Chapter 6

Chapter 6

"You will tell me everything you know," Abdul Azizi said as he looked down on me.

"Sure man whatever you say," I replied, "only if you free me from this chair because it's really uncomfortable dude". Before I could realize it his bronze knuckles smashed into my cheek with a force that caused the chair I was held captive in to lose balance and fall to the ground

I grunted in pain as I could taste mercury in my mouth I spat and coughed out blood.

My eyes instantly flew open. My heart was racing, my body was covered with sweat and I was panting heavily. I sat at the edge of my bed and dug my face into my palms before wiping off the sweat from my face.

For the first time in five months the nightmares of that fateful mission are starting to resurface. I sighed before putting on my slippers and heading for the bathroom for a quick shower. Opening the shower the water splattered all over my hair drenching it fully in moisture as the water trickled down my shoulders flowing all the down my chest until it was drained at the bottom. For a brief moment I was relaxed. No troubled thoughts, no memories.

After a refreshing shower I dressed myself in a plain white T-shirt, a blue short and some blue trainers for my Saturday run. I exited my room and headed down the stairs but before I reached the bottom I heard the clicking sounds of bottles coming from the kitchen.

'They better not be doing what I think they are doing', I thought to myself before heading that way and the moment I entered I was hit hard by the smell of alcohol. Those bastards were obviously drinking it. I saw Rick and Dash seated by the kitchen island with many beer bottles scattered across the island.

My eyes widened in shock.

"What the hell you guys!" I exclaimed before rushing over to my fridge. I opened it and my entire six pack of beer was gone. "Oh no, no, no, no, no!" I said. " What the hell?"

"Oh me and Dash here thought we'd help ourselves to a couple of beers early in the morning," Rick explained like it made any sense.

"A couple of beers…really? You assholes just finished oh I don't know an entire pack of my favourite beer," I said in a flat tone. I was mad. In fact mad is an understatement, I was infuriated these guys just ruined some beer time for me and Nelson and I was not going to take that lightly.

"Wow I must say you my friend have a great taste," Rick patted my shoulder before stepping past me.

Grrh! I was so mad that even running was not clearing my head. I took a deep breath as I went moved through Central Park. Damnit just for how long were they planning to stay here? I know it has barely been a day but man had they really gotten on my nerves. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the child carriage I was about to bump into. By the time I saw it I freaked out, lost balance and fell on the grass that was right beside the pavement I was running on. I landed on my right shoulder and it stung like hell. The woman who was pushing the carriage stopped to check up on me.

"Are you okay?" she asked and though I did not look at her I recognized her. I would recognize that voice anywhere I looked up and scratch that thought it wasn't any woman…it was

"Amy?" I said barely able to shield my surprise

"Aww look at you all surprised to see me professor," she said suggestively but the look on her face instantly changed when she looked down at my knee. She looked worried for some reason so I decided to look down on my knee and I noticed the blood that was slowly breaching the surface of my skin.

Now I understand why Tom felt pain after he noticed his tail cut off by Jerry because the moment I looked down on my wound, I felt the sting that was coming from it.

I winced in pain. "Hold on I can patch that up," Amy said while standing up and heading for the carrier. Her hands scrambled through the toy basket and she pulled out a first aid kit. She triumphantly waved the box at me which caused me to chuckle before I asked "You have a first aid kid in the kids toys?" I laughed

"Yeah my parents always say you can never be too careful and besides it's gonna be because of this that your ass is gonna be saved," she knelt infront of me and wore some white plastic gloves before looking up at me with her gorgeous green eyes. "You're going to have to hold still," she said in a soft voice before working her hands to me knee and wiping in with an alcohol wipe. I winced. "Sorry," she muttered

"So um Amy?," I said

"Yeah?" she replied without even looking at me. She seemed to have all her concentration on dressing my minor injury.

"Wow you're really good at this…you ever thought of being a nurse?" I asked thinking it would be better to start the conversation slow.

"Well yes I have and I'm already taking a medical course"

"So why are you taking my classes anyway I mean technically it is kind of useless in the medical community don't you think"

She took her eyes off the injury to look me straight in the eyes.

"And you don't think I don't know that?" she arched her eyebrow at me.

"So…if you know…then why do you come to my classes?" I asked out of pure curiosity. She sighed

"Ok I'll admit your class does not suite my requirement but I don't come there for the lessons no…," she bit her lip, " I only come there….to see you that's all" I saw her blush lightly

"Why see me?" I asked feeling my heart thump faster with every second I sit close to her.

"You know for someone so smart I'd have guessed you figured it out by now," there was a hint of disappointment in her voice. She turned her head away. I chuckled " Shit," was all I managed to say after I realized where this was going.

I out my hand on her shoulder and she looked me straight in the eyes.

"You do realize that we can't happen right?" I ask and I saw the sad smile on her face. "I know it's just that_"

"Shh…how about we do this," I suggested, " if you and I are still single by the time you graduate then I promise to take you out"

Her face brightened up a bit and she nodded.

"Alright…your injury is dressed and I'll be seeing you at dinner two weeks from now," she said as she Rose to her feet and she walked away with the carrier. I smiled at her figure moving majestically as her hips swayed from left to right.

"Can't wait," I whispered to myself. Pushing myself off the ground I began to carefully jog back home.

I have to admit I was excited. Shit I was excited??

I pushed the thought to the back of my head and went back the way I came. I was going back home and I was probably going to regret it.

When I reached the front door everything was strangely quiet. The doorknob was still off…no surprise there.

'Note yourself fix door by today evening' I made a mental note before going through the door and stepping into the living room where Dash and Aubrey sat watching TV.

I arched one eyebrow at them

"What!" Dash said innocently

"Nothing…what's that smell?" I asked after getting a whiff of a delicious smell coming from the kitchen

"Oh that's Rick in the kitchen," Aubrey stepped into the conversation

"Rick?" I was surprised someone as big as him could work the kitchen

"Yeah he's making breakfast"

"Wow," was all that came out of my mouth before I stepped into the kitchen to find one big Rick working my frying pan like a real pro and he was wearing my apron

"Ok! That apron is off limits from now on! Am I clear!" I shouted so that everyone else in the house could hear me.

"Come on dude don't be like that," Rick complained

I just rolled my eyes and headed to the fridge to help myself with a bottle of cod water. "So what are you cooking?" I asked as I gulped down the water

"Breakfast obviously," Rick shrugged his shoulders as he set the plates on the table. I just shook my head in amusement.

"Yeah I know I mean what exactly are you cooking and um…where is Harriet?" I asked

"Has anyone ever told you , you ask a lot of questions?" he chuckled

"Yeah like a lot of people" We laughed

"Harriet said she was going to make a call and I'm cooking bacon, eggs and some pancakes"

"A call?" I raised a questioning eyebrow

"Yeah don't worry about it though she'll be back soon," Rick reassured me as he carried the frying pan which contained the glorious bacon and eggs and he began to serve each and every plate.

"Alright that's fine I guess," I put my empty bottle down by the sink and made my way for my room.

I had changed into a pair of green cargo pants, a plain black t-shirt and a pair of black crooks.

By the time I got back to the kitchen everyone was stuffing there faces with pancakes. It was not a pretty site at all. Just then Harriet came in.

"Hi," I said while taking a seat to take my breakfast

"Hi," she replied as she did the same

"Well how was your call?" I asked

"Surprisingly well Kate says they haven't been able to find us at all," she said with a slight smile

"Woah did you say Kate?" I laughed , " tell me does she still act…" I trailed off the last part.

"Girly?" she finished the last part for me with a laugh of her own

"Yeah that," I laughed

"Yeah and it intensified after you left the agency"

Me and Harriet laughed our hearts out while the rest of the guys gave each other weird looks.

Couldn't blame them though because it was kind of weird.

After we finished our breakfast, Dash agreed to wash the dishes. I texted Nelson telling him that I was coming over to borrow his car for a little while.

And I headed for the door so that I can visit Nelson.

When I was about to get out through the front door Harriet called me from behind, " Hey where are you going?" She asked

"Going to visit Nelson he lives a couple blocks from here," I explained

"Mind if I come with?" she asked

"Sure no problem"