The New Chairman's Speech

Maxwell smiled devilishly at the decorum that was achieved by Leon's first act as the chairman of the Treshvire empire. He was highly impressed by Leon's audaciousness and fierceness.

'What better way to imprint your authority, if not with the blood of an enemy,' Maxwell thought to himself. He stared at the blood-splattered stakeholders; who were closely seated to the dead man and chuckled.

Maxwell quickly made a short call and two hefty-looking men came in and took out the dead man's corpse.

Everyone in the room aside from Maxwell, acted as though they were spellbound by Leon. They were too horrified to say anything or voice out their opinion for fear of meeting the same fate as the deadman. Even those that had blood splatters on their face simply took out their handkerchiefs and wiped off the blood. They were too scared to excuse themselves from the conference room until the chairman was done addressing them.