events in the stadium. The air was thick with excitement and tension.

Naruto and Sasuke, along with the other participants, made their way to the center stage. The crowd's murmurs grew louder, and I could sense the collective anticipation of the village.

'I really look forward to seeing how much you've grown in the past few weeks.' I said as I observed Sasuke.

The air around him was far more dangerous than before. If before, he felt like a killer, now, he feels like an experienced killer.

That was normal considering he had been killing the various versions of himself while also developing in different regards.

'I bet he could think of several hundred ways to kill any opponent he lays his eyes on. Omoshiroi.' I thought before looking at my side to observe the red head I've been getting some intense emotions from.

Karin, unable to contain her excitement, clutched the railing, her eyes glued to Naruto's every move. Her crush on him was palpable, and I couldn't help but find amusement in the innocence of first love.

The various participants were being called out and introduced to the audience while receiving different reactions from them.

I found there was already a polling unit set up before the exams. With various big shots coming, it was a free opportunity to make a bastard amount of money.

Amidst the cheers and clashes, Kakashi appeared beside me, silently observing the events below. His single visible eye showed a mix of pride and concern as he watched Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke in the arena.

"Quite the show they're putting on," Kakashi remarked, breaking the silence.

"Indeed. Their growth is commendable," I responded, my gaze fixed on the arena.

The tension in the air thickened as the participants for the final battles of the Chunin Exams were introduced one by one. The crowd's energy reached a peak, eager to witness the clashes between promising young ninjas.

"First up, we have Gaara of the desert, facing off against our very own skilled Uchiha prodigy, Sasuke Uchiha!"

The cheers and roars from the audience intensified as they waited for the two Genins mentioned to step into the arena.

"Hmm? Is this fate perhaps?" I muttered as I observed that Gaara wasn't in the stadium.

For some odd reason, he wasn't around despite Sasuke being around for his own battle.

In the original timeline, 'Fate' played its path and ensured that Sasuke and Gaara would fight before Gaara would unleash Shukaku.

Now however, it seems that 'Fate' is still in play considering the current circumstances.

"Gaara…doesn't seem to be in the stadium…" Kakashi said after a brief moment.

"He isn't. He's going to be disqualified if he does not make it in time." I said in reply.

"You're right…" he said and looked at the Kage booth which caused me to also look..

From what I know, Orochimaru would depend on this to launch his operation, so he wouldn't allow Gaara to be disqualified from the exams.

The scene seemed to play according to my expectation as Hayate, yes, Hayate, called for a postponement of the match as the next in line were called up.

As for Hayate, he didn't end up in a situation where he would be killed… Good riddance.

And soon, the two next participants, Naruto and Neji, stood in the center of the arena, ready to go at it.