CHAPTER 19 (Day Four)

Day Four

Same as the other days, Slasher wakes up with a headache but as if he was expecting it and used to it. As usual, he closes his eyes and calms himself until the pain is slowly fading away. He rested for many minutes before opening his eyes and roamed around. And as usual, there was food near his door.

He looked at his small pillow and he was sure that his mind was not asleep but his body was. What is the more intriguing part was that he saw himself. But that is all nothing more.

Slasher was in deep thought that maybe it was just a dream and also because of his condition.

He roamed his eyes and as usual he found a tray of food. He felt hunger but he felt sick whenever he looked at the food. It was as usual, a steak, rice and water, but it was making him sick.

"It's been days... four days if I am right. And still I don't know what is going on. I still do not know who was behind this," Slasher grunted as his hands formed into fists. He cannot take it any longer. It was like he was going to erupt in any second.

How the hell can he escape?

He was about to get up and get the metal comb that he had hid somewhere when he heard a wild scream. A scream that gives you a horror. A scream that you can only hear in horror movies.

He held up and stood still to hear what was coming next. He didn't know what to expect to be heard, but what was that? Who was that? Was he right? Slasher instantly stands where he is and takes a slow walk near to the door. He doesn't know why he was doing that, but he feels that it was right for him to be in silence and observe.

He placed his ear near the door and was hoping that he could hear what was going on outside.

He heard murmuring but couldn't clearly understand it. He closes his eyes and focuses.

"Where is the person in cell number eighty-five?" A toned cold voice spoke up.

"We will find him. We were going to inject him but he was struggling real hard. We thought he was asleep because he had eaten the food in the tray yet he was awake," an old voice answered, which was difficult for Slasher to hear, but it was clear to him.

"Find him."

Slasher heard their footsteps and slowly faded away, faded, meaning they were gone.

He walked back to his bed and sat at the edge of it. Slasher brushed his hair and was in deep thought about what he had heard.

He looked at the food that was on the tray and that was all along the reason why he was put in a deep sleep. And maybe that is the reason why his body was feeling weak every day.

"The heck," he murmured as his eyes were fixed on the food. He wanted to kick it, but no, it was better for him to think for a plan.

But he was hungry.

Maybe if he could just eat the rice.

Maybe the steak is the only thing that would put him into a deep sleep. He would not know if he would not try. But where could he possibly dump the steak?

And there he thought of a place that was not present in the room.

A bathroom.

How come he didn't realize that the room had no bathroom inside? Where will he piss? And it had been four days since and he had been drinking water every day and it was impossible if he didn't piss or take a poop for a day.

He was busy thinking when he saw something. It was thick lumber that was curved into a floor and there was a square line into it. It was like the curvy lumber was a handle.

It was dim and he hadn't seen it for the last few days, but it was as if maybe his eyes were already adapting to the dark and he could easily see into the darkness.

The room was just four corners of a wall but it was wide. It was spacious. The only thing lacking in the room was the light. It was a dim light.

Slasher meticulously walks to where his curiosity takes him.

He took a deep breath before giving a touch to the handle and trying to pull it. It was heavy but he had managed to pull it until it was open. He was gasping for breath as soon as he opened it. He cannot believe that there is something like that in the room. If he was in a normal condition, pulling that kind of heaviness was easy.

After pulling that, a foul smell welcomes him which makes Slasher step back from where he was standing.

A smell that he cannot describe what was that. It was like a mixture of rotten foods, a waste of people and everything that would make a person vomit from the smell.

"Is this that bathroom?" he uttered while covering his nose and mouth. It was as if he could taste the odor.

Slasher looked at the food tray. He walked immediately to where his food and took the steak. It is his chance and maybe this is the answer for him. It was like the gods were doing him a favor after all.

He took the plate of steak and slid it to the dumping site, which is maybe called a bathroom.

After tossing it away, he immediately closes it for him to breathe normally.

The odor was still there, lingering inside the room. He thought of a way to make the odor go away so that if it came over they would not suspect.

But he first walked to where his tray and ate what was left on his food tray. He was badly hungry and he ate the rice in just two scoops in his hand and drank the water.

This would mean that he would not fall into a sleep and he would know who the people were who were injecting him from what he had heard earlier.