CHAPTER 18 (Journal)

Day One

It was a rainy day and the dampness of the moist air inside of Slasher's room was uncanny, but even so, he just calmed himself. It was one day for him but he feels like it has been a long time. He still can't feel his body. He felt weak and dehydrated. From what he estimated, maybe right now it was seven in the morning, but he was not sure because the place where he was was dark and not even hope was on the wall. All he got was four corners of walls and a weird small television.

He looked down at his arms and realized he had become skinny despite the fact that he had only been there for a day. But he had not minded it and focused on how he would escape. He just hoped that his twin brother was now looking for him due to his absence and not coming back to their agreement of dinner. He touches his hair but stops and his hand never lands on his head. He remembers that night. He already saw his reflection and he was now bald. He slowly touched his eyes, for he also remembered that it was stitched with a thread but it was not there anymore.

His heart rate increased when he was about to touch his mouth, possibly because he was dehydrated due to his inability to drink. It was also because it was stitched. But there was none and he could only feel the little bumpiness of skin in his mouth where the needle came out and came in. Tears escape from his eyes and he immediately wipes them away using the back of his hand.

"Gunner was right," he said as his hands formed into fists, causing his knuckles to be white.

"This is what I get from not listening to him. But I still wanted to live," he uttered under his breath.

Slasher still does not know what the WIC Company is up to, but he thinks it will not be long for him to know.

He was bare footed and suddenly he wanted to touch the floor with his feet and wanted to do something, but not right now in his kind of condition.

The room had a dim light but it was okay, than nothing. He walked near to the wall and felt it. He put his ears near the wall to hear if someone was out there like him. But he couldn't hear anything. There was nothing but silence. He walked near to the door and noticed that it was wooden. But even though it was wood, it was as hard as cement.

"What kind of place is this?" he whispered and a bead of sweat fell from his forehead.

He feels sticky and dizzy at the same time. With his condition, he decided to go back to his bed and rest because there would be no help if he kept on searching for an escape. He is weak and he will be caught. What the right thing to do right now is for him to get rest and condition himself.

He couldn't remember how he got here, but one thing he thought for sure... he had seen a ghost.

Day Two

Slasher wakes up from his bed in pain. The bed was as hard as a rock and his back was aching. He slowly opened his eyes and he felt even dizzier. He should be okay right now because he had slept for at least the estimated five hours or maybe eight, but why does it feel that his whole body was getting even more jelly?

He doesn't even remember how he had slept? And his sleeping position was not his when he was sleeping before. It was as if someone positioned him. He was remembering the day that he got there and about the ghost and then nothing.

He blinked many times before the dizziness went off. As soon as he could already open his eyes he roamed around and he was not dreaming. He was indeed in that place. It had been two days and it seemed he had been living there for years. He had already lost hope that his brother would find him.

Sure indeed that his brother was taking his actions now, but he had a small chance of finding him. The building was impossible. From first glance, it was a normal building, but at night it changed. Seems impossible and you will think they can do that, but Slasher is now believing in it.

He groaned in pain as his head started to ache. It was bearable and he just massaged his temples to ease the pain and it worked. He sighed and looked around again and noticed a tray of food near the door.

He heard his stomach growling in hunger and he slowly got up from his feet and walked towards where the food was. He slowly bends his knees and it was like reaping off his limbs when he does so. What happened to his body? It was like he had walked and run for a marathon because of that kind of pain.

He slowly put the tray on his bed and looked at the food that was served to him. From what he thought, it was a steak, rice and water. Due to hunger, he dug in and nothing was left, even the water. There was no single drop of it and he was still hungry. But then again, it was better than nothing. After he ate, he put back the tray near the door where he had got it. He was still weak and as much as he wanted to think about a strategy for how he was about to escape, he chose to rest more until he got back into his normal condition.

He gets back to his bed to slump when he intentionally licks his lips. He frowned as he felt his lips and kind of ate something. He touched his lips and he had chapped lips. He pulled the chapped skin out of his lips and looked at it.

It was thick…

A second passed by. Slasher tasted like metallic… it was blood.

He examined his finger, which had touched his lips and was stained with blood.

He immediately covered his lips with his fingers to stop the bleeding. He already experienced having chapped lips due to lack of liquid in his body and it bled, but this one was different. A lot of blood was coming out of his lips and it wasn't normal.

The blood tasted metallic and rusty and his lips were like mushy. He took a deep breath and sat at the edge of the bed. The headache came back again, which caused him to groan and later on he was again in a deep sleep.

Day Three

It was again a rainy day and it was already two in the afternoon when Slasher woke up from his bed. Like the other day, his head was throbbing in pain and he massaged his temple again to ease the pain, but it was no longer helping him. He closes his eyes and has a deep breath and exhales.

"What is happening to me," he said in a weak tone of voice while touching his chest, and then he felt his collar bones. He felt that he was getting skinnier every day. What was he doing?

His eyes roamed around the room again and, the same as on the last day, he found a tray of food near his door. He was hungry and immediately took the food that was on the tray and dug in already there on the floor.

According to what he knows, this is his third day here and he still doesn't know what he's doing here, who abducted him, and what they want from him.

Every day that he was there he was getting weaker and weaker. He was not getting back into his shape. It has been his third day and still no one rescues him or no one will go to rescue him.

"Where are you?"

He realizes he needs to think of a way to escape or a strategy.

He looked back into his bed and his eyes landed under his bed.

The floor…

He slowly walked near to his bed and kneeled down to touch the floor.

It was cold…

And it was not fully covered with cement, but it can support many kilograms of weight and cannot easily tear down. But as to what he knows, he can scrape it, but it will take a long time after he can do it. All he needs to do is to find something that can be used for scraping.

He looked around and his eyes landed on the food tray. There he saw a fork and a spoon, but he thought twice. If he steals it, they will have the thought of suspecting him if ever. He needs to make them think that he is not doing any things that would suspect him.

He walked around hoping that he could find something. He was at the edge of the room and the light couldn't reach it, therefore it was a little dark. His feet were touching the floor to feel if there was anything that could be used when he suddenly felt something.

His foot touches it and he guesses that it was a comb, a metal comb. His heart quickened and she felt like hope was lifting him up. He took the comb and walked to where the light was.

The comb was a bit rusty but still can be used for scraping. The comb was just about four inches. He immediately walked under his bed and tried it out.

"I hope this will work," he said, full of hope in his heart, and started scraping.

He should not make a sound.

It will be long enough, but it is better than nothing for him to do.

A few hours passed and he was still scraping a line, but it was a great job for him today.

He felt tired and decided to get a rest, but realized one thing. Whenever he feels tired, he will fall asleep.

"What time is it?" he muttered and touched the wall.

His room was facing southeast and his bed was placed at the head corner of the room and the door was on his left. He walked to the right side and felt the wall. But he felt nothing and maybe there were a lot of rooms next to him.

So he got a better idea for him that he could use. He would count how many hours he had been awake until he felt tired and that is the time that he should be alarmed and stop what he was doing.

His eyes are dozing off but he needs to find a spot to hide the metal comb.

"Don't sleep… don't sleep," he said as he pinched himself but didn't even do anything and that was new to him. It was like he was injected with anesthesia, but for now he does not care about it anymore.

He looked at the television where it was placed and suddenly thought of placing the comb at the bottom of it. After he had placed it, his body slumped on the bed and his eyes were slowly closing even though his brain was telling him not yet to sleep.

And before he knew it he was already asleep.