A Ride To Hell

Chapter 403 A Ride To Hell [Warning:Trigger]

Shelby mistakingly looked sideways in the direction of the door making Luke chuckle evilly. 

"Please, don't kill me. I'm an only child and my parents will die of heartache if they ever discover what happened to me." Tears slowly rolled down the side of Shelby's face. "I don't want to die. I'm sorry. I don't even want your diamond anymore and I'm willing to give you back the money you tipped me earlier and every other money I have made. Just let me go and I promise that I won't talk to anyone about you. I won't..."

"Shut the f**k up!" Luke slapped her on the cheek and roughly stuffed some piece of clothes down her throat making her choke on her words and tears. He gagged her mouth to keep her from forcing out the fabric.