A whole new world

At the edge of the forest was an open patch were not a single tree was present in an area of 200 meters in length and width. And on the small patch of grass void of trees were countless paters spawning into the game for the first time. Either they were waiting for a friend or planning out what to do from here on out; everyone was walking around this area with a purpose in mind.

Just then, Jay and Julie appeared as a blinding white light flashed as they spawned.

Uriel was still in the same clothing she was wearing before, but it was Jay's attire that had completely been removed and replaced with a new one. His set of modern-day clothing was gone and had been changed into medieval clothes.

Alongside the two, other players were joining the game with similar expressions to Jay. Amazement and awe when they looked left and right at their surroundings. It was still a mystery how realistic this game was; it was basically real life.

But somewhere hidden in a tree were two figures examining the incoming players. One was a man with orange hair crouched down on a tree branch scanning his glowing green eyes across the crowd of people. Then the other figure was a woman with white hair and a rather dark skin tone. Her long ears were twitching from the softest rustling sounds, confirming that she was an elf.

"Do you see anyone promising?" The elf asked the man. Indeed she was already part of a guild and was scouting for players that could join them.

The man's glowing eyes were the result of his skill. A skill where he was able to see the rarity of anyone's main classes, but he wasn't able to see those who had a rare main class or above.

Since getting a good main class right off the bat was uncommon, high rarity main class holders were prioritized.

It was just then the man caught the sight of two couples, one boy with black hair and the other beauty with golden hair. He wasn't able to see a rating on both of them, meaning that both had a good main class.

"I found two." The man said, causing the elf to look up. And taking a look for herself, the elf slanted her eyes.

"Goddamnit, it pisses me off when I see such good-looking couples together! Who do they think they are some kind of celebrity couple?!" The elf mumbled through closed jaws.

"They could be." The man said while yawning. "But that's not the point, is it."

"Right, well, talk to them soon."

Not too far from the forest was a small but well-built town with many stores, inns, and restaurants standing alongside each other. Whether NPC or players, they all roamed the cobblestone streets with lively nature. However, it was the players that had faces of curiosity.

The town Jay and Uriel spawned next to was named night town as only nightfall made its appearance, but the lights of the streets were enough to light up the whole town.

This was the underworld which was under the overworld and the heaves. Realms were places that could be traveled after reaching a certain level.

"Are those horns?" Jay asked Uriel as they walked out of the forest and towards the town. Since there wasn't any pavement to the town the two had to walk across the cold and wet grass towards night town.

But noticing something different about Uriel, Jay pointed at the curved horns on Uriel's head shaped like an L.

"Yea, I have it since Julie is a demon," Uriel said as she started touching her two horns, then looked on top of Jay's head. "You also got two on your head."

When Uriel finished those words, they both arrived at the town stone walls. Since it was only a town, the guards at the entrance weren't stopping anyone from entering. They are only stopping those who they deem suspicious.

The moment Jay got into the town, he rushed to a nearby shop and stood in front of the display mirror. Leaning forwards, Jay examined his head through the display window's reflection.

Curled black horns sprung out of his head like a great mountain goat. The obnoxious feeling it gave made Jay shiver, but he still found it cool either way.

"That's so sick," Jay mumbled as she felt that the horns were truly attached to his head.

While examining his new horns, he noticed there weren't any changes done to his face or body. Everything he saw in his reflection was the real him.

He then quickly switched his head back at Uriel, causing her to raise an eyebrow. "What are you looking at?"

"Errr, it's just that you look so different with horns," Jay said.

"In a good way?"

"Definitely," Jay smirked, resulting in a sigh from Uriel. At that moment, a female attendant approached the two with her bright business smile.

"Would you like to purchase anything?" The attendant asked as she exited her store, mistaking Jay, who was only looking at his reflection through the display window, as a customer.

"Ah… no…" Jay tried to deny it.

"Yes, there is something." Uriel interrupted while returning the attendant a warming smile.

"I would be glad to assist you." The attendant said as she approached Uriel and Jay and made them follow her inside her store.

It was a weapons store that only sold training equipment and all sorts of different weapons

"Show me all the spears you have," Uriel said, causing Jay to look at her with a weird expression.

"Of course." The attendant said and walked over to the spear section of the shop.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Jay asked while walking behind Uriel. "I don't think I have money, considering I just joined the game."

"Don't worry." Uriel grinned at Jay. "I have all the money in the world, so don't worry, I could buy you anything you want."

'Is this what they call a sugar mommy?' Jay thought with a dead look.

Arriving at the spear section of the store, the attendant spoke, "There are all the spears we have at the moment." She said, then smiled before leaving the two to consider what they would buy. "Please call me over when you have decided."

"Alright." Uriel smiled and then turned around towards Jay when the attendant walked away to help another group of people that had just walked inside the store.

"Why spears, though?" Jay asked. "I wanted to maybe get a sword."

"Why cuz they look cool?" Uriel asked with a scoff. "You don't have to lie since that's most of the people's reasons."

"Y-yea…" Jay nodded.

"Spears that had been given the title the king of weapons. It surely does deserve its title as the king of weapons." Uriel then went along with her explanation. "Unlike the sword, with the spear, you're able to hit the head, torso, and leg with extreme ease with its long range, and if used right, you can beat people to the group without using the spearhead. Not to mention the fact that you're able to throw the weapon with deadly precision if thrown correctly. That's why I'm getting you a spear."

"But swords are also pretty good." Jay tried to add.

"Master… do you remember your main class? The jack of all trades? It was the one my future self has given to you."

"Yea, I do remember." Jay nodded.

"Then you should be aware that you would be able to learn both the spear and sword with ease."

"Oh, that's right, but I don't know how far my main class is going to take me," Jay spoke.

"Yes, that's why we're only going along with spearman ship right now."

"Well, whatever you say." Jay sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Since you're the expert, you chose, but that being said, isn't these all expensive?"

The spears displayed up on the wall all had looks of good quietly, with their unique patterns engraved into the spears.

"Yes, but it doesn't matter much. I just need two spears for you, one for combat and the other one for training."

"Wait, training?" Before Jay could ask more about that topic, Uriel called over the attendant.

The attendant was bowing to a group of customers goodbye. After seeing the prices of the weapons inside the shop, they immediately decided to leave.

"Yes…!" She comes running towards Uriel, not wanting to keep a customer waiting.

"I would like you to prepare two spears. A spear from your choice and this training spear." Uriel said and pointed at a spear on the wall. "But I want heavier training spear."

"A-a heavier training spear…?" The attendant stuttered as she refused to believe what Uriel said.

"Yes, you heard me. Bring me your heaviest one." Uriel spoke. "And also four of your heaviest deep sea turtle peral bracelets."

"Ah… yes." The attendant said then ran off into the storage room to retrieve the items Uriel requested.

She then exited the storage room with a long wooden case on her right arm covered with strange papers stuck onto the case. And on her right arm was a small wooden box covered with the same strange papers.

"Here are the items you requested." The attendant said as she passed on the items to Uriel