Pulling A Prank On Denise.

"Say what!"

Denise dramatically stuck a finger in her right ear and wriggled it for any sign of a hearing defect before she faced Ella and asked her to repeat her statement.

Ella held back her laughter and tried her best to put up a serious look.

"I said my new boyfriend drop me off."

"Your new boyfriend!" Denise's eyes widened in astonishment.

"Exactly what you heard." Ella beamed.

"When? How? Where?" Denise asked like some who was about to experience a nervous breakdown.

"Relax, mama bear." Ella cooed as she took Denise's hand into hers and started stroking it tenderly. "I'll tell you everything you need to know."

Ella's calm and composed demeanor further terrified Denise as she waited to hear more about this new boyfriend she didn't know.