The Queen Part 2

[ Some words of violence, please be warned that only 18+ should read this chapter since there are some cruel words inside. Thank you. ]




"( Oh goddammit... )"

"( It seems I'm not the only Ordinario here that could give a bite to the higher Spirits. )" Shiro says as the Carroñero Queen tell her story, the story of an Insect Hollow Spirit that entered the Astral World alone without the other to support her in the world of the Astrals.

" Back then, I never remember what I was during my lifetime... "

" But as I remember it, I realized that I was probably an Insect type monster back then, hence why my Spirit form was like that. "

" Had many small legs, and some antennas... "

" All of those features that could immediately tell me that I was an insect during my lifetime, even the other Ordinarios immediately noticed it and tried to devour me... "

" But I..., survived... " She says as she remembers running from them, dodging their very attacks, hiding, and silently crawling under the predatory Hollow Spirits' noses and below the Soul Knights' radar.

Bragging about it, the queen then continues the story about her journey to Shiro as she cuddles him with her big finger, touching his skull head as it triggers more of her memories (despite Shiro seems didn't buy her storytelling that much, especially after hearing she ate a Monarca).

"( She must be lying, especially at the 'once ate a Monarca (Monarch)' part. )"

"( It couldn't be, she must have done it right after she become Ascendente, not during her time as an Ordinario. )" Shiro thinks in his mind, using his logic after learning some rules of this world, the rules of the difference in rank and strength which gap is often too high for a Spirit could easily obtain it like eating a snack.

Using his experience, while the Queen's insect tongue is enjoying the sweat showering in his head, Shiro then recounts his living experience for not having an easy life, for everything comes hard to him, even when trying to obtain snack or food, he needs to do many hours of his grave work to get one.

While thinking about it, Shiro then notices how things are so unfair to him both in living and dead, for he always gets many hardships during his lifetime, even his death was not the quick slow and simple death* that many would expect him to have, and after he entered the world of the dead, right after he arrived he was met with many problems that he doesn't know how to solve it.

During his self-thought about his misfortune, the Carroñero Queen then continues her story about her days as an Ordinario, she continues to tell how can she survive despite still being weak.

" Oh my, my Astral Days were so hard at the time. "

" But during those days, in one misfortunate encounter with the Soul Knights. "

" I was then captured and tortured by them who were having an expedition in these parts of the Desierto,"

"Those knights captured me and brought me into a cell as I was taken into what those knights called 'Professor' as I remember they establish a base right above the place we're in right now."

" In those days, the professor use it as his 'test subject'. injecting me with some kind 'of sharp-retractable nails' as he injects me with many kinds of liquids unknown to my knowledge at that very time. " she says making her Carroñero Hive feel her sadness, resulting in them having some particular emotions over her.

When she tells the Hive about her capture, she begins to explain the excruciating details that Shiro has to daydream in order for him not to hear the particulars completely

"( Dammit, I rather let her eat me than hear all those stories, the horrors are too detailed for the likes of me...! )" Shiro says as she can still briefly hear her painful story from her legs being sawed, her antenna being cut, receiving an unknown dose of syringe ever since, and those you-don't-wanna-heard-in-your-entire-life-and-after-you-die-and-after-you-enter-the-Astral-World details, etc etc etc etc etc.

"( Oh by my damned existence, did she literally open her eyes during those moments in her life, cause I can tell that she was, by my damned existence's sake! )" Shiro curses the story in his mind, as he wonders why she let him hear this story first in the first place.

"( Oh by my grandfather's accursed deeds, if it were me, I rather forget those things in life rather than have to record it fully in my mind! )"

"( Dammit! )"

"( Just why did she have to relay her unimportant past to me, I didn't even care about it nor even have any sympathy for her in the first place, although, I do care and have some soft spot after hearing the pain she's been through, but..., but... )" Shiro thinks about it as he then has no choice but to hear the Queen's past stories.

"( Guess I have to follow it for now, for I hoped that she would not questions me with questions based on her stories if that's true then I'll be damned for I have a hard time remembering anything due to my lack of education... )"

"( But seriously my face or my looks really reminded her of her past? I've been wondering... )" Shiro thinks inside his mind as the Queen then continues to the next part after telling the pain and tortures she felt after she was captured for the story unfolds the part where she finally found a chance to break free.

" After they tortured me for some time, those Souls think that I've already been broken at the time."

" Those fools were too confident that they could contain me since I'm an Ordinario after all "

" For they don't realize, that during their torture of me, I analyzed the whole place as they often lack some discipline in doing their instructions. "

" Using their lack of seriousness to my advantage, and due to my body somehow getting strengthened... "

" I then use the chance to escape but before that, I decided to end the Soul Knights' life by killing them during their sleep with many strange liquids they possess in their base. "

" And during that very time, I also decide to bring the 'professor' Soul person with me with my newfound unknown strength as I take him to this desert, making him have to pay back my days of torture with his own suffering as I use the same methods to him. " the Queen explains for after her tortured days, she then realized that the liquids injected to her affect her in some way, making her more immune to all poison existed in the Astral World and also could inject those poison's to others as she did that to the professor as her first test subject.

" Oh don't you know how it feels, to take revenge on those who hurt you...? " the Carroñero Queen says.

" Oh, I feel like an ecstasy, for at that moment, during the professor's pain I remember laughing at him before finally getting rid of him from his existence as I consume his Astral Core," she explains while laughing, followed by her Carroñero Hive but not by Shiro who already had enough with her story.

" Enough with the torture story... " Shiro says to her.

" Hmm... "

" Before hearing this, I was so intrigued by the part where you are a Monarca, not this torture story part of yours... " Shiro says as he tells that he had enough.

Hearing his words, instead of her being angry, she then smiles by responding, " Oh, so you want to hear that part? "

As she asks that, she smiles and continues the story.

" Fine then, I will tell you how I can kill a Monarca while I'm an Ordinario. "



The Carroñero Queen's story is basically like Shiro's but in some way is simpler and easier, basically, she just has those basic tortured isekai MC stories that made her OP immediately.