The Queen Part 1

" Shit, I did not sense it. " Shiro says as he was gripped by a Carroñero after he watched the treasures from afar.

As the Carroñero catches him, the Hollow then put Shiro in some sticky liquid kind of a substance, making him a prisoner in their hive.

< Stuck effect applied >

< Astral Player should try moving in order to break free if Astral Player can. >

"( Dammit...! )" Shiro curses his very condition as he tries to break free using his equipped weapon.

< Equip: >

< [Mantis Severing Scythe] >

"( I can still equip my weapon, oh goodie! )" Shiro says as he slowly slices his way out but does it carefully as he fears that the Carroñeros hear and noticed his escape.

"( The Carroñeros is a Hive Society-type Spirits, if I get caught by one of them, then the other would immediately notice due to the Hive's internal communication or whatever that keeps them on track with one another. )"

"( So I must be vigilant while preparing my escape, or else the whole Hive or in the hollow language called 'Colmena', dammit... will come to hunt him as the escape of their nest. )" Shiro realized this as she then remembers from the System's Archives that a Hive Society-type Spirits are usually led by a leader, either a Queen or a King, but since the Carroñeros's are basically ant-like spirits then it would be most likely that they were governed by a Queen.

"( And this queen, I should be aware of the most, for she could be anywhere for I haven't seen her yet, huh-? )" Shiro suddenly felt a liquid drop on his head as he sees up.

"( Well,... )" Shiro says while seeing the Carroñero Queen (Carroñero Reina).

"( You know what Astral World, I hate being here already, dammit...! )" Shiro says as he sees the Queen is so big as he can see her crawling above him, approaching him closely.

" Hssss- " the Queen hisss Shiro as she approached his place.

"( Okay, I'm doomed... )" Shiro says as the giant Carroñero Queen approached him slowly while the Carroñeros follow her in her back.

"( Shit, even I was not free from my bindings yet. )" Shiro says as the queen then gets closer.

" What do we have hereee....? " she says as she hisses over Shiro at the time.

As she says that, Shiro was shocked to learn that the queen can talk for he thought earlier that the queen is also mindless like the other Carroñeros he just encountered.

While thinking about it, Shiro then evades doing eye contact with her while the queen begins to enter his private space.

" *smells*... This is a good one... *sniffs* "

" I thought it is rare for an Ordinario to have such a grandeur smell as if you were already an Incursor or even an Ascendente... sss... "

" Like me... " she says as the System Screen then shows Shiro the Queen's status.

< Scanning >

< Identifying Enemy >

< Enemy Identified >

"( Oh by the .... oh no... )" Shiro says while seeing it.

< Name: Carroñero Reina (Carroñero Queen) >

< Astral Manifestation: Spirit >

< Astral Race: Hollow >

< Hollow Type: Carroñero >

< Hollow Society: Colmena (Hive) >

< Evolution Stage: Ascendente (Ascender) >

< Level: 80 >


As he sees her level, Shiro's mentality begins to say goodbye for he had possibly no way to defeat the Level 80 queen while being in Level 1. It is very impossible for there are no miracles that could help him defeat it, in a fight.

"( Shit, don't even think of bargaining with her... )" Shiro says while seeing the land below and looking down at the Queen then holds his chin and makes him look at her eyes.

" Oh my, what's wrong with you my dear...? " she holds him with her fingers as she was too big, to begin with.

" Are you by chance, afraid of me? " she says to Shiro while giving him a hiss as her sign of interest with Shiro.

" I can sense a faint sign of Madness inside you, a sign of abnormality... " she says as she sniffs Shiro out, realizing the smell of potential inside Shiro, despite Shiro never noticing it.

" Oh you're so young and still new to this world, aren't you dear? " she asks.

" Makes me remember when I was an Ordinario like you... " she says while licking Shiro's face in affection while telling Shiro about her days of old when he was once an Ordinario Hollow like Shiro that eats others and gained power into the top, to the position that she is now as she now ruled the Subterraneo for good. unnoticed by the other Hollows in the Desierto.

While reminiscing about the past, the queen gets comfier licking Shiro as she sees him be such a delicacy for his smell was deemed by her to be so good for her to savor eternally.

While she's giving him under such pressure, Shiro just looked at her unfazed in front of certain death that toys with him like some kind of snack due to his little body, seeing that, the Queen then realizes Shiro's stare of resolve which makes her want him more and more.

" Oh, truly impressive... "

" You're such a cute Ordinario... "

" But you're already able to maintain yourself in the sight of beings stronger than you, like me... "

" Oh my, oh... *she gets nastier*... "

" Oh, you're eyes, so daring... "

" Right after seeing it, I begin to wonder if I once had this kind of determination before. "

" Silent determination, a determination that came out of nowhere against the higher impossible odds. "

" FUFUFU.., " she laughs as she closes her head to Shiro's head more.

" Oh my dear cute little Ordinario..., I wonder what I did when I was in your state. "

" Ooh yes, that's right," she says as she then remembers all of her past in an instant after seeing Shiro, probably reminiscing about her time being an Ordinario back then, a past that no one would likely believe from her but it's true, a past that led her to be an Ascendente Hollow in such a quick time.

" I remember now... fufufu... "

" There's that time when I had to face death like you now... "

" Against a being unimaginable in this Desierto... "

" That's right... "


" I ate a Monarca back then... " the Queen which shocks Shiro immediately as he lost it.

" What did you say? "