Chapter 5


Will was pacing back and forth. He needed to find them. But where the hell could they have gone? Everyone from the CIA was put on high alert. Every camera was being watched, every safe house was being monitored and all flights were being scrutinized but they were coming up with absolutely nothing.

Will was in his office. He was failing terribly. The codes were out there somewhere with Harriet and somehow she had managed to vanish.

He ran a hand through his hair. With the way things were going his superiors might decide to give the order for him to kill Harriet and he honestly didn't want it to come to that.

The phone on his office desk began to ring instantly snapping Will out of his thoughts.

"Hello?" he lifted the telephone receiver to his ear

"Have you retrieved the case?" asked a deep raspy voice with a heavy French accent.

"No sir I haven't," Will replied

"Why is that so?"

"The purchase was interrupted by Harriet and her team that was sent there without my knowledge," Will explained

"And you didn't care to get yourself prepared?" the man asked in a disappointed tone

"I apologize"

"Si harriet prouve etre probleme ensuite elle elimine {if Harriet proves to be a problem eliminate her}," the man said.

Will felt a huge lump clog the back of his throat. He would do anything ordered by his superiors but killing Harriet would be the hardest thing he would ever do.

"Understood," Will replied reluctantly before putting the phone receiver down.

He got out of his office to go and check on the agents and so see if anything had come up. But just he thought nothing. This was bad really bad

Where the hell have you gone Harriet?, Will thought


Harriet had ordered her men to come down and as they descended the small flight of stairs I counted three men. One of them had blond hair, blue eyes, he was very muscular even I would have a tough time bringing him down…Harriet introduced him as Rick Dunn

The second guy was wearing glasses, he had brown eyes, he wasn't buff but he was fit for sure and I made a mental note not to take him lightly…He's name was Aubrey Bill, the tech expert on the team.

And lastly the third guy had jet black hair, a red nose, blue eyes and he had well built body as well….He's name was Dash Spooner.

Now everyone was downstairs and everyone's identity was revealed. I just had one question.

"So how long are you guys going to be here?" I asked

"Until we sort out this problem," Rick replied

"And how long is that exactly?" I said in a flat tone. I didn't want to be involved in this I mean I quit the CIA for crying out loud.

"Okay then let me make something clear…," I cautioned,"…I don't want to be involved am I clear"

"We won't get in your way for long dude so chill," Dash replied

"Good" I turned to go upstairs to my room. I already had a lot on my plate I rubbed my temple with my fingers as I approached my bedroom door. First there was Amy who was trying to seduce me then there was my front door and now my past is asking for shelter in my own house.

One problem at a time dude, I told myself as I slumped down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling.

I'm getting a bad feeling about this, that was my last thought before I blacked out.


"Sir mind if we take a small break," Kate asked Will who was standing right behind her chair. He looked agitated by her request. "Look sir I can't work on a bladder that's on the verge of exploding okay?" Kate snapped and got off her chair ignoring the stink eye Will was giving her. She moved out of the surveillance room and she emerged in a corridor that was painted with white walls she went left then took a small flight of stairs down before taking another left.

"Men did the bathroom have to be so far away?" she muttered to herself. After a few more turns in the corridors of the CIA headquarters she finally found the ladies room. She got in and to her surprise she met CHIEF who was standing in the center of the bathroom with his back to her.

"Took you long enough," CHIEF said

"Wait what?" Kate asked a little confused ,"what are you talking about? Were you waiting for me?"

"Yes I was," he checked his watched and looked up at her ," I'm surprised that the drug I gave you took longer than five minutes to kick in…impressive." He nodded.

"What are you talking about…drug?" Kate was clearly confused

"Veronica gave you a cup of coffee a few moments ago correct?" CHIEF inquired with a raised eyebrow. Kate simply just heaves a sigh after she was enlightened.

"Now…about Harriet…," he begun but not before Late could interrupt him

"She didn't do it there's just no way I_" Kate spoke but was cut off by him.

"I know," he agreed which completely caught her off guard.

"Wow I…well I certainly wasn't expecting that"

"Something else is happening in this organization and I don't know what," he sounded irritated," if Harriet gets in touch with you tell her not to compromise her position in anyway at all until I can figure out what's going on…clear?"

"Yes sir," Kate acknowledged. Not that she would have told her to expose herself anyway

"Good," was all he said before he stepped pasted her and out the bathroom door he went.

"Creepy" she managed to say as she went into one of the toilet stalls to help herself.