
Jay couldn't say anything to that; he just stood there.

Just then, Uriel came over Jay's shoulder and whispered. "We need to go back inside to get whatever thing the almighty one was trying to hide."

"Not the right time," Jay whispered back, pushing Uriel's face away from his.

"It seems we're bothering you…." Violet spoke, causing Jay to shake his head frantically.

"N-no, that isn't the case, haha…."

"Are you sure…?" Coltin asked.

"Yea, just take some time with each other; we just need to enter the temple again," Jay said before taking Uriel's hand. "We'll meet after this."

"Ah, then take your time," Violet said, then turned her attention back to Coltin.

Quickly moving inside the temple, Jay began to scold Uriel. "Hey! They were getting emotional; why did you have to ruin that?"

"Wow, I didn't think I would be getting yelled at for something like this." Uriel rolled her eyes.

"Ha? What was that?" Jay leaned over Uriel.

"N-nothing…" Uriel stuttered, trying her best to avoid eye contact with Jay. Who knew what bizarre things he could make Uriel do?

"That's what I thought; now tell me what we're looking for."

"It's just something that has a lot of divine power," Uriel spoke. "But we need to suppress our presence completely for this."

"You talk as if I know how to do something like that." Jay sighed.

Uriel paused and took a good look at Jay. "You don't need to do anything; just follow me."

Jay immediately started thinking about all the risks this could have. If this was a trap Uriel had set up, then the symbol on her stomach would immediately act, so Jay didn't think Uriel was trying to hurt him. On the other hand, Jay also didn't think she was trying to get help from somewhere. After all, Jay had Uriel's life by the palm of his hands.

"Alright, I think it would benefit you and possibly me, so why not." Jay shrugged. "But if anything were to go wrong and If I deem that my life is in danger, then expect me to run."

"Wow… leaving an angel to die just like that… I was a fool to think that you were a hero."

"Yea, I would defiantly be the fool if I follow your directions and die just like that," Jay said. "Didn't you say it yourself? That did here; then, I would die in the real world.

Uriel took in a deep breath, then holding in it for a second, she exhaled with a big sigh. "Yes, I understand."

Uriel was quick to adapt to the situation. She knew that Jay now had all the power over her, and there wasn't much she could do about it either. It was a miracle on its own when Jay agreed to explore more of the temple. She would be just trying to test the boundaries of her luck if she were to keep arguing against Jay.

"Hmmm." Jay nodded.

Uriel then clasped her hands together; then, in an odd motion, she twisted her hand to create a golden magic crest in front of her. Then all together, the magic crest expanded to create some sort of barrier surrounding the two.

"This will prevent anyone from noticing our presence," Uriel explained. "But I won't be able to protect us from physical attacks, so you're going to have to deal with everything else."

"Fair enough." Jay agreed. Uriel also nodded and began walking deeper through the temple. Past the corpse Jay had killed, they made it into a section of the temple much like a maze.

Fortunately enough, they were lucky not to run into any hostiles on the way.

"Hmmm… that's weird, I definitely thought there would be some sort of protection around here, but I guess not," Uriel said out loud, expressing her concerns. The only sounds were the clacking of shoes against the stone floor and the cracking of the torches around them.

But they soon reached a new sector of the temple, a completely new area they had never seen before. Upon walking inside with Jay right behind, Uriel flinched and then came to a complete stop.

"What's wrong?" Jay asked, stopping after Uriel's lead.

Tilting his head up, Jay's immediately fixated on a statue of an angel; it was about two meters high with wings double the size of its own body. Next to the statue was some sort of fancy goblet with unique designs engraved on it.

"I didn't expect you to be here, Dagon," Uriel said randomly, confusing Jay a bit.

"Keke… same goes for you… Uriel." The statue spoke as its hand flinched and eyes shot wide open, eyeing down Uriel in an intense gaze. "What happened to you? You're only a piece of the real Uriel, but you still somehow managed to get enslaved by a mere human, keke."

"Shut up and just tell me why you're here." Uriel sighed with a tired look.

"After the almighty one kicked me out of the heavens, he gave me another job to protect this goblet. Wait, does he even know what you're doing?" Dagon said, then asked.

"No, he doesn't, but I know his plans to destroy humanity.

"If it's his will, then there's nothing we can do about it. Maybe the humans have forgotten to repent, or they just became atheists."

"I still have hope in humanity. Yes, humanity could be cruel and hopeless at times, but there are still people out there who can change such things. People who can cleanse the people's hearts, and I also want to believe they can change." Uriel said with a sanguine tone, her expression beaming with confidence.

"Well, you can do whatever you want to do, keke." Dagon laughed.

"Then hand that goblet over," Uriel said in a low tone, glaring at Dagon with her fierce eyes.