Missing File

Maggie waited patiently for Ella to arrive from work. All through the day, she had been preparing her new phase of attack on the couple. She wanted to stir enough trouble that would cause Leon to snap at Ella. If that happens, she would welcome the broken Ella into her arms and console her.

Earlier, Maggie placed a call across to Edna and Moses informing them of Ella's mistreatment towards her. She even amplified Leon's warnings, claiming that he almost slapped her and had threatened to deal with her.

As expected, the peace-loving Moses begged Maggie to return to Springchad. He warned her of the consequences of her meddling but she remained adamant.

Nevertheless, Edna encouraged Maggie to stand her ground. She told Maggie to use any means necessary to caution Ella and put Leon in his rightful place.