Chapter 48

Title: Conclusion




"Well, ain't your Kage just someone to look up to," I remarked, eyeing the apparition behind the old man.

"Huh?" Yugao turned to me.

"He's about to kick the bucket after this showdown. Even though he's commendable, all this mess wouldn't have gone down if he had a bit more backbone back in the day," I cryptically explained.

"What on earth are you talking about?" She asked, perplexed. I just shook my head.

"Nothing much."

The demon phantom behind Hiruzen seemed to shoot me a glance before getting back to its soul-reaping job.

Hiruzen wasn't an Uzumaki, and it showed. For a non-Uzumaki like him, the toll of summoning that devil was none other than the summoner's soul.

Hiruzen turned to face the demon, his gaze meeting the apathetic stare of his executioner.

"What's happening?" Yugao inquired, worry etched on her face.

From an outsider's perspective, Hiruzen seemed distracted, gazing into the sky instead of focusing on the ongoing battle.

"He's checking out his own execution," I informed her.

"Execution? What in the world are you talking about, Shun? I'm utterly confused right now."

"As you should be. This is some high-level stuff, a forbidden jutsu called the Reaper Death Seal. An ancient Uzumaki Clan seal. For non-Uzumakis like Hiruzen, summoning the devil costs them their lives."


"It can't be..."

Ignoring the skeptical chorus, I continued observing the match.

"No matter what you do, it's too late. I've won. Konoha's going down," Orochimaru smugly declared, eyeing his sensei.

The hand signs Hiruzen used were new to Orochimaru, adding a touch of uncertainty to his demeanor. However, with the two Kages by his side, he still felt confident.

"Konohagakure is my home. As the Hokage, the central pillar of the village, I am solely responsible for its defense," Hiruzen began. "As the one who inherits and is entrusted with Konoha's will... I won't go down so easily."

"Humph," Orochimaru sneered, and immediately, Hashirama made a sign.

\[Genjutsu: Kokuangyô no Jutsu! / Art of Infinite Darkness.\]

As the technique kicked in, to the spectators, Hiruzen appeared to be blindly searching the surroundings.

"What's happening?" Some Anbu members questioned.

"This illusion is a high-level genjutsu created by the Senju brothers themselves. True Darkness," I explained.

"It impairs the victim's sight. No matter how strong you are, breaking it is near impossible. Hashirama cast it himself," I added, expecting exclamations of surprise or doubt. To my surprise, they remained silent, seemingly absorbing the information.

We continued watching as Hiruzen, under the assault of Hashirama and Tobirama, struggled to maintain his ground.

"You speak nonsense, Sensei. You're just one leader among many for a lowly organization. Even your mountainous image will erode away in time," Orochimaru taunted.

"Humph. Konohagakure is more than just an organization. To me, in Konoha, new shinobi are born every year. They live, fight, and die to protect the village and its people."

"Everyone in the village, even though we're not bound by blood, is precious to me. They are my family," Hiruzen declared with unwavering conviction, weathering the relentless assault.

Orochimaru, seemingly avoiding a swift finish, engaged in a psychological battle, aiming to break Hiruzen before dealing a final blow. What a twisted strategy.

"Hehehe, then I'll just knock you down and break you, the pillar of Konoha, and destroy the house," Orochimaru countered.

"Heh. Even if you kill me, that pillar won't break. I inherited the will of the first and second Hokage. In Konoha, a new Hokage will rise to inherit my will and stand as its pillar," Hiruzen proclaimed.

The emotions I sensed from my side indicated that Hiruzen's words left a deep impact on those witnessing the battle.

With a resounding clap of his hands, Hiruzen initiated the Reaper Death Seal.

"Ah, I don't know that jutsu...?" Orochimaru commented, watching his sensei.

"Then show me this supposed jutsu."

Hiruzen faced Tobirama's assault, blood flowing from a deep slash. Orochimaru mocked him, unaware of the impending doom as Hiruzen, injured but determined, prepared to execute the jutsu.


"What's happening?"

"His soul... it's being yanked out of his body," I replied, causing all of them to cry out in shock once more.

This time, I didn't blame them.

"Can you see it?" Yugao asked, and I nodded.

"I wouldn't wish for you to witness this scene... it's dreadful," I said.

"Can I?"

"Sure, but I-"

"Let me see it."


"Let me see it," she repeated.

"Are you sure?" I asked, and she nodded resolutely.

"Alright," I said and placed my hand on her face, sharing my sight with her.

Yugao's eyes widened in horror as she beheld the nightmarish spectacle within the space. The air crackled with ominous energy as the Shinigami had its hand plunged into Hiruzen.

The devil's appearance was a grotesque amalgamation of shadow and malice. Its eyes glowed with an unholy light, and its twisted form exuded an aura of pure malevolence.

Sensing another gaze on it, the devil turned its gaze toward Yugao, and a chilling realization set in. The air itself seemed to thicken with the sinister intent of the summoned entity, casting a dark pall over the chamber.

Despite the barrier, Yugao still felt its pressure on her soul, but my timely intervention relieved her of the pressure.

In that harrowing moment, Yugao faced a glimpse of the abyss, and the visage of the devil summoned in the Reaper Death Seal etched itself into her memory.

"See? I told you so, didn't I?"


Soon after his momentary lapse in movement, Hiruzen clapped his hands together once again with increased ferocity.

As it stands now, all Hiruzen needed to do was to capture them and his efforts wouldn't be in vain.

Hiruzen's clones ran around in the dark, whether by instinct or sheer perception, his two clowns were able to grab both Tobirama and Hashirama at the same time.

"COME! I SUMMON THEE!" He cried out with blood flowing down his mouth, and from his belly, the Devil's outstretched hand came out and plunged into both Hashirama and Tobirama.

In that moment, Hashirama and Tobirama regained their clarity. Looking apologetically at Hiruzen, they both apologized before their souls were ripped out and pulled into Hiruzen.

Meanwhile, Orochimaru was still trying to regain control of his two Puppets, however it was all for naught as they were already gone.

Hiruzen's eyes were drawn to the corpses that surfaced from the downed bodies of his predecessors.

"Willfully taking even your own subordinates' lives... Making a mockery..." Hiruzen's tone was so deep as he glared at Orochimaru as tears fell down his cheeks.

At that moment of death, he could only weep as deep regrets pooled within him as he gazed at his student.

"My subordinates live? How long are you going to continue spouting such nonsense?" Orochimaru said with Gritted teeth.

He was feeling quite aggrieved at the moment. Facing an unknown factor, anyone would feel afraid.

Seeing that nothing could possibly change this student of his, he dispelled his Clones and summoned his staff to his person.

What followed was a clash between teacher and student as they both showcased their respective Weapon techniques.

Staff against Sword

Yet, both stood at a deadlock.

Non the winner, until...

Orochimaru's sword was smacked away by Enma, and as an experienced Shinobi, Orochimaru immediately summoned a hail of snakes to fend off the staff

However, The Adamantine Staff wasn't something mere summoned snakes could stand against.

Taking advantage of his momentary shock, the staff twisted unnaturally as two pairs of hands thrust out and grabbed the shaken Orochimaru.

"This is the end!" Hiruzen said as he was brought close to Orochimaru.

Since he failed to educate this student of his, he would be the one to personally end his life.

That was Hiruzen's reasoning. Unfortunately, he underestimated the strength of Orochimaru's soul.

As the astral hand of the Devil thrust itself into Orochimaru's body, Orochimaru was finally able to see for himself, the being he was fighting against.

Despite his hardened and cold hearted life, coming in contact with a being that was fundamentally higher than you in the existential hierarchy, a certain level of shock and reverence was to be expected.

Hiruzen took advantage of this short lapse in movement Orochimaru showcased and pulled out his soul.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Orochimaru wasn't paralyzed for long and immediately regained his mental clarity and began a tug of war with Hiruzen.


"Hokage-sama..." All the Anbu were practically in tears at the sight of their beloved Hokage in blood and on death's door.

Even with their masks on, I could still tell a couple of them were crying their eyes out.

Some Anbu they are.

Knowing the end point of this battle, I turned my attention towards the village gates.

One of Orochimaru's summoned snakes had managed to slip through the defense line and was making a beeline towards the center of the village.

The various Jounins showcased how useless they could be as they merely pursued it from behind without being able to do anything.

'Oh? Jiraiya, huh.... I see.' I turned back to the teacher and student as I listened to Hiruzen tell Orochimaru the history, uses, causes and effects of the Death Reaper Seal.

Normally, it was a way for the Uzumaki to punish transgressors or people they deem...evil.

By doing this, they cast their enemies into the Shinigami's realm where they'll battle, battle, battle and battle till their Will is stripped away from them.

This was a form of appeasement to the Shinigami. And in exchange, the Uzumaki get to use it to attack their enemies without taking their life.

Souls were special delicacies for Devils and Demons. Souls were basically crystallized Energy. And the more tempering it goes through, the more delicious it becomes.

After getting the gist of the technique, Orochimaru began struggling more. Unfortunately there was nothing he could do other than wait.

Either he gives up and is pulled from his body, or he endures till Hiruzen dies,

"It's no use...I've already got a quarter of your soul pulled from you." Hiruzen said with a satisfied smile.

'Not bad.' I nodded in praise.

Praise, not to Hiruzen, but to Orochimaru,

In the original timeline, half of his soul was pulled out. To have only a quarter pulled out showed how powerful he was now.


As if feeling dissatisfaction at the status quo, the Shinigami roared and pulled out its sword from its mouth before slashing the air.

"What?" Orochimaru cried out in shock. He already couldn't move, due to the effects of the Jutsu, and coupled with the pressure from the Shinigami, he could hardly defend should he be attacked.

Fortunately, the Shinigami wasn't attacking anyone in particular as suddenly, the space it just slashed tore open as astral bodies jumped out, howling in pain that it frightened the snake sage.

To make matters worse, the Shinigami suddenly sucked in and drew the souls into its mouth, and with every bite, the souls were torn asunder and devoured.

Orochimaru finally felt so close to death than he had ever been and began shouting.


Unfortunately, this wasn't a cultivation novel and cries like this tended to have little to no effect whatsoever.

Hiruzen smiled at the frantic appearance of his student, however he knew he wouldn't be able to pull out Orochimaru's soul before his life force was extinguished.

So looking at the soul, he decided to go for Orochimaru's most precious assets.

His hands.

'Damn! Guess his hands would still be taken, Huh? I guess fate really is harsh sometimes.' I mused as I watched the scene play out.

As they exchanged words, Orochimaru tried to kill Hiruzen's spirit by reminding him of the invasion, while Hiruzen remained unmoved due to his personal belief.

'These two.... they really are alike but they don't know it.' Shaking my head, I lost interest in the fight and looked up with a weird expression.

As though the world knew something bad was about to happen, the clouds actually began darkening.

'The hell? Even the world is sad at this guy's death? Damn.'


DAMN! I was shocked by Orochimaru's sudden shout that I almost jumped back. Damn you Orochimaru.

Phew. Calm. Remain Calm.

"Your operation Destroy Konoha is over. Now who's the fool, Orochimaru? It's a shame I can't take you with me, dear student, let us meet one day in the afterlife."

After saying that, I watched as the Shinigami slurped his soul along with Orochimaru's hands.

"Where tree leaves dances, one shall find the flames, the fire's Shadow will illuminate the village, and once again, tree leaves shall bud...anew." Speaking to this point, Hiruzen took his last breath.

Despite my deep dislike for the man, I couldn't help but feel a certain Level of respect for me.

My Domain Captured the scenes all over the village. The Ino-shika-cho families fought in perfect unison, the Aburame clan fought with their insects, the Inuzuka clan fought with lethality and precision under the orders of their Alpha, Naruto and Sasuke sitting in exhaustion as Gaara, Temari and Kankuro made their way out of the village.

All in all, it was a wonderful feeling watching this arc play out in person.