
( Meanwhile. )

" I swear to you sir, that our Astral Tracker had scanned that there is a power of Madness. " said a Soul Knight, a Knight of the humanoid Astral Manifestations whose mission is to scourge every Astral Spirit Region to cleanse every last of them from the very Astral World itself.

" Really? " said the Soul Knight Captain as he then looks at the Astral Tracker as he then sees the signal of the nearby power of Madness.

[ Name: Raymond Warren ]

[ Astral Manifestation: Soul ]

[ Caste: Soul Knight ]

[ Rank: Soul Knight Captain ]

" So, another 'Abnormal' has come into the numbers of the Spirits huh? " Raymond says while smoking.

" Dammit! "

" Hey, all of you come here!!!? " He calls the other knights as the knights were destroying the cores of the Hollow Spirits they cleansed.

" Yes sir. "

After they assemble their line, the Soul Knight Captain, Raymond then sighs as he relays to them the news, the news he and the Tracker Soul Knight just received recently.

" An Anomaly (Spirit with the power of Madness) has appeared!? " they all ask Captain Raymond.

" Just look at the tracker yourselves, do you doubt its accuracy? " he asks them and all of them wave their head as they know that the Astral Tracker is the newer version that is upgraded to able sense the smallest signal of Abnormalities in the Spirit Regions.

" No, sir... "

" It's just... " one of the soldiers says as he then looks at the Hollow Spirits that they've killed.

" Where's the signal come from? " he asks since he and the others thought that they already killed the Hollows in this place.

" Who knows? "

" After all, it could be anywhere around this Desi-argh, the name is so hard.... "

" Desierto, sir... "

" We're on the Hueco Desierto, the Region of the Hollow Spirits. " the Tracker corrects Captain Raymond.

" Yes, yes, I know... "

" Dammit, why do the Hollows have to translate their own region name anyway!? " Raymond gets pissed because he founds the translation of names made by the Hollows in their Region is unnecessary since they like the other Astral Spirits and Souls in the Astral World, all say the same language.

" How unnecessary!? "

" I mean, in the Soul Archives, this place is still being written and called the Hollow Desert, why the hell did the Hollows have to call this place the Desierto anyways!!!? " the Captain angrily bursts as he can't take it the differences in languages.

" Here he goes again. " said his knights as they realizes that their Captain's bad attitude is out again.

" And also, speaking of the name... "

" Why the hell is the front name of this Desert, I mean the Desierto-argh..., named Hueco!!!? " Raymond angrily asks while his smoke bursts out like a hot chimney.

" I thought this place belongs to the Hollow Spirits, so what the Hueco stands for, huh!? " he angrily asks.

As he says that, the other knights looked at the tracker as they all tell him with the same expression which means.

"( Hey Tracker, you're the one who is good at different languages right? ) "

"( Huh? )" the Tracker Soul Knight responds as he nods.

"( Yes, why? )"

"( Are you out of your mind? go over there and tell him the meaning and translate everything that he just protests! )"

"( Aren't the things related to the knowledge of the Astral World your specialty? )" They ask the Tracker and he nods as he responds to the Soul Knights' micro-expressions which the meaning he understands.

"( Yes I am, but... )" the Tracker says as he looks at Captain Raymond while the other Soul Knights look at him in anger.

"( Just do it! )" they all said to him in anger as they want the captain to stop blabbering and start leading them toward the place that the Tracker had mentioned earlier.

" Hm... Captain Raymond. "

" What is it!? " he responds angrily while his smoke sprays into the Tracker's face.

" *Cough* *Cough* Captain... " the Tracker wipes his face.

" I'm sorry if I disrupt you but... "

" The name 'Hueco' that you are protesting about... "

" Actually means 'Hollow' in the Hollows Regional Language," he says to the captain which immediately calms him as he gave him the answer before it's too late.

"( Thank goodness the Captain immediately calmed down right after I gave the answer. )"

"( Earlier, I thought he would immediately unleash his Soul Weapon, but it seems he somehow managed to cool down for a bit. )" Tracker says as he looks at the other knights to know if they feel better now but sadly, right after the knights asks for his help, they didn't thank him in any way and just walked past him as if he was nothing special.

" Why are you spacing out tracker, move!? " one of the knights says to the Tracker.

" Yes, sir... " the Tracker says and continues the journey while having some mixed feelings.

"( I'm being on the sidelines again, huh? )" he says as he looks at the Soul Knights, so mighty despite their lower rank in general, but still they have the most splendid armory and weapons than the other Souls in the Astral World.

"( If I become a knight then I think it would be a cool thing for me to become and achieve. )" the Tracker says.

" ( All of these knights are so purely trained by the Grand Knights that had been trained by the Rulers themselves. )"

"( Not only just that, after they complete their Astral Cleansing, but they would also immediately get 'that' very chance. )"

"( A chance to enter- )"

" Tracker come here!!! " Captain Raymond says as he then shows the tracker a Paquetes.

" A Paquetes? " the Tracker asks the captain.

" Show the Astral Tracker Device, is it them that the Tracker spotted earlier to have the power of Madness? " Raymond asks the Tracker as he looks at the device.

"( The coordinates of the Madness Power Signal are at the same coordinates where the Paquetes stay. )"

"( If that's the case, then there's no mistaking it... )" the Tracker is sure about his device's accuracy as he tells Captain Raymond that they can do it now.

" It's them, Captain! " the Tracker says which made the Captain order the Knights to prepare themselves to attack the Hollow Paquetes down there.

As they prepare themselves, the Tracker then sees the other Soul Knights looking at him in anger, probably because of him, they have to follow the Captain to cleanse many Hollows aimlessly without any clear reason.

When the Tracker sees the knights' eyes, he then looks down for he felt guilty that because of the result of his tracker's findings, the Knights have to double their time and work to excavate the findings while the Tracker had to wait in the sidelines since he's a Tracker, a Soul Knight Division that job is to help explore the Astral World.

And since he's only a Tracker, then it could be known that this one has no significant Soul powers or whatsoever to even fight a Spirit, his talents are only to guide the other knights on exploring the Regions of the Astral World.

"( Guess being a Tracker means that you're a burden to the Knights, huh? )" he says as he sees at his number.

[ T-101 ]

"( The Tracker's job is so disrespected, because of their 'easy' type job while the others had to offer their Existences to fight the Spirits in order for duty. )"

"( Not only that, even in the Tracker's Garrison itself... )"

"( The Trackers are not considered equals as all of us are forced to abandon our names and had to call ourselves and the others by our numbers, given by the Central HQ. ) " Tracker 101 says to himself as he then looks at his team that begins to attack the nearby Paquetes.


( At the same time. )

" Leader Cráneos look! " said one of the Paquetes as they see the Soul Knights and calls Cráneos.

" Is that the Soul Knights!? " Cráneos asks as he then looks at them while rubbing his beak that slowly regenerates.

" Back then we just deal with an annoying Ordinario and now we're dealing with the Soul Knights!? " Cráneos says as he then tells his Paquetes to be ready and face the enemy before them. Starting the battle between Captain Raymond's Soul Knights and Cráneos Buitres's Hollow Paquetes.