Leveling Error Part 3

< Level Up Failed. > < Level Up Failed. > < Level Up Failed. > < Level Up Failed. >

< Level Up Failed. > < Level Up Failed. > < Level Up Failed. > < Level Up Failed. >

< Level Up Failed. > < Level Up Failed. > < Level Up Failed. > < Level Up Failed. >

< Level Up Failed. > < Level Up Failed. > < Level Up Failed. > < Level Up Failed. >

< Level Up Failed. > < Level Up Failed. > < Level Up Failed. > < Level Up Failed. >

" Dammit!!! " Shiro says as he defeats more Level 2-3 enemies (he didn't want to beat enemies higher than those since he doubts he can with his current level).

" Based on what that blasted System said, my status already allowed me to deal with Level 11-15 enemies. " Shiro says the fact the System told Shiro

< The Astral Player could defeat the higher-level enemies using their high status despite having lower levels. >

" Yes, I can defeat the higher levels if I'm untouched by them! " Shiro says since he knows that despite his high status, his level is very low thus he knows well that his also low HP could easily be erased by the enemy's attack damage.

" With my 72 points of Strength, I can probably hold the attack since the strength point could increase my defense which could decrease the damage resistance by 1.400. "

" If I also can equip armor too, maybe I could increase the defense, but... " Shiro looks at his inventory and sees that the equipment in it is locked since most of them require a higher level to unlock it.

" GRRHHH!!! " Shiro growls.

" SYSTEM. " Shiro shouts, calling the System to come.

As it responds, the System then shocks Shiro for being rude and shocks him again for calling it with an inappropriate tone.

< You're so rude, Astral Player Shiro ( >_< ) >

< Punishment Mode Activated ( >^< ) >

< [Shocking Treatment] (\^/) >

< Prepare for your suffering... >

< Astral Player Shiro!!! (\ _ /) >

As the System replies to him, it immediately gives him the Shocking Treatment (Torture) out of nowhere, as if the System just summons lightning like that without performing any magic or whatever it is first.


< HP -1.000 >

< HP: 300 >

" AARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Shiro feels the pain as the System Screen then disappears because of being insulted.

< Don't call me for 40 minutes, Astral Player Shiro (T_T) >

< You just destroyed my feelings. BYE >

" DAMMIT!!! " Shiro angrily bursts for he then wonders how he could make the System quick in doing its job while not hurting its feelings (he's even shocked that it has one).

" Shit, I can't get on like this. "

< HP Potion Consumed (3x) >

< HP +900 >

Shiro heals himself with his HP Potions and continues his exploration over the place, to find more items that he could use in his level.

" All of the items I've collected can only be used above level 1."

" Seriously if I continue like this, then how long I'm supposed to survive in the Desierto? "

" Not just that, the System also tells if I want to return to the world of living then I have to become a Spirit Monarch to defeat the Soul Rulers who govern the Astral Gate. " Shiro says as he recounts what the System said about this world.

In this world, the world of Astrals, the Souls had strived in Astral World for years on defeating the Spirits, with their power and intellect, the Souls searched for many ways to turn the tide and increase their dominance in the Astral World and after many years searching for a way.

A fortunate Soul then finds it...

A mysterious Gate, rich in Astral energy and power sources, opened itself in the Astral World. A Gate so mysterious as the Souls were afraid of it at first but later on, the Souls begin to monopolize its power, empowering themselves to fight the Spirits and slowly dominating the Astral World Regions.

" It is said that the Gate is the Gateway between the Living World and the Astral World. "

" Or even the Gateway to the Beyond. " Shiro says while exploring the place.

As he explores, he recounts everything he learned from the System, about the Souls and Spirits, especially the Spirits since Shiro not only understands their ranks in Society ( [ Normal Spirit --> Raider --> Ascender --> Monarch ] ) but also the Spirit Races that normally exists within the Astral World.

" In the Desierto Region exists the Hollows. "

" In the Sahra Region exists the Djinns. "

" And... " Shiro recounts the other Regions that had still little information in the System Archives/Library for the System only revealed some of them and the knowledge of the Hollows and the Djinns are the most available from them all.

" Damn the Desert in the Astral World is a very dangerous place huh? " Shiro says while continuing his journey, exploring the Subterráneo map.

" It seems to me that even under the very wild desert itself exists another desert filled with fossils. " Shiro says as he sees the path before him.

As he walks past, he then hears something, the footsteps that he recognizes, then Shiro immediately realized that it came from the Carroñeros, but this time, the number is not just ten or fifteen or the maximum of twenty but this is different, from the sounds and vibrations can be assumed that there are hundreds of them.

"( Shit, the sounds of these footsteps sound like there are many Carroñeros up in the front. )"

"( The numbers are so many *gulp*, judging by the sound of their footsteps and it is possible that they are no longer in the number of a Paquetes but an 'Ejército' or if the System translates it to be a Legion. )" Shiro thinks while climbing a nearby high rock to see the whole place.

" I was right... " Shiro says after seeing a Legion of Carroñeros all over the place as they all circled around some big creature, a big corpse that looks like a Giant Lizard inside the Subterráneo map.

Beside the Giant Lizard, exists many corpses and weapons unknown to me, probably the corpses of some Spirits who use weapons for battle but it seems it could be the dead Souls who unfortunately died in this place after hunting or slaying the Hollow Spirits here.

Seeing all of it, Shiro then calls for the System but it didn't respond as he wonders what the Carroñeros are doing with all of the items Shiro then thinks more about it, wondering.

" Those items, ... "

" Maybe I could take all of them? " Shiro says while he doesn't know that there's a red eye watching him.



[ Archive: ]

[ Subject: =>Astral Manifestation: ]

[ Spirits: ]

[ Spirit Race: => Hollow ]

[ Hollow Name: =>Carroñero ]


[ Carroñero =>Translate=> Scavengers ]

[ A Hollow that looked like ants Australia's Desert Ants (Cataglyphis) ]