Sweet Revenge

Ella remained unwavering in her decision even when Denise brought out other tangible arguments. She was tempted to open up to Denise about her real intention of wanting to attend the event but she knew it was too risky to share such delicate information with Denise.

She also remembered promising Leon that she would never divulge Chloe's new identity to anyone. Hence she decided to keep this piece of information from Denise.

'I will open up to Denise at the right time,' Ella concluded in her mind.

In an attempt to change the topic of discussion, Ella asked, "Denise, what has been happening at the company since my absence and how far have we gone with our new maternity fashion line."

Denise took a deep breath to regulate her pounding heart before replying to Ella's question confidently.

"Everything has been running smoothly in all departments," Denise replied confidently.