Jane White

Jane White is an adventurous and sly twenty years old damsel. She is beautiful, smart, and a talented fashion designer. She is five feet and four inches tall, with dark brown hair and fascinating blue eyes. Her natural warm skin undertone is so captivating, causing heads to turn and eyes to gawk whenever she walked by. Her innocent round baby face was slightly covered with beautiful freckles, making her look like a doll.

When Jane was just an infant, her teenage mum; who couldn't handle an unwanted pregnancy or child, dumped her at the entrance to an orphanage. The nuns at the orphanage reluctantly took her in, amidst grumbling and anger.

Life at the orphanage was cruel and hard, especially when they were so many mouths to feed with limited resources. There were days when the orphanage was so overpopulated that the children fought and scrambled for food and other necessities to survive.