Careless Words And Repercussion

Just when Shelby was trying to absorb the intensity of the handsome stranger's touch, she felt one of his powerful hands go down between her thighs. Two fingers slowly slide into her panties and began to torture her clitoris, setting her whole body ablaze.

Feeling the need to touch and hold this sex devil, Shelby tried to turn around but Luke forcefully held her back in place, tightening his hold on her waist.

"That hurt!" Shelby winced slightly.

"Everything in life hurt, but your ability to persevere is what counts," Luke whispered. 

"If you want my diamond, you must be ready to pay the price by doing exactly what I ask of you, without questioning me, okay baby?" Luke's tone was both authoritative and sexy.

"Okay, honey!" Shelby replied breathlessly as she tremble in Luke's arms from extreme delight. She felt every fabric covering her body being ripped off one after the other until she was completely nude.