Friendly Discussion And Advice.

"I can see you're having fun at my expense," Leon's nose crinkled as he gulped down the remaining content of his wine glass and ordered more.

"You know, this would have been easier if you both hadn't gotten married in the first place," Tom said in a more serious tone. "At least she won't be chained by your decision of not wanting a child and you won't be feeling this way about having one."

"What are you insinuating? Leon asked between clenched jaw.

"Calm down bro, we're just having a friendly discussion. I don't want you to punch my face with the way your glaring at me right now." Tom said in a slightly amused tone.

"Can you be less annoying and just go straight to the point?" Leon asked impatiently. "Otherwise, a punched face will be the least of your worries."

"O...kay!" Tom drawled. "What I'm trying to say is that most women that I know, go into marriage with the hopes of having children of their own."