Basic spear techniques

Jay and Uriel had just stopped and looked up at the two with hoods over their heads to hide the fact they were of a different race than everyone here.

To players, the race didn't matter at all since, in reality like they were all human, but it did matter to the NPCs. If a human NPC were to spot a demonic player, then it would try to fight the player with the only reason of being a demon. So in another town of a different race, it was thoughtful to try and hide your identity.

Uriel looked up and down at the duo and then smiled. But for some reason, her smile looked as if she was telling them to fuck off as politely as possible. But after noticing that the two had no intention of moving, Uriel sighed and simply moved around them while pulling Jay along with her. There was no reason to cause of steer for something like this.

"Ah, sorry about that." Jay chuckled weakly as he passed the two. "But next time, don't go blocking other people's way."

"Wait…!" The elf woman stopped Jay by grabbing ahold of his shoulder. "My name is Selie! A player, and we just want to talk!"

But Uriel had no attention to fool around. She stopped walking and turned her head around with a murderous glint in her eyes.

"Take your hands off and get lost," Uriel growled through her gritted teeth, but surprisingly the two didn't budge at all.

It was the boy who noticed that pursuing any further wouldn't be a good idea.

"Hey… I think we should leave it as it is. Going any further than this is…." He whispered into Selie's ear. Nevertheless, Selie wasn't about to give up so quickly, but she still considered his words.

"If you have any thoughts of joining a guild, then please come looking for the red asura guild." Selie blurted out and finally took a step back as she couldn't stand to take Uriel's murderous glare any longer. If she had withstood it any longer, she thought she would have turned into a pile of mush.

Hearing Selie's response, Uriel's expression converted back to normal.

"We can play later." Jay smiled and waved at Selie; then, he was dragged off by Uriel.

"Haha… at least he thought about it…." Selie mumbled as she felt the muscles in her legs lose their strength. "But why does he look so familiar?"

"Hey, I kinda wanted to hang out with them. They seemed pretty chill." Jay said.

"Master, are you a kid or something? How did you even become a hero like this?" Uriel harshly asked with a cold gaze.

"Hey, don't doubt me. You also need fun in your life so you don't kill yourself." Jay said. "And why the hell are we training?"

"So you don't instantly die when the first day of the catastrophe happens."

'Right, I can't show my doubt to save this world. Then this angel here might kill me for deceiving her.' Jay thought with a grim look. 'I have to act like a hero… but I don't want to. It sounds boring.'

But with his life on the line, Jay couldn't do anything but follow this angel's words.

Soon they arrived at the scenery that reminded Jay of a deep jungle; Dark green jungle plants grew endlessly across the damp dirt floor, and vines hung down from the tall trees that loomed above.

Jay never expected there to be such a jungle next to a town, but somehow there was.

"This is a hidden dungeon, so from this point forwards, we're entering a dungeon," Uriel said as she stopped her footing. Jay also stopped noticing how Uriel stopped.

Just like Uriel said, when Jay raised his head, he saw a transparent red wall in front of him.

"One-way dungeon. Levels 3-5 recommended." Jay read the small words on the transparent red wall.

A one-way dungeon meant that you could only enter the dungeon and then exit the dungeon when you either will the boss or you die and get respawned in the recent town you visited.

"You do know that I'm a level one, right." Jay pointed at the sign.

"Yea, I know." Uriel nodded and abruptly lifted her right leg and pushed Jay inside.

'Ah! This crazy…!' Jay shouted as he was pushed inside and onto the floor. 'Did she find out and push me in here so I can die?! How?! I thought my acting was perfect?! Wait… that wouldn't matter since this is just a game. I can respawn.'

In reality, to Jay's thoughts, Uriel also entered the dungeon and looked down at Jay's calm face.

"If I were you, then I would start worrying since if you die here, then you would die in your real world." Uriel broke the shocking news to Jay causing him to stand up in shock.

"Wait, what?"

"The blessing that my future self gave you turned into a curse because it went against the almighty one's will."

'Ah! Fuck my life! I just wanted to enjoy a game!' Jay cursed. 'Isn't this basically real life if I'm risking my life to play a game?'

"And in terms of curses, this isn't it, but on the bright side, there's also a lot of good things that come alongside it. Like that legendary main class, you got." Uriel said, trying to lighten Jay's mood.

'Haaa… give me a break. I'm already starting to hate this.' Jay thought but still somehow managed to keep a straight face.

Before Jay could complain anymore, Uriel flinched and looked up into the thickness of the jungle with a rugged look in her eyes.

"I need you to take out the spear without the box and hand it to me, Master," Uriel said as she widened her stance.

"Huh, what's going on?" Jay asked as he stood up but noticing the urgency in the surrounding atmosphere , Jay immediately opened his inventory and took out the spear. He quickly tossed it to Uriel.

Snatching the spear out of the air, Uriel took a wide stance, still looking off into the distance.

"I will teach you the basics of spearman ship," Uriel said as she gripped the spear tighter. "I'll be showing you once, so look carefully."

"Yea…" Jay nodded. He was going along with it at this point.

At that very moment, a loud screeching sound came from the area Uriel was focusing her eyes on. Then like a jump scare from a horror movie, a man jumped out of the exuberant plant life.

One of its eyes was hanging out and held by a thread, while its lower right abdomen was completely blown out—the sharp yellow teeth baring their fangs at Uriel as it ran at top speeds towards her.

But there was something that caught Jay's attention. Right above the head of the zombie-looking monster was words hovering over its head.

[Lvl 5 ghoul. HP: 14/20] Those were the few characters that floated above its head.

"First is the thrust!" Uriel exclaimed and widened her stance even more. "A fast attack that could kill your opponent without them realizing how they died. And if angled correctly to the head, they won't even be able to see the spear coming at them."

Uriel then positioned the spearhead towards the ghoul's head and thrust the spear forward.

The ghoul's face immediately got blown off, no rather than blown off; it looked as if it got erased. Jay flinched as he watched blood fly backward, splattering its brain juice all over the green plants. His stomach clenched and pushed up its contents, but Jay was able to keep it all in and swallow it all back down.

[Basic spear technique: thrust is being analyzed.]

[The predecessor's eyes had been activated.]

[User was able to understand the new movement.]

[New skill has been learned. Now able to carry out the skill flawlessly.]

"Next is slash!" Uriel shouted, not giving Jay a second to recuperate. "A slower and a more obvious attack, but its attack gets deadlier. Enough to cut a human in half."

She then took a different stance and held her spear behind her. Then with one swift motion, she was able to cut down all three new batches of ghouls that came running at her.

[Basic spear technique: Slash is being analyzed.]

[The predecessor's eyes had been activated.]

[User was able to understand the new movement.]

[New skill has been learned. Now able to carry out the skill flawlessly.]

Then all of a sudden, the ground of the dungeon floor began vibrating as if there was an earthquake.

Uriel's eye slanted as she saw a gigantic figure rushing towards her insouciantly.

The figure was at least ten meters high in the air, and although it was made mainly of limestone, there were also traces of a jungle temple on its head.

"A berserker golem," Uriel mumbled and changed her stance once again. The head of the spear went underneath her armpit, and she prepared to use the end of the staff.

"Now, this is a strike ! Completely different from a thrust and slash!" Uriel explained. "This attack is used when they have heavy armor or made out of stone like this hunk of rock."

Taking a single giant step forwards, Uriel created a web of cracks before jumping high into the air and above the head of the berserker golem.

"Hap!" With a powerful strike of the end of the spear, Uriel dismantled and sent half of the limestone body crashing onto the ground, creating dust and debris.

[Basic spear technique: strike, is being analyzed.]

[The predecessor's eyes had been activated.]

[User was able to understand the new movement.]

[New skill has been learned. Now able to carry out the skill flawlessly.]

With its final thud, the remains of the golem plummeted to the floor, where Uriel came out unscathed, only coughing from the dust.