An Invitation

Denise was left dumbfounded as Ella narrated her encounter with Marissa and Yvonne.

"Oh, Ella, you should have called on me as backup," Denise pouted. "How can such a sweet battle take place without my knowledge? I should have been there to give that evil sister-in-law of yours my latest karate moves."

"Hahaha!" Ella roared with laughter. "Well, I didn't disappoint you, mama bear. I dealt with the lunatic real good. You needed to see her bruised and disoriented face after I was done with her. Even Leon didn't stand by his family like the last time. He supported me and even asked his mum and sister to leave. But the part that got me more excited was when her mother slapped her. Seeing the two fight on my account was just too epic to watch."