Inappropriate Behaviour

Tom was about to leave his office to go catch up with Leon when his mobile phone buzzed in his pants pocket. He took it out of his pocket and read through a brief message sent by Leon.

In the message, Leon informed him that he was currently at the Play Lounge, instead of their usual club hangout, and that he was waiting on him.

"Hmm...I wonder what this young man is up to.? Well, whatever it is, at least I've still got two hours to spare before Denise rounds up her shopping with Ella," Tom said as he checked his wristwatch before getting into his car.



Leon was seated by himself, sipping a glass of white wine and reading a celebrity magazine when a waitress approached his table, holding a glass of wine.

"Sir, the lady over there..." The waitress pointed to a table on the east side of the lounge. "...asked me to give you this." The waitress dropped the glass of the exact wine Leon was drinking on his table, with a folded note by the side.