Chapter 49

Title: Conclusions 2


Kusagakure, also known as the Village Hidden in the Grass. Its structures were relatively concealed within the dense vegetation of the surrounding forest, making it a tad bit challenging for outsiders to locate.

Shinobi from Kusagakure are relatively weak with their Kage being a peak Jounin. Due to this, they are skilled in stealth and ambush tactics, utilizing the natural environment to their advantage.

In the third Shinobi war, they were able to stand their ground despite the invasion from the Stone Village. They managed to delay them long enough for the Leaf to send reinforcement.

Attacking Kusagakure would require navigating through the dense foliage and dealing with its stealth-oriented shinobi.


"Sensei, are we just going in through the front door?" The red head beside me asked with a hint of hesitation.

"Of course. How many times have I told you, Karin. As my student, you need not fear when I am involved. Just hold your head up high and go with the flow." I said to the girl with a smile.

A week had passed since Orochimaru attacked Konoha and since then, a lot had happened.

Hiruzen was laid to rest, leaving the family at three. Biwako, Asuma and Konohamaru.

The three were the only ones from Hiruzen's direct line still alive and Biwako could kick the bucket any point in time.

Staying alive for a few more years wouldn't be too hard considering she's a Medic Nin and all. With the Cheat that is Chakra, anything is possible.

With Hiruzen's death, Jiraiya was asked to take on the mantle of Hokage, but he vehemently refused as asked to Escort a suitable candidate back.

Due to this, I asked Naruto to follow him while showing him the Rasengan. I also exhorted him to ask Jiraiya for pointers should he find the technique difficult to master.

As for Sasuke, I asked him to take a break. Coming out of the Virtual Space Battle Simulations and immediately going off to fight in the Chunin Exams could leave some scars on his mental health.

As for the rest... Meh.

"So we're single-handedly going to invade a big village?" Karin asked with a little excitement in her tone and I nodded.

"Not exactly a big village, but a formidable one still. And we aren't invading, I am. Your duty is to watch and learn the art of posturing."


"Hmm, it's not every time you get to see someone attack a village alone." I said.

"I understand. So you're finally going to fight seriously?"

"Seriously? Did I strike you as someone who looks down on his opponent?" I asked in mild amusement.

She nodded much to my chagrin and said. "You always fight with your blindfold on, isn't that similar to looking down on your opponents?"

Oh? Is that what it looked like to her? I wouldn't be surprised, she doesn't know of my clan after all.

"You haven't heard of the Tengoku clan?"

"Huh? You're from a clan? I thought you were Kakashi-san's little brother?"

"What? What brought that on?"

"Well, you both have white hair and cover up your his case, one." She said with an expression that said. 'Isn't that obvious?'

"Tha... First off, Wrong. We're not related. He's from the Hatake clan while I'm from a whole other clan. The Tengoku clan." I began and then went on to explain the details to her.

"So you're hiding your eyes because fighting would become easier with it exposed?"

"Exactly." I nodded. "Also, I'm too beautiful so I have to hide my face. Sigh, woe is me."

"Can I see it?"

"What? If you see my face, you'll end up falling for me, and I'm not too interested in kids." I waved her off and floated down.

"Wha-What!? I only have Naruto-kun!"

"Yeah yeah. Come, let's go get you your mother."


{A/N: I wanted to make a small talk between the Shinobi of Kusagakure and their Kage but I didn't know what they called their Kage, it's obviously not Kusakage, so I'm going to skip it while maintaining Shun's POV.}

"Y-You...what are you doing here! No wait, how did you get here?" One frightened Shinobi asked as descended from the skies.

"Oh, I just got here, as for what I'm doing here, I came to take a relative of mine." I answered with a smile.

I wasn't here for a massacre, but if the conditions demands it, I'll be obliged to begin one.

"A relative? You're not from the village, I would know." The man said, a little calmer than before while signaling to another Shinobi hidden at another corner to report the situation.

"Don't worry about me, I come in peace, feel free to report to your head. Tell him I've come to retrieve a long lost relative. Tell him I'll be giving him 30 minutes to bring her out or I'll be forced to enter your Village by force."

I told the man. This was just bullshit on my part. I know full well that they won't acquiesce to my request, however, this will allow me valid reasons to invade

"Some nerve you have! Who are you!?" The man became angry but my smile didn't falter.

"Forgive me for the late introduction. I am Shun, Tengoku Shun, and I've come for Mei, Uzumaki Mei. She happens to be the mother of my dearest student."

"Y-You..!" The man's eyes widened for a moment before he immediately threw a smoke bomb on the ground and attacked me with a Kunai.

"Sigh... What a pity..." I muttered before skillfully leaning to my left and then right before jumping backwards to escape the man's area of attack.

Normal POV

"Sigh... what a pity...." Shun muttered to himself before he skillfully dodged by leaning to his left, and then to his left before jumping backwards to escape the man's area of attack.

The man, not seeming to realize he was outclassed, made to attack again but before he could get off his feet, he felt a strange sensation gripping his chest.

Time seemed to slow for him, and with a bewildered expression, the attacker glanced down to witness his own heart suspended in the air before them.

Shun's ghostly hand emerged from the chest, fingers outstretched. The once aggressive intent was now replaced by a surreal feeling.

The Shinobi stood frozen in disbelief, caught between the unbelief and the imminent threat.

Looking forward, Shun stood with a regretful expression as he shook his head. "You shouldn't have done that."

With confusion gripping his non-existent heart, he looked intently at Shun with one question in mind..'How?'

Unfortunately, before he could ask that question, his body shut down.

"What a pity... Truly." Shun continued as he saw the man's body collapse on the floor.

With this, he didn't need to wait for the village head any longer and could now directly invade.

In doing so, lives would be lost unnecessarily.


Two other Shinobi hiding around saw this and immediately made to attack, however, the next moment, a fist crashed into the face of one of them and in a swift action, the assailant grabbed onto the katana and stabbed him twice before throwing the sword at the other man, right in-between his eyes, effectively ending both lives.

"Truly a pity..." The assailant said before looking at Shun, should we get going?

"Come now, as my clone, you've got to learn to take everything in stride." Shun said to the one identified as the clone.

"Look at me over there. Ripping out someone's heart out calmly as if it's an everyday occurrence." Shun finished, gesturing to the initial assassin.

The second clone looked at the First Clone who had a bored expression before sighing. "How am I a part of this body?"

Shun chuckled at his clone and began walking into the village with a slow and steady pace.

He was already accustomed to his clones having a personality of their own but he wasn't threatened by it. It was as it was supposed to be.

His should wasn't weak that his clones would be unanimous in everything. They all had quirks but still knew when to put one issue above the other.

As Shun and his clones continued their advance, they stumbled upon a duo.

The first clone, with a nonchalant expression, stepped forward, forming hand seals with speed and precision. Water-style jutsu surged from his hands, creating a torrential wave aimed at the approaching shinobi.

{A/N: Seals, not hand signs. So basically magic circles.}

Simultaneously, the second clone, showing a more strategic approach, utilized earth-style jutsu to manipulate the very ground beneath the duo.

Sharp spikes of rock erupted, attempting to catch the unsuspecting defenders off guard.

The real Shun merely observed with a composed demeanor. A small smile on his face.

The duo, sensing the impending attacks, swiftly countered with their own ninjutsu.

The first shinobi unleashed a blazing fire-style jutsu, attempting to incinerate the oncoming wave of water. Meanwhile, the second shinobi manipulated wind chakra, creating a powerful gust that aimed to disperse the spikes of rock.

'Hmm, if only they had made it a combination Jutsu. The wind could have empowered the Fire....' Shun mused.

As the clashes of elemental jutsu filled the air, Shun's clones adeptly adjusted their strategies.

The water-style clone redirected the fiery assault, creating a scalding steam that obscured the vision of the defenders.

Seizing this opportunity, the earth-style clone manipulated the rocky spikes into concealed projectiles within the steam.

In the midst of the chaos, the duo found themselves vulnerable, their vision impaired by the lingering mist. Shun's clones capitalized on this moment of weakness.

The water-style clone swiftly closed the distance, utilizing a silent assassination technique to decapitate one of the shinobi.

Simultaneously, the earth-style clone, taking advantage of the confusion, launched a barrage of razor-sharp rock projectiles that struck down the second defender.

The air cleared, revealing the defeated duo on the ground. Shun, with his calm demeanor intact, nodded approvingly at his clones' efficient execution.

"If only they wouldn't attack us any more... Don't kill the next set of people that will come..." Shun said.

This wasn't out of pity, but a need to preserve the Shinobi. In three years, the Fourth Shinobi War would kick off, killing off this group, no matter how small, would reduce the number of Shinobi then.

"Hn." The first clone nodded.

"Whatever." Said the second clone.

"There he is!!"

As they continued their leisurely trek, they heard a scream and saw a group of Shinobi running towards them with visible anger and hate on their faces

"Sigh... This is what I was trying to prevent initially." Shun muttered as he shook his head.


The leader of the group, a stern-looking shinobi with a headband indicating his status, stepped forward, his expression a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

"I am Genshiro, the head of Kusagakure. What brings you to our village, Tengoku Shun?" Genshiro inquired, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation.

From the look of the scene of battle before they reached here, he could infer that this individual managed to kill off his Shinobi with only his two clones.

And to make matters worse, it was clean and swift.

Shun, maintaining his calm demeanor, offered a polite nod. "Greetings, Genshiro. As I mentioned earlier, I've come to retrieve a relative of mine, Mei Uzumaki. She happens to be the mother of my student."

The revelation seemed to ignite a spark of anger in Genshiro's eyes. "Uzumaki Mei? What proof do you have of this claim, and why should we trust you?"

Shun sighed, sensing the tension rising. "I understand your skepticism. Unfortunately, I don't have a DNA test on hand, but Mei is of the Uzumaki lineage, and the resemblance is quite evident. As for trust, I'm here to avoid unnecessary conflict. I gave your village a chance to peacefully hand her over, but it seems that option is slipping away."

Genshiro's face tightened, and the surrounding shinobi began to shift uneasily. "You dare threaten us? Your words reek of arrogance. We won't yield to such demands."

Shun shook his head, disappointed. "I came in peace, but if you insist on making this difficult, then I'll have to take Mei by force. I won't harm your villagers unless provoked."

The declaration seemed to be the breaking point for Genshiro. "Attack! Protect the village!" he ordered, and the group of shinobi lunged forward, weapons at the ready.

As the battle unfolded, Shun calmly observed, his expression unchanged. "A shame it had to come to this," he muttered to himself.

Shun and the Shinobis of the Hidden Grass engaged as the skirmish ignited with a hailstorm of kunai and shuriken, met by Shun's water-style clone weaving a barrier that blocked it all off.

Fueled by anger at Shun, Genshiro's fiery jutsu targeted Shun, only to be thwarted by a water shield that absorbed the flames.

Simultaneously, Shun's earth-style clone sent rocky projectiles hurtling towards Genshiro, forcing evasive maneuvers from the Kage.

From the shadows, Kusagakure shinobi launched sneak attacks, but all these weren't even seen as threats to Shun. Swift movements and a well-aimed kick sent assailants crashing into trees.

Realizing the need to escalate, Genshiro channeled earth chakra, entangling Shun's clones in a bid to restrict their movements.

Scoffing at his vain attempt, Shun's clones dispersed the shackles with a surge of chakra, unleashing a torrential wave that disoriented attackers.

As the battle continued, it became clear that Shun and his clones held the upper hand. Their coordinated onslaught overwhelmed the enraged Kusagakure shinobi.

Genshiro, gritting his teeth, acknowledged impending defeat but refused to yield.

In a final clash, Shun faced Genshiro, blades met in a resounding clash that raised dust around the duo.

As the dust cleared, it revealed a kneeling Genshiro who had a sword tip on his throat by an unimpressed Shun.

Looking around, one would notice the group of Shinobi sprawled on the ground groaning or screaming in pain due to the wounds inflicted on them by the two clones.

"I didn't seek conflict, Genshiro. I came for Mei Uzumaki. Now, let's resolve this without more bloodshed."


"Don't look at me like that. If not for the big picture, I would have had you all sent to the deepest part of hell for the way you have treated her and her daughter these past few years." Shun said, causing the man's face to change.

"To make matters worse, you sent her daughter to the Chunin exams to be an expendable product while lying to the mother..."

"What?" Genshiro had a look of disbelief as he Shun spoke.

"You think I don't know? Telling the woman that her daughter would be properly trained to be a Shinobi if she could pass the Chunin Exams. An Exam you knew full well was fraught with deaths."

"You sent a kid to be used as a medkit for a bunch of morons unfit to be shinobi."

The more Shun spoke, the angrier he became and an invisible pressure covered the whole area around him, causing those already in pain to pass out directly.

"You are a disgusting man, but I will not kill you. You all still have purposes to serve. After that, fate will decide." Shun said as the sword visibly dissolved into chakra.

'I do not have to kill you. Perhaps when Toneri runs mad and drops the moon, I could redirect one to land on this village?' Shun thought in amusement as he turned to leave.


In the dimly lit, dilapidated house, a soft creaking floor announced Karin's rushed steps as she approached Mei, her mother.

The air inside carried a mustiness that would make anyone uncomfortable, yet this family of two lived here on a daily basis.

'Sigh. It feels like I did something bad by not saving all the Uzumakis back then.' Shun thought with a complicated expression.

"Mom?" Karin's voice echoed in the worn-out space, and Mei, looking frail but welcoming, turned toward her daughter. In that moment, the shabby surroundings faded away, leaving only the essence of their reunion.

"Karin," Mei whispered, a tired but genuine smile gracing her lips. With open arms, she beckoned her daughter closer. The embrace that followed seemed to bridge the gap created by weeks of separation.

Karin's eyes glistened as she shed tears as she clung to her mother. "I thought I lost you," she confessed, the echoes of her worry lingering in the air.

Shun smiled seeing this. This was the first time he had seen Karin express herself sincerely.

She may have seemed outgoing, but to Shun, she was just bottling everything in.

Shun knew there was no way someone who has been exposed to nothing but unfairness and torture from the moment of her birth would be so comfortable around him and others.

She was forced by the circumstances. He knew she felt he was just going to use her as others have been using her and her mother, yet she knew she was powerless to do anything, hence her previous attitude with him.

He didn't mind it though. If she trusted him sincerely from the start, he would know there was something fundamentally wrong with the girl.

Mei, weakened but determined, held her daughter close. "I'm here, my love. We're here together now."

As they stood in the decaying embrace of the house, the layers of neglect seemed to fade, revealing the enduring strength of their familial bond. Mei gently pulled back, her weathered hands cradling Karin's face.

"You've grown so strong," Mei said, her voice carrying the weight of both pride and exhaustion. Karin, blushing in the subdued light, managed a shy smile.

"I had to," Karin replied, her gaze drifting to the cracked walls. "I was scared, Mom."

Mei's eyes softened. "I know, my dear. But we've weathered storms before. We'll get through this together. We'll just have to come out stronger."

Shun decided to remain hidden so as to allow the two to have their own time.

Since he didn't follow her inside and hid his presence, he just had to continue hiding till they were both ready for him.

'I wonder what to do with her... Send her to Eien? Or let her be with Naruto... But Naruto would be leaving on his Training soon...Hmm, Eien it is then.'
