Welcome Back, Ella.

After Leon was done instructing Sky on how and when to reintroduce Chloe, now Riley Stage, to Amzone City, to commence her mission, he left Bronx City with Ella and in the company of his security guard entourage.

"Are you sure about this mission we assigned to Chloe?" Ella's voice bore a hint of doubt and fear in it.

"Yes, I am, dear. You have nothing to worry about." Leon said reassuringly while stroking Ella's shoulder. "Chloe Robinson is dead to her family. That is why I opted for plastic surgery to get rid of her old physical looks. Remember, the world doesn't know about her existence and we are the ones recreating her new bio-data. Hence, we decide her very existence."

"Do you think she will be able to pull off her first mission of making her brother and mum fall for her?" Ella asked again as she pictured the whole scenario in her head.