A Compelling Story

Dr. Julie stared at Ella for a while contemplating how to relay the news to her. Due to Ella's cute but awkward behavior, she could tell that Ella didn't want anything to do with pregnancy.

Ella's attitude towards the thought of being pregnant was something Dr. Julie had seen countless times. So many would-be mothers came to the hospital with their minds usually made up. They would request a pregnancy termination procedure without considering the fact that they were about to take away an innocent unborn child's life.

Most times, Dr. Julie would counsel them; explaining the amazing benefits of keeping their pregnancy and having their babies. Some ladies would listen to her while others remained adamant and insisted on the procedure.

However, Ella's case like some other ladies was unique. She was happily married. So having a baby should be a welcome development for her. This made Dr. Julie wonder why Ella was rattled at the thought of being pregnant.