Chapter 42

Title: Naruto VS Neji


The Chunin Exams arena, bathed in the glow of midday sun, crackled with the palpable energy of impending battle. The crowd's hum of anticipation was hushed by the commanding voice of the Jounin overseeing the match.

"In this corner, we have Naruto Uzumaki, and in the other, Neji Hyūga! Let the battle begin!"

Naruto, with his vivid white and blue jumpsuit and confident swagger, faced Neji, the stoic Hyūga heir.

The two locked eyes, the intensity of the moment building. Neji activated his Byakugan, the veins around his eyes bulging as his vision pierced through any illusion or pretense.

As the signal echoed through the arena, Neji made the first move, a burst of speed that brought him within striking distance of Naruto.

The crowd watched, breaths collectively held, as Neji's movements blurred with a grace born of years of rigorous training.

However, Naruto was no stranger to swift combat. With a surge of chakra, he multiplied, creating shadow clones that materialized around Neji in a strategic formation.

The crowd gasped at the sudden appearance of these extra combatants.

Undeterred, Neji's Byakugan flared, its all-seeing gaze analyzing the battlefield. In a seamless motion, Neji initiated the renowned Hyūga technique, "Eight Trigrams: Rotation."

Chakra enveloped him in a protective cocoon as he spun, a human tempest warding off the onslaught of Naruto's shadow clones.

The clash of techniques filled the air. Naruto's clones dissipated under the relentless force of Neji's rotation, but the original Naruto remained undaunted.

He stood there, his lone figure against the whirling storm created by Neji's defense.

The crowd erupted into a mix of applause and gasps. Naruto, grinning despite the odds, dispersed the remaining clones.

As the echoes of Neji's rotation subsided, a charged silence enveloped the Chunin Exams arena.

Naruto stepped forward, his eyes locked onto Neji, a confident grin playing on his lips. The tension in the air crackled with the promise of an intense battle.

"Hey, Neji! I get it. You're looking out for Hinata, right? But let me show you, I can be someone she'll be proud of!" Naruto's voice cut through the stillness, a declaration of his unwavering determination.

Neji, ever composed, regarded Naruto with a measured gaze. His Byakugan, still active, honed in on Naruto's every move.

The match resumed, both combatants circling each other like predators sizing up their prey.

Naruto, devoid of any flashy jutsu, relied solely on his taijutsu skills, showcasing a level of agility and finesse that surprised even those familiar with his unorthodox style.

His movements were a dance of unpredictable strikes, each punch and kick executed with a precision that belied his mischievous exterior.

Neji, with the Byakugan enhancing his perception, anticipated Naruto's attacks. The arena echoed with the rhythmic sound of blows exchanged between the two shinobi.

Naruto, fueled by determination, weaved through Neji's attacks, narrowly avoiding each strike with a combination of acrobatics and swift footwork.

The crowd watched in awe as the famed mischievous ninja showcased a level of skill that defied expectations. Naruto's movements were a testament to the countless hours of training and battles he had faced.

Neji, though maintaining his stoic demeanor, couldn't help but acknowledge the proficiency of his opponent.

Amidst the exchange of blows, Naruto's unwavering spirit shone through. "I may not be the most serious guy, but let me show you, I'll always give it my all, especially for the people I care about!"

Naruto's words carried a sincerity that resonated within the hearts of those who knew him.

The clash intensified, the arena echoing with the sounds of their blows. Naruto, propelled by his determination to prove himself, pressed on.

Neji, a paragon of discipline, adjusted his strategy, recognizing that beneath Naruto's mischievous façade lay a shinobi with an indomitable will.

Neji, ever composed, adjusted his stance, his Byakugan still active, scrutinizing Naruto's every move. The crowd, caught in the ebb and flow of the clash, watched as the shinobi faced off with fervor that went beyond simply winning the Chunin exams.

Naruto, despite lacking the conventional arsenal of jutsu, continued to press forward with a mixture of his shadow clones and taijutsu.

His movements, a whirlwind of controlled chaos, tested Neji's precision and agility. The Hyūga prodigy, analyzing Naruto's every strike, sensed a tenacity in the blonde ninja's demeanor that intrigued him.

In a momentary pause in the exchange, Neji spoke, his voice cutting through the intensity of the battle. "Your determination is admirable, Naruto. But you're still too unpredictable, too chaotic. That won't protect those you care about."

Naruto, momentarily catching his breath, shot back with a grin, "Maybe, but that's what makes me who I am. And I'll use every bit of it to protect the ones I love!"

As the battle recommenced, Neji adjusted his strategy, seeking to unravel the enigma that was Naruto's fighting style. The Hyūga Gentle Fist technique, a formidable array of strikes aimed at disrupting the opponent's chakra flow, became the centerpiece of Neji's offensive.

Naruto, dodging and weaving, displayed an intuitive understanding of the Hyūga techniques.

His evasion, a dance of calculated unpredictability, frustrated Neji's attempts to land decisive blows.

The crowd, captivated by the clash, marveled at the unorthodox brilliance displayed by Naruto.

"I've been sparring with Hinata for as long as I can remember now, your gentle fist has little to no effect on me." Naruto said with a smirk.

In a sudden burst of speed, Neji closed the distance, aiming a precise strike at Naruto's chakra points. However, Naruto countered with a swift series of taijutsu maneuvers.

The exchange reached a crescendo, both fighters locked in a dance of skill and willpower.

Neji, forced to acknowledge the depth of Naruto's abilities, spoke once more, "You're not just chaos. There's a method to your madness. But can you sustain it, Naruto?"

"What are you talking about Neji? I don't know about madness or Chaos, but I sure know I'm pretty unpredictable. And last I checked, that's what makes an awesome Ninja." Naruto said as he relaxed his body.

"And as someone who's gonna be the Hokage, awesomeness is something I have been with." He finished.


Shun's POV

Sitting on a vantage point overlooking the Chunin Exams arena, I observed the clash between Naruto and Neji unfold beneath me.

Naruto moved with a grace that defied the mischievous exterior he often displayed.

His taijutsu prowess, honed through countless hours of tortu- 'ahem' training and battles, was on full display. I couldn't help but marvel at the depth hidden behind his seemingly chaotic approach.

'He really is one unpredictable boy.' I mused as I looked at his opponent.

Neji, the epitome of Hyūga discipline, countered Naruto's every move with calculated precision.

The Byakugan, a tool for scrutiny, sought patterns in Naruto's unpredictable onslaught. To be honest, it had a better potential than the Sharingan, but that's for another time.

As the battle unfolded, I couldn't shake the memories of the day Naruto was born. A little baby boy, burdened with a legacy, he faced a village that shunned him.

I, in my role as his elder brother, took it upon myself to guide him through the complexities.

Naruto's determination, the very essence that fueled his fight against Neji, had always been a source of inspiration.

His resilience in the face of adversity resonated with a strength that transcended mere physical prowess. In him, I saw the embodiment of the Uzumaki spirit—a spirit that refused to be broken.

This was something Minato had as well. Despite not being an Uzumaki, he was pretty headstrong. And combining the genes of them both, there was no way Naruto was gonna be mild tempered.

Well, perhaps it was the machinations of Fate or whatever, but the fact that he retains a trait of Ashura is still endearing.

Neji, on the other hand, represented a different facet of the shinobi world. His disciplined approach, molded by the rigid traditions of the Hyūga clan, clashed with Naruto's unorthodox methods.

Yet, there was an undeniable beauty in the precision of Neji's techniques, a testament to the heritage he carried.

'Nami-chan would be pleased. An even more talented Hyūga...'

As the battle reached its zenith, I pondered the significance of this clash beyond the confines of the Chunin Exams.

Regardless of the outcome, this battle would leave an indelible mark on both Naruto and Neji. It was a moment of growth, a stepping stone in their respective journeys as shinobi.

And I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for the shinobi they were becoming.

'These kids really are the future of this world...'

"-san!! Shun-san!"

"Eh?" I replied and turned to the redhead who now also looked like she would explode due to her red face. "What's the matter?" I asked.

"Look! Isn't Naruto just so cool?" She asked, causing my blindfolded eyes to twitch.

"I know that more than you kid, and guess what?"

"What?" She asked, looking at me doubtfully.

"He'll be even more amazing, unfortunately..." I said and shook my head regretfully.

Seeing my expression, hers also changed and she asked. "Unfortunately?"

"Unfortunately, you won't be able to see it considering how weak you are now." I said and looked at Neji. "You see that kid he's fighting?"

Despite her now pale face, she nodded as I said. "His sister has always been beside Naruto since they were young and they both have the hots for each other."


"That's right. That's the reason this fight is so intense." I said with a nod. "But enough about that, the girl in question is the strongest Kunoichi of your age group. Think you can compete with her?"

Karin looked between Neji, Naruto and me as she processed what I had said. She seemed to just be waking up to reality at the moment.

"Personally, I prefer strong girls. I would rather have a strong woman have my back. That way, I could comfortably fight, knowing full well that she'd be okay." I continued.

"You haven't trained a single bit since you were a kid. Think you can make Naruto fall for you?" I continued my mental harassment.

"Wh-What s-should I d-do?" She stammered.

"Simple. After this is done, spend as much time as possible with Naruto and Hinata, observe them closely and then, you'll find your answer. When you do, I'll be here to help you."


"Really." I said and she nodded. "It's a promise then."


The battle between Naruto and Neji had reached a fever pitch, both shinobi pushing their limits in the search for victory.

Naruto, sweat glistening on his determined face, faced Neji with unwavering resolve.

The intensity of the battle had reached its peak, and the fate of the match hung in the balance. Neji, with a renewed sense of purpose, launched a final assault. Naruto met each strike with a counter of his own.

The crowd, breathless with anticipation, watched as the two shinobi clashed with unparalleled determination.

One, a member of an esteemed clan, and the other, an outcast of the village, and a civilian one at that.

In a swift exchange of blows, Naruto seized an opening, delivering a decisive strike that sent Neji staggering backward.

As Neji struggled to regain his composure, Naruto stood tall, a triumphant smile on his face.

"I win, Neji..." he said to which the Hyūga just kept mute as he observed the boy.

The crowd erupted into cheers, acknowledging the sheer tenacity and skill displayed by the mischievous ninja.

Neji, though defeated, regarded Naruto with a newfound respect.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Naruto extended a hand towards Neji. "That was a great fight, Neji. Thanks for pushing me to be better."

Neji, accepting the gesture, nodded in acknowledgment.


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