A Vow

"Keke… Uriel, have you learned how to joke?" Dagon laughed. "I can't hand this over. The almighty one promised to free me from this place after protecting this sacred object for a hundred years."

"You still heed his words? After he kicked you out of the heavens, you still listen to him?" Uriel asked.

"I had no other choice, Uriel," Dagon said. "If not, he would have killed me."

"Then I guess you did it all in vain," Uriel smirked with an arrogant expression on her face.

"What do you mean…?" Dagon asked as his eyes slanted.

"It means you're going to die here either way."

Dagon widened his eyes and stared at Uriel before laughing. "Kekeke! You are an archangel but do you really think you can do something right now?!"

"Heh! Of course not! But my master will!" Uriel shouted back and presented Jay as if he was some sort of rare item.

"Your master?" Dagon mumbled with a stupefied expression. "Did you just call this human your master? Just how far have you fallen?"

Jay had the same exact expression as Dagon did. 'What the hell are you talking about?' Jay thought.

"Shut your impudent mouth!" Uriel yelled. "My master is the new hope of humanity's survival!"

"The hell are you talking 'bout?!" Jay screamed as he stepped in. "Are you telling me to fight this guy?!"

"Master, I would never bring you into such danger." Uriel shook her head.

'Look at this girl… I should just hit her….' Jay thought as his vein bulged on his forehead.

"But the thing is, I cannot do anything right now," Uriel added. "I have my barrier up, so I really cannot do anything."

"So you're telling me to fight this statue." Jay sighed.

"I am sorry, master, but that is our only-" Uriel tried to say, but Jay interrupted.

"Nope, I ain't risking my life for this bullshit," Jay said, then grabbing onto the back of Uriel's color, he began to drag her out.

"Keke! Looks like this little boy has the eyes to see what's too much for him!" Dagon began to laugh again.

"M-master? What about the…." Uriel stuttered.

Jay stopped and turned around towards Uriel. "What are you talking about? Are you telling me who just held the spear not too long ago to fight someone like him? Are you crazy?"

"But the goblet is something that we can't just give up on!" Uriel retorted.

"Is it important to risk humanity's greatest hope?" Jay asked, ironically. 'Haaa… this should be enough to get her to stop….'

"Yes, it is!" Uriel nodded frantically, causing Jay's face to contort.

'What? Just how valuable is this goblet?' Jay asked himself, tilting his head back to glance at the goblet next to Dagon.

Jay then leaned forward to Uriel's ear. 'My puppet's intimidation is on cooldown, so what should I do.'

Jay had decided if this goblet was something so valuable, Uriel would risk humility's greatest hope, then it would be more beneficial for him to acquire this goblet, even if he didn't know what it did.

He had also guessed that Uriel would have no murderous intentions towards him since the bond Jay had made with Uriel would prevent such things.

But then there was a new problem, how would he get this goblet with such a powerful being protecting it?

His puppet's intimidation was on cooldown, and there weren't particular skills or techniques he had learned. There were only a few, and he wasn't able to use it effectively on beings such as Dagon.

Jay would be able to use god's shackles to potentially bond with Dagon; then, he would be able to get his hands on the goblet. But he didn't know whether Dagon would fall for such tricks.

"Keke looks like you're going to fight." Dagon chuckled as he stepped forward.

"Fight? You're funny, haha." Jay laughed, then turned around to Uriel and shouted. "Hey! Tell this statue that I ain't fighting, and let's get the fuck outta here!"

Seeing this, Dagon raised an eyebrow. "Are you nervous, kid?"

Jay slowly tilted his head around with a wavering smile.

"Don't worry, I'll give you a handicap," Dagon said. "Firstly, I won't move from this spot, won't use my left leg, won't use my right arm, and I won't use my magic."

Hearing Dagon's words, Jay flinched. 'Isn't this a huge opportunity?'

"How do I know that you'll keep your word and not kill me from the get-go," Jay asked.

"I swear to keep my promise; I swear it on my pride and life," Dagon replied while raising his curled fist and slamming it on his chest. It seemed it a way of making a vow, and he did it all with a smile on his face.

"Ho? Quite bold of you." Uriel muttered with an impressed look. It wasn't every day when someone would willingly swear on their life since, in Arkfield, there was an interesting effect.

[Fallen angel Dagon has requested a duel with you.]

[Dagon has sworn his life that he will follow the rules.]

Skimming over the system interference, Jay placed his hand over his mouth to cover his giant grin. This was more than a simple opportunity; this was a once-in-a-thousand-life opportunity; there was no way Jay was letting this go!

"Fine…" Jay mumbled with a reluctant look.

[You have accepted the dual!]

[Prize: The goblet of the white spring water.]

"Keke! That's more like it! This is what youngsters should be like!" Dagon laughed with his mouth wide open.

While Dagon was busy laughing, Jay asked Uriel, "Do you have any other skills you can show me?"

"Yea, but your skill is on a cooldown, no?"

"Yea, so just show me something that I can understand," Jay said. "Something that focuses on movement speed alone."

Uriel paused for a moment to think but nevertheless nodded. Then with the same exact motions as before, she reached towards her chest and brought up another white sphere, but unlike last time an unprecedented cold sweat dripped down from her head and back, making a mess out of her.

"What's wrong…?" Jay asked, seeing Uriel's sick look.

"This thing isn't something I can do without any consequences; I only been giving you these visions because we needed them," Uriel explained. "This is the last one I can give you for a while." She said as she tossed the sphere towards Jay; it then found its way towards Jay's chest, entering it.